9 research outputs found

    Correlation of fluorescence microscopy, electron microscopy, and NanoSIMS stable isotope imaging on a single tissue section.

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    Correlative light and electron microscopy allows localization of specific molecules at the ultrastructural level in biological tissue but does not provide information about metabolic turnover or the distribution of labile molecules, such as micronutrients. We present a method to directly correlate (immuno)fluorescent microscopy, (immuno)TEM imaging and NanoSIMS isotopic mapping of the same tissue section, with nanometer-scale spatial precision. The process involves chemical fixation of the tissue, cryo sectioning, thawing, and air-drying under a thin film of polyvinyl alcohol. It permits to effectively retain labile compounds and strongly increases NanoSIMS sensitivity for 13C-enrichment. The method is illustrated here with correlated distribution maps of a carbonic anhydrase enzyme isotype, β-tubulin proteins, and 13C- and 15N-labeled labile micronutrients (and their anabolic derivates) within the tissue of a reef-building symbiotic coral. This broadly applicable workflow expands the wealth of information that can be obtained from multi-modal, sub-cellular observation of biological tissue

    Versatile micro-electrode array to monitor human iPSC derived 3D neural tissues at air-liquid interface

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    Engineered 3D neural tissues made of neurons and glial cells derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) are among the most promising tools in drug discovery and neurotoxicology. They represent a cheaper, faster, and more ethical alternative to in vivo animal testing that will likely close the gap between in vitro animal models and human clinical trials. Micro-Electrode Array (MEA) technology is known to provide an assessment of compound effects on neural 2D cell cultures and acute tissue preparations by real-time, non-invasive, and long-lasting electrophysiological monitoring of spontaneous and evoked neuronal activity. Nevertheless, the use of engineered 3D neural tissues in combination with MEA biochips still involves series of constraints, such as drastically limited diffusion of oxygen and nutrients within tissues mainly due to the lack of vascularization. Therefore, 3D neural tissues are extremely sensitive to experimental conditions and require an adequately designed interface that provides optimal tissue survival conditions. A well-suited technique to overcome this issue is the combination of the Air-Liquid Interface (ALI) tissue culture method with the MEA technology. We have developed a full 3D neural tissue culture process and a data acquisition system composed of high-end electronics and novel MEA biochips based on porous, flexible, thin-film membranes integrating recording electrodes, named as “Strip-MEA,” to allow the maintenance of an ALI around the 3D neural tissues. The main motivation of the porous MEA biochips development was the possibility to monitor and to study the electrical activity of 3D neural tissues under different recording configurations, (i) the Strip-MEA can be placed below a tissue, (ii) or by taking advantage of the ALI, be directly placed on top of the tissue, or finally, (iii) it can be embedded into a larger neural tissue generated by the fusion of two (or more) tissues placed on both sides of the Strip-MEA allowing the recording from its inner part. This paper presents the recording and analyses of spontaneous activity from the three positioning configurations of the Strip-MEAs. Obtained results are discussed with the perspective of developing in vitro models of brain diseases and/or impairment of neural network functioning

    Temperature and feeding induce tissue level changes in autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrient allocation in the coral symbiosis – A NanoSIMS study

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    Corals access inorganic seawater nutrients through their autotrophic endosymbiotic dinoflagellates, but also capture planktonic prey through heterotrophic feeding. Correlating NanoSIMS and TEM imaging, we visualized and quantified the subcellular fate of autotrophic and heterotrophic C and N in the coral Stylophora pistillata using stable isotopes. Six scenarios were compared after 6 h: autotrophic pulse (13C-bicarbonate, 15N-nitrate) in either unfed or regularly fed corals, and heterotrophic pulse (13C-, 15N-labelled brine shrimps) in regularly fed corals; each at ambient and elevated temperature. Host assimilation of photosynthates was similar under fed and unfed conditions, but symbionts assimilated 10% more C in fed corals. Photoautotrophic C was primarily channelled into host lipid bodies, whereas heterotrophic C and N were generally co-allocated to the tissue. Food-derived label was detected in some subcellular structures associated with the remobilisation of host lipid stores. While heterotrophic input generally exceeded autotrophic input, it was more negatively affected by elevated temperature. The reduced input from both modes of nutrition at elevated temperature was accompanied by a shift in the partitioning of C and N, benefiting epidermis and symbionts. This study provides a unique view into the nutrient partitioning in corals and highlights the tight connection of nutrient fluxes in symbiotic partners

    Correlative Light, Electron Microscopy and Raman Spectroscopy Workflow To Detect and Observe Microplastic Interactions with Whole Jellyfish.

