398 research outputs found

    Co-evolution of RDF Datasets

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    Linking Data initiatives have fostered the publication of large number of RDF datasets in the Linked Open Data (LOD) cloud, as well as the development of query processing infrastructures to access these data in a federated fashion. However, different experimental studies have shown that availability of LOD datasets cannot be always ensured, being RDF data replication required for envisioning reliable federated query frameworks. Albeit enhancing data availability, RDF data replication requires synchronization and conflict resolution when replicas and source datasets are allowed to change data over time, i.e., co-evolution management needs to be provided to ensure consistency. In this paper, we tackle the problem of RDF data co-evolution and devise an approach for conflict resolution during co-evolution of RDF datasets. Our proposed approach is property-oriented and allows for exploiting semantics about RDF properties during co-evolution management. The quality of our approach is empirically evaluated in different scenarios on the DBpedia-live dataset. Experimental results suggest that proposed proposed techniques have a positive impact on the quality of data in source datasets and replicas.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, Accepted in ICWE, 201

    Reading skills in young adolescents with a history of Specific Language Impairment: The role of early semantic capacity

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    This study assessed the reading skills of 19 Spanish-Catalan children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) and 16 age-matched control children. Children with SLI have difficulties with oral language comprehension, which may affect later reading acquisition. We conducted a longitudinal study examining reading acquisition in these children between 8 and 12 years old and we relate this data with early oral language acquisition at 6 years old. Compared to the control group, the SLI group presented impaired decoding and comprehension skills at age 8, as evidenced by poor scores in all the assessed tasks. Nevertheless, only text comprehension abilities appeared to be impaired at age 12. Individual analyses confirmed the presence of comprehension deficits in most of the SLI children. Furthermore, early semantic verbal fluency at age 6 appeared to significantly predict the reading comprehension capacity of SLI participants at age 12. Our results emphasize the importance of semantic capacity at early stages of oral language development over the consolidation of reading acquisition at later stages

    Oral morphosyntactic competence as a predictor of reading comprehension in children with specific language impairment

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    Background Children with a diagnosis of specific language impairment (SLI) present impaired oral comprehension. According to the simple view of reading, general amodal linguistic capacity accounts for both oral and reading comprehension. Considering this, we should expect SLI children to display a reading comprehension deficit. However, previous research regarding the association between reading disorders and SLI has yielded inconsistent results. Aims To study the influence of prior oral comprehension competence over reading comprehension during the first years of reading acquisition of bilingual Catalan-Spanish children with SLI (ages 7-8). Methods & Procedures We assessed groups of bilingual Catalan-Spanish SLI and matched control children at ages 7 and 8 with standardized reading comprehension tasks including grammatical structures, sentence and text comprehension. Early oral competence and prior non‐verbal intelligence were also measured and introduced into regression analyses with the participants' reading results in order to state the relation between the comprehension of oral and written material. Outcomes & Results Although we found no significant differences between the scores of our two participant groups in the reading tasks, data regarding their early oral competence, but not non‐verbal intelligence measures, significantly influence their reading outcome. Conclusions & Implications The results extend our knowledge regarding the course of literacy acquisition of children with SLI and provide evidence in support of the theories that assume common linguistic processes to be responsible for both oral and reading comprehension

    Application of mineralogical, petrological and geochemical tools for evaluating the palaeohdrogeological evolution of the PADAMOT study sites

