104 research outputs found

    "Die Sprache zerbricht. Zerflattert. Zerstiebt”. Kontextgebundene Analyse dekonstruktiver Verfahren in der Prosa von Marlene Streeruwitz und ihren polnischen Übersetzungen aus der Perspektive der Descriptive Translation Studies

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    Die Monografie ist der österreichischen Autorin Marlene Streeruwitz und ihren polnischen Übersetzungen von Emilia Bielicka und Agnieszka Kowaluk gwidmet.Die Monografie ist die erste Studie, die der österreichischen Autorin Marlene Streeruwitz und ihren polnischen Übersetzungen gewidmet ist. Das Buch stellt einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Übersetzungsforschung dar, geht aber weit über eine Analyse der Übersetzungen hinaus. Die Autorin wirft die Frage nach dem Status von Literaturübersetzer*innen auf, die gegenwärtig in der translatologischen Forschung breit diskutiert wird.Wydział Neofilologii UAM w Poznani

    The degree of integration of the Bulgarian and Croatian equity markets into the Eurozone share equity market

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    PURPOSE: This paper attempts to answer the question to what degree the equity markets of two countries aspiring to join the eurozone are integrated into the zone’s share exchange market.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: An econometric model based on the model of increased impact of the common news component on stock market yields by means of GARCH is applied to the analysis of the degree of integration of the Bulgarian and Croatian equity markets into the eurozone equity market. Monthly data on the yields on CROBEX (Croatia), SOFIX (Bulgaria), DJ EUROSTOXX (the euro area), DJ COMPOSITE AVERAGE (the United States) are used.FINDINGS: Both the Bulgarian and Croatian equity markets are integrated into the eurozone equity market to a low degree, which means idiosyncratic shocks play a dominant role in determining yields on the indices in these countries.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The results presented in this paper can be employed by economists, politicians, and business practitioners who deal with the integration of financial markets including equity markets.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This study addresses two countries that are aspiring and closest to joining the eurozone, hence research into the degree of integration of the equity markets of both these countries into the eurozone market is important.This paper was financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Poland from the Funds of Excellent Science (No. DNK/SP/516070/2021).peer-reviewe

    Anatomia uczuć w przekładzie. Strategie tłumacza w oddawaniu warstwy emocjonalnej tekstu literackiego na przykładzie powieści Partygirl Marlene Streeruwitz

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    The focus of this article is an examination of translator’s dilemmas related to the rendering of emotions in the translation process. he relationship between emotions and the translation process is analyzed on the example of the novel Partygirl Marlene Streeruwitz and its Polish translation by Emilia Bielicka. The study focuses on the problem of translating emotional elements that are present in the source text and sheds light on how emotions can be translated. The article provides an introduction to the author's context which is of significance in understanding the role of emotions in the source text. The study shows how the Austrian writer conceives language and uses stylistic means and writing techniques to incorporate emotions into language structures. The analytical part consists of fragments of the novel that emphasize the emotional states of the main character and is devoted to the exploration of the lexical, syntactic and stylistic features. The undertaken analysis reveals the translator’s strategies and examines his decisions.

    The degree of integration of the Bulgarian and Croatian government bond markets into the Eurozone government bond market

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    PURPOSE: This paper attempts to answer the question to what degree the bond markets of Bulgaria and Croatia are integrated into the eurozone’s government bond exchange market.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: An econometric model based on the model of beta coefficient evolution is used to analyse the degree of integration of the Bulgarian and Croatian sovereign bond markets into the eurozone government bond market. The model is estimated by means of GARCH. Two separate research periods are adopted: 2003-2021 for Bulgaria and 2006-2021 for Croatia. Monthly data on the yields till buy-out of 10-year Bulgarian and Croatian sovereign bonds are used. The yields till buy-out of 10-year German government bonds serve as the benchmark.FINDINGS: Both the Bulgarian and Croatian government bond markets are integrated into the eurozone sovereign bond market to a low degree.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The results presented in this paper can be employed by economists, politicians, and business practitioners who deal with the integration of financial markets including bond markets.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This study addresses two countries that are aspiring and closest to joining the eurozone, hence research into the degree of integration of their sovereign bond markets into the eurozone market is important.peer-reviewe

    Determinants of Euro against US dollar rate of exchange (USD/EUR) in the long run

