249 research outputs found

    Diagnostics for specific PAHs in the far-IR: searching neutral naphthalene and anthracene in the Red Rectangle

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    Context. In the framework of the interstellar polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) hypothesis, far-IR skeletal bands are expected to be a fingerprint of single species in this class. Aims. We address the question of detectability of low energy PAH vibrational bands, with respect to spectral contrast and intensity ratio with ``classical'' Aromatic Infrared Bands (AIBs). Methods. We extend our extablished Monte-Carlo model of the photophysics of specific PAHs in astronomical environments, to include rotational and anharmonic band structure. The required molecular parameters were calculated in the framework of the Density Functional Theory. Results. We calculate the detailed spectral profiles of three low-energy vibrational bands of neutral naphthalene, and four low-energy vibrational bands of neutral anthracene. They are used to establish detectability constraints based on intensity ratios with ``classical'' AIBs. A general procedure is suggested to select promising diagnostics, and tested on available Infrared Space Observatory data for the Red Rectangle nebula. Conclusions. The search for single, specific PAHs in the far-IR is a challenging, but promising task, especially in view of the forthcoming launch of the Herschel Space Observatory.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Dehydrogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and UV bump

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    Recent calculations have shown that the UV bump at about 217.5 nm in the extinction curve can be explained by a complex mixture of PAHs in several charge states. Other studies proposed that the carriers are a restricted population made of neutral and singly-ionised dehydrogenated coronene molecules (C24Hn, n less than 3), in line with models of the hydrogenation state of interstellar PAHs predicting that medium-sized species are highly dehydrogenated. To assess the observational consequences of the latter hypothesis we have undertaken a systematic study of the electronic spectra of dehydrogenated PAHs. We use our first results to see whether such spectra show strong general trends upon dehydrogenation. We used state-of-the-art techniques in the framework of the density functional theory (DFT) to obtain the electronic ground-state geometries, and of the time- dependent DFT to evaluate the electronic excited-state properties. We computed the absorption cross-section of the species C24Hn (n=12,10,8,6,4,2,0) in their neutral and cationic charge-states. Similar calculations were performed for other PAHs and their fullydehydrogenated counterparts. pi electron energies are always found to be strongly affected by dehydrogenation. In all cases we examined, progressive dehydrogenation translates into a correspondingly progressive blue shift of the main electronic transitions. In particular, the pi-pi* collective resonance becomes broader and bluer with dehydrogenation. Its calculated energy position is therefore predicted to fall in the gap between the UV bump and the far-UV rise of the extinction curve. Since this effect appears to be systematic, it poses a tight observational limit on the column density of strongly dehydrogenated medium-sized PAHs.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, Astronomy & Astrophysics, in pres

    Turbulence and Multiscaling in the Randomly Forced Navier Stokes Equation

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    We present an extensive pseudospectral study of the randomly forced Navier-Stokes equation (RFNSE) stirred by a stochastic force with zero mean and a variance k4dy\sim k^{4-d-y}, where kk is the wavevector and the dimension d=3d = 3. We present the first evidence for multiscaling of velocity structure functions in this model for y4y \geq 4. We extract the multiscaling exponent ratios ζp/ζ2\zeta_p/\zeta_2 by using extended self similarity (ESS), examine their dependence on yy, and show that, if y=4y = 4, they are in agreement with those obtained for the deterministically forced Navier-Stokes equation (3d3dNSE). We also show that well-defined vortex filaments, which appear clearly in studies of the 3d3dNSE, are absent in the RFNSE.Comment: 4 pages (revtex), 6 figures (postscript

    Large Scale Traces of Solar System Cold Dust on CMB Anisotropies

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    We explore the microwave anisotropies at large angular scales produced by the emission from cold and large dust grains, expected to exist in the outer parts of the Solar System, using a simple toy model for this diuse emission. Its amplitude is constrained in the Far-IR by the COBE data and is compatible with simulations found in the literature. We analyze the templates derived after subtracting our model from the WMAP ILC 7 yr maps and investigate on the cosmological implications of such a possible foreground. The anomalies related to the low quadrupole of the angular power spectrum, the two-point correlation function, the parity and the excess of signal found in the ecliptic plane are significantly alleviated. An impact of this foreground for some cosmological parameters characterizing the spectrum of primordial density perturbations, relevant for on-going and future CMB anisotropy experiments, is found.Comment: Issue 2.0, Accepted for pub. in MNRAS, Apr 8th, 2011, (sub. Oct 4th, 2010); 10 pages, 6 Figures, 1 table; pdflatex with mn2e, AMS, natbib, txfonts, graphic

