16 research outputs found

    Estimating hidden fishing activity hotspots from vessel transmitted data

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    Monitoring fishery activity is essential for resource planning and guaranteeing fisheries sustainability. Large fishing vessels constantly and continuously communicate their positions via Automatic Identification System (AIS) or Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMSs). These systems can use radio or Global Positioning System (GPS) devices to transmit data. Processing and integrating these big data with other fisheries data allows for exploring the relations between socio-economic and ecosystem assets in marine areas, which is fundamental in fishery monitoring. In this context, estimating actual fishing activity from time series of AIS and VMS data would enhance the correct identification of fishing activity patterns and help assess regulations' effectiveness. However, these data might contain gaps because of technical issues such as limited coverage of the terrestrial receivers or saturated transmission bands. Other sources of data gaps are adverse meteorological conditions and voluntary switch-offs. Gaps may also include hidden (unreported) fishing activity whose quantification would improve actual fishing activity estimation. This paper presents a workflow for AIS/VMS big-data analysis that estimates potential unreported fishing activity hotspots in a marine area. The workflow uses a statistical spatial analysis over vessel speeds and coordinates and a multi-source data integration approach that can work on multiple areas and multiple analysis scales. Specifically, it (i) estimates fishing activity locations and rebuilds data gaps, (ii) estimates the potential unreported fishing hour distribution and the unreported-over-total ratio of fishing hours at a 0.01 degrees spatial resolution, (iii) identifies potential unreported fishing activity hotspots, (iv) extracts the stocks involved in these hotspots (using global-scale repositories of stock and species observation data) and raises an alert about their possible endangered, threatened, and protected (ETP) status. The workflow is also a free-to-use Web Service running on an open science-compliant cloud computing platform with a Web Processing Service (WPS) standard interface, allowing efficient big data processing. As a study case, we focussed on the Adriatic Sea. We reconstructed the monthly reported and potential unreported trawling activity in 2019, using terrestrial AIS data with a 5-min sampling period, containing similar to 50 million records transmitted by similar to 1,600 vessels. The results highlight that the unreported fishing activity hotspots especially impacted Italian coasts and some forbidden and protected areas. The potential unreported activity involved 33 stocks, four of which were ETP species in the basin. The extracted information agreed with expert studies, and the estimated trawling patterns agreed with those produced by the Global Fishing Watch

    Raja asterias population assessment in FAO GFCM GSA17 area

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    Population structure and distribution of the starry ray, Raja asterias, were described based on data collected during yearly rapido trawl surveys (SoleMon), between 2005 and 2014 in the Northern and Central Adriatic Sea. A total of 306 individuals were caught, sex ratio was 1.04:1 in favor of males and length-weight relationships were obtained for the whole sample. Following the MEDITS scale, maturity was estimated, observing a higher number of immature individuals. Relative abundance significantly increased during the recent period with the highest values recorded at 5-30 m depths. Such increase could be related to the response of R. asterias to climatic change or to the decrease 聽in fishing pressure in the area. Clear spatial segregation of individuals depending on their life stage was observed, with immature individuals inhabiting the coastal areas and adults more abundant at depths greater than 40 m. The comparison of the result of the present study with MEDITS survey outcomes in terms of 聽distribution patterns, persistence areas of adults and juveniles and abundances indices, evidences that SoleMon survey seems to be more suitable in defining such features of the stock, likely due to the greater catchability of the rapido trawl in respect to the MEDITS trawl net. However, further investigations are needed to identify factors affecting the increasing abundance of this species, and develop an action plan for spatial management of fishing activities

    Raja asterias population assessment in FAO GFCM GSA17 area

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    Population structure and distribution of the starry ray, Raja asterias, were described based on data collected during yearly rapido trawl surveys (SoleMon), between 2005 and 2014 in the Northern and Central Adriatic Sea. A total of 306 individuals were caught, sex ratio was 1.04:1 in favor of males and length-weight relationships were obtained for the whole sample. Following the MEDITS scale, maturity was estimated, observing a higher number of immature individuals. Relative abundance significantly increased during the recent period with the highest values recorded at 5-30 m depths. Such increase could be related to the response of R. asterias to climatic change or to the decrease 聽in fishing pressure in the area. Clear spatial segregation of individuals depending on their life stage was observed, with immature individuals inhabiting the coastal areas and adults more abundant at depths greater than 40 m. The comparison of the result of the present study with MEDITS survey outcomes in terms of 聽distribution patterns, persistence areas of adults and juveniles and abundances indices, evidences that SoleMon survey seems to be more suitable in defining such features of the stock, likely due to the greater catchability of the rapido trawl in respect to the MEDITS trawl net. However, further investigations are needed to identify factors affecting the increasing abundance of this species, and develop an action plan for spatial management of fishing activities

    Predicting Fishing Effort and Catch Using Semantic Trajectories and Machine Learning

