94 research outputs found

    Adiciones corológicas a la flora bentónica marina de Galicia

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    Se aportan nuevas localizaciones y datos corológicos para 20 especies (13 Rhodophyta, 3 Heterokontophyta y 4 Chlorophyta) de la ficoflora gallega. Destacan Aglaothamnion feldmanniae y Polysiphonia fibrata por ser novedades para Galicia, así como Aphanocladia stichidiosa, Grateloupia lanceola, Schimmelmannia schousboei, Dictyopteris lucida, Laminariocolax aecidioides, Blidingia chadefaudii y Ulva pertusa por ser especies poco conocidas en el Noroeste de la Península Ibérica. Se dan a conocer 9 primeras citas provinciales (3 para Lugo, 3 para A Coruña y 4 para Pontevedra) y 13 segundas citas provinciales (9 para Lugo, 3 para A Coruña y 1 para Pontevedra)

    Increased endothelin-1 and diminished nitric oxide levels in blister fluids of patients with intermediate cold type complex regional pain syndrome type 1

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    BACKGROUND: In complex regional pain syndrome type 1 (CRPS1) pro-inflammatory mediators and vascular changes play an important role in the sustained development and outcome of the disease. The aim of this study was to determine the involvement of vasoactive substances endothelin-1 (ET-1) and nitric oxide (NO) during early chronic CRPS1. METHODS: Included were 29 patients with CRPS 1 who were diagnosed during the acute stage of their disease and observed during follow-up visits. Disease activity and impairment were determined and artificial suction blisters were made on the CRPS1 and the contralateral extremities for measurements of IL-6, TNF-α, ET-1 and nitrate/nitrite (NOx). RESULTS: The levels of IL-6, TNF-α and ET-1 in blister fluid in the CRPS1 extremity versus the contralateral extremity were significantly increased and correlated with each other, whereas NOx levels were decreased. CONCLUSION: The NOx/ET-1 ratio appears to be disturbed in the intermediate stage of CRPS, resulting in vasoconstriction and consequently in a diminished tissue blood distribution

    Social Competitiveness and Plasticity of Neuroendocrine Function in Old Age: Influence of Neonatal Novelty Exposure and Maternal Care Reliability

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    Early experience is known to have a profound impact on brain and behavioral function later in life. Relatively few studies, however, have examined whether the effects of early experience remain detectable in the aging animal. Here, we examined the effects of neonatal novelty exposure, an early stimulation procedure, on late senescent rats' ability to win in social competition. During the first 3 weeks of life, half of each litter received daily 3-min exposures to a novel environment while the other half stayed in the home cage. At 24 months of age, pairs of rats competed against each other for exclusive access to chocolate rewards. We found that novelty-exposed rats won more rewards than home-staying rats, indicating that early experience exerts a life-long effect on this aspect of social dominance. Furthermore, novelty-exposed but not home-staying rats exhibited habituation of corticosterone release across repeated days of social competition testing, suggesting that early experience permanently enhances plasticity of the stress response system. Finally, we report a surprising finding that across individual rat families, greater effects of neonatal novelty exposure on stress response plasticity were found among families whose dams provided more reliable, instead of a greater total quantity of, maternal care

    Neuropathic Pain Phenotype Does Not Involve the NLRP3 Inflammasome and Its End Product Interleukin-1β in the Mice Spared Nerve Injury Model.

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    The NACHT, LRR and PYD domains-containing protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome is one of the main sources of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and is involved in several inflammatory-related pathologies. To date, its relationship with pain has not been studied in depth. The aim of our study was to elucidate the role of NLRP3 inflammasome and IL-1β production on neuropathic pain. Results showed that basal pain sensitivity is unaltered in NLRP3-/- mice as well as responses to formalin test. Spared nerve injury (SNI) surgery induced the development of mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia in a similar way in both genotypes and did not modify mRNA levels of the NLRP3 inflammasome components in the spinal cord. Intrathecal lipopolysaccharide (LPS) injection increases apoptosis-associated speck like protein (ASC), caspase-1 and IL-1β expression in both wildtype and NLRP3-/- mice. Those data suggest that NLRP3 is not involved in neuropathic pain and also that other sources of IL-1β are implicated in neuroinflammatory responses induced by LPS

    Separation of the convulsions and antidepressant-like effects produced by the delta-opioid agonist SNC80 in rats

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    Delta-opioid agonists produce a number of behavioral effects, including convulsions, antinociception, locomotor stimulation, and antidepressant-like effects. The development of these compounds as treatments for depression is limited by their convulsive effects. Therefore, determining how to separate the convulsive and antidepressant-like characteristics of these compounds is essential for their potential clinical use.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46370/1/213_2005_Article_138.pd