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    The role of Work Package (WP) 2 of the PADAMOT project – ‘Palaeohydrogeological Data Measurements’ - has been to study late-stage fracture mineral and water samples from groundwater systems in Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and the Czech Republic, with the aim of understanding the recent palaeohydrogeological evolution of these groundwater systems. In particular, the project sought to develop and evaluate methods for obtaining information about past groundwater evolution during the Quaternary (about the last 2 million years) by examining how the late-stage mineralization might record mineralogical, petrographical and geochemical evidence of how the groundwater system may have responded to past geological and climatological changes. Fracture-flow groundwater systems at six European sites were studied: ‱ Melechov Hill, in the Bohemian Massif of the Czech Republic: a shallow (0-100 m) dilute groundwater flow system within the near-surface weathering zone in fractured granitic rocks; ‱ Cloud Hill, in the English Midlands: a (~100 m) shallow dilute groundwater flow system in fractured and dolomitized Carboniferous limestone; ‱ Los Ratones, in southwest Spain: an intermediate depth (0-500 m) dilute groundwater flow system in fractured granitic rocks; ‱ Laxemar, in southeast Sweden: a deep (0-1000 m) groundwater flow system in fractured granitic rocks. This is a complex groundwater system with potential recharge and flushing by glacial, marine, lacustrine and freshwater during the Quaternary; ‱ Sellafield, northwest England: a deep (0-2000 m) groundwater flow system in fractured Ordovician low-grade metamorphosed volcaniclastic rocks and discontinuous Carboniferous Limestone, overlain by a Permo-Triassic sedimentary sequence with fracture and matrix porosity. This is a complex coastal groundwater system with deep hypersaline sedimentary basinal brines, and deep saline groundwaters in crystalline basement rocks, overlain by a shallow freshwater aquifer system. The site was glaciated several times during the Quaternary and may have been affected by recharge from glacial meltwater; ‱ Dounreay, northeast Scotland: a deep (0-1400 m) groundwater flow system in fractured Precambrian crystalline basement overlain by fractured Devonian sedimentary rocks. This is within the coastal discharge area of a complex groundwater system, comprising deep saline groundwater hosted in crystalline basement, overlain by a fracture-controlled freshwater sedimentary aquifer system. Like Sellafield, this area experienced glaciation and may potentially record the impact of glacial meltwater recharge. In addition, a study has been made of two Quaternary sedimentary sequences in Andalusia in southeastern Spain to provide a basis of estimating the palaeoclimatic history of the region that could be used in any reconstruction of the palaeoclimatic history at the Los Ratones site: ‱ The CĂșllar-Baza lacustrine sequence records information about precipitation and palaeotemperature regimes, derived largely from the analysis of the stable isotope (ÎŽ18O and ÎŽ13C) signatures from biogenic calcite (ostracod shells). ‱ The Padul Peat Bog sequence provided information on past vegetation cover and palaeogroundwater inputs based on the study of fossil pollen and biomarkers as proxies for past climate change. Following on from the earlier EC 4th Framework EQUIP project, the focus of the PADAMOT studies has been on calcite mineralization. Calcite has been identified as a late stage mineral, closely associated with hydraulically-conductive fractures in the present-day groundwater systems at the Äspö-Laxemar, Sellafield, Dounreay and Cloud Hill sites. At Los Ratones and Melechov sites late-stage mineralization is either absent or extremely scarce, and both the quantity and fine crystal size of any late-stage fracture mineralization relevant to Quaternary palaeohydrogeological investigations is difficult to work with. The results from the material investigated during the PADAMOT studies indicate that the fracture fillings at these sites are related to hydrothermal activity, and so do not have direct relevance as Quaternary indicators. Neoformed calcite has not been found at these two sites at the present depth of the investigations. Furthermore, the HCO3 - concentration in all the Los Ratones groundwaters is mainly controlled by complex carbonate dissolution. The carbonate mineral saturation indices do not indicate precipitation conditions, and this is consistent with the fact that neoformed calcite, ankerite or dolomite have not been observed petrographically

    The historical vanishing of the Blazhko effect of RR Lyr from GEOS and Kepler surveys

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    RR Lyr is one of the most studied variable stars. Its light curve has been regularly monitored since the discovery of the periodic variability in 1899. Analysis of all observed maxima allows us to identify two primary pulsation states defined as pulsation over a long (P0 longer than 0.56684 d) and a short (P0 shorter than 0.56682 d) primary pulsation period. These states alternate with intervals of 13-16 yr, and are well defined after 1943. The 40.8 d periodical modulations of the amplitude and the period (i.e. Blazhko effect) were noticed in 1916. We provide homogeneous determinations of the Blazhko period in the different primary pulsation states. The Blazhko period does not follow the variations of P0 and suddenly diminished from 40.8 d to around 39.0 d in 1975. The monitoring of these periodicities deserved and deserves a continuous and intensive observational effort. For this purpose we have built dedicated, transportable and autonomous small instruments, Very Tiny Telescopes (VTTs), to observe the times of maximum brightness of RR Lyr. As immediate results the VTTs recorded the last change of P0 state in mid-2009 and extended the time coverage of the Kepler observations, thus recording a maximum O-C amplitude of the Blazhko effect at the end of 2008, followed by the historically smallest O-C amplitude in late 2013. This decrease is still ongoing and VTT instruments are ready to monitor the expected increase in the next few years.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Contents of appendix B may be requested to first autho

    Time, spatial, and spectral resolution of the Halpha line-formation region of Deneb and Rigel with the VEGA/CHARA interferometer