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    In this paper we explore a unique, high-value spatio-temporal dataset that results from the fusion of three data sources: trajectories from fishing vessels (obtained from terrestrial Automatic Identification System, or AIS, data feed), the corresponding fish catch reports (i.e., the quantity and type of fish caught), and relevant environmental data. The result of that fusion is a set of semantic trajectories describing the fishing activities in Northern Adriatic Sea over two years. We present early results from an exploratory analysis of these semantic trajectories, as well as from initial predictive modeling using Machine Learning. Our goal is to predict the Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE), an indicator of the fishing resources exploitation useful for fisheries management. Our predictive results are preliminary in both the temporal data horizon that we are able to explore and in the limited set of learning techniques that are employed on this task. We discuss several approaches that we plan to apply in the near future to learn from such data, evidence, and knowledge that will be useful for fisheries management. It is likely that other centers of intense fishing activities are in possession of similar data and could use the methods similar to the ones proposed here in their local context

    ICO-ICS Praxis para el tratamiento de la leucemia linf谩tica cr贸nica

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    Tractament m猫dic; Tractament amb irradiaci贸; Leuc猫mia limf脿tica cr貌nicaMedical treatment; Irradiation treatment; Chronic lymphocytic leukemiaTratamiento m茅dico; Tratamiento con irradiaci贸n; Leucemia linf谩tica cr贸nicaLa leuc猫mia limf脿tica cr貌nica (LLC) 茅s una alteraci贸 hematopo猫tica monoclonal caracteritzada per una expansi贸 progressiva de limf貌cits de la l铆nia B. Aquests limf貌cits, madurs des del punt de vista morfol貌gic, per貌 menys madurs des del punt de vista immunol貌gic, s鈥檃cumulen a la sang, la medul路la 貌ssia, els n貌duls limf脿tics i la melsa. Els principals objectius d鈥檃questa ICO-ICSPraxi s贸n: - Desenvolupar, difondre, implementar i avaluar resultats de la ICO-ICSPraxi de la leuc猫mia limf脿ticacr貌nica (LLC). - Disminuir la variabilitat terap猫utica entre els pacients tractats als diferents centres d'aquesta xarxa. - Implementar els resultats de la terap猫utica en els pacients amb LLC tractats d'acord amb lesrecomanacions d'aquesta guia

    Educaci贸n, cultura e inmigraci贸n en el marco de los derechos humanos: cambio social y cultural en la Mallorca de la inmigraci贸n (magreb铆)

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    El tema que nos ocupa encaja en la Sociolog铆a de la Cultura y de la Educaci贸n y Sociolog铆a de las migraciones, lo que nos sirve para poder explicar la que definimos como sociedad compleja y de cambio, y comprender mejor el papel de las migraciones en el marco de los Derechos Humanos y convivencia ciudadana. Haciendo hincapi茅 en la Educaci贸n como elemento sociocultural, que puede reflejar las inquietudes de nuestra sociedad. Concretando el tema en la Mallorca de la Inmigraci贸n magreb铆, en el contexto de una poblaci贸n que ha crecido de nacidos fuera de la Isla en m谩s de un 140 %, lo que ha tenido consecuencias para la realidad escolar, lo que pretendemos constatar analizando diversas escuelas de estas caracter铆sticas. Una sociedad en proceso de globalizaci贸n y que al tiempo que fomenta una hipot茅tica solidaridad y origina desigualdades econ贸micas, sociales y culturales) donde conviven varios modelos dominantes, capitalismo, tecnol贸gico, urbano, "mass medi谩tico", consumista, mercantilista, etc. Hablamos de inmigraci贸n en relaci贸n a dos tipos de cambio: A.- Cambio social. Cuyos factores pueden concretarse en Movilidad poblacional, globalizaci贸n y glocalizaci贸n a la vez. Desigualdades sociales, en el contexto Norte-Sur, con la preponderancia dominante de Occidente, en un proceso en favor de las econom铆as, en especial de EEUU y Europa, desregulaci贸n de las econom铆as de los pa铆ses nombrados subdesarrollados. Guerras, conflictos violentos, corrupci贸n, violaci贸n los derechos humanos, explotaci贸n Infantil y de la Mujer, etc. Impacto social de las migraciones en las sociedades de recepci贸n. Discriminaci贸n y marginaci贸n social, Racismo, Transnacionalizaci贸n y mundializaci贸n de las problem谩ticas econ贸micas, pol铆ticas y sociales. B.- Cambio cultural. En nuestro caso, cabe entenderlo desde la Sociolog铆a de la Cultura y de la socializaci贸n desde el desarrollo humano y en el marco de la explicaci贸n de la realidad social y cultural. Transculturaci贸n, hibridaci贸n de culturas, estandarizaci贸n cultura, p茅rdida de identidades y culturas que viven procesos de extinci贸n y reacciones en contra de este proceso y a favor de una recuperaci贸n identitaria, una socializaci贸n de las personas, se a decir aprendizaje de culturas y de inserci贸n a la vida social con un grado de artificiosidad importante y urbana, en contra de un proceso m谩s natural y espont谩neo, controlado por una estructuraci贸n de la sociedad jerarquizada y cada vez m谩s burocratizada. Diversidad cultural folclorizada y poco aut茅ntica

