2,086 research outputs found

    Gamification in E-Learning: game factors to strengthen specific English pronunciation features in undergraduate students at UPTC Sogamoso

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    Appendix A Characterization survey (104), Appendix B. EFL Students’ questionnaire (109), Appendix C. Characterization survey: data treatment question (113), Appendix D. Informed consent letter, English version (114), Appendix E. Carta de consentimiento informado, versión en español (117), Appendix F. Time Schedule (120), Appendix G. Sample Challenges at Moodle (126), Appendix H. Participants’ questionnaire results (128).La gamificación es un término que suele denotar el uso de componentes del juego en situaciones no relacionadas con el juego en sí para crear experiencias de aprendizaje agradables, divertidas y motivadoras para los estudiantes (Werbach y Hunter, 2012). Por lo tanto, el análisis de los factores básicos de los juegos se convierte en algo esencial a la hora de definir y utilizar la gamificación como estrategia de mediación del inglés como lengua extranjera para fortalecer rasgos específicos de pronunciación en los estudiantes de pregrado de la UPTC Sogamoso. El procedimiento de estudio se basa en la investigación acción mediante la implementación de la estrategia de gamificación para la mediación en la pronunciación del inglés, orientada a treinta estudiantes de diferentes programas de ingeniería, administración y tecnología con niveles heterogéneos de dominio del inglés. Las actividades se centran principalmente en la producción de sonidos, el ritmo, el acento y la entonación, los rasgos de pronunciación segmental y suprasegmental. Los resultados arrojaron una evidente mejora en las características segméntales y suprasegmentales de la percepción en la pronunciación de los participantes así como la contribución del objetivo de los juegos a la instrucción fonética y fonológica, la sensación en el juego a la motivación para mejorar la pronunciación, el reto establecido en los juegos a la actitud positiva de los participantes, y la sociabilidad a la exposición practica de la pronunciación inglesa.Gamification is a relatively new term that often denotes the use of game components in situations unrelated to the game itself to create enjoyable, fun, and motivating learning experiences for students (Werbach and Hunter, 2012). Therefore, analyzing the games' basic factors becomes essential when defining and using gamification as a strategy for English as Foreign Language mediation to strengthen specific pronunciation features in UPTC Sogamoso undergraduate students. The study procedure is based on action research by implementing the gamification strategy for mediation in English pronunciation, oriented to thirty students from different engineering, management, and technology programs at heterogeneous levels of English proficiency. The activities mainly focus on sound production, rhythm, stress, and intonation, segmental and suprasegmental pronunciation features. The results showed an evident improvement in the segmental and suprasegmental features of the participants' pronunciation perception as well as the contribution of game goals to phonetics and phonological instruction, the game sensation to the motivation for pronunciation improvement, the game challenge to the participants' positive attitude, and the sociality to the English pronunciation exposure practice

    La proporción en la música

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    Presentamos parte de un trabajo de exploración en la didáctica de la matemática, en el cual desarrollamos un tema de gran importancia, como es la proporcionalidad, desde otras áreas, que si bien tienen este concepto como elemento fundamental, no han sido aprovechadas ni puestas en evidencia suficientemente dentro del campo de la enseñanza de la matemática, nos referimos a la música y al dibujo. También se toma la vida cotidiana como un campo de aplicación natural del concepto de proporcionalidad

    Prevalencia y factores asociados al bajo consumo de frutas y verduras en alumnos de la carrera profesional de medicina humana de una universidad peruana.: Prevalence and factors associated with the low consumption of fruits and vegetables in students of the professional career of human medicine of a peruvian university

