23 research outputs found

    Detection of human immunodeficiency virus RNAs in living cells using Spinach RNA aptamers

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    Many techniques currently used to measure HIV RNA production in cells suffer from limitations that include high background signal or the potential to destroy cellular context. Fluorophore-binding RNA aptamers offer the potential for visualizing RNAs directly in living cells with minimal cellular perturbation. We inserted a sequence encoding a fluorophore-binding RNA aptamer, known as Spinach, into the HIV genome such that predicted RNA secondary structures in both Spinach and HIV were preserved. Chimeric HIV-Spinach RNAs were functionally validated in vitro by testing their ability to enhance the fluorescence of a conditional fluorophore (DFHBI), which specifically binds Spinach. Fluorescence microscopy and PCR were used to verify expression of HIV-Spinach RNAs in human cells. HIV-1 gag RNA production and fluorescence were measured by qPCR and fluorometry, respectively. HIV-Spinach RNAs were fluorometrically detectable in vitro and were transcribed in human cell lines and primary cells, with both spliced and unspliced species detected by PCR. HIV-Spinach RNAs were visible by fluorescence microscopy in living cells, although signal was reproducibly weak. Cells expressing HIV-Spinach RNAs were capable of producing fluorometrically detectable virions, although detection of single viral particles was not possible. In summary, we have investigated a novel method for detecting HIV RNAs in living cells using the Spinach RNA aptamer. Despite the limitations of the present aptamer/fluorophore combination, this is the first application of this technology to an infectious disease and provides a foundation for future research into improved methods for studying HIV expression

    FLASH, a Proapoptotic Protein Involved in Activation of Caspase-8, Is Essential for 3′ End Processing of Histone Pre-mRNAs

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    3′ end processing of histone pre-mRNA requires U7 snRNP, which binds downstream of the cleavage site and recruits the endonuclease CPSF-73. U7 snRNP contains a unique Sm ring in which the canonical SmD2 protein is replaced by Lsm11. We used the yeast two-hybrid system to identify binding partners of Lsm11 and selected the pro-apoptotic protein FLASH. Human FLASH interacts with Lsm11 in vitro and stimulates 3′ end processing of histone pre-mRNA in mammalian nuclear extracts. We also identified the FLASH ortholog in Drosophila and demonstrate that it interacts with Lsm11 in vitro and in vivo. Drosophila FLASH localizes to histone locus bodies and its depletion in fly cells inhibits U7-dependent processing resulting in polyadenylation of histone mRNAs. These results demonstrate that FLASH is an essential factor required for 3′ end maturation of histone mRNAs in both vertebrates and invertebrates and suggest a potential link between this process and apoptosis

    A Genome-wide RNA Interference Screen Reveals that Variant Histones Are Necessary for Replication-Dependent Histone Pre-mRNA Processing

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    Metazoan replication-dependent histone mRNAs are not polyadenylated and instead end in a conserved stem loop that is the cis element responsible for coordinate posttranscriptional regulation of these mRNAs. Using biochemical approaches, only a limited number of factors required for cleavage of histone pre-mRNA have been identified. We therefore performed a genome-wide RNA interference screen in Drosophila cells using a GFP reporter that is expressed only when histone pre-mRNA processing is disrupted. Four of the 24 genes identified encode proteins also necessary for cleavage/polyadenylation, indicating mechanistic conservation in formation of different mRNA 3' ends. We also unexpectedly identified the histone variants H2Av and H3.3A/B. In H2Av mutant cells, U7 snRNP remains active but fails to accumulate at the histone locus, suggesting there is a regulatory pathway that coordinates the production of variant and canonical histones that acts via localization of essential histone pre-mRNA processing factors

