22 research outputs found

    Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase (iNOS) and Nitric Oxide (NO) are Important Mediators of Reflux-induced Cell Signalling in Esophageal Cells

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    Nitric oxide (NO) produced by inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) has been implicated in both DNA damage induction and aberrant cell signalling in various tissue and cell backgrounds. We investigated here the role of iNOS and NO in DNA damage induction and nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) signalling in esophageal cells in vitro. As esophageal adenocarcinoma develops in a background of Barrett’s esophagus secondary to reflux disease, it is possible that inflammatory mediators like NO may be important in esophageal cancer development. We show that reflux components like stomach acid and bile acids [deoxycholic acid (DCA)] can induce iNOS gene and protein expression and produce NO generation in esophageal cells, using real-time PCR, western blotting and NO sensitive fluorescent probes, respectively. This up-regulation of iNOS expression was not dependent on NF-κB activity. DCA-induced DNA damage was independent of NF-κB and only partially dependent on iNOS and NO, as measured by the micronucleus assay. These same reflux constituents also activated the oncogenic transcription factor NF-κB, as measured by transcription factor enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and gene expression studies with NF-κB linked genes (e.g. interleukin-8). Importantly, we show here for the first time that basal levels of NF-κB activity (and possibly acid and DCA-induced NF-κB) are dependent on iNOS/NO and this may lead to a positive feedback loop whereby induced iNOS is upstream of NF-κB, hence prolonging and potentially amplifying this signalling, presumably through NO activation of NF-κB. Furthermore, we confirm increased protein levels of iNOS in esophageal adenocarcinoma and, therefore, in neoplastic development in the esophagus

    Replacing fossil oil with fresh oil – with what and for what?

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    Industrial chemicals and materials are currently derived mainly from fossil-based raw materials, which are declining in availability, increasing in price and are a major source of undesirable greenhouse gas emissions. Plant oils have the potential to provide functionally equivalent, renewable and environmentally friendly replacements for these finite fossil-based raw materials, provided that their composition can be matched to end-use requirements, and that they can be produced on sufficient scale to meet current and growing industrial demands. Replacement of 40% of the fossil oil used in the chemical industry with renewable plant oils, whilst ensuring that growing demand for food oils is also met, will require a trebling of global plant oil production from current levels of around 139 MT to over 400 MT annually. Realisation of this potential will rely on application of plant biotechnology to (i) tailor plant oils to have high purity (preferably >90%) of single desirable fatty acids, (ii) introduce unusual fatty acids that have specialty end-use functionalities and (iii) increase plant oil production capacity by increased oil content in current oil crops, and conversion of other high biomass crops into oil accumulating crops. This review outlines recent progress and future challenges in each of these areas

    Protection from ultraviolet damage and photocarcinogenesis by vitamin d compounds

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    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020. Exposure of skin cells to UV radiation results in DNA damage, which if inadequately repaired, may cause mutations. UV-induced DNA damage and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species also cause local and systemic suppression of the adaptive immune system. Together, these changes underpin the development of skin tumours. The hormone derived from vitamin D, calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3) and other related compounds, working via the vitamin D receptor and at least in part through endoplasmic reticulum protein 57 (ERp57), reduce cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and oxidative DNA damage in keratinocytes and other skin cell types after UV. Calcitriol and related compounds enhance DNA repair in keratinocytes, in part through decreased reactive oxygen species, increased p53 expression and/or activation, increased repair proteins and increased energy availability in the cell when calcitriol is present after UV exposure. There is mitochondrial damage in keratinocytes after UV. In the presence of calcitriol, but not vehicle, glycolysis is increased after UV, along with increased energy-conserving autophagy and changes consistent with enhanced mitophagy. Reduced DNA damage and reduced ROS/RNS should help reduce UV-induced immune suppression. Reduced UV immune suppression is observed after topical treatment with calcitriol and related compounds in hairless mice. These protective effects of calcitriol and related compounds presumably contribute to the observed reduction in skin tumour formation in mice after chronic exposure to UV followed by topical post-irradiation treatment with calcitriol and some, though not all, related compounds

    Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-γ Receptor Ligand Partially Prevents the Development of Endometrial Explants in Baboons: A Prospective, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study

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    A prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled study was conducted in a baboon model to determine if a thiazolidinedione agonist of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ, pioglitazone, can impede the development of endometriosis. Endometriosis was induced using laparoscopic, intrapelvic injection of eutopic menstrual endometrium, previously incubated with placebo or pioglitazone for 30 min, in 12 female baboons with a normal pelvis that had undergone at least one menstrual cycle since the time of captivity. At this point, the 12 baboons were randomized into two groups and treated from the day of induction. They received either PBS tablets (n = 6, placebo control, placebo tablets once a day by mouth) or pioglitazone (n = 6, test drug, 7.5 mg by mouth each day). A second and final laparoscopy was performed in the baboons to record the extent of endometriotic lesions between 24 and 42 d after induction (no difference in length of treatment between the two groups, P = 0.38). A videolaparoscopy was performed to document the number and surface area of endometriotic lesions. The surface area and volume of endometriotic lesions were significantly lower in pioglitazone treated baboons than the placebo group (surface area, 48.6 vs. 159.0 mm2, respectively, P = 0.049; vol, 23.7 vs. 131.8 mm3, respectively, P = 0.041). The surface area (3.5 vs. 17.8 mm2, P = 0.017, pioglizatone vs. placebo) and overall number (1.5 vs. 9.5, P = 0.007, pioglizatone vs. placebo) of red lesions were lower in the pioglitazone group. A peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ ligand, pioglitazone, effectively reduced the initiation of endometriotic disease in the baboon endometriosis model. Using this animal model, we have shown that thiazolidinedione is a promising drug for preventive treatment of endometriosis