    Educaci贸n, cultura e inmigraci贸n en el marco de los derechos humanos: cambio social y cultural en la Mallorca de la inmigraci贸n (magreb铆)

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    El tema que nos ocupa encaja en la Sociolog铆a de la Cultura y de la Educaci贸n y Sociolog铆a de las migraciones, lo que nos sirve para poder explicar la que definimos como sociedad compleja y de cambio, y comprender mejor el papel de las migraciones en el marco de los Derechos Humanos y convivencia ciudadana. Haciendo hincapi茅 en la Educaci贸n como elemento sociocultural, que puede reflejar las inquietudes de nuestra sociedad. Concretando el tema en la Mallorca de la Inmigraci贸n magreb铆, en el contexto de una poblaci贸n que ha crecido de nacidos fuera de la Isla en m谩s de un 140 %, lo que ha tenido consecuencias para la realidad escolar, lo que pretendemos constatar analizando diversas escuelas de estas caracter铆sticas. Una sociedad en proceso de globalizaci贸n y que al tiempo que fomenta una hipot茅tica solidaridad y origina desigualdades econ贸micas, sociales y culturales) donde conviven varios modelos dominantes, capitalismo, tecnol贸gico, urbano, "mass medi谩tico", consumista, mercantilista, etc. Hablamos de inmigraci贸n en relaci贸n a dos tipos de cambio: A.- Cambio social. Cuyos factores pueden concretarse en Movilidad poblacional, globalizaci贸n y glocalizaci贸n a la vez. Desigualdades sociales, en el contexto Norte-Sur, con la preponderancia dominante de Occidente, en un proceso en favor de las econom铆as, en especial de EEUU y Europa, desregulaci贸n de las econom铆as de los pa铆ses nombrados subdesarrollados. Guerras, conflictos violentos, corrupci贸n, violaci贸n los derechos humanos, explotaci贸n Infantil y de la Mujer, etc. Impacto social de las migraciones en las sociedades de recepci贸n. Discriminaci贸n y marginaci贸n social, Racismo, Transnacionalizaci贸n y mundializaci贸n de las problem谩ticas econ贸micas, pol铆ticas y sociales. B.- Cambio cultural. En nuestro caso, cabe entenderlo desde la Sociolog铆a de la Cultura y de la socializaci贸n desde el desarrollo humano y en el marco de la explicaci贸n de la realidad social y cultural. Transculturaci贸n, hibridaci贸n de culturas, estandarizaci贸n cultura, p茅rdida de identidades y culturas que viven procesos de extinci贸n y reacciones en contra de este proceso y a favor de una recuperaci贸n identitaria, una socializaci贸n de las personas, se a decir aprendizaje de culturas y de inserci贸n a la vida social con un grado de artificiosidad importante y urbana, en contra de un proceso m谩s natural y espont谩neo, controlado por una estructuraci贸n de la sociedad jerarquizada y cada vez m谩s burocratizada. Diversidad cultural folclorizada y poco aut茅ntica

    Scientific knowledge gaps on the biology of non-fish marine species across European Seas

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    Available information and potential data gaps for non-fish marine organisms (cnidarians, crustaceans, echinoderms, molluscs, sponges, mammals, reptiles, and seabirds) covered by the global database SeaLifeBase were reviewed for eight marine ecosystems (Adriatic Sea, Aegean Sea, Baltic Sea, Bay of Biscay/Celtic Sea/Iberian Coast, Black Sea, North Sea, western Mediterranean Sea, Levantine Sea) across European Seas. The review of the SeaLifeBase dataset, which is based on published literature, analyzed information coverage for eight biological characteristics (diet, fecundity, maturity, length-weight relationships, spawning, growth, lifespan, and natural mortality). These characteristics are required for the development of ecosystem and ecological models to evaluate the status of marine resources and related fisheries. Our analyses revealed that information regarding these biological characteristics in the literature was far from complete across all studied areas. The level of available information was nonetheless reasonably good for sea turtles and moderate for marine mammals in some areas (Baltic Sea, Bay of Biscay/Celtic Sea/Iberian Coast, Black Sea, North Sea and western Mediterranean Sea). Further, seven of the areas have well-studied species in terms of information coverage for biological characteristics of some commercial species whereas threatened species are generally not well studied. Across areas, the most well-studied species are the cephalopod common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) and the crustacean Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus). Overall, the information gap is narrowest for length-weight relationships followed by growth and maturity, and widest for fecundity and natural mortality. Based on these insights, we provide recommendations to prioritize species with insufficient or missing biological data that are common across the studied marine ecosystems and to address data deficiencies