44 research outputs found

    Immunocompetent 3D Model of Human Upper Airway for Disease Modeling and In Vitro Drug Evaluation

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    The development of more complex in vitro models for the assessment of novel drugs and chemicals is needed because of the limited biological relevance of animal models to humans as well as ethical considerations. Although some human-cell-based assays exist, they are usually 2D, consist of single cell type, and have limited cellular and functional representation of the native tissue. In this study, we have used biomimetic porous electrospun scaffolds to develop an immunocompetent 3D model of the human respiratory tract comprised of three key cell types present in upper airway epithelium. The three cell types, namely, epithelial cells (providing a physical barrier), fibroblasts (extracellular matrix production), and dendritic cells (immune sensing), were initially grown on individual scaffolds and then assembled into the 3D multicell tissue model. The epithelial layer was cultured at the air–liquid interface for up to four weeks, leading to formation of a functional barrier as evidenced by an increase in transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and tight junction formation. The response of epithelial cells to allergen exposure was monitored by quantifying changes in TEER readings and by assessment of cellular tight junctions using immunostaining. It was found that epithelial cells cocultured with fibroblasts formed a functional epithelial barrier at a quicker rate than single cultures of epithelial cells and that the recovery from allergen exposure was also more rapid. Also, our data show that dendritic cells within this model remain viable and responsive to external stimulation as evidenced by their migration within the 3D construct in response to allergen challenge. This model provides an easy to assemble and physiologically relevant 3D model of human airway epithelium that can be used for studies aiming at better understanding lung biology, the cross-talk between immune cells, and airborne allergens and pathogens as well as drug delivery

    Multiscale multifactorial approaches for engineering tendon substitutes

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    The physiology of tendons and the continuous strains experienced daily make tendons very prone to injury. Excessive and prolonged loading forces and aging also contribute to the onset and progression of tendon injuries, and conventional treatments have limited efficacy in restoring tendon biomechanics. Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine (TERM) approaches hold the promise to provide therapeutic solutions for injured or damaged tendons despite the challenging cues of tendon niche and the lack of tendon-specific factors to guide cellular responses and tackle regeneration. The roots of engineering tendon substitutes lay in multifactorial approaches from adequate stem cells sources and environmental stimuli to the construction of multiscale 3D scaffolding systems. To achieve such advanced tendon substitutes, incremental strategies have been pursued to more closely recreate the native tendon requirements providing structural as well as physical and chemical cues combined with biochemical and mechanical stimuli to instruct cell behavior in 3D architectures, pursuing mechanically competent constructs with adequate maturation before implantation.Authors acknowledge the project “Accelerating tissue engineering and personalized medicine discoveries by the integration of key enabling nanotechnologies, marinederived biomaterials and stem cells,” supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Authors acknowledge the H2020 Achilles Twinning Project No. 810850, and also the European Research Council CoG MagTendon No. 772817, and the FCT Project MagTT PTDC/CTM-CTM/ 29930/2017 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-29930

    Directed cell migration in multi-cue environments

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    Cell migration plays a critical role in development, angiogenesis, immune response, wound healing and cancer metastasis. During these processes, cells are often directed to migrate towards targets by sensing aligned fibers or gradients in concentration, mechanical properties or electric field. Often times, cells must integrate migrational information from several of these different cues. While the cell migration behavior, signal transduction and cytoskeleton dynamics elicited by individual directional cues has been largely determined, responses to multiple directional cues are much less understood. However, initial work has pointed to several interesting behaviors in multi-cue environments, including competition and cooperation between cues to determine the migrational responses of cells. Much of the work on multi-cue sensing has been driven by the recent development of approaches to systematically and simultaneously control directional cues in vitro coupled with analysis and modeling that quantitatively describe those responses. In this review we present an overview of multi-cue directed migration with an emphasis on how cues compete or cooperate. We outline how multi-cue responses such as cue dominance might change depending on other environmental inputs. Finally, the challenges associated with the design of the environments to control multiple cues and the analysis and modeling of cell migration in multi-cue environments as well as some interesting biological questions associated with migration in complex environments are discussed. Understanding multi-cue migrational responses is critical to the mechanistic description of physiology and pathology, but also to the design of engineered tissues, where cell migration must be orchestrated to form specific tissue structures

    Investigating NF-kappa B signaling in lung fibroblasts in 2D and 3D culture systems

