117 research outputs found

    Suspense in the Phaeacian Episode of Apollonius' Argonautica

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    Recalibrating the Sex Offender Registration System

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    Pengaruh Promosi Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Yang Di Mediasi Oleh Minat Beli Konsumen Roxy Swalayan Ende

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Promotion on:1) Customer Purchase Decisions  at Roxy Swalayan Ende, 2) Purchasing Intention at Roxy Swalayan Ende, 3)Buying Interest on Customer Purchasing Decisions at Roxy Swalayan Ende, and 4)Promotion on Customer Decisions mediated by Buying Interest at Roxy Swalayan Ende. This research includes causality research using a quantitative approach. the samples in this study were customers who shop at Roxy Swalayan Ende amounting to 50 people. Data collection used a questionnaire while data analysis performed using Path Analysis. The data were collected using questionnaires that have been tested for validity and reliability. Path analysis was used to test the hypothesis of this study. The results of this study indicate that: 1)promotion has positive and significance influence on Customer Purchase Decisions with a beta Value of 0,469, 2) promotion has positive and significant effect on purchase intention at Roxy Swalayan with beta value of 0,582, 3)purchase intention has positive and significant influence on Customer purchasing decisions at Roxy Swalayan Ende with beta value of 0,438, 4) promotion has positive and significant effect on customer purchasing decisions mediated by buying interest has a beta value of 0,25

    Jærstrendene som konfliktsone

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    Friluftsliv er dypt forankret i norsk nasjonal identitet. For mange er friluftsliv også en viktig del av deres personlige identitet. Jærstrendene er hjem for både moderne og tradisjonelt friluftsliv, samtidig som det vokser frem et økende fokus på vern av naturmangfold. Jærstrendene ble etablert som landskapsvernområde i 1977, hvor det i ettertid har oppstått en rekke konflikter knyttet til vern og bruk av Jærstrendene. Oppgaven utforsker tre av disse konfliktene og søker et svar på hvilken verdi Jærstrendene har for menneskene som anvender dem. Den første konflikten handler om kunstutstillingen «Another Place» av Antony Gormley som ble utstilt på Solastranden sommeren 1998. Den andre konflikten utforsker brettsportforbudet på Jæren som forhindrer surfing i fuglefredningsområdene i vinterhalvåret. Den tredje utvalgte konflikten handler om hundehold på Hellestøstranden, og en tidligere prøveordning som ga unntak fra båndtvangsbestemmelsene. For å svare på problemstillingen har jeg lagt et grunnlag av teoretiske perspektiver i det følgende kapittelet. Her behandles blant annet begrepene «sted», «sense of place» og «landskap». I teorikapittelet ser jeg også på tidligere forskning på perspektiver på landskap, og forholdet mellom menneske, sted og hav. Den irske forskeren Easkey Britton, og det amerikanske ekteparet Kaplan har særlig bidratt med interessante teorier om forholdet mellom menneske og hav. Teoriene ga en bedre forståelse for aktørenes frustrasjon i konfliktene, og ga et bedre grunnlag for å kunne svare på oppgavens problemstilling. Selv med noen fellesnevnere, behandles de tre konfliktene behandles som hver sin case. Dette for å forsøke å få en helhetlig forståelse for den enkelte konflikten, før jeg avslutningsvis analyserer funnene jeg har gjort i de tre konfliktene som en komparativ casestudie. Det metodiske valget ble gjort i ønske om å få et bredere inntrykk av variasjon eller likhet i de tre konfliktene som ble studert. I siste kapittel presenterer og drøfter jeg funnene som ble gjort gjennom analyse av de enkelte casestudiene. Studiene kobles sammen, og jeg finner at en av de viktigere fellesnevnerne for de tre konfliktene, er havet. For surferne er selve brytningspunktet i havet det verdifulle stedet hvor enkelte søker eskapisme, rekreasjon og mening. Turgåerne beskriver stedet hvor vann møter land som uerstattelig, og også som et sted for rekreasjon og frihet. Endringer, forbud og begrensninger i disse områdene oppleves som svært inngripende for brukerne, og noen beskrev at de i etterkant kjente på manglende frihet. Hvilken verdi Jærstrendene har for menneskene som bruker dem er individuelt. De tre casestudiene viser