263 research outputs found

    Temporal characterization of individual harmonics of an attosecond pulse train by THz streaking

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    We report on the global temporal pulse characteristics of individual harmonics in an attosecond pulse train by means of photo-electron streaking in a strong low-frequency transient. The scheme allows direct retrieval of pulse durations and first order chirp of individual harmonics without the need of temporal scanning. The measurements were performed using an intense THz field generated by tilted phase front technique in LiNbO_3 . Pulse properties for harmonics of order 23, 25 and 27 show that the individual pulse durations and linear chirp are decreasing by the harmonic order

    High-repetition-rate femtosecond optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifier in the mid-infrared

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    We discuss a dual-stage optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifier generating sub-100-fs pulses in the mid-infrared at a repetition rate of 100 kHz. The system is based on a 1064nm pump laser and a 3-4μm difference frequency generation seed source derived from the output of a femtosecond fiber laser amplifier. Both lasers are commercially available, are diode-pumped, compact, and allow for turn-key operation. Here, we focus our discussion on the design and dimensioning of the optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifier. In particular, we review the available gain materials for mid-infrared generation and analyze the impact of different stretching scenarios. Timing jitter plays an important role in short-pulse parametric amplifier systems and is therefore studied in detail. The geometry of the amplifier stages is optimized through a full 3-dimensional simulation with the aim of maximizing gain bandwidth and output power. The optimized system yields output pulse energies exceeding 1μJ and an overall gain larger than 50 dB. The high repetition rate of the pump laser results in an unprecedented average power from a femtosecond parametric system at mid-infrared wavelengths. First experimental results confirm the design and the predictions of our theoretical mode


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    ABSTRACT 699 The (Be,Nb,Ta)-bearing albite-muscovite pegmatites at Mar5ikov, in the Hruby Jesenik Mountains pegmatite field of northern Moravia, Czechoslovakia, were subjected to a two-stage, sillimanite-grade, regional metamorphism that reached about 600°C and 4-6 kbar, P(total) > > P(fluid). The first stage generated chrysoberyl at the expense of beryl, under relatively static conditions (pegmatite 1), whereas extensive shearing during a second stage produced a second generation of chrysoberyl, abundant sillimanite and a foliation (pegmatite III). The primary assemblage of the Nb-Ta oxide minerals consisted of manganocolumbite-manganotantalite displaying oscillatory zoning in terms of Nb and Ta, replaced by fersmite and rnicrolite (rarely pyrochlore). The columbite-tantalite was first recrystallized into "bird's-eye" oscillatory-zoned textures or heterogeneous granular aggregates. The original range of Ta/(Ta + Nb) values was commonly reduced, although locally expanded by contribution of additional Nb or Ta from incipient breakdown of fersrnite or microlite, respectively. Mn/(Mn +Fe) largely decreased, by as much as 0.40, by introduction of Fe from the host hornblende gneiss; Mg and Ti also were enriched. During the second metamorphic stage, the Ta/(Ta + Nb) value of columbite-tantalite was locally further homogenized, but Mn/(Mn +Fe) did not change. Fersmite and microlite were almost completely obliterated. Significant ordering of the originally intermediate structural state of columbite-tantalite was promoted during metamorphic recrystallization. This study documents extensive compositional and structural re-equilibration of Nb-Ta oxide minerals at medium-grade regional metamorphic conditions. This pattern of behavior contrasts with their virtual inertness in an environment of mylonitization

    Phase-stabilized, 1.5-W frequency comb at 2.8 to 4.8 micron

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    We present a high-power optical parametric oscillator-based frequency comb in the mid-infrared wavelength region using periodically poled lithium niobate. The system is synchronously pumped by a 10-W femtosecond Yb:fiber laser centered at 1.07 um and is singly resonant for the signal. The idler (signal) wavelength can be continuously tuned from 2.8 to 4.8 um (1.76 to 1.37 um) with a simultaneous bandwidth as high as 0.3 um and a maximum average idler output power of 1.50 W. We also demonstrate the performance of the stabilized comb by recording the heterodyne beat with a narrow-linewidth diode laser. This OPO is an ideal source for frequency comb spectroscopy in the mid-IR.Comment: 4 figure