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence and factors associated with the low consumption of fruits and vegetables in students of the professional career of human medicine of the National University Hermilio Valdizán (UNHEVAL). Methods: Cross-sectional study. The population was constituted by 371 students of the professional career of Human Medicine who were enrolled and taking courses in July 2018. It was applied a self-administered questionnaire which allowed to obtain information about the consumption of fruits and vegetables. From the collected data it was obtained the prevalence and factors associated with low consumption of fruits and vegetables. Results: The prevalence of low consumption of fruits and vegetables was 60,1% (IC95%: 55,0% -65,2%). The main reasons for not consuming fruits and vegetables were that it is rare to get them in the cafeterias of the university (78,7%), insufficient time for their selection, purchase and preparation (73,6%) and living with one of the parents who were in charge for their feeding. (55,3%). The multivariate analysis found that the only factor associated with low consumption of fruits and vegetables was the insufficient time for selection, purchase and preparation; whereas, living with one of the parents constituted a factor protector. Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of low consumption of fruits and vegetables in students of the professional career of human medicine of the UNHEVAL. The insufficient time for the selection, purchase and preparation of fruits and vegetables is an associated factor and living with one of the parents constitutes a protector factor.Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia y factores asociados al bajo consumo de frutas y verduras en alumnos de la carrera profesional de medicina humana de la Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán (UNHEVAL). Métodos: Estudio transversal. La población estuvo constituida por los 371 de alumnos de la carrera profesional de Medicina Humana que se encontraban matriculados y cursando estudios en julio de 2018. Se aplicó de un cuestionario autoadministrado el cual permitió obtener información del consumo de frutas y verduras. A partir de los datos recolectados obtuvo la prevalencia y factores asociados al bajo consumo de frutas y verduras. Resultados: La prevalencia de bajo consumo de frutas y verduras fue de 60,1% (IC95%: 55,0%-65,2%). Las principales razones para no consumir frutas y verduras fueron el considerar que es poco frecuente conseguirlas en los cafetines de la universidad (78,7%), el tiempo insuficiente para su selección, compra y preparación (73,6%) y el vivir con alguno de los padres que se encargaban de su alimentación (55,3%). El análisis multivariado encontró que el único factor asociado al bajo consumo de frutas y verduras fue el tiempo insuficiente para la selección, compra y preparación; mientras que, vivir con alguno de los padres constituyó factor protector. Conclusión: Existe una alta prevalencia de bajo consumo de frutas y verduras en alumnos de la carrera profesional de medicina humana de la UNHEVAL. El tiempo insuficiente para la selección, compra y preparación de frutas y verduras constituye factor asociado y vivir con alguno de los padres constituye factor protector

    Roles of calcium and Mitochondria-Associated Membranes in the development of obesity and diabetes

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    AbstractObesity has become a public health problem around the world. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, 2014 report), more than one in three adults in Mexico are obese. It is known that the hypothalamus, a region of the Central Nervous System (CNS), is actively involved in regulating energy homeostasis during obesity. Anatomically, the hypothalamus is composed of several nuclei coordinating body weight and metabolism, including the arcuate nucleus (ARC), which contains neurons co-expressing orexigenic peptides like Agouti-related protein (AgRP), Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and the anorexigenic peptide Pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC). During obesity, the integration and metabolic response in the ARC is disrupted by three molecular mechanisms: (1) activation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, (2) mitochondrial dysfunction, and (3) increase of ER and mitochondria contacts, known as Mitochondria-Associated Membranes (MAMs). In this context, it is proposed that MAMs formation induces mitochondrial Ca2+ overload and metabolic dysfunction, leading to insulin resistance and diabetes. Recently, MAMs formation has emerged as one of the molecular mechanisms underlying metabolic alterations during obesity. Thus, in this review we will focus on proposing scientific evidence to support the role of the MAMs and their function on calcium regulation during obesity, as an important pathological mechanism in the development of diabetes mellitus type 2

    Estudio comparativo, cruzado, doble ciego, al azar para determinar la bioequivalencia entre dos formulaciones de valsartán en tabletas y cápsulas

