2,685 research outputs found

    Nuestra Experiencia en el Estudio con Ultrasonografía en la Cadera Neonatal

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    Se estudian mediante ultrasonografía las caderas de 112 recién nacidos (224 caderas) con signos clínicos de displasia luxante de cadera. Los resultados se comparan con los datos de exploración clínica y estudio radiográ- fico poniendo en evidencia las limitaciones diagnósticas de las maniobras exploratorias clásicas y la radiografía. Concluye que la ultrasonografía es el método más seguro e inocuo para el diagnóstico precoz de la displasia luxante de cadera en el recién nacido.The authors are studied by ultrasonography 112 newborns (224 hips) with clinical signs of congenital dysplasia and dislocation of the hip. The results obtained are compared with clinical findings and radiographic study emphasizing the diagnostic limitations of the clasics maneuvistes of physical examination and radiography. They conclude that the ultrasonography is the most sure method and innocuous to the early diagnosis of the congenital dysplasia and dislocation of the hip at the newborn

    Los Ultrasonidos en la Cadera Neonatal

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    Los autores describen la técnica de Estudio mediante Ecografía de la cadera neonatal, las imágenes normales, los métodos de mediciones y las características de los distintos grados de displasiaThe authors describe the technique of the study by ultrasound examination of neonatal hip, normal images, methods of measurement and characteristics of differents degrees of dysplasi

    A vision of uses and gratifications applied to the study of Internet use by adolescents

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    Based on uses and gratifications theory, the aim of this paper is to identify the reasons for using Internet among teenagers and to check different variables in order to predict types of uses. After conducting a representative survey applied to 397 high school students in Community of Madrid (Spain), Internet users’ gratifications and their relationships with variables related to adolescent characteristics, family context and time of online exposure are analyzed. The article concludes that daily use of Internet predicts higher consumption of communication and social relationship

    Microbial induced corrosion by ferric–reducing bacteria isolated from an oil separation tank

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    Se requiere identificar a las poblaciones microbianas que participan en la Corrosión Inducida por Microorganismos, con la finalidad de implementar estrategias de monitoreo eficiente y de control. Las poblaciones de microorganismos anaerobios presentes en la industria petrolera, particularmente en la producción de gas y petróleo, así como en las líneas de transporte y en los tanques de almacenamiento, han sido estudiadas muy pobremente y los estudios presentes se han enfocado principalmente en bacterias sulfatorreductoras de los géneros Desulfovibrio y Desulfobacter. Sin embargo, las bacterias fermentativas también tienen gran relevancia en la corrosión de metales, como se describió en 1997, por el grupo de Magot y colaboradores, quienes caracterizaron una bacteria no sulfidogénica pero con capacidad de producir corrosión. En este estudio se aisló de un tanque de separación, una bacteria anaerobia, fermentativa y reductora de fierro, perteneciente al género Sedimentibacter, con capacidad de producir corrosión en el acero al carbón SAE1018.It has required the characterization and identification of the microbial populations responsible for Microbial Induced Corrosion (MIC), and their interactions with distinctive microorganisms allocated on metallic surfaces, in order to implement efficient monitoring and control strategies. Microbial anaerobic communities present at oil and gas producing, transporting and storage facilities have been poorly characterized and studies had mainly focused on Desulfovibrio and Desulfobacter genus. However, fermentative bacteria have important participation on corrosion metals as described by Magot et al. (1997), which characterization of non-SRB sulfidogenic bacteria was able to produce corrosion. In this study, it was isolated of an oil-water tank separation, an anaerobic bacterium, fermentative and ferric-reducing, belong to Sedimentibacter genus with corrosion capability on Carbon Steel SAE1018

    Síntesis y eficacia de formulaciones de liberación lenta del herbicida Mesotriona

