83 research outputs found

    Da 'heliđhelm' a 'tarenkappe' e oltre: intersezioni linguistico-culturali e rifunzionalizzazioni di un tema del fantastico.

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    The opinion that the Hêliand (l. 5452a) has the earliest instance of the “invisibility cape” or Tarnkappe, used by Siegfried in the Nibelungenlied, is widely shared among scholars. In the Old Saxon poem the “magic helmet” (heliðhelm) is being worn by Satan to conceal his identity. In fact, he has come from hell in order to prevent the salvation of the world by opposing the crucifixion of Christ. In this essay I will argue that the interpretation of heliðhelm within a historical and religious context allows to shed new light onto a topic too often considered only through the filter of Germanic magic. A thorough linguistic analysis which takes into account the related terms in various Germanic languages will be provided, thus showing that the global meaning retrieval process is based on synchronic, rather than diachronic mechanisms. The historical reconstruction of “reference” (Bedeutung) becomes a crucial step towards a better understanding of “sense” (Sinn)

    Machine Learning Algorithm for the Scansion of Old Saxon Poetry

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    Several scholars designed tools to perform the automatic scansion of poetry in many languages, but none of these tools deal with Old Saxon or Old English. This project aims to be a first attempt to create a tool for these languages. We implemented a Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) model to perform the automatic scansion of Old Saxon and Old English poems. Since this model uses supervised learning, we manually annotated the Heliand manuscript, and we used the resulting corpus as labeled dataset to train the model. The evaluation of the performance of the algorithm reached a 97% for the accuracy and a 99% of weighted average for precision, recall and F1 Score. In addition, we tested the model with some verses from the Old Saxon Genesis and some from The Battle of Brunanburh, and we observed that the model predicted almost all Old Saxon metrical patterns correctly misclassified the majority of the Old English input verses

    Njáls saga as a novel : Four aspects of rewriting

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    La Bibbia nelle letterature germaniche medievali

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    È certamente un luogo comune affermare che la Bibbia è il testo fondamentale della cultura occidentale. Il fatto che si tratti di un luogo comune, tuttavia, non rende l’affermazione meno vera: per tutta l’epoca medievale il testo biblico è fondamento imprescindibile delle credenze socialmente accettate, è modello di comportamento etico, è repertorio di storie esemplari che permettono di assegnare un senso agli eventi storici come al vissuto quotidiano. La partecipazione dei popoli germanici alla costruzione del sistema culturale europeo, dalla tarda antichità fino all'età moderna, è percorsa e pervasa dai processi di traduzione, rielaborazione e riuso dei libri dell’Antico e del Nuovo Testamento. I contributi raccolti in questo volume offrono apporti interessanti e spesso originali ai molti ambiti di discussione sul testo biblico, inserendo così la riflessione dei filologi germanici italiani nel più ampio dibattito internazionale e contribuendo in misura significativa a svilupparlo e ad approfondirlo


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    Dei viaggi di Messer Marco Polo – versione del Milione redatta da Giovan Battista Ramusio per le Navigationi et viaggi (1559) – è oggi accessibile in un’edizione critica commentata, pensata nella forma di un’applicazione ipertestuale per il Web, grazie alla quale il “lettore” potrà attingere contemporaneamente: alla visualizzazione continua del testo (in edizione critica); alla visualizzazione del commento filologico, organizzato secondo la divisione in tre libri; al recupero integrale delle sette versioni del Milione (tre delle quali inedite) direttamente/indirettamente in gioco sul tavolo di Ramusio; a un corpo di schede (attivabili in pop-up) che forniscono informazioni storico-geografiche (con un link a Google-Maps) su persone, luoghi e oggetti significativi del testo. Il progetto intellettuale è stato coordinato da Eugenio Burgio, Marina Buzzoni e Antonella Ghersetti; vi hanno collaborato (in forme diverse) Samuela Simion (corresponsabile anche della cura editoriale), Alvise Andreose, Alvaro Barbieri, Giampiero Bellingeri, Angelo Cattaneo, Marco Ceresa, Giacomo Corazzol, Simone Cristoforetti, Daniele Cuneo, Paolo De Troia, Giuseppe Mascherpa, Laura Minervini, Maria Piccoli, Elisabetta Ragagnin, Irene Reginato, Fabio Romanini, Vito Santoliquido, Federico Squarcini. La progettazione intellettuale e l’implementazione digitale dell’edizione sono state finanziate dal Programma 2011 «Progetti di Ricerca di Ateneo» dell’Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia

    “Tea for two”: the Archive of the Italian Latinity of the Middle Ages Meets the CLARIN Infrastructure