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    Introduction: Bioequivalence or compared equivalence studies are used to demonstrate claims that the new product, named generic product, will have the same bioavailability as the reference product, named brand product. If two products are bioequivalent it means that they would expect to have the same efficacy and security. Bioequivalence is established by the statistical estimation of significant differences or not in the pharmacokinetics parameters of area under the curve (AUC) and maximum concentration (Cmax). In this case, bioequivalence will be evaluated and the bioavailability of Valsartan will be compared. Valsartan is an agent antihypertensive and specific angiotensin II antagonist acting on the AT1 receptor subtype. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the bioequivalence of two pharmaceutical products whose active principle is Valsartan, based on the comparison of the pharmacokinetic measures of rate and extent (in terms of required time) in which valsartan reaches the sanguineous circulation after a oral dose to 15 volunteers. Metodology: This was a randomized crossover double blind single-dose study on 15 male healthy volunteers aged between 19 and 28 years. The study was performed in two periods. Each treatment period consisted of a single-dose of 320 mg valsartan, with a wash-out time of 8 days between the first and second period. Plasma concentrations of valsartan were evaluated by HPLC/ UV with method of addition of valsartan standard and losartan as internal standard. Results: Valsartan tablets formulation showed this pharmacokinetic parameters: AUC 44,893 μg/mlxh, Cmax 6,430.3 μg/ml and Tmax 2 h. Valsartan capsules formulation showed this pharmacokinetic parameters: AUC 44,963 μg/mlxh, Cmax 5,831.4 μg/ml and Tmax 2.5 h. Conclusion: The study showed no statistically significant differences in the plasma concentration levels after administration of the two formulations of valsartan: 80 mg tablets and 80 mg capsules. So, the design of the study and the application of the protocols chosen enabled the demonstration of bioequivalence between the products. Introducción: Los estudios de bioequivalencia o equivalencia comparada se realizan para demostrar que el producto en estudio, conocido como producto genérico, tiene la misma biodisponibilidad del producto de referencia, también conocido como producto innovador o de marca. Si los dos productos son bioequivalentes, se espera que tengan las mismas características de seguridad y eficacia. La bioequivalencia es establecida por la estimación estadística de diferencias significativas o no en los parámetros farmacocinéticos de área bajo la curva (ABC) y concentración máxima (Cmáx). En este caso, se evaluará y se comparará la biodisponibilidad de valsartán, un agente antihipertensivo inhibidor específico del receptor de angiotensina II subtipo AT1, en las membranas celulares del músculo liso vascular. Objetivo: Evaluar la bioequivalencia de dos productos farmacéuticos cuyo principio activo es valsartán, con base en la comparación de las medidas farmacocinéticas de cantidad y velocidad (en términos de tiempo requerido), con que el valsartán alcanza la circulación sanguínea después de ser administrado por vía oral a 15 voluntarios. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio aleatorizado, cruzado, a doble ciego, de dosis única en 15 voluntarios sanos con edades entre 19 y 28 años. El estudio se realizó en dos períodos; en cada período de tratamiento se administró una dosis de 320 mg de valsartán, con un período de lavado de 8 días entre el primero y segundo tratamiento. Las concentraciones plasmáticas se evaluaron por HPLC/UV con el método de adición de estándar, empleando losartán como estándar interno. Resultados: Para las tabletas de valsartán se obtuvieron los siguientes parámetros farmacocinéticas: ABC de 44,893 μg/ mlxh, Cmáx de 6,430.3 μg/ml y Tmáx de 2 h. Para las cápsulas de valsartán se obtuvieron los siguientes parámetros farmacocinéticas: ABC de 44,963 μg/mlxh, Cmáx de 5,831.4 μg/ml y Tmáx de 2.5 h. Conclusión: Los resultados del estudio no mostraron diferencias significativas en los niveles de concentraciones plasmáticas después de la administración de las dos formulaciones de valsartán: 80 mg tabletas y 80 mg cápsulas. Por tanto, el diseño del estudio y la aplicación de los protocolos escogidos permitieron demostrar la bioequivalencia entre los productos

    Roles of calcium and Mitochondria-Associated Membranes in the development of obesity and diabetes

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    Obesity has become a public health problem around the world. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, 2014 report), more than one in three adults in Mexico are obese. It is known that the hypothalamus, a region of the Central Nervous System (CNS), is actively involved in regulating energy homeostasis during obesity. Anatomically, the hypothalamus is composed of several nuclei coordinating body weight and metabolism, including the arcuate nucleus (ARC), which contains neurons co-expressing orexigenic peptides like Agouti-related protein (AgRP), Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and the anorexigenic peptide Pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC). During obesity, the integration and metabolic response in the ARC is disrupted by three molecular mechanisms: (1) activation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, (2) mitochondrial dysfunction, and (3) increase of ER and mitochondria contacts, known as Mitochondria-Associated Membranes (MAMs). In this context, it is proposed that MAMs formation induces mitochondrial Ca2+ overload and metabolic dysfunction, leading to insulin resistance and diabetes. Recently, MAMs formation has emerged as one of the molecular mechanisms underlying metabolic alterations during obesity. Thus, in this review we will focus on proposing scientific evidence to support the role of the MAMs and their function on calcium regulation during obesity, as an important pathological mechanism in the development of diabetes mellitus type 2

    El 15-M y los blogs firmados por mujeres en elmundo.es

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    Grupo de Investigación en Estructura, Historia y Contenidos de la Comunicación. GREHCCO HUM618Laboratorio de Estudios en Comunicación (LADECOM