    Photonic superdiffusive motion in resonance line radiation trapping - partial frequency redistribution effects

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    The relation between the jump length probability distribution function and the spectral line profile in resonance atomic radiation trapping is considered for Partial Frequency Redistribution (PFR) between absorbed and reemitted radiation. The single line Opacity Distribution Function [M.N. Berberan-Santos et.al. J.Chem.Phys. 125, 174308 (2006)] is generalized for PFR and used to discuss several possible redistribution mechanisms (pure Doppler broadening, combined natural and Doppler broadening and combined Doppler, natural and collisional broadening). It is shown that there are two coexisting scales with a different behavior: the small scale is controlled by the intricate PFR details while the large scale is essentially given by the atom rest frame redistribution asymptotic. The pure Doppler and combined natural, Doppler and collisional broadening are characterized by both small and large scale superdiffusive Levy flight behaviors while the combined natural and Doppler case has an anomalous small scale behavior but a diffusive large scale asymptotic. The common practice of assuming complete redistribution in core radiation and frequency coherence in the wings of the spectral distribution is incompatible with the breakdown of superdiffusion in combined natural and Doppler broadening conditions

    Growing smooth interfaces with inhomogeneous, moving external fields: dynamical transitions, devil's staircases and self-assembled ripples

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    We study the steady state structure and dynamics of an interface in a pure Ising system on a square lattice placed in an inhomogeneous external field. The field has a profile with a fixed shape designed to stabilize a flat interface, and is translated with velocity v_e. For small v_e, the interface is stuck to the profile, is macroscopically smooth, and is rippled with a periodicity in general incommensurate with the lattice parameter. For arbitrary orientations of the profile, the local slope of the interface locks in to one of infinitely many rational values (devil's staircase) which most closely approximates the profile. These ``lock-in'' structures and ripples dissappear as v_e increases. For still larger v_e the profile detaches from the interface which is now characterized by standard Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) exponents.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, published version, minor change

    Open Clusters IC 4665 and Cr 359 and a Probable Birthplace of the Pulsar PSR B1929+10

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    Based on the epicyclic approximation, we have simulated the motion of the young open star clusters IC 4665 and Collinder 359. The separation between the cluster centers is shown to have been minimal 7 Myr ago, 36 pc. We have established a close evolutionary connection between IC 4665 and the Scorpius-Centaurus association -- the separation between the centers of these structures was 200\approx200 pc 15 Myr ago. In addition, the center of IC 4665 at this time was near two well-known regions of coronal gas: the Local Bubble and the North Polar Spur. The star HIP 86768 is shown to be one of the candidates for a binary (in the past) with the pulsar PSR B1929+10. At the model radial velocity of the pulsar Vr=2±50V_r= 2\pm50 km s1^{-1}, a close encounter of this pair occurs in the vicinity of IC 4665 at a time of -1.1 Myr. At the same time, using currently available data for the pulsar B1929+10 at its model radial velocity Vr=200±50V_r=200\pm50 km s1^{-1}, we show that the hypothesis of Hoogerwerf et al. (2001) about the breakup of the ζ\zetaOph--B1929+10 binary in the vicinity of Upper Scorpius (US) about 0.9 Myr ago is more plausible.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Scaling properties in off equilibrium dynamical processes

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    In the present paper, we analyze the consequences of scaling hypotheses on dynamic functions, as two times correlations C(t,t)C(t,t'). We show, under general conditions, that C(t,t)C(t,t') must obey the following scaling behavior C(t,t)=ϕ1(t)f(β)S(β)C(t,t') = \phi_1(t)^{f(\beta)}{\cal{S}}(\beta), where the scaling variable is β=β(ϕ1(t)/ϕ1(t))\beta=\beta(\phi_1(t')/\phi_1(t)) and ϕ1(t)\phi_1(t'), ϕ1(t)\phi_1(t) two undetermined functions. The presence of a non constant exponent f(β)f(\beta) signals the appearance of multiscaling properties in the dynamics.Comment: 6 pages, no figure

    Field Theory And Second Renormalization Group For Multifractals In Percolation

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    The field-theory for multifractals in percolation is reformulated in such a way that multifractal exponents clearly appear as eigenvalues of a second renormalization group. The first renormalization group describes geometrical properties of percolation clusters, while the second-one describes electrical properties, including noise cumulants. In this context, multifractal exponents are associated with symmetry-breaking fields in replica space. This provides an explanation for their observability. It is suggested that multifractal exponents are ''dominant'' instead of ''relevant'' since there exists an arbitrary scale factor which can change their sign from positive to negative without changing the Physics of the problem.Comment: RevTex, 10 page