23 research outputs found

    Treure el cos a plaça: eines per repensar la revolta

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    El paper de l'alteritat en la construcció del subjecte poètic en l'obra de Miquel Àngel Riera

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    En aquest article es discuteix el paper de l'alteritat en l'univers poètic de Miquel Àngel Riera (Manacor, 1930 - Palma, 1996) com a ideologia oficial i intersubjectivament acceptada. En la construcció del subjecte poètic, el seu propi discurs se'ns presenta com una relació dialògica amb altres discursos que funcionen com a hipotextos més o menys tàcits i aliens. És per aquesta lògica dialèctica jo/altre que el subjecte de l'enunciació no resulta qüestionat, sinó que roman gràvid i consolidat com a referent modèlic d'allò que se'ns descriu com a condició humana.El presente artículo gira en torno al papel de la alteridad en el universo poético de Miquel Àngel Riera (Manacor, 1930 - Palma, 1996), considerada ésta como ideología oficial e intersubjetivamente aceptada. En la construcción del sujeto poético, el discurso de Miquel Àngel Riera se presenta como una relación dialógica con otros discursos que funcionan como hipotextos tácitos y ajenos en mayor o menor medida. En esta lógica dialéctica yo/otro el sujeto de la enunciación no se cuestiona sino que permanece grávido y consolidado como referente modélico de aquello que se describe como condición humana.In this article we discuss the role of otherness in the poetic universe of Miquel Àngel Riera (Manacor, 1930-1996) taken as an official ideology that is intersubjectively accepted. In the construction of the poetic subject his own discourse is presented as a dialogical relationship with other particular discourses, which work as hypotexts more or less tacit and utterly alien to him. It is for this dialectical logic self/other that the subject of the enuntiation is not questioned, but it remains reinforced as a model of what is described as the human condition

    Reliability, Availability and Maintainability Study of a Light Rail Transit System

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    The TFG title mentioned consists on a RAM Study of a Light Rail Transit (LRT) System. Its aim lies in achieving a defined level of service in a given time, by demonstrating quantitatively and qualitatively the availability of the system. The Quality of the Service has to be guaranteed by the application of engineering concepts, methods, techniques and tools, such as ITEM Toolkit.    This study is a first approach to the Preliminary Engineering Analysis of a Light Rail Transit (LRT) System. The study is divided into four interrelated parts. The first one consists on a presentation of the RAM Discipline, by a development of its theoretical foundations and the four Key Performance Indicators used through all the study. The methodology employed during the analysis and actual methods used for RAM analysis are also described in this section. Then, it has been developed a Failure Mode and Effects Criticality Analysis (FMECA) with a subsequent Sensitive Analysis to ensure that the results are binary in terms of probability. With that, a consequent Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) has been carried out. After that, the third part of the study provides the LRT RAM Requirements Apportionment and last, but not least, Preventive/Corrective Actions have been proposed

    Tradurre Vicent Andrés Estellés in italiano

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    This article addresses Vicent Andrés Estellés' poetry, its importance among modern Catalan literature and some main problems of transmission. For this purpose, it evaluates the effects of La gioia della strada (2016), an anthology of his poems translated into Italian. Some translational challenges are studied linked to the passage from Catalan to Italian and, in particular, to Estellés's poetry (tone, metric, repetitions). Some Estellés' compositions are analysed in both versions and it concludes with a critical assessment

    El diseño de CABIGO (Catálogo Bibliográfico sobre Góngora) Criterios, metodología y estadísticas

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    In this paper we describe the design of a catalogue called CABIGO, which collects 786 bibliographic entries, pertaining to the poetry of Luis de Góngora and published between 2000 and 2014. This paper, however, does not focus on the catalogue itself but rather on the editorial decisions made during its creation. We also exhibit the tools, which help users search through the database as well as assist them in creating additional bibliographies for their work. Finally we present some statistical data, which has revealed some meaningful publication patterns depicting how criticism on the poetry of Góngora is currently being disseminated

    Fosca Blanca : L'obscuritat poètica en Ausiàs March, Luis de Góngora i Eugenio Montale

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    Aquesta tesi tracta l’obscuritat poètica entesa com a fenomen lligat a la comprensió i a la recerca i creació de sentit. Es parteix de tres corpus textuals: una selecció de cants d’Ausiàs March (València, s. XV), les Soledades de Luis de Góngora (Còrdova, s. XVII) i Ossi di seppia i Le occasioni d’Eugenio Montale (Gènova, s. XX). El primer objectiu és analitzar la qüestió de l’obscuritat en cada un dels tres casos, evaluant-ne tant els marcs i mecanismes, com les raons i els impactes en el passat i en el present. El segon, és posar en diàleg les pluralitats i les diferències (diferents llengües, èpoques i tradicions; però també diferents històries de la recepció), que mostren les inesgotables maneres de donar-se de l’obscuritat dintre del marc de la creació poètica, proposant, finalment, què ens pot continuar donant avui.This dissertation deals with the poetics of obscurity phenomenon related to the understanding and the research and creation of meaning. It is based on three collections of writings: a selection of songs by Ausiàs March (Valencia, s. XV), the Soledades by Luis de Góngora (Cordova, s. XVII) and Ossi di Seppia and Le Occasions by Eugenio Montale (Genoa, s. XX). The first objective is to analyze the question of obscurity in each of these three cases, evaluating their frameworks and mechanisms, including the reasons and impacts either in the past or in the present. The second is to put the pluralities and differences (different languages, periods and traditions, but different stories of receipt) into a dialogue, showing the obscurity’s endless ways to be within the framework of poetic creation, also suggesting what it can continue to give to us today

    Reliability, Availability and Maintainability Study of a Light Rail Transit System

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    The TFG title mentioned consists on a RAM Study of a Light Rail Transit (LRT) System. Its aim lies in achieving a defined level of service in a given time, by demonstrating quantitatively and qualitatively the availability of the system. The Quality of the Service has to be guaranteed by the application of engineering concepts, methods, techniques and tools, such as ITEM Toolkit.    This study is a first approach to the Preliminary Engineering Analysis of a Light Rail Transit (LRT) System. The study is divided into four interrelated parts. The first one consists on a presentation of the RAM Discipline, by a development of its theoretical foundations and the four Key Performance Indicators used through all the study. The methodology employed during the analysis and actual methods used for RAM analysis are also described in this section. Then, it has been developed a Failure Mode and Effects Criticality Analysis (FMECA) with a subsequent Sensitive Analysis to ensure that the results are binary in terms of probability. With that, a consequent Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) has been carried out. After that, the third part of the study provides the LRT RAM Requirements Apportionment and last, but not least, Preventive/Corrective Actions have been proposed