at svært mange trekker til Jærstrendene for rekreasjon, eskapisme eller for å utøve friluftsliv. Forskning tyder på at surfere kan oppleve bølgesurfing som helbredende, og som dypt forankret i sin identitet. Frustrasjonen og motstanden fra surferne på Jæren viser tydelige tegn på at det de ble frarøvet var en verdifull arena som ikke kan erstattes. Som med dem som utøvde sitt friluftsliv på Sola- eller Hellestøstranden, så kunne ikke lokalmyndighetene tilby dem noe som erstattet stedet og mulighetene de mistet. Forholdet mellom menneske og sted er individuelt og dypt forankret i oss, hvor mennesket evner å skape en verdifull personlig relasjon, til sted.Outdoor life is deeply anchored as a part of the Norwegian national identity. For many people, outdoor life is also a part of their personal identity. The beaches of Jæren are centers for both modern and traditional outdoor life. At the same time, there is an increased focus on protecting the natural diversity that Jæren holds. The beaches of Jæren were established as a protected landscape area in 1977, which has caused multiple conflicts due to disagreements regarding the protection and use of the area. The thesis will explore three of these conflicts in search of an answer to the question, what value the beaches of Jæren hold for the people that use them? The first conflict is about the art project “Another Place” by Antony Gormley that was placed on the most visited beach at Jæren, Solastranden. The second conflict explores forbidden pointbreaks that the surfers of Jæren cannot surf due to them being in a bird conservation area where there is a board sports ban. The final conflict is between dog walkers and the local authorities in Sola that withdrew a trial scheme where they could walk their dogs without a leash at Hellestøstranden. Firstly, the thesis will give a theoretical review around concepts as place, sense of place and landscape. It will also seek previous research on perspectives on landscape, and the connection between man, place, and sea. Theories from scientists as Easky Britton and the Kaplans functioned as a key part for both understanding the conflicts, and for being able to analyze them. Even though the three conflicts are similar in some ways, I have divided them into three separate chapters where they will be analyzed separately at first. The reason for this was me wanting to gain a more holistic understanding of the individual conflict, before finally analyzing the findings I have made as a comparative case study. The methodological choice was made due to wanting to get a broader impression of either variation or similarity from the three conflicts that I chose to study. The last chapter presents and discusses the findings that were made through analysis of the individual case studies. This chapter connects the case studies, and here I found that one of the more important common denominators is the ocean. For the surfers, the pointbreak is the place of value where they might seek escapism, recreation and meaning. The hikers describe the place where water meats earth as irreplaceable, and as a place that holds freedom. Changes, prohibitions, and restrictions in these areas are described as intrusive by both hikers and surfers. Some of them also told the local newspaper that they felt a lack of freedom due to limitations laid down by the local authorities. I wanted an answer to which value the beaches of Jæren hold for the individual that uses them. I concluded that the answer must be individual. People visit these beaches to seek both comfort, escapism, understanding, meaning and outdoor life. Research suggests that surfers can experience the waves of the ocean as healing, and that surfing is deeply rooted in their identity. The frustration and resistance that the surfers of Jæren have shown suggests that the forbidden pointbreaks are a highly valued arena that cannot be replaced. As with those who exercised their outdoor life on the beach of Sola or Hellestø. There was no place that could compare to the landscape of Hellestøstranden and changing the landscape of Solastranden was heartbreaking for many of the hikers. The connection between man and place is individual and deeply rooted within us, where one is able to create a valuable personal relationship with a specific place. It is sacred, and it causes conflict when by using the landscape you hold dear, you might also contribute to its destruction


