1,607 research outputs found

    MMTF: The Maryland-Magellan Tunable Filter

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    This paper describes the Maryland-Magellan Tunable Filter (MMTF) on the Magellan-Baade 6.5-meter telescope. MMTF is based on a 150-mm clear aperture Fabry-Perot (FP) etalon that operates in low orders and provides transmission bandpass and central wavelength adjustable from ~5 to ~15 A and from ~5000 to over ~9200 A, respectively. It is installed in the Inamori Magellan Areal Camera and Spectrograph (IMACS) and delivers an image quality of ~0.5" over a field of view of 27' in diameter (monochromatic over ~10'). This versatile and easy-to-operate instrument has been used over the past three years for a wide variety of projects. This paper first reviews the basic principles of FP tunable filters, then provides a detailed description of the hardware and software associated with MMTF and the techniques developed to observe with this instrument and reduce the data. The main lessons learned in the course of the commissioning and implementation of MMTF are highlighted next, before concluding with a brief outlook on the future of MMTF and of similar facilities which are soon coming on line.Comment: 38 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables, now accepted for publication to the Astronomical Journa

    Kinematics of diffuse ionized gas in the disk halo interface of NGC 891 from Fabry-P\'erot observations

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    The properties of the gas in halos of galaxies constrain global models of the interstellar medium. Kinematical information is of particular interest since it is a clue to the origin of the gas. Here we report observations of the kinematics of the thick layer of the diffuse ionized gas in NGC 891 in order to determine the rotation curve of the halo gas. We have obtained a Fabry-P\'erot data cube in Halpha to measure the kinematics of the halo gas with angular resolution much higher than obtained from HI 21 cm observations. The data cube was obtained with the TAURUS II spectrograph at the WHT on La Palma. The velocity information of the diffuse ionized gas extracted from the data cube is compared to model distributions to constrain the distribution of the gas and in particular the halo rotation curve. The best fit model has a central attenuation tau_H-alpha=6, a dust scale length of 8.1 kpc, an ionized gas scale length of 5.0 kpc. Above the plane the rotation curve lags with a vertical gradient of -18.8 km/s/kpc. We find that the scale length of the H-alpha must be between 2.5 and 6.5 kpc. Furthermore we find evidence that the rotation curve above the plane rises less steeply than in the plane. This is all in agreement with the velocities measured in the HI.Comment: A&A, in press. 13 pages, 19 figure

    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA)

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    The GAMA survey aims to deliver 250,000 optical spectra (3--7Ang resolution) over 250 sq. degrees to spectroscopic limits of r_{AB} <19.8 and K_{AB}<17.0 mag. Complementary imaging will be provided by GALEX, VST, UKIRT, VISTA, HERSCHEL and ASKAP to comparable flux levels leading to a definitive multi-wavelength galaxy database. The data will be used to study all aspects of cosmic structures on 1kpc to 1Mpc scales spanning all environments and out to a redshift limit of z ~ 0.4. Key science drivers include the measurement of: the halo mass function via group velocity dispersions; the stellar, HI, and baryonic mass functions; galaxy component mass-size relations; the recent merger and star-formation rates by mass, types and environment. Detailed modeling of the spectra, broad SEDs, and spatial distributions should provide individual star formation histories, ages, bulge-disc decompositions and stellar bulge, stellar disc, dust disc, neutral HI gas and total dynamical masses for a significant subset of the sample (~100k) spanning both the giant and dwarf galaxy populations. The survey commenced March 2008 with 50k spectra obtained in 21 clear nights using the Anglo Australian Observatory's new multi-fibre-fed bench-mounted dual-beam spectroscopic system (AAOmega).Comment: Invited talk at IAU 254 (The Galaxy Disk in Cosmological Context, Copenhagen), 6 pages, 5 figures, high quality PDF version available at http://www.eso.org/~jliske/gama

    The neutral gas extent of galaxies as derived from weak intervening CaII absorbers

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    (Abridged) We present a systematic study of weak intervening CaII absorbers at low redshift (z<0.5), based on the analysis of archival high resolution (R>45,000) optical spectra of 304 quasars and active galactic nuclei observed with VLT/UVES. Along a total redshift path of Dz~100 we detected 23 intervening CaII absorbers in both the CaII H & K lines, with rest frame equivalent widths W_r,3934=15-799 mA and column densities log N(CaII)=11.25-13.04. We obtain a bias corrected number density of weak intervening CaII absorbers of dN/dz=0.117+-0.044 at z=0.35 for absorbers with log N(CaII)>11.65. This is ~2.6 times the value obtained for damped Lyman alpha absorbers (DLAs) at low redshift. From ionization modeling we conclude that intervening CaII absorption with log N(CaII)>11.5 arises in optically thick neutral gas in DLAs, sub-DLAs and Lyman limit systems (LLS) at HI column densities of log N(HI)>17.4. The relatively large cross section of these absorbers together with the frequent detection of CaII absorption in high velocity clouds (HVCs) in the halo of the Milky Way suggests that a considerable fraction of the intervening CaII systems trace dusty neutral gas structures in the halos and circumgalactic environment of galaxies (i.e., they are HVC analogs). Considering all galaxies with luminosities L>0.05L* we calculate that the characteristic radial extent of (partly) neutral gas clouds with log N(HI)>17.4 around low-redshift galaxies is R_HVC ~ 55 kpc.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures; A&A, in press; this revision contains several changes that improve clarity of presentation reflecting the suggestions made by the refere

    Gamma-Rays and the Far-Infrared-Radio Continuum Correlation Reveal a Powerful Galactic Centre Wind