    Documentación Sistema Gestión de Calidad, Norma NTC ISO 9001-2008 en la empresa M & M Proyectos e Ingeniería SAS

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    El principal objetivo es documentar un Sistema de Gestión de Calidad en la Empresa M & M Proyectos e Ingeniería SAS, de acuerdo a los requisitos de la Norma ISO 9001:2008, con el fin de que queda lista para su implementación conforme a las necesidades de cada una de las áreas de la Empresa. Para la realización de la investigación se tuvo en cuenta la necesidades de la organización, la documentación existente y su relación con los requisitos dados por la Norma, además la necesidad que se estableciera una estructura documental que orientara las acciones al interior desde la perspectiva de la calidad. Unido a esto de desarrolla el análisis de los procesos de la organización, se establecen los procesos estratégicos, misionales y de apoyo, y su interrelación, con el fin de conocer las actividades que se generan al interior de la organización. Con un adecuado manejo del Sistema de Gestión de Calidad se permite ampliar un panorama en el mercado objetivo al brindar resultados orientados al aumento de la competitividad, manteniendo un desarrollo organizacional en un ambiente de efectividad eficiencia y eficacia para transformar dificultades en oportunidades orientadas a satisfacer las expectativas y necesidades de la empresa y sus partes interesadas. Se pretende además planear, medir, controlar y mejorar la calidad de los servicios, aplicando las medidas correctivas, preventivas y de mejora necesarias para lograrlo.The main objective is to document a Quality Management System in the company M & M Proyectos e Ingeniería SAS, according to the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, so that it will be ready for implementation according to the needs of each of the areas of the company. To carry out the research, the needs of the organization had to be taken into account. The existing documentation and its relation to the requirements given by the Standard also needs a document structure to guide action within the perspective of the establishment quality. Also together with in the development of the analyisis the process of the organization, strategic, mission support and establishing processes, and their interrelationships, in order to know the activities generated within the organization. With proper management of the Quality Management System to extend an overview on the market to deliver results aimed at increasing competitiveness, while maintaining effective organizational development in an environment of effectiveness and efficiency to transform challenges into opportunities aimed at towards meeting the expectations and needs of the company and its stakeholders. It also intends to plan, monitor, measure, and improve the quality of services, by applying corrective, preventive and improving actions necessary to achieve the objective

    Magnetic properties of Fe0.9-qMn0.1Alq disordered alloys: Theory

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    ABSTRACT: By using the free-energy variational method based on the Bogoliubov inequality and a diluted and randombond Ising model with nearest-neighbors interactions, we investigate the magnetic phase diagram and some of the magnetic properties of the disordered Fe0.92qMn0.1Alq alloys system. Thus the mean magnetization per site, and hence the average hyperfine magnetic field, are computed. The so-obtained results are compared with room-temperature experimental data obtained by 57Fe Mo¨ssbauer spectroscopy and vibrating sample magnetometry, from which a very good agreement is achieved. Here, the occurrence of a ‘‘critical concentration’’ at 40.0 at.% Al, for which the system passes from a ferromagnetically ordered state to a paramagnetic one, is evidenced. The model allows obtaining an estimate of the exchange energy between Fe-Fe pairs. How this energy depends on the Al concentration and the role of the manganese atoms is also presented and discussed

    Procedure to use phosphogypsum industrial waste for mineral CO 2 sequestration

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    Industrial wet phosphoric acid production in Huelva (SW Spain) has led to the controversial stockpiling of waste phosphogypsum by-products, resulting in the release of significant quantities of toxic impurities in salt marshes in the Tinto river estuary. In the framework of the fight against global climate change and the effort to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, a simple and efficient procedure for CO 2 mineral sequestration is presented in this work, using phosphogypsum waste as a calcium source. Our results demonstrate the high efficiency of portlandite precipitation by phosphogypsum dissolution using an alkaline soda solution. Carbonation experiments performed at ambient pressure and temperature resulted in total conversion of the portlandite into carbonate. The fate of trace elements present in the phosphogypsum waste was also investigated, and trace impurities were found to be completely transferred to the final calcite. We believe that the procedure proposed here should be considered not only as a solution for reducing old stockpiles of phosphogypsum wastes, but also for future phosphoric acid and other gypsum-producing industrial processes, resulting in more sustainable production.Junta de Andalucía TEP115Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PIA42008-3