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    This study aims to determine the effect of: (1) Education on teacher work performance at MTs Negeri 1 Ende (2) Work experience on teacher work performance at MTs Negeri 1 Ende. This research includes causality research using a quantitative approach. The sample in this study were 35 teachers at MTs Negeri 1 Ende.. The data were collected using a questionnaire while the data analysis was carried out using multiple linear regression. The data were collected using a questionnaire that had been tested for validity and reliability.Multiple linear regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis of this study. The results of this study indicate that the level of education has a positive and significant influence on the work performance of MTs Negeri 1 Ende teachers and Work implementation has a positive and significant effect on the performance of MTs Negeri 1 Ende teachers

    Å skape symmetri i en asymmetrisk relasjon - Barnehagelæreres refleksjoner over møtet med familier fra ulike kulturer, sett i et maktperspektiv

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    Denne masteroppgaven er skrevet ut ifra problemstillingen «Hvordan kan barnehagelæreres refleksjoner over møtet med familier fra ulike kulturer forstås i et maktperspektiv?». Problemstillingen belyses gjennom forskningsspørsmålene 1: «Hvilke «beliefs» kommer til uttrykk i barnehagelærernes refleksjoner over flerkulturelt foreldresamarbeid?» og 2: «Hvordan kan man forstå barnehagelærernes «beliefs» i lys av kultur og makt?». Studien analyserer hva som ligger til grunn for barnehagelærernes refleksjoner, og belyser dette med utgangspunkt i kultur og makt. Barnehagelærernes refleksjoner blir sortert inn i «beliefs» som handler om deres grunnleggende forståelse av verden. Oppgaven bygger på kulturteori som beskriver hvordan man kan forstå menneskers handlingsmønstre basert på kulturelle forskjeller. Videre bygger den på maktteori med utgangspunkt i makt som noe som finnes i relasjonen mellom mennesker, og som handlinger som påvirker handlinger. Makt er derfor ikke noe man har, men noe man gjør. For å finne svar på problemstillingen, ble det gjennomført et kvalitativt forskningsprosjekt med intervju av 6 barnehagelærere som hadde erfaring med flerkulturelt foreldresamarbeid. Forskningsspørsmål 1 brukes for å finne hvilke «beliefs» barnehagelærerne viser gjennom sine refleksjoner, og forskningsspørsmål 2 bidrar til å undersøke hvordan man kan forstå deres «beliefs» i lys av makt og kultur. Gjennom analysen av deres refleksjoner ble det funnet at barnehagelærere ønsker å jobbe for symmetri i det flerkulturelle foreldresamarbeidet. Deres «beliefs» og deres handlinger ga muligheter for å skape symmetri i samarbeidet, men det var også en risiko for å skape mer asymmetri i relasjonen til de flerkulturelle foreldrene.This master's thesis is based on the problem "How can kindergarten teachers' reflections on the meeting with families from different cultures be understood from a perspective of power?". The issue is discussed through research questions 1: "Which "beliefs" are expressed in the kindergarten teachers' reflections on multicultural parent cooperation?" and 2: "How can one understand the kindergarten teachers' “beliefs” in the light of culture and power?". The study analyzes the kindergarten teachers' reflections and discuss this based on theories of culture and power. The kindergarten teachers' reflections are sorted into beliefs, which are about their basic understanding of the world. The assignment is based on cultural theory, which describes how people's actions can be understood based on cultural differences. Furthermore, it is based on power theory that views power as something found in the relationship between people, and as actions that influence actions. Power is therefore not something you have, but something you do. To find an answer to the problem, a qualitative research project was carried out with interviews of 6 kindergarten teachers who had experience of multicultural parent-teacher cooperation. Research question number 1 is used to find which "beliefs" the kindergarten teachers show through their reflections, and research question number 2 helps to investigate how one can understand their beliefs in the light of power and culture. Through the analysis of their reflections, it was found that kindergarten teachers want to work for symmetry in the multicultural parent-teacher cooperation. Their beliefs and their actions gave opportunities to create symmetry in the collaboration, but there was also a risk of creating more asymmetry in the relationship with the multicultural parents

    ONE-SIZE-FITS-ALL? Hvordan kan Forsvarets høgskolestyrke fagmiljøet innen militære fellesoperasjoner for å tilfredsstille kompetansekravene gitt i studietilsynsforskriften?

