449 research outputs found

    Fulfillment Of The Right Of Justice When Persons With Disabilities Commit Criminal Acts

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    This study aims to find out the fulfillment of the right to justice when people with disabilities commit criminal acts. The research method used is empirical research by conducting sample withdrawal using purposive sampling and data analysis using qualitative research approaches. The results showed that the fulfillment of the rights of persons with disabilities in the batucada police jurisdiction is less than optimal even though the police have carried out their role as law enforcement by carrying out the process of investigation and investigation on a person with disabilities as a criminal perpetrator. However, it has not been fully maximized in fulfilling the rights of justice of persons with disabilities themselves because it can be seen based on the data and information obtained that when persons with disabilities face the law, in this case, is a criminal offender, the police only focus on the use of regulations that are generally without being supported by special regulations, in this case, is law No. 8 of 2016 concerning Persons with Disabilities which explains  About the rights of a disabled person. Police, especially investigators, can better understand law number 8 of 2016 on persons with disabilities so that in the process of examination in the police the right to justice of a person with a disability can be more fulfilled as a whole

    Competitive pathways for peptide deamidation

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    Asparagine (Asn) residues spontaneously – yet non-enzymatically – deamidate to form aspartate under physiological conditions, causing time-dependent changes in the conformation of proteins, limiting their lifetime [1]. The 'molecular clocks' hypothesis [2], suggests that deamidation is a biological molecular timing mechanism that could be set to any desired time interval by genetic control of the protein structure and the immediate environment of the Asn residue. The fact that deamidation occurs over a wide range of biologically relevant time intervals suggests that different mechanisms may be at play. To date deamidation is believed to occur over a succinimide-mediated pathway [3]. A novel route leading to the succinimide intermediate via tautomerization of the Asn side chain amide functionality was recently proposed [4,5]. The current study introduces a new 'competing' route for the deamidation of asparagine residues. The aim is to comparatively analyze the feasibility of this new mechanism against the traditional succinimide route, taking into account the catalytic effect of the solvent environment. For this purpose, QM dynamics and meta-dynamics calculations were performed on a model peptide placed in a periodic water box. These results will identify the lowest energy pathway for asparagine deamidation and will serve as a stepping stone for QM/MM calculations of Asn deamidation in proteins

    Filthy skin: racial construction of the bodies

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    Nos enfocamos en una reflexión sobre la piel como aquel umbral que define el afuera y el adentro de los cuerpos, el presente texto trata sobre la construcción racial de los cuerpos, principalmente de la mano de Franz Fanon y su diálogo con Maurice Merleau-Ponty y los esquemas corporales, donde la construcción racial se entiende como una relación corporal que determina y distribuye la posición y disposición de unos cuerpos respecto de otros. Finalmente, el texto se detiene específicamente en nuestro propio racismo mostrando con ello el odio a flor de piel, el odio a nuestra piel.We focus on skin as a threshold that defines bodies inside and outside. From that perspective, this paper discusses the racial construction of bodies departing from the intertwined texts and concepts by Frantz Fanon and Maurice Merleau-Ponty, particularly from the problem of body schema, where racial construction is understood as a body relationship which determines and distributes the position and arrangement of some bodies in relation to others. Finally, the article specifically examines our own racism trying to show the skin deep hatred, hatred against our skin.Fil: Bulo, Valentina. Universidad de Santiago de Chile; ChileFil: de Oto, Alejandro José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Search-Based Mutant Selection for Efficient Test Suite Improvement: Evaluation and Results