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    This paper aims at showing how integrating the Archive of the Italian Latinity of the Middle Ages(ALIM) into the ILC4CLARIN repository can provide mutual benefits. Making ALIM availableto a large community of scholars and researchers, on the one side, represents the first step to reduce the lack of resources for Medieval Latin in CLARIN and, on the other side, constitutesan unprecedented contribution to not only linguistic investigations, but also to the studies ofthe culture and science at the basis of the Western European society. The paper describes theadopted approach aiming to keep intact the structure of the archive and its metadata, which areboth accurately mirrored into the ILC4CLARIN repository in order to maintain existing accesspractices of the users. This structure can be found in exactly the same state within the CLARIN VLO. Finally, the paper illustrates the advantages of experimenting with some ALIM data, once introduced within the CLARIN Language Resource Switchboard service: first results are shown from the analysis of some texts with the UDPipe tool suite and the distant reading tool Voyant

    Le lingue nordiche nel medioevo. Vol. 1: Testi.

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    The first volume of Le lingue nordiche nel medioevo offers extracts of central and typical medieval Nordic texts from the period 1200–1500. There are four texts from each of the languages Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Icelandic, as well as a single text in Guthnic. Each text has a brief introduction, a facing translation into Italian, and a broad selection of textual notes. All texts have been transcribed and edited by the authors themselves, and for each text a facsimile is reproduced in order to display the manuscript from which the text has been edited. The general introduction aims at putting the linguistic development of the Nordic languages into perspective, as well as the textual genres and the manuscripts themselves

    Germanic Philology and the digital paradigm: models, methods and tools for medieval Germanic texts

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    The essays included in this volume will focus on methodological issues as well as on specific philological projects dealing with medieval Germanic texts and carried out within the digital paradigm. The goal is, on the one hand, to stimulate reflection on the research opportunities offered by that paradigm to our field, in the wake of the impulse given in 2007 by the editors of the journal Speculum, when they issued a Supplement evocatively titled The Digital Middle Ages (vol. 92, n. 51, October 2017). On the other hand, the volume intends to make more visible the achievements of those studies that employ digital methods and/or digital tools for a new approach to the scholarly editing and philological analysis of medieval Germanic texts and corpora

    (26 voci in totale): Codex descriptus, Codex interpositus, Collation, Combinatio, Diasystem, Diffraction, Dispositio, Divinatio, Eliminatio codicorum descriptorum, Eliminatio lectionum singularium, Emendatio, Emendatio ex fonte, Examinatio, Lectio singularis, Locus criticus, Neo-Lachmannian Philology 1, Giorgio Pasquali, Recension (closed and open), Recentiores non deteriores, Redaction, Scuola storica, Cesare Segre, Selectio, Sebastiano Timpanaro, Tradition, Usus scribendi

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    A brief lexicon of stemmatology The Parvum lexicon stemmatologicum (PLS) is a scholarly digital resource providing explanations for technical terms related to stemmatology, a discipline of classical and mediaeval philology aiming at understanding the historical evolution of textual traditions. The PLS was initiated, within the framework of the Studia Stemmatologica research network, by Odd Einar Haugen, who was its editor-in-chief until May 15, 2015. The necessity of creating such a digital resource becomes evident if one realises that stemmatology is by nature an interdisciplinary discipline, using concepts and methods from a variety of different fields: linguistics, codicology, palaeography, book history, etc. In addition, stemmatology is at the same time an old discipline (dating back from the first half of the nineteenth century in its modern form and from the Hellenistic period in its most ancient attestations) and a discipline that has recently undertaken a methodological revolution, not only because of the digital turn in the humanities, but perhaps more importantly because of the influence of phylogenetics. The PLS attempts to address the challenge of integrating old and new concepts, and besides includes the presentation of methods and tools used in stemmatology and sometimes borrowed from other disciplines, such as computer science, mathematics or biology. Moreover, as any other venerable discipline of the humanities, stemmatology has developed according to more or less national schools or traditions, in which the same concepts are not always used in exactly the same way. The PLS tries to address this linguistic aspect by providing equivalents of the terms in French, German, Italian, and – where appropriate – Latin. The list of editors and contributors to the PLS reflects the multidisciplinary and multicultural dimensions of this collective scholarly endeavour. In the last weeks before the release of this version 1.0 (Nov. 13, 2015), much of the work of reviewing this very complex dictionary has been taken up by Marina Buzzoni, Aidan Conti, Odd Einar Haugen, in addition to the two present editors. The lexicon is certainly not yet perfect, the length and depth of entries varies and there may even be contradictions left here and there, but we agreed that its present state is good enough as a first online version (also available as pdf and html downloads for off-line use). We are working on ideas to turn this resource into a second, completely revised version as a book publication. If you have suggestions, corrections, improvements, do not hesitate to send them to stemmatology (at) gmail.com. Caroline Macé & Philipp Roelli, editors-in-chie