    Metabolomics profile responses to changing environments in a common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germplasm collection

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    Metabolomics is one of the most powerful -omics to assist plant breeding. Despite the recognized genetic diversity in Portuguese common bean germplasm, details on its metabolomics profiles are still missing. Aiming to promote their use and to understand the environment’s effect in bean metabolomics profiles, 107 Portuguese common bean accessions, cropped under contrasting environments, were analyzed using spectrophotometric, untargeted and targeted mass spectrometry approaches. Although genotype was the most relevant factor on bean metabolomics profile, a clear genotype × environment interaction was also detected. Multivariate analysis highlighted, on the heat-stress environment, the existence of higher levels of salicylic acid, and lower levels of triterpene saponins. Three clusters were defined within each environment. White accessions presented the lowest content and the colored ones the highest levels of prenol lipids and flavonoids. Sources of interesting metabolomics profiles are now identified for bean breeding, focusing either on local or on broad adaptation.To FCT, Portugal, in BEGEQA project (PTDC/AGR-TEC/3555/2012), E.M. PhD fellowship (SFRH/BD/89287/2012), as well as to R&D unit, UIDB/04551/2020 (GREEN-IT – Bioresources for sustainability) and COST Action FA1403 (STSM-FA1403-290815-063873) for funding. The authors also acknowledge PORTUGAL 2020 to the Portuguese Mass Spectrometry Network, grant number LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-402-022125. The project NETDIAMOND (SAICTPAC/0047/2015), financially supported by FEEI (Lisboa 2020 and FCT/POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016385), to the iNOVA4Health (UID/Multi/04462/2013), financially supported by FCT and co-funded by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement, as well as to POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029702, funded by FEDER funds through COMPETE2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) and by national funds (PIDDAC) through FCT/MCTES

    Rescue of a H3N2 Influenza Virus Containing a Deficient Neuraminidase Protein by a Hemagglutinin with a Low Receptor-Binding Affinity

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    Influenza viruses possess at their surface two glycoproteins, the hemagglutinin and the neuraminidase, of which the antagonistic functions have to be well balanced for the virus to grow efficiently. Ferraris et al. isolated in 2003–2004 viruses lacking both a NA gene and protein (H3NA- viruses) (Ferraris O., 2006, Vaccine, 24(44–46):6656-9). In this study we showed that the hemagglutinins of two of the H3NA- viruses have reduced affinity for SAα2.6Gal receptors, between 49 and 128 times lower than that of the A/Moscow/10/99 (H3N2) virus and no detectable affinity for SAα2.3Gal receptors. We also showed that the low hemagglutinin affinity of the H3NA- viruses compensates for the lack of NA activity and allows the restoration of the growth of an A/Moscow/10/99 virus deficient in neuraminidase. These observations increase our understanding of H3NA- viruses in relation to the balance between the functional activities of the neuraminidase and hemagglutinin

    Adaptive real-time dual-comb spectroscopy

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    With the advent of laser frequency combs, coherent light sources that offer equally-spaced sharp lines over a broad spectral bandwidth have become available. One decade after revolutionizing optical frequency metrology, frequency combs hold much promise for significant advances in a growing number of applications including molecular spectroscopy. Despite its intriguing potential for the measurement of molecular spectra spanning tens of nanometers within tens of microseconds at Doppler-limited resolution, the development of dual-comb spectroscopy is hindered by the extremely demanding high-bandwidth servo-control conditions of the laser combs. Here we overcome this difficulty. We experimentally demonstrate a straightforward concept of real-time dual-comb spectroscopy, which only uses free-running mode-locked lasers without any phase-lock electronics, a posteriori data-processing, or the need for expertise in frequency metrology. The resulting simplicity and versatility of our new technique of adaptive dual-comb spectroscopy offer a powerful transdisciplinary instrument that may spark off new discoveries in molecular sciences.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure
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