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    Many researchers have turned their attention to understanding microplastic interaction with marine fauna. Efforts are being made to monitor exposure pathways and concentrations and to assess the impact such interactions may have. To answer these questions, it is important to select appropriate experimental parameters and analytical protocols. This study focuses on medusae of Cassiopea andromeda jellyfish: a unique benthic jellyfish known to favor (sub-)tropical coastal regions which are potentially exposed to plastic waste from land-based sources. Juvenile medusae were exposed to fluorescent poly(ethylene terephthalate) and polypropylene microplastics (<300 μm), resin embedded, and sectioned before analysis with confocal laser scanning microscopy as well as transmission electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. Results show that the fluorescent microplastics were stable enough to be detected with the optimized analytical protocol presented and that their observed interaction with medusae occurs in a manner which is likely driven by the microplastic properties (e.g., density and hydrophobicity)

    Novel oral microscope gives mechanistic insights into colloidal drivers of friction in oral biofilms

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    Texture and mouthfeel are central to the sensory enjoyment of food and beverages. Yet our incomplete understanding of how food boluses are transformed in the mouth limits our texture prediction ability. As well as thin film tribology, the interaction of food colloids with the oral tissue and salivary biofilms plays a key role in texture perception via mechanoreceptors in the papillae. In this study we describe the development of an oral microscope capable of quantitative characterization of the inactions of food colloids with papillae and their concurrent saliva biofilm. We also highlight how the oral microscope revealed key microstructural drivers of several topical phenomena (oral residue formation, coalescence in-mouth, grittiness of protein aggregates and finally microstructural origin of polyphenol astringency) in the domain of texture creation. The coupling of a fluorescent food grade dye with image analysis enabled specific and quantitative determination of the microstructural changes in mouth. Emulsions either underwent no aggregation, small aggregation, or extensive aggregation depending on whether their surface charge facilitated complexation with the saliva biofilm. Quite surprisingly cationic gelatin emulsions that were already aggregated with saliva in mouth underwent coalescence if subsequently exposed to tea polyphenols (EGCG). Large protein aggregates were found to aggregate with the saliva coated papillae, increasing their size tenfold and possibly explaining why there are perceived as gritty. An exciting observation was the oral microstructural changes that occurred upon exposure to tea polyphenols (EGCG). Filiform papillae shrunk, and the saliva biofilm was seen to precipitate/collapse, exposing a very rough tissue surface. These tentative early steps are the first in vivo microstructural insights into the different food oral transformations that are drivers of key texture sensation

    Colloidal dynamics of emulsion droplets in mouth

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    The interaction of emulsions with the tongue is key to the sensory appeal of food and can potentially be exploited for oral/buccal pharmaceutical delivery. Whilst there is good understanding of the different mucoadhesive forces governing emulsion interaction with the tongue, their relative importance is not well understood. In addition, the physical location of emulsions within the saliva papillae on the tongue is not understood at all. A combination of ex vivo salivary film, and in vivo oral coating experiments were used to determine the importance of different mucoadhesive forces. Mucoadhesion of cationic emulsions was largely driven by electrostatic complexation. SDS-PAGE of the in vivo saliva coating highlighted that mucins were largely responsible for cationic emulsion mucoadhesion. Anionic emulsions were bound via hydrophobic/steric interactions to small salivary proteins typically located away from the mucin anchor points. The physical location and clustering of emulsions relative to the salivary film/papillae was probed via the invention of a fluorescent oral microscope. Cationic emulsions were densely clustered close to the papillae whilst anionic emulsions were suspended in the salivary film above the papillae. Interestingly, non-ionic emulsions were also trapped within the salivary film above the papillae as individual droplets. These findings highlight that whilst electrostatic complexation with saliva is a powerful mucoadhesive force, hydrophobic and steric interactions also act to induce oral retention of emulsions. The differences in physical location and clustering of emulsions within the salivary film hint at the 3D locations of the different salivary proteins driving each mucoadhesive interaction. This novel understanding of emulsion saliva/papillae interactions has potential to aid efficacy of buccal pharmaceutical delivery and the reduction of astringency in plant-based foods