    Artistas sobre outras obras

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    Este número da Revista Estúdio assinala a crescente maturação de um espaço de comunicação algo alternativo, onde artistas falam de artistas, dão a conhecer obras menos conhecidas, e ocupam uma área de curadoria expontânea e paralela aos centros do arte world. Dá-se a palavra aos próprios criadores, e há seis anos que o seu olhar vem enriquecendo um património crescente, com especiais ligações aos países onde se fala as línguas ibéricas. A presença de obras de Portugal, Espanha, Brasil, Angola, Argentina, Perú, Venezuela, Bolívia e muitos outros países tornou-se habitual, fazendo da Estúdio uma instância da semiosfera (Lotman). Mais do que a presença, é a dimensão do conhecimento transmitido, a que se segue, naturalmente, o estabelecimento de novas teias de referência entre os artistas destes países: há novos grupos, novas cumplicidades, novas realizações dentro deste Estúdio, que completa seis anos de publicação persistente. A Revista Estúdio é também mais uma via disponível para o exercício da interpretação, através de descodificações mais informadas, mais negociadas, dos textos artísticos, pois são efectuadas por outros artistas. Reuniram-se nesta edição 24 artigos originais, mantendo a sua linha editorial inicial. O projecto mantém a sua componente de resistência, de plataforma de conhecimento para os pares, não abdicando também da validação externa, ou seja, do uso de protocolos de produção e transmissão de conhecimento. Falamos pois das normas de redação, de referenciação, de estruturação de textos e de articulação de argumentos, visuais ou verbais. Estabelece-se neste volume uma articulação entre cinema, vídeo, redes, escultura, instalação, fotografia, performance, banda desenhada, pintura, cerâmica, poesia concreta, livros de artista, sendo este conjunto não exaustivo testemunha do grau de hibridação que hoje o discurso artístico convoca. Apanhando-lhe o pulso, a Estúdio acompanha a arte desde os seus produtores, dos seus procedimentos, dos seus recursos, dos seus resultados. A Estúdio permite visitar muitos estúdios.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The impact of the pandemic on the cost of capital of banks in Ecuador

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    Работа состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, рекомендации и списка литературы. Первая глава «Теоретические основы формирования банковского капитала» в общих чертах определяет проблему исследования и причины, по которым проводится данное исследование. Во второй главе «Анализ состава и структуры капитала банков Эквадора» дана финансово-экономическая характеристика деятельности Центрального банка Эквадора и оценка структуры капитала коммерческих банков Эквадора. В третьей главе «Оценить влияние пандемии на структуру капитала коммерческих банков Эквадора и разработать меры по устранению негативных последствий» проведен анализ негативных последствий развития пандемии COVID-19 и провести соответствующие мероприятия. Рекомендации по увеличению стоимости капитала банков Эквадора.The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, recommendations and a list of references. The first chapter "Theoretical foundations of the formation of bank capital" defines in general terms the problem of research and the reasons for which this research is conducted. In the second chapter, "Analysis of the composition and capital structure of banks in Ecuador", the financial and economic characteristics of the Central Bank's activities are given. the Bank of Ecuador and the assessment of the capital structure of commercial banks in Ecuador. In the third chapter, "To assess the impact of the pandemic on the capital structure of commercial banks in Ecuador and to develop measures to eliminate negative consequences", an analysis of the negative consequences of the development of the COVID-19 pandemic was carried out and appropriate measures were taken. Recommendations for increasing the cost of capital of banks in Ecuador

    Differential effects of environmental enrichment on behavior and learning of male and female Ts65Dn mice, a model for Down syndrome.

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    We have assessed the effects of enriched environment (EE) upon behavioral and cognitive performances of partially trisomic Ts65Dn (TS) mice and their control (CO) littermates. Enriched environment was applied to pups for 7 weeks after weaning. Circadian spontaneous activity (actimetry), exploratory behavior (hole board), activity in the open field and spatial memory (Morris Water Maze, repeated acquisition and cued paradigms) were analyzed in 86 female and 75 male mice, starting 15 days after completing enrichment. For each gender, mice were distributed in non-enriched and enriched control and trisomic groups. Enriched environment reduced in trisomic females and enhanced in trisomic males\u27 circadian activity. Exploratory behavior was increased by enrichment in all groups, regardless of gender or presence of trisomy. In the Morris Water Maze, a significant improvement of the spatial memory was observed in enriched-control females, but not in enriched-control male mice, as assessed by distances traveled. Performances in the four groups of control animals were also consistently and significantly better than those of matching trisomic mice. In the acquisition trials, enrichment improved performance in trisomic female animals, but deteriorated in trisomic male mice. In all groups, changes in escape latencies and distances induced by enrichment were accounted for by changes in the total time spent in the periphery of the pool, indicating changes in learning strategy. Working memory was the function more affected by enrichment. It is concluded that enriched environment induces behavioral and learning changes in trisomic mice, although gender plays a significant modulatory role