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    BA-type supergiants are amongst the most optically-bright stars. They are observable in extragalactic environments, hence potential accurate distance indicators. Emission activity in the Halpha line of the BA supergiants Rigel (B8Ia) and Deneb (A2Ia) is indicative of presence of localized time-dependent mass ejections. Here, we employ optical interferometry to study the Halpha line-formation region in these stellar environments. High spatial- (0.001 arcsec) and spectral- (R=30 000) resolution observations of Halpha were obtained with the visible recombiner VEGA installed on the CHARA interferometer, using the S1S2 array-baseline (34m). Six independent observations were done on Deneb over the years 2008 and 2009, and two on Rigel in 2009. We analyze this dataset with the 1D non-LTE radiative-transfer code CMFGEN, and assess the impact of the wind on the visible and near-IR interferometric signatures, using both Balmer-line and continuum photons. We observe a visibility decrease in Halpha for both Rigel and Deneb, suggesting that the line-formation region is extended (1.5-1.75 R*). We observe a significant visibility decrease for Deneb in the SiII6371 line. We witness time variations in the differential phase for Deneb, implying an inhomogeneous and unsteady circumstellar environment, while no such variability is seen in differential visibilities. Radiative-transfer modeling of Deneb, with allowance for stellar-wind mass loss, accounts fairly well for the observed decrease in the Halpha visibility. Based on the observed differential visibilities, we estimate that the mass-loss rate of Deneb has changed by less than 5%

    Mejorando la IOT con el Dispositivo AirtraqÂź. DescripciĂłn de la maniobra "KET"

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    La vía aérea difícil (VAD) es la primera causa de morbi-mortalidad anestésica. Representa el 50% de las complicaciones severas no fatales y el 30% de las muertes de causa anestésica. Uno de cada tres casos de VAD son imprevistos. Dentro del algoritmo de manejo de la VAD no conocida cada vez toman mås importancia los dispositivos ópticos como el AirtraqŸ, ya que mejoran la visibilidad de la glotis respecto al laringoscopio convencional. El AirtraqŸ es un dispositivo de fåcil utilización y aprendizaje, que posee pocas limitaciones: apertura bucal < 20 mm, macroglosia, distancia tiromentoniana reducida, etc... Presentamos un caso clínico en el que explicamos cómo resolvemos en nuestro hospital aquellas situaciones en las que no es posible avanzar el tubo endotraqueal (TET) usando el laringoscopio AirtraqŸ

    Swift observations of the 2006 outburst of the recurrent nova RS Ophiuchi: I. Early X-ray emission from the shocked ejecta and red giant wind

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    RS Ophiuchi began its latest outburst on 2006 February 12. Previous outbursts have indicated that high velocity ejecta interact with a pre-existing red giant wind, setting up shock systems analogous to those seen in Supernova Remnants. However, in the previous outburst in 1985, X-ray observations did not commence until 55 days after the initial explosion. Here we report on Swift observations covering the first month of the 2006 outburst with the Burst Alert (BAT) and X-ray Telescope (XRT) instruments. RS Oph was clearly detected in the BAT 14-25 keV band from t=0 to t∌6t\sim6 days. XRT observationsfrom 0.3-10 keV, started at 3.17 days after outburst. The rapidly evolving XRT spectra clearly show the presence of both line and continuum emission which can be fitted by thermal emission from hot gas whose characteristic temperature, overlying absorbing column, [NH]W[N_H]_W, and resulting unabsorbed total flux decline monotonically after the first few days. Derived shock velocities are in good agreement with those found from observations at other wavelengths. Similarly, [NH]W[N_H]_W is in accord with that expected from the red giant wind ahead of the forward shock. We confirm the basic models of the 1985 outburst and conclude that standard Phase I remnant evolution terminated by t∌10t\sim10 days and the remnant then rapidly evolved to display behaviour characteristic of Phase III. Around t=26 days however, a new, luminous and highly variable soft X-ray source began to appear whose origin will be explored in a subsequent paper.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures (2 updated), accepted by Ap

    Time-frequency characterization of femtosecond extreme ultraviolet pulses

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    A measurement of chirp and pulse duration of fifth harmonic of a frequency-doubled Ti:sapphire laser was presented. The photoelectron signal due to cross correlation of harmonics generated by 400 nm blue light and an 800 nm infrared probe pulse, was measured using energy resolved cross-correlation method. Results demonstrated that the technique could be used to characterize the time-frequency behavior of much higher-order harmonics
