837 research outputs found

    In vitro genotoxic and epigenotoxic effects of occupational exposure to nanofibres

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    ABSTRACT - In recent years, human exposure to nanofibres (i.e., fibres with diameters < 100 nm) has considerably increased due to their incorporation in a wide range of consumer products. As such, there is a growing concern that the distinctive physicochemical characteristics of nanofibres may lead to adverse human health effects, mainly by their inhalation in occupational settings. Several toxicological studies have indicated that some nanofibres, such as the MWCNT-7, display in vitro toxicity and induce pulmonary inflammation, fibrosis, granulomas and carcinogenesis in vivo. Others, like cellulose nanofibrills (CNF), seem biocompatible and promising for biomedical applications. Thus, the genotoxic effects of nanofibres must be deeply studied to identify their possible hazard, and new “omics” methodologies can uncover their underlying mechanisms of action. Moreover, distinctive genomic or epigenomic expression profiles may be biomarkers of occupational exposure to nanofibres. In this work, the two above-mentioned nanofibres are analyzed in vitro, and the toxic effects of MWCNT-7 compared to those of crocidolite asbestos. Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity were investigated through conventional assays, and the differentially expressed microRNA (DE miRNA) in alveolar epithelial cells exposed to MWCNT-7 or crocidolite identified by next-generation sequencing. The overall results demonstrate that MWCNT-7 is cytotoxic, genotoxic and immunotoxic. Notably, it induced nucleoplasmic bridges in alveolar cells, possibly due to its resemblance with the microtubules and physical interference with the mitotic spindle. Different viabilities and micronucleus frequencies were observed in alveolar cells when using a conventional monoculture or a co-culture of these cells with macrophages, which may be related to their epithelial-mesenchymal transition and consequent increase of cell resistance to apoptosis. Regarding CNF, at low concentrations it stimulates cell proliferation, whereas at higher ones it is moderately toxic. Although no immunotoxicity and no significant DNA damage were detected, low CNF doses induced micronucleus. Concerning the epigenotoxic study, several DE miRNA were identified in alveolar cells exposed to MWCNT-7 or crocidolite, and a unique set was identified for each exposure. Both materials caused common changes in pathways related to cell metabolism, cell growth and death, cell-to-cell communication, protein processing, and signal transduction. Other functional pathways were distinctively identified for each material that sugest particular mechanisms of action. Since most are cancer related, a network of DE miRNA and target cancer genes was constructed, highlighting the carcinogenic potential of both materials.RESUMO - Nos últimos anos, a exposição humana a nanofibras (i.e., fibras com diâmetros <100 nm) tem vindo a aumentar, devido à sua incorporação em vários produtos para consumo humano. Como tal, a preocupação de que as características singulares das nanofibras possam ter efeitos adversos na saúde humana tem-se intensificado, particularmente por inalação em contexto ocupacional. Diversos estudos toxicológicos indicam que certas nanofibras, como o MWCNT-7, têm toxicidade in vitro e induzem inflamação pulmonar, fibrose, granulomas e carcinogénese in vivo. Outras, como a celulose nanofibrilar (CNF), aparentam biocompatibilidade e são prometedoras para aplicações biomédicas. Desta forma, é essencial aprofundar o estudo sobre a sua genotoxicidade para conhecer a sua perigosidade. Neste contexto, as metodologias “ómicas” permitem compreender os mecanismos de ação das nanofibras e, além disso, os perfis genómicos ou epigenómicos podem ser úteis como biomarcadores de exposição ocupacional. Neste trabalho, as nanofibras acima citadas são analisadas in vitro, sendo o MWCNT-7 comparado à crocidolite (amianto). A citotoxicidade e genotoxicidade são analisadas pelos ensaios convencionais, sendo ainda identificados quais os microRNA diferencialmente expressos (miRNA DE) nas células alveolares expostas ao MWCNT-7 ou à crocidolite, por sequenciação de nova geração. Os resultados globais indicam que o MWCNT-7 é citotóxico, genotóxico e imunotóxico. De realçar a indução de pontes nucleoplásmicas nas células alveolares, provavelmente relacionadas com a semelhança do MWCNT-7 aos microtúbulos e interferência com o fuso mitótico. A diferente viabilidade e frequência de micronúcleos nas células alveolares em monocultura ou co-cultura com macrófagos pode estar relacionada com a sua transição epitelial-mesenquimal e aumento da resistência à apoptose. Quanto à CNF, observouse proliferação celular nas doses baixas e citotoxicidade moderada nas doses mais elevadas. Embora não se tenham detetado danos significativos no DNA ou imunotoxicidade, foram induzidos micronúcleos nas doses baixas. No que respeita ao estudo de epigenotoxicidade, foi identificado um conjunto único de miRNA DE nas células expostas ao MWCNT-7 ou à crocidolite. Ambos os materiais causaram as mesmas alterações em vias de metabolismo celular, crescimento e morte celular, comunicação célula-a-célula, processamento proteíco e transdução de sinal. Outras vias distintamente alteradas sugerem mecanismos de acção específicos. Uma vez que a maioria está associada a cancro, foi construída uma rede entre miRNAs DE e genes alvo associados a cancro que realça o potential carcinogénico de ambos os materiais

    Chronicity Factors Of Temporomandibular Disorders: A Critical Review Of The Literature.