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    Context: Search-based techniques have been applied to almost all areas in software engineering, especially to software testing, seeking to solve hard optimization problems. However, the problem of selecting mutants to improve the test suite at a lower cost has not been explored to the same extent as other problems, such as mutant selection for test suite evaluation or test data generation. Objective: In this paper, we apply search-based mutant selection to enhance the quality of test suites efficiently. Namely, we use the technique known as Evolutionary Mutation Testing (EMT), which allows reducing the number of mutants while preserving the power to refine the test suite. Despite reported benefits of its application, the existing empirical results were derived from a limited number of case studies, a particular set of mutation operators and a vague measure, which currently makes it difficult to determine the real performance of this technique. Method: This paper addresses the shortcomings of previous studies, providing a new methodology to evaluate EMT on the basis of the actual improvement of the test suite achieved by using the evolutionary strategy. We make use of that methodology in new experiments with a carefully selected set of real-world C++ case studies. Results: EMT shows a good performance for most case studies and levels of demand of test suite improvement (around 45% less mutants than random selection in the best case). The results reveal that even a reduced subset of mutants selected with EMT can serve to increase confidence in the test suite, especially in programs with a large set of mutants. Conclusions: These results support the use of search-based techniques to solve the problem of mutant selection for a more efficient test suite refinement. Additionally, we identify some aspects that could foreseeably help enhance EMT

    Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium in Computer Science (JIPII 2021)

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    Actas de las Jornadas de Investigación Predoctoral en Ingeniería InformáticaThis volume contains the proceedings of the Primeras Jornadas de Investigación Predoctoral en Ingeniería Informática - First Doctoral Consortium in Computer Science, JIPII 2021, which was held online on June 15th, 2021. The aim of JIPII 2021 was to provide a forum for PhD students to present and discuss their research under the guidance of a panel of senior researchers. The advances in their PhD theses under development in the Doctoral Program in Computer Science were presented in the Consortium. This Doctoral Program belongs to the Doctoral School of the University of Cadiz (EDUCA). Different stages of research were covered, from the most incipient phase, such as the PhD Thesis plans (or even a Master’s Thesis), to the most advanced phases in which the defence of the PhD Thesis is imminent. We enjoyed twenty very nice and interesting talks, organized in four sessions. We had a total of fifty participants, including speakers and attendees, with an average of thirty-two people in the morning sessions and an average of twenty people in the afternoon sessions. Several people contributed to the success of JIPII 2021. We are grateful to the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program in Computer Science and the School of Engineering for their support. We would like also to thank the Program Committee for their work in reviewing the papers, as well as all the students and supervisors for their interest and participation. Finally, the proceedings have been published by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. We hope that you find the proceedings useful, interesting, and challenging


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    PT. CMS Kaltim Utama merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang pertambangan batubara, terletak di wilayah Samarinda Utara, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur.Pengolahan batubara yang dilakukan PT. CMS Kaltim Utama adalah pengecilan ukuran material dengan jalan peremukan. Unit peremukan juga mengalami beberapa hambatan selama proses pengolahan berlangsung seperti terja dinya gangguan teknis dangan gangguan mekanis yaitu terjadinya kerusakan pada system kelistrikan, material umpan terlambat datang, hopper mengalami buntu akibat material terlalu besar, beltrobek, belt conveyor macet motor penggerak crusher rusak dan rantai motor penggerak lepas. Dari hasil pengamatan yang dilakukan adalah mengetahui produksi nyata dari masing-masing bagian alat perumakan batubara. Produksi nyata dari feed conveyor sebesar 201,11 ton/jam, transfer conveyor sebesar 110,35 ton/jam, efisiensiscreen sebesar 54,87% danstacking conveyorsebesar 104,65 ton/jam, dan selanjutnya dapat dilakukan perhitungan untuk mengetahui nilai ketersediaan alat crusher adalah Kesediaan Fisik (Physical Availability) 69,11% pada bulan januari dan 79,93% pada bulan februari, Penggunaan Efektif (Effective Utilizations) 40,76% pada bulan januari dan 48,69 pada bulan februari. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis dan perhitungan perbaikan waktu hambatan sehingga diperoleh penambahan waktu sebesar 307,09 menit/hari pada bulan januari dan 222,7 menit/hari pada bulan Februari
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