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    Temaet for oppgaven på et overordnet nivå er høyere utdanning i Forsvaret. Mer avgrenset er temaet hvordan Forsvarets personell- og utdanningssystem påvirker Forsvarets høgskoles(FHS) satsing på kompetanseutvikling av egne faglige ansatte. For å innhente empiri er det benyttet et kvalitativ casestudie av fagmiljøet for militære fellesoperasjoner ved FHS/Stabsskolen. Dette er gjort gjennom dybdeintervjuer. Hensikten har vært å besvare følgende problemstilling: «Hvordan kan FHS styrke fagmiljøet innen militære fellesoperasjoner for å tilfredsstille kompetansekravene gitt i studietilsynsforskriften»? Målsettingen har vært å bidra med innsikt om noen av forholdene som påvirker kompetansehevingen i fagmiljøet. Undersøkelsen er derfor brutt opp på system-, organisasjons- og individnivå. Det teoretiske rammeverket er knyttet opp mot offentlige styrende dokumenter og analyser, i tillegg til organisasjonsteori, motivasjonsteori og militærsosiologi. Undersøkelsen er interessant for FHS og Forsvarsstaben HR som bidrag til fremtidig kompetanseplanlegning. Funnene indikerer at det kan eksistere en viss motstand i dagens fagmiljø mot å i tillegg satse på sivile med førstestillingskompetanse, på tross av at samtlige mener det er svært utfordrende å skaffe eller utvikle dette akademiske kompetansenivået blant militære. Undersøkelsen viseren uheldig kobling mellom «militær nivådannende utdanning» og akademisk utdanning, som gir utslag i at militær mastergrad erverves aldersmessig forholdsvis sent for offiserer –som igjen kan komplisere mulighetene for å utvikle militære til ph.d. Undersøkelsen peker også på at dagens praksis hvor karriere i stor grad styres av de tre forsvarsgrenene, ikke driftsenheten som kjenner behovene, kan virke kontraproduktivt i arbeidet med å styrke fagmiljøet. Dette kan lede til at offiserer ikke finner det karrieremessig «smart» å søke seg jobb ved FHS. I lys av problemstillingen er det interessant å forstå hvordan en revidering av forholdene som kan påvirke kompetanseheving kan bidra til å styrke fagmiljøet. Oppgavens anbefaling er: • Økt fleksibilitet i hvorvidt faglige stillingshjemler er militære eller sivile. • Å oppheve koblingen mellom nivådannede utdanning og akkreditert utdanning. • At FHS tar et større grep om karriereplaner for offiserer. The theme of this thesis at an overall level is higher education in the Armed Forces. The theme more defined is how the Armed Forces personnel-and education system affects the Norwegian Defence University College’s (NDUC) focus on developing competence of its own academic staff. It uses a qualitative case study of the professional community for military joint operations at the NDUC to obtain the empirical data. This has been done through in-depth interviews, where the purpose is to answer the thesis statement: "How can the NDUC strengthen the professional community in military joint operations to meet the competence requirements given in the Regulations concerning Quality Assurance of Higher Education?" The aim is to contribute with insight into surrounding conditions that affects the competence enhancement in the professional community. The study therefore analyses issues that lies in the system, organisational and individual levels of the thesis statement. The theoretical framework is linked to studies of governing documents and organisational theory and military sociology. The results are interesting to the NDUC and the Defense Staff HR, as a contribution to future competence management. The findings indicate that there may be some resistance in today's professional environment toward also investing in civilians with associate professor level, despite the fact that all consider it very challenging to acquire or develop this academic level among officers. The study also finds an unfortunate link between "military-level education" and academic education, which results in the fact that military master's degrees appear relatively late for officers -which in turn can complicate the possibilities for developing officers to a Ph.D level. The study points out that today's practice where careers are largely governed by the three branches, not the operating units that knows the need, can seem counterproductive in the efforts to strengthen the professional environment. This can lead to officers not finding it as career-wise "smart" to apply for a position in the professional community. In light of the thesis statement, it is particularly interesting to understand how a revision of the conditions affecting the raising of skills can help to strengthen the professional environment. The recommendation is: • Increased flexibility in whether members of the academic staff are military or civilian. • Unblocking the link between «military-level education» and accredited education. • The NDUC to takes a greater hold on the career selection of officers

    Pengaruh Kemampuan Pembelajaran Organisasional Terhadap Kompetensi Inti Organisasi, dan Kinerja Organisasi Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Propinsi NTT Suatu Tinjauan Literatur Untuk Membangun Hipotesis Penelitian

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    Empirically, this paper is expected to see the extent of the development of organizational learning models in the Development of Private Higher Education in the Province of East Nusa Tenggara Province by including the dimensions of the organization's core competencies, and organizational performance in previous strategy research. With the stages of model development which can be seen the contribution and contribution of each previous research to the research carried out mainly in building research hypotheses. In this paper we also want to look gradually at how to understand the partial effect of organizational learning on the organization's core competencies, on diversification strategies and organizational performance. And how all the aspects examined above contribute to further studies in the field of strategy management concerning the effect of organizational learning on core competencies, diversification strategies and organizational performance. The design of this research is mostly done on companies in the field of services in general and some research on higher education organizations. Looking at / reviewing all the studies that have been done by previous researchers whose variables are used as the basis for building and developing hypotheses in this paper, namely, the influence between organizational learning, organizational core competencies and performance. With the following stages begin with searching, separating articles, extracting data, synthesizing data, reporting data. The main contribution in this research is to illustrate that how the construct of organizational learning needs to be developed in improving the organization's core competencies, which in the end is expected to improve the performance of private higher education organizations in NTT Province

    Investigating the Interaction of NDOT Hot-Pour PCC Joint Sealant and Penetrating Concrete Sealers

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    Based on the field observations on NE-83, PCS potentially impacts the bond between the concrete and hot-pour sealant after application. If penetrating sealers break the interfacial bond after application, concrete pavements could become compromised and subject to freeze-thaw damage, chloride attack, and other deleterious effects. The results show that discoloration occurred when applying the five PCS products to the NE-3405 hot-pour sealed testing blocks. All three test methods of application; spraying, 1-min, and 5-min soaks, caused discoloration. The level of discoloration increased with the duration of contact with the PCS. Despite discoloration, none of the five PCS products caused de-bonding issues during extension testing which concludes that the PCS products do not deteriorate of the interfacial bond between NE-3405 hot-pour sealant and concrete surfaces. Maintenance crews and contractors should be advised that some discoloration is normal and should not cause concern