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    BACKGROUND: Inflammatory respiratory diseases are amongst major global health challenges. Lung fibroblasts have been shown to play a key role in lung inflammatory responses. However, their exact role in initiation and maintenance of lung diseases has remained elusive partly due to the limited availability of physiologically relevant in vitro models. Therefore, developing new tools that enable investigating the molecular pathways (e.g. nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) activation) that underpin inflammatory responses in fibroblasts could be a valuable resource for scientists working in this area of research. RESULTS: In order to investigate NF-κB activation in response to pro-inflammatory stimuli in real-time, we first developed two detection systems based on nuclear localization of NF-κB by immunostaining and luciferase reporter assay system. Furthermore using electrospun porous scaffolds, with similar geometry to human lung extracellular matrix, we developed 3D cultures of lung fibroblasts allowing comparing NF-κB activation in response to pro-inflammatory stimuli (i.e. TNF-α) in 2D and 3D. Our data clearly show that the magnitude of NF-κB activation in 2D cultures is substantially higher than 3D cultures. However, unlike 2D cultures, cells in the 3D model remained responsive to TNF-α at higher concentrations. The more subdued and wider dynamic range of NF-κB responses in 3D culture system was associated with a different expression pattern for TNF receptor I in 3D versus 2D cultures collectively reflecting a more in vivo like TNF receptor I expression and NF-κB activation pattern in the 3D system. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that lung fibroblasts are actively involved in the pathogenesis of lung inflammation by activation of NF-κB signaling pathway. The 3D culture detection system provides a sensitive and biologically relevant tool for investigating different pro-inflammatory events involving lung fibroblasts

    Laminin Nanofiber Meshes That Mimic Morphological Properties and Bioactivity of Basement Membranes

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    The basement membrane protein, laminin I, has been used broadly as a planar two-dimensional film or in a three-dimensional form as a reconstituted basement membrane gel such as Matrigel to support cellular attachment, growth, and differentiation in vitro. In basement membranes in vivo, laminin exhibits a fibrillar morphology, highlighting the electrospinning process as an ideal method to recreate such fibrous substrates in vitro. Electrospinning was employed to fabricate meshes of murine laminin I nanofibers (LNFs) with fiber size, geometry, and porosity of authentic basement membranes. Purified laminin I was solubilized and electrospun in parametric studies of fiber diameters as a function of polymer solution concentration, collecting distance, and flow rate. Resulting fiber diameters ranged from 90 to 300 nm with mesh morphologies containing beads. Unlike previously described nanofibers (NFs) synthesized from proteins such as collagen, meshes of LNFs retain their structural features when wetted and do not require fixation by chemical crosslinking, which often destroys cell attachment and other biological activity. The LNF meshes maintained their geometry for at least 2 days in culture without chemical crosslinking. PC12 cells extended neurites without nerve growth factor stimulation on LNF substrates. Additionally, LNFs significantly enhance both the rate and quantity of attachment of human adipose stem cells (ASCs) compared to laminin films. ASCs were viable and maintained attachment to LNF meshes in serum-free media for at least 3 days in culture and extended neurite-like processes after 24 h in serum-free media conditions without media additives to induce differentiation. LNF meshes are a novel substrate for cell studies in vitro, whose properties may be an excellent scaffold material for delivering cells in tissue engineering applications in vivo

    Monitoring Fibrous Scaffold Guidance of Three-Dimensional Collagen Organisation Using Minimally-Invasive Second Harmonic Generation

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    <div><p>The biological and mechanical function of connective tissues is largely determined by controlled cellular alignment and therefore it seems appropriate that tissue-engineered constructs should be architecturally similar to the <i>in vivo</i> tissue targeted for repair or replacement. Collagen organisation dictates the tensile properties of most tissues and so monitoring the deposition of cell-secreted collagen as the construct develops is essential for understanding tissue formation. In this study, electrospun fibres with a random or high degree of orientation, mimicking two types of tissue architecture found in the body, were used to culture human fibroblasts for controlling cell alignment. The minimally-invasive technique of second harmonic generation was used with the aim of monitoring and profiling the deposition and organisation of collagen at different construct depths over time while construct mechanical properties were also determined over the culture period. It was seen that scaffold fibre organisation affected cell migration and orientation up to 21 days which in turn had an effect on collagen organisation. Collagen in random fibrous constructs was deposited in alternating configurations at different depths however a high degree of organisation was observed throughout aligned fibrous constructs orientated in the scaffold fibre direction. Three-dimensional second harmonic generation images showed that deposited collagen was more uniformly distributed in random constructs but aligned constructs were more organised and had higher intensities. The tensile properties of all constructs increased with increasing collagen deposition and were ultimately dictated by collagen organisation. This study highlights the importance of scaffold architecture for controlling the development of well-organised tissue engineered constructs and the usefulness of second harmonic generation imaging for monitoring collagen maturation in a minimally invasive manner.</p></div