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    The paper is a result of research which aimed to identify the factors determining the USD/EUR rate of exchange and the strength of the influence in the long run. In the research we used the Frenkel - Bilson model and an econometric model built on its basis. In the research we formulated a hypothesis that the USD/EUR rate of exchange is determined in an economic and statistically significant way by the following factors: M1 and M2 money supply in the euro area and USA, changes in the GDP rate of growth in the euro area and USA, changes in long term treasury bond yield to maturity in the euro area and USA. The results of the research confirmed the above hypothesis.peer-reviewe

    Kryzys gospodarczy a kształtowanie się kursu złotego wobec euro i dolara amerykańskiego w latach 2008–2012

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    The results of Polish zloty rate of exchange forming against the EUR and USD in the period of economic recession and financial crises factors influence. The speculation attack against Polish zloty in the second part of 2008, depreciation of EUR against USD, higher rate of inflation in Poland in comparison t the euro area and USA were the main factors, which influence depreciation of Polish zloty against EUR and USD in the period of 2008–2012

    Rating nurses' knowledge of basic steps of cardiopulmonary resuscitation

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    First aid is provided by the witnesses in this connection it is important to ensure that every citizen of the aid granted in a correct and effective until the arrival of emergency medical team. From witnesses to a large extent depend on the survival chances of the victim or his injury. Education in first aid begins in elementary school, however, important that the students of these classes were able to use the knowledge in practic

    Skład ciała osób w różnym wieku z uwzględnieniem 60+ rekreacyjnie uprawiających pływanie

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    Wstęp: Artykuł prezentuje wyniki analiz dotyczących składu masy ciała ludzi w różnym wieku z uwzględnieniem osób 60+ uprawiających regularny trening pływacki. Cel: Celem pracy była analiza porównawcza składu ciała pomiędzy badanymi podzielonymi na grupy w różnym wieku. W związku z tak określonym celem sformułowano następującą hipotezę badawczą: osoby uprawiające pływanie w grupie Masters różnią się pod względem komponentów składu ciała w zależności od grupy wiekowej. Materiał: Badaniami objęto n=86 osób dorosłych, w tym 32 kobiet i 54 mężczyzn. Badania zostały przeprowadzone z zastosowaniem metody impedancji w oparciu o narzędzie jakim jest analizator składu ciała InBody 270. Dokonano analizy ośmiu wskaźników dotyczących komponentów ciała osób uprawiających pływanie w grupie Masters. Wyniki: Uzyskane wyniki wykazały, iż u kobiet parametry składu ciała wraz z wiekiem nieznacznie się zmieniają. W porównywanych grupach prezentują się na zbliżonym poziomie. Odmiennie jest w grupie badanych mężczyzn, w której, wskaźniki PBF (Procent tkanki tłuszczowej), FFM (Masa beztłuszczowa) prawego ramienia FFM (Masa beztłuszczowa) lewego ramienia, BFM (Masa tkanki tłuszczowej) lewego ramienia, BFM% (Masa tkanki tłuszczowej) lewego ramienia, poziom tłuszczu wisceralnego, jak również wynik InBody wykazały różnice istotne statystycznie. Wnioski: Wśród osobników płci męskiej, wraz z wiekiem, narasta zróżnicowanie pod względem ogólnej zawartości tkanki tłuszczowej, jak również pogłębiają się różnice w jej anatomicznym rozmieszczeniu mierzone za pomocą wskaźników dystrybucji. U badanych mężczyzn, dysproporcja wartości analizowanych parametrów była znaczna i określała zawartość tkanki nieaktywnej, stawiając grupę mężczyzn po sześćdziesiątym roku życia jako tę o zwiększonej zawartości tkanki tłuszczowej.Introduction: The article presents the results of a study analyzing body composition in different age groups, including 60+ seniors who regularly participate in swimming training. Study aim: The aim of this study was to compare the body composition of adults divided into different age groups. The research hypothesis postulating that Masters swimmers are characterized by age-dependent differences in body composition was tested. Materials and Methods: A total of 86 adults, including 32 women and 54 men, participated in the study. Body composition was determined by bioelectrical impedance with the InBody 270 analyzer. Eight body composition parameters were evaluated in Masters swimmers. Results: The results revealed minor age-related changes in the body composition of female participants. The analyzed parameters were similar in the compared groups of females. In contrast, significant differences in percent body fat (PBF) values, right-arm fat free mass% (FFM%) values, left-arm FFM% values, left-arm body fat mass% (BFM%) values, left-arm BFM values and visceral fat level were observed among the surveyed males. Conclusions: In men, the differences in Percent Body Fat and the anatomic distribution of adipose tissue measured with the relevant indicators increased with age. In male participants, considerable disproportions were observed in the content of inactive adipose tissue, and the accumulation of adipose tissue was higher in men older than 60