    Description of Gloeomargarita lithophora gen. nov., sp. nov., a thylakoid-bearing, basal-branching cyanobacterium with intracellular carbonates, and proposal for Gloeomargaritales ord. nov.

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    International audienceInternational Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology Description of Gloeomargarita lithophora gen. nov., sp. nov., a thylakoid-bearing basal-branching cyanobacterium with intracellular carbonates, and proposal for Gloeomargaritales ord. nov.-Manuscript Draft-Manuscript Number: IJSEM-D-16-00670R2 Full Title: Description of Gloeomargarita lithophora gen. nov., sp. nov., a thylakoid-bearing basal-branching cyanobacterium with intracellular carbonates, and proposal for Gloeomargaritales ord. nov. Article Type: Note Section/Category: New taxa-other bacteria Abstract: A unicellular cyanobacterium, strain Alchichica-D10, was isolated from microbialites of the alkaline Lake Alchichica, Mexico. The cells were short rods (3.9 ± 0.6 μm in length and 1.1 ± 0.1 μm in width) forming biofilms of intense emerald green color. They exhibited red autofluorescence under UV light excitation. UV-visible absorption spectra revealed that they contain chlorophyll a and phycocyanin, and electron microscopy showed the presence of thylakoids. The strain grew within a temperature range of 15-30 °C. Genomic DNA G+C content was 52.2 mol%. The most remarkable feature of this species was its granular cytoplasm, due to the presence of numerous intracellular spherical granules (16-26 per cell) with an average diameter of 270 nm. These granules, easily visible under scanning electron microscopy, were composed of amorphous carbonate containing Ca, Mg, Ba, and Sr. A multi-gene phylogeny based on the analysis of 59 conserved protein markers supported robustly that this strain occupies a deep position in the cyanobacterial tree. Based on its phenotypic characters and phylogenetic position, strain Alchichica-D10 is considered to represent a new genus and novel species of cyanobacteria for which the name Gloeomargarita lithophora gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is Alchichica-D10 (Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa CCAP strain 1437/1; Collections de Cyanobactéries et Microalgues Vivantes of the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris strain PMC 919.15). Furthermore, a new family, Gloeomargaritaceae, and a new order, Gloeoemargaritales, are proposed to accommodate this species under the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants

    Opening the black box of traumatic brain injury ::a holistic approach combining human 3D neural tissue and an in vitro traumatic brain injury induction device

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is caused by a wide range of physical events and can induce an even larger spectrum of short- to long-term pathophysiologies. Neuroscientists have relied on animal models to understand the relationship between mechanical damages and functional alterations of neural cells. These in vivo and animal-based in vitro models represent important approaches to mimic traumas on whole brains or organized brain structures but are not fully representative of pathologies occurring after traumas on human brain parenchyma. To overcome these limitations and to establish a more accurate and comprehensive model of human TBI, we engineered an in vitro platform to induce injuries via the controlled projection of a small drop of liquid onto a 3D neural tissue engineered from human iPS cells. With this platform, biological mechanisms involved in neural cellular injury are recorded through electrophysiology measurements, quantification of biomarkers released, and two imaging methods [confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) and optical projection tomography (OPT)]. The results showed drastic changes in tissue electrophysiological activities and significant releases of glial and neuronal biomarkers. Tissue imaging allowed us to reconstruct the injured area spatially in 3D after staining it with specific nuclear dyes and to determine TBI resulting in cell death. In future experiments, we seek to monitor the effects of TBI-induced injuries over a prolonged time and at a higher temporal resolution to better understand the subtleties of the biomarker release kinetics and the cell recovery phases