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    We consider the thermal and non-thermal emission from the inner 200 pc of the Galaxy. The radiation from this almost star-burst-like region is ultimately driven dominantly by on-going massive star formation. We show that this region's radio continuum (RC) emission is in relative deficit with respect to the expectation afforded by the Far- infrared-Radio Continuum Correlation (FRC). Likewise we show that the region's gamma-ray emission falls short of that expected given its star formation and resultant supernova rates. These facts are compellingly explained by positing that a powerful (400-1200 km/s) wind is launched from the region. This wind probably plays a number of important roles including advecting positrons into the Galactic bulge thus explaining the observed ~kpc extension of the 511 keV positron annihilation signal around the GC. We also show that the large-scale GC magnetic field falls in the range ~100-300 microG and that - in the time they remain in the region - GC cosmic rays do not penetrate into the region's densest molecular material.Comment: Version accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters. Discussion extended and references adde

    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the 0.013 < z < 0.1 cosmic spectral energy distribution from 0.1 m to 1 mm

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    We use the Galaxy And Mass Assembly survey (GAMA) I data set combined with GALEX, Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) imaging to construct the low-redshift (z < 0.1) galaxy luminosity functions in FUV, NUV, ugriz and YJHK bands from within a single well-constrained volume of 3.4 × 105 (Mpc h−1)3. The derived luminosity distributions are normalized to the SDSS data release 7 (DR7) main survey to reduce the estimated cosmic variance to the 5 per cent level. The data are used to construct the cosmic spectral energy distribution (CSED) from 0.1 to 2.1 μm free from any wavelength-dependent cosmic variance for both the elliptical and non-elliptical populations. The two populations exhibit dramatically different CSEDs as expected for a predominantly old and young population, respectively. Using the Driver et al. prescription for the azimuthally averaged photon escape fraction, the non-ellipticals are corrected for the impact of dust attenuation and the combined CSED constructed. The final results show that the Universe is currently generating (1.8 ± 0.3) × 1035 h W Mpc−3 of which (1.2 ± 0.1) × 1035 h W Mpc−3 is directly released into the inter-galactic medium and (0.6 ± 0.1) × 1035 h W Mpc−3 is reprocessed and reradiated by dust in the far-IR. Using the GAMA data and our dust model we predict the mid- and far-IR emission which agrees remarkably well with available data. We therefore provide a robust description of the pre- and post-dust attenuated energy output of the nearby Universe from 0.1 μm to 0.6 mm. The largest uncertainty in this measurement lies in the mid- and far-IR bands stemming from the dust attenuation correction and its currently poorly constrained dependence on environment, stellar mass and morphology

    The SAMI pilot survey: The kinematic morphology-density relation in Abell 85, Abell 168 and Abell 2399

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    We examine the kinematic morphology of early-type galaxies (ETGs) in three galaxy clusters Abell 85, 168 and 2399. Using data from the Sydney-AAOMulti-object Integral field spectrograph we measure spatially resolved kinematics for 79 ETGs in these clusters. We calculate λR, a proxy for the projected specific stellar angular momentum, for each galaxy and classify the 79 ETGs in our samples as fast or slow rotators. We calculate the fraction of slow rotators in the ETG populations (fSR) of the clusters to be 0.21 ± 0.08, 0.08 ± 0.08 and 0.12 ± 0.06 for Abell 85, 168 and 2399, respectively, with an overall fraction of 0.15 ± 0.04. These numbers are broadly consistent with the values found in the literature, confirming recent work asserting that the fraction of slow rotators in the ETG population is constant across many orders of magnitude in global environment. We examine the distribution of kinematic classes in each cluster as a function of environment using the projected density of galaxies: the kinematic morphology-density relation.We find that in Abell 85 fSR increases in higher density regions but in Abell 168 and 2399 this trend is not seen. We examine the differences between the individual clusters to explain this. In addition, we find slow rotators on the outskirts of two of the clusters studied, Abell 85 and 2399. These galaxies reside in intermediate to low density regions and have clearly not formed at the centre of a cluster environment. We hypothesize that they formed at the centres of groups and are falling into the clusters for the first time

    GAMA: towards a physical understanding of galaxy formation

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    The Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) project is the latest in a tradition of large galaxy redshift surveys, and is now underway on the 3.9m Anglo-Australian Telescope at Siding Spring Observatory. GAMA is designed to map extragalactic structures on scales of 1kpc - 1Mpc in complete detail to a redshift of z~0.2, and to trace the distribution of luminous galaxies out to z~0.5. The principal science aim is to test the standard hierarchical structure formation paradigm of Cold Dark Matter (CDM) on scales of galaxy groups, pairs, discs, bulges and bars. We will measure (1) the Dark Matter Halo Mass Function (as inferred from galaxy group velocity dispersions); (2) baryonic processes, such as star formation and galaxy formation efficiency (as derived from Galaxy Stellar Mass Functions); and (3) the evolution of galaxy merger rates (via galaxy close pairs and galaxy asymmetries). Additionally, GAMA will form the central part of a new galaxy database, which aims to contain 275,000 galaxies with multi-wavelength coverage from coordinated observations with the latest international ground- and space-based facilities: GALEX, VST, VISTA, WISE, HERSCHEL, GMRT and ASKAP. Together, these data will provide increased depth (over 2 magnitudes), doubled spatial resolution (0.7"), and significantly extended wavelength coverage (UV through Far-IR to radio) over the main SDSS spectroscopic survey for five regions, each of around 50 deg^2. This database will permit detailed investigations of the structural, chemical, and dynamical properties of all galaxy types, across all environments, and over a 5 billion year timeline.Comment: GAMA overview which appeared in the October 2009 issue of Astronomy & Geophysics, ref: Astron.Geophys. 50 (2009) 5.1
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