    Error mitigation, optimization, and extrapolation on a trapped ion testbed

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    Current noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) trapped-ion devices are subject to errors around 1% per gate for two-qubit gates. These errors significantly impact the accuracy of calculations if left unchecked. A form of error mitigation called Richardson extrapolation can reduce these errors without incurring a qubit overhead. We demonstrate and optimize this method on the Quantum Scientific Computing Open User Testbed (QSCOUT) trapped-ion device to solve an electronic structure problem. We explore different methods for integrating this error mitigation technique into the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) optimization algorithm for calculating the ground state of the HeH+ molecule at 0.8 Angstrom. We test two methods of scaling noise for extrapolation: time-stretching the two-qubit gates and inserting two-qubit gate identity operations into the ansatz circuit. We find the former fails to scale the noise on our particular hardware. Scaling our noise with global gate identity insertions and extrapolating only after a variational optimization routine, we achieve an absolute relative error of 0.363% +- 1.06 compared to the true ground state energy of HeH+. This corresponds to an absolute error of 0.01 +- 0.02 Hartree; outside chemical accuracy, but greatly improved over our non error mitigated estimate. We ultimately find that the efficacy of this error mitigation technique depends on choosing the right implementation for a given device architecture and sampling budget.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure

    U7 snRNA mutations in Drosophila block histone pre-mRNA processing and disrupt oogenesis

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    Metazoan replication-dependent histone mRNAs are not polyadenylated, and instead terminate in a conserved stem–loop structure generated by an endonucleolytic cleavage involving the U7 snRNP, which interacts with histone pre-mRNAs through base-pairing between U7 snRNA and a purine-rich sequence in the pre-mRNA located downstream of the cleavage site. Here we generate null mutations of the single Drosophila U7 gene and demonstrate that U7 snRNA is required in vivo for processing all replication-associated histone pre-mRNAs. Mutation of U7 results in the production of poly A+ histone mRNA in both proliferating and endocycling cells because of read-through to cryptic polyadenylation sites found downstream of each Drosophila histone gene. A similar molecular phenotype also results from mutation of Slbp, which encodes the protein that binds the histone mRNA 3′ stem–loop. U7 null mutants develop into sterile males and females, and these females display defects during oogenesis similar to germ line clones of Slbp null cells. In contrast to U7 mutants, Slbp null mutations cause lethality. This may reflect a later onset of the histone pre-mRNA processing defect in U7 mutants compared to Slbp mutants, due to maternal stores of U7 snRNA. A double mutant combination of a viable, hypomorphic Slbp allele and a viable U7 null allele is lethal, and these double mutants express polyadenylated histone mRNAs earlier in development than either single mutant. These data suggest that SLBP and U7 snRNP cooperate in the production of histone mRNA in vivo, and that disruption of histone pre-mRNA processing is detrimental to development

    A Subset of Drosophila Integrator Proteins Is Essential for Efficient U7 snRNA and Spliceosomal snRNA 3′-End Formation▿ †

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    Proper gene expression relies on a class of ubiquitously expressed, uridine-rich small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) transcribed by RNA polymerase II (RNAPII). Vertebrate snRNAs are transcribed from a unique promoter, which is required for proper 3′-end formation, and cleavage of the nascent transcript involves the activity of a poorly understood set of proteins called the Integrator complex. To examine 3′-end formation in Drosophila melanogaster, we developed a cell-based reporter that monitors aberrant 3′-end formation of snRNA through the gain in expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP). We used this reporter in Drosophila S2 cells to determine requirements for U7 snRNA 3′-end formation and found that processing was strongly dependent upon nucleotides located within the 3′ stem-loop as well as sequences likely to comprise the Drosophila equivalent of the vertebrate 3′ box. Substitution of the actin promoter for the snRNA promoter abolished proper 3′-end formation, demonstrating the conserved requirement for an snRNA promoter in Drosophila. We tested the requirement for all Drosophila Integrator subunits and found that Integrators 1, 4, 9, and 11 were essential for 3′-end formation and that Integrators 3 and 10 may be dispensable for processing. Depletion of cleavage and polyadenylation factors or of histone pre-mRNA processing factors did not affect U7 snRNA processing efficiency, demonstrating that the Integrator complex does not share components with the mRNA 3′-end processing machinery. Finally, flies harboring mutations in either Integrator 4 or 7 fail to complete development and accumulate significant levels of misprocessed snRNA in the larval stages