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    Ponencia presentada en el XV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Malherbología SEMh 2015 “La Malherbología y la Transferencia Tecnológica” Sevilla, 19 al 22 de octubre de 2015[ES]: Se ha comprobado la eficacia de formulaciones desarrolladas mediante complejos surfactante-sepiolita en la reducción de la lixiviación del herbicida mesotriona. Entre las formulaciones desarrolladas se ha escogido aquella que presentaba un perfil de liberación más lento en ensayos in vitro. Al aplicarse en columnas de suelo se observó una lixiviación del herbicida y acumulación con la formulación comercial en los segmentos inferiores a diferencia de la formulación desarrollada, que se correlacionaba con un incremento de la bioeficacia en los segmentos superiores. En experimentos en parcelas de campo, a diferencia de la formulación comercial, no se observó un rebrote de las malas hierbas al usar la formulación desarrollada. [EN]: Synthesis and efficiency of slow release formulations of the herbicide mesotrione. The bioefficay of developed formulations based on surfactant-sepiolite complexes for reduced leaching of the herbicide mesotrione was tested. The formulation with a slower release pattern in in-vitro experiments was chosen for soil column and field experiments. In soil columns, the commercial formulation was leached and accumulated in the lower segments unlike the synthesized formulation, with a higher amount retained in the upper segments which was also correlated with a higher bioefficacy. In field experiments, a regrowth of weeds with the clay-based formulation was not observed, unlike the commercial formulation.Esta investigación ha recibido financiación a través de los proyectos CMT2009-07425 (MEC) cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y el Proyecto Bilateral Hispano-Argentino PRI-PIBAR-2011-1393 (MINECO-MINCYT). Carmen Galán agradece la beca Predoctoral disfrutada y asociada al Proyecto de Excelencia P09- RNM-4581.Peer Reviewe

    The second flight of the Sunrise Balloon-borne Solar Observatory: overview of instrument updates, the flight, the data, and first results

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    S. K. Solanki et. al.©2017 The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.The Sunrise balloon-borne solar observatory, consisting of a 1 m aperture telescope that provides a stabilized image to a UV filter imager and an imaging vector polarimeter, carried out its second science flight in 2013 June. It provided observations of parts of active regions at high spatial resolution, including the first high-resolution images in the Mg ii k line. The obtained data are of very high quality, with the best UV images reaching the diffraction limit of the telescope at 3000 Å after Multi-Frame Blind Deconvolution reconstruction accounting for phase-diversity information. Here a brief update is given of the instruments and the data reduction techniques, which includes an inversion of the polarimetric data. Mainly those aspects that evolved compared with the first flight are described. A tabular overview of the observations is given. In addition, an example time series of a part of the emerging active region NOAA AR 11768 observed relatively close to disk center is described and discussed in some detail. The observations cover the pores in the trailing polarity of the active region, as well as the polarity inversion line where flux emergence was ongoing and a small flare-like brightening occurred in the course of the time series. The pores are found to contain magnetic field strengths ranging up to 2500 G, and while large pores are clearly darker and cooler than the quiet Sun in all layers of the photosphere, the temperature and brightness of small pores approach or even exceed those of the quiet Sun in the upper photosphere.The German contribution to Sunrise and its reflight was funded by the Max Planck Foundation, the Strategic Innovations Fund of the President of the Max Planck Society (MPG), DLR, and private donations by supporting members of the Max Planck Society, which is gratefully acknowledged. The Spanish contribution was funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under Projects ESP2013-47349-C6 and ESP2014-56169-C6, partially using European FEDER funds. The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation. The HAO contribution was partly funded through NASA grant number NNX13AE95G. This work was partly supported by the BK21 plus program through the National Research Foundation (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education of Korea. L.G. acknowledges research funding from the State of Lower Saxony, Germany. SDO is a mission of NASA's Living With a Star (LWS) program. The SDO/HMI data were provided by the Joint Science Operation Center (JSOC). The National Solar Observatory (NSO) is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) Inc. under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation.Peer reviewe