14 research outputs found

    Genome-Wide Analysis of the “Cut-and-Paste” Transposons of Grapevine

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    Background: The grapevine is a widely cultivated crop and a high number of different varieties have been selected since its domestication in the Neolithic period. Although sexual crossing has been a major driver of grapevine evolution, its vegetative propagation enhanced the impact of somatic mutations and has been important for grapevine diversity. Transposable elements are known to be major contributors to genome variability and, in particular, to somatic mutations. Thus, transposable elements have probably played a major role in grapevine domestication and evolution. The recent publication of the complete grapevine genome opens the possibility for an in deep analysis of its transposon content. Principal Findings: We present here a detailed analysis of the ‘‘cut-and-paste’ ’ class II transposons present in the genome of grapevine. We characterized 1160 potentially complete grapevine transposons as well as 2086 defective copies. We report on the structure of each element, their potentiality to encode a functional transposase, and the existence of matching ESTs that could suggest their transcription. Conclusions: Our results show that these elements have transduplicated and amplified cellular sequences and some of them have been domesticated and probably fulfill cellular functions. In addition, we provide evidences that the mobility o

    Irradiation-Induced Deinococcus radiodurans Genome Fragmentation Triggers Transposition of a Single Resident Insertion Sequence

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    Stress-induced transposition is an attractive notion since it is potentially important in creating diversity to facilitate adaptation of the host to severe environmental conditions. One common major stress is radiation-induced DNA damage. Deinococcus radiodurans has an exceptional ability to withstand the lethal effects of DNA–damaging agents (ionizing radiation, UV light, and desiccation). High radiation levels result in genome fragmentation and reassembly in a process which generates significant amounts of single-stranded DNA. This capacity of D. radiodurans to withstand irradiation raises important questions concerning its response to radiation-induced mutagenic lesions. A recent study analyzed the mutational profile in the thyA gene following irradiation. The majority of thyA mutants resulted from transposition of one particular Insertion Sequence (IS), ISDra2, of the many different ISs in the D. radiodurans genome. ISDra2 is a member of a newly recognised class of ISs, the IS200/IS605 family of insertion sequences

    A bacterial genome in transition - an exceptional enrichment of IS elements but lack of evidence for recent transposition in the symbiont Amoebophilus asiaticus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Insertion sequence (IS) elements are important mediators of genome plasticity and are widespread among bacterial and archaeal genomes. The 1.88 Mbp genome of the obligate intracellular amoeba symbiont <it>Amoebophilus asiaticus </it>contains an unusually large number of transposase genes (n = 354; 23% of all genes).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The transposase genes in the <it>A. asiaticus </it>genome can be assigned to 16 different IS elements termed ISCaa1 to ISCaa16, which are represented by 2 to 24 full-length copies, respectively. Despite this high IS element load, the <it>A. asiaticus </it>genome displays a GC skew pattern typical for most bacterial genomes, indicating that no major rearrangements have occurred recently. Additionally, the high sequence divergence of some IS elements, the high number of truncated IS element copies (n = 143), as well as the absence of direct repeats in most IS elements suggest that the IS elements of <it>A. asiaticus </it>are transpositionally inactive. Although we could show transcription of 13 IS elements, we did not find experimental evidence for transpositional activity, corroborating our results from sequence analyses. However, we detected contiguous transcripts between IS elements and their downstream genes at nine loci in the <it>A. asiaticus </it>genome, indicating that some IS elements influence the transcription of downstream genes, some of which might be important for host cell interaction.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Taken together, the IS elements in the <it>A. asiaticus </it>genome are currently in the process of degradation and largely represent reflections of the evolutionary past of <it>A. asiaticus </it>in which its genome was shaped by their activity.</p

    Transposition of ISHp608, member of an unusual family of bacterial insertion sequences

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    ISHp608 from Helicobacter pylori is active in Escherichia coli and represents a recently recognised group of insertion sequences. Its transposase and organisation suggest that it transposes using a different mechanism to that of other known transposons. The IS was shown to excise as a circular form, which is accompanied by the formation of a resealed donor plasmid backbone. We also demonstrate that TnpA, which is less than half the length of other transposases, is responsible for this and for ISHp608 transposition. Transposition was shown to be site specific: both insertion and transposon excision require a conserved target, 5â€ČTTAC. Deletion analysis suggested that potential secondary structures at the left and right ends are important for transposition. In vitro TnpA bound both ends, showed a strong preference for a specific single-stranded DNA and introduced a single-strand break on the same strand at each end. Although many of the characteristics of ISHp608 appear similar to rolling-circle transposons, there are differences suggesting that, overall, transposition occurs by a different mechanism. The results have permitted the formulation of several related models

    First Biochemical Steps on Bacterial Transposition Pathways.

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    Transposons are found in a wide variety of forms throughout the prokaryotic world where they actively contribute to the adaptive strategies of bacterial communities and hence, to the continuous emergence of new multiresistant pathogens. Contrasting with their biological and societal impact, only a few bacterial transposons have been the subject of detailed molecular studies. In this chapter, we propose a set of reliable biochemical methods as a primary route for studying new transposition mechanisms. These methods include (a) a straightforward approach termed "thermal shift induction" to produce the transposase in a soluble and properly folded configuration prior to its purification, (b) an adaptation of classical electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) combined to fluorescently labeled DNA substrates to determine the DNA content of different complexes assembled by the transposase, and (c) a highly sensitive "in-gel" DNA footprinting assay to further characterize these complexes at the base pair resolution level. A combination of these approaches was recently applied to decipher the molecular organization of key intermediates in the Tn3-family transposition pathway, a mechanism that has long been refractory to biochemical studies