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    Facial pain often persists long after any identifiable organic pathology has healed. Moreover, in a subgroup of patients with temporomandibular disorder (TMD), no treatment is effective. Knowledge of factors associated with persistent pain in TMD could help identify personalized treatment approaches. Therefore, we conducted a critical review of the literature for the period from January 2000 to December 2013 to identify factors related to TMD development and persistence. The literature findings showed that chronic TMD is marked by psychological distress (somatization and depression, affective distress, fear of pain, fear of movement, and catastrophizing) and characteristics of pain amplification (hyperalgesia and allodynia). Furthermore, these factors seem to interact in TMD development. In addition, our review demonstrates that upregulation of the serotonergic pathway, sleep problems, and gene polymorphisms influence the chronicity of TMD. We conclude that psychological distress and pain amplification contribute to chronic TMD development, and that interactions among these factors complicate pain management. These findings emphasize the importance of multidisciplinary assistance in TMD treatment.2

    Electrocatalysis by heme enzymes—applications in biosensing

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    Funding Information: The APC was funded by TIMB3 project, European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program grant agreement No 810856. Funding Information: Acknowledgments: We acknowledge the support from Project LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-007660 (Microbiologia Molecular, Estrutural e Celular) funded by FEDER funds through COMPETE 2020-Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI); from FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (PTDC/BIA-BFS/31026/2017 and 2020.05017.BD) and from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program, through TIMB3 and B-LigZymes projects (grant agreements No 810856 and 824017, respectively). We thank Edilson Galdino for critical reading of the manuscript and helpful discussions. Funding Information: Funding: The APC was funded by TIMB3 project, European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program grant agreement No 810856. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Copyright: Copyright 2021 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.Heme proteins take part in a number of fundamental biological processes, including oxygen transport and storage, electron transfer, catalysis and signal transduction. The redox chemistry of the heme iron and the biochemical diversity of heme proteins have led to the development of a plethora of biotechnological applications. This work focuses on biosensing devices based on heme proteins, in which they are electronically coupled to an electrode and their activity is determined through the measurement of catalytic currents in the presence of substrate, i.e., the target analyte of the biosensor. After an overview of the main concepts of amperometric biosensors, we address transduction schemes, protein immobilization strategies, and the performance of devices that explore reactions of heme biocatalysts, including peroxidase, cytochrome P450, catalase, nitrite reductase, cytochrome c oxidase, cytochrome c and derived microperoxidases, hemoglobin, and myoglobin. We further discuss how structural information about immobilized heme proteins can lead to rational design of biosensing devices, ensuring insights into their efficiency and long-term stability.publishersversionpublishe

    SGUISSARDI, Valdemar (Org.). Universidade brasileira no século XXI. São Paulo: Cortez, 2009

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    A obra indicada se reveste de importância para o momento atual na universidade, e surge como contribuição fundamental às reflexões de professores e pesquisadores do Setor de Educação e comunidade externa. No prefácio, Marcos Cezar de Freitas refere-se à questão do significado sociopolítico da Universidade Brasileira que tem se colocado como problema e objeto crucial de investigação de estudantes, docentes e discentes nela envolvidos, mormente em “[...] tempos de noite escura que aguarda os sinais do dia claro” (SGUISSARDI, 2009, p.12)

    Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis – A Case Series

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    Introdução: A encefalomielite aguda disseminada (ADEM) é uma doença desmielinizante, tipicamente monofásica, do sistema nervoso central, caracterizada por alterações neurológicas inespecíficas e neuroimagem com lesões desmielinizantes multifocais. Objetivos: Descrever dados epidemiológicos, clínicos, laboratoriais, imagiológicos, tratamento e evolução de uma coorte pediátrica com diagnóstico inicial de ADEM. Materiais e Métodos: Análise retrospectiva entre 2010- 2015 de crianças/adolescentes admitidas em hospital nível II. Resultados: Foram identificados onze casos, com predomínio do género masculino e idades entre 8 meses e 16 anos. Sete casos ocorreram no inverno/primavera. Em mais de metade dos casos havia história de patologia infeciosa recente. Sinais neurológicos mais frequentes: défices motores, neuropatia craniana e rigidez da nuca. Em todos os casos foram detetadas alterações do líquido cefalorraquidiano. Foi estabelecido diagnóstico microbiológico definitivo em duas crianças com vírus Epstein-Barr e diagnóstico provável/possível em duas crianças com infeção prévia por rotavírus e varicela. A ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN) identificou em todos os casos lesões multifocais. Todas as crianças foram submetidas a corticoterapia em altas doses. Em dois casos foi também administrada imunoglobulina humana. Verificou-se ADEM multifásica num caso, após um ano de seguimento. Em dois casos surgiram critérios de esclerose múltipla (EM). A taxa de mortalidade foi nula. Foram constatadas sequelas neurológicas em dois casos. A distinção entre ADEM e EM na altura da sua apresentação inicial permanece, em alguns casos, um desafio. Conclusões: A análise desta série de casos sugere que a presença de infeção esteja associada à etiologia da ADEM. A RMN foi o estudo de escolha para diagnóstico e seguimento. O prognóstico foi excelente. A distinção entre ADEM e EM permanece um desafio.Background: Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is a demyelinating monophasic disorder of the central nervous system characterized by diffuse neurologic signs and symptoms coupled with multifocal demyelinating lesions on neuroimaging. Aims: To describe the epidemiology, symptoms and signs, laboratory features, neuroimaging, treatment and outcome in a pediatric cohort with the initial diagnosis of ADEM. Methods and Materials: A retrospective review, between 2010-2015, of children/adolescents admitted at a level II hospital. Results: Eleven cases were identified with male predominance and ages between 8 months and 16 years. Seven patients presented in winter/spring. More than half of the cases had a recent infectious disease. Patients presented most often with motor deficits, cranial neuropathy and stiff neck. All patients had spinal fluid abnormalities. A definitive microbiologic diagnosis was established in two children with Epstein-Barr virus disease and probable/possible diagnosis in two children with previous rotavirus disease or varicella. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) identified multifocal lesions in every case. All patients were treated with corticosteroids, and two were also treated with human immunoglobulin. There was one case with multiphasic ADEM (after one year follow-up) and two cases developed criteria of multiple sclerosis (MS). All patients survived. Two patients had neurologic sequelae. The differential diagnosis between ADEM and MS at first presentaion may be challenging. Conclusions: Our case series suggests that infections are associated with the etiology of ADEM. MRI was the neuroimaging study of choice for diagnosis and follow-up. Prognosis was excellent. It remains difficult to differentiate ADEM and multiple sclerosisinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cuidador familiar de ancianos y el cuidado cultural en la asistencia de enfermería

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    Objective: To analyze the experiences of family caregivers of dependent older adults, who show performance overload and emotional distress, using the Theory of Culture Care. Method:Qualitative study with nine caregivers of home care dependent older adults, based on Grounded Theory. Results: The findings allowed the identification of potentialities and frailties in the context of family home care and subsidizing the construction of a theoretical scheme resulting from the analysis of possibilities of the nursing care practice according to the culture, through the three modes of action: maintenance, adjustment and repatterning of cultural care. Final considerations: Respecting the cultural values and family beliefs, the nurse can help to institute mutually established changes, promoting a better quality in the nursing care relationship and a relief to the strain of the role of the caregiver.Objetivo: Analizar las experiencias de los cuidadores familiares de los ancianos dependientes, que presentan sobrecarga e incomodidad emocional, a la luz de la Teoría del Cuidado Cultural. Método: Estudio cualitativo, fundamentado en la Grounded Theory, con nueve cuidadores de ancianos dependientes de cuidados en el domicilio. Resultados: Los hallazgos posibilitaron identificar potencialidades y fragilidades en el contexto familiar de cuidado domiciliar y subvencionaron la construcción de un esquema teórico decurrente del análisis de las posibilidades de actuación de la enfermería por medio de un cuidado congruente con la cultura, a través de los tres modos de acción: el mantenimiento, el ajuste y la re-estandarización del cuidado cultural. Consideraciones finales: Respetando los valores culturales y las creencias de la familia, el enfermero puede ayudar a instituir cambios, coestablecidas con los cuidadores, que promuevan una mejor cualidad en la relación de cuidar y alivien la tensión del papel de cuidador

    Na perspectiva do quase, a aparição do suprimido Zeh

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    Este ensaio combina informações biográficas a uma apresentação global da obra de Zeh Gustavo, em movimento mediante o qual aproxima o poeta de autores dados à rua, como João do Rio, Antônio Fraga e João Antônio. Passa, então, ao enfoque da coletânea Pedagogia do suprimido (2013), cujos poemas brotam de um cotidiano espraiado por diferentes logradouros do centro do Rio, cujas vivências solicitam verso livre e simples, às vezes prosificado, acolhedor da iconoclastia e aberto ao neologismo