195 research outputs found

    Load carrying steel structure of the exhibition hall building

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem nosné ocelové konstrukce objektu výstavního pavilonu o délce 84 m a šířce 30 m. Konstrukce zastřešení je navržena a posouzena ve dvou variantách. Varianta A je navržena jako trubkový příhradový vazník s osovou vzdáleností 6m. Varianta B je také navržena jako příhradový vazník, avšak jiného pohledového tvaru, jehož osová vzdálenost v konstrukci je rovněž 6m.U těchto variant je porovnána hmotnost, pracnost a vzhled. Výhodnější varianta je zpracována podrobněji. Výkresová dokumentace obsahuje kotevní plán, dispoziční uspořádání a výrobní výkres vazníku.This diploma thesis deals with design of the supporting steel structure of the building of the exhibition pavilion with 84 m length and 30 m width. Roofing structure is designed and examined in two versions. Variant A is designed like tubular truss girder with axis distance 6 m. Variant B is also designed like tubular truss girder, but with different look, with same axis distance. These versions are compared by weight, manufacturing complexity and appearance, preferable version is processed in detail. Drawing documentation includes an anchor plan, layout structure and truss production drawing.

    Measuring monetary policy in emerging economies : the role of monetary condition index

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    Measuring the stance of monetary policy is of importance for the analysis and implementation of monetary policy. The existence of multiple instrument framework as well as the significance of the interest rate and exchange rate channel in emerging economies imply that monetary condition index can play an important role in evaluating whether monetary policy is restrictive or expansive in these economies. In this paper, we use the VAR model to evaluate the role of monetary condition index as an overall measure of monetary policy in emerging economies. The weight of components of monetary condition index is derived from the inflation equation in the VAR estimation. The empirical results suggest that a contraction in monetary policy causes a reduction in inflation. The finding implies that monetary condition index is a useful indicator that can predict the stance of monetary policy and predict the trend of inflation in emerging economies

    Measuring monetary policy by money supply and interest rate: evidence from emerging economies

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    Although measuring monetary policy is a contentious issue in the literature, much less evidence on this issue is available for emerging economies. This paper aims to investigate the role of interest rate and money supply in measuring monetary policy in twelve emerging economies that target inflation through the analysis of Granger causality, impulse response function, and forecast error variance decomposition. The empirical results show that both money supply and interest rate are useful predictors for changes in inflation. Moreover, both show a comparable power to explain the variation of inflation. However, a rise in interest rate increases rather than decreases inflation, whereas money supply has a positive and expected effect on inflation. These findings suggest that interest rate may not fully capture the overall stance of monetary policy or interest rate has a limited effect on inflation

    The load bearing steel building structure of the gym for ball games

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    Práce obsahuje návrh nosné ocelové konstrukce jednolodního objektu sportovní haly, která je určena pro sportovní aktivity v okolí města Brno. Půdorysné rozměry objektu jsou 30 x 48 m. Hlavní nosná konstrukce je tvořena za pomoci rovinné příčné vazby. Příčnou vazbu tvoří příhradové vazníky, které jsou na obou stranách kloubově uloženy na vetknutých sloupech. Hlavní nosník je tvořen z příhradových vazníků, které mají tvar oblouku s konstrukční výškou max. do 4 m, složeného z jednoho oblouku. Příčné vazby jsou od sebe vzdáleny 6 m. Prostorovou tuhost zajišťuje systém podélných a příčných ztužidel. Konstrukce je navržena jako vaznicová. Všechny pruty vazníku mají trubkový profil, jehož návrh je proveden dle platných norem ČSN EN. Sloupy jsou z válcovaných profilů HEB. Jako materiál nosných prvků je ocel třídy S235.Work includes design of steel structure of the single- object sports hall , which is designed for sports activities around the city of Brno . Building plan dimensions are 30 x 48 m. The main structure is formed with the help of a planar cross ties . Crosslink forming trusses which are on both sides hinged on fixed columns . The main beam is made of trusses , which have an arch shape with the construction height max. 4 m composed of a single arc. Crosslinks are spaced 6 m . The spatial rigidity provides a system of longitudinal and transverse stiffeners . The structure is designed as a purlin . All the truss rods are tubular profile , the draft of which is made according to standards EN . The columns are made of rolled profiles HEB . As a material of bearing elements is steel class S235 .

    Asymmetry in the Reaction Function of Monetary Policy in Emerging Economies

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    The Taylor rule is an important device to study the behavior of the central bank. Conventionally, the Taylor rule is constructed by optimizing a quadratic loss function with the constraint of a linear economic system. Accordingly, the response of interest rate is linear with respect to the sign of inflation gap and output gap. In practice, however, monetary authorities in emerging economies can depart from the linear-quadratic framework. The objective of this paper is to investigate the nonlinearity of the Taylor rule driven by either a nonlinear Phillips curve or an asymmetric preference. We use the generalized method of moments (GMM) method to investigate these asymmetries in twelve emerging economies targeting inflation. The empirical results show that deflation pressure caused by economic recessions has a stronger effect on the interest rate. Moreover, the recession avoidance preference is strong in emerging economies whereas the inflation avoidance preference only emerges in a few emerging economies such as Brazil, Colombia, Hungary, Philippines, and South Africa

    A hybrid model for aspect-based sentiment analysis on customer feedback: research on the mobile commerce sector in Vietnam

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    Feedback and comments on mobile commerce applications are extremely useful and valuable information sources that reflect the quality of products or services to determine whether data is positive or negative and help businesses monitor brand and product sentiment in customers’ feedback and understand customers’ needs. However, the increasing number of comments makes it increasingly difficult to understand customers using manual methods. To solve this problem, this study builds a hybrid research model based on aspect mining and comment classification for aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) to deeply comprehend the customer and their experiences. Based on previous classification results, we first construct a dictionary of positive and negative words in the e-commerce field. Then, the POS tagging technique is applied for word classification in Vietnamese to extract aspects of model commerce related to positive or negative words. The model is implemented with machine and deep learning methods on a corpus comprising more than 1,000,000 customer opinions collected from Vietnam's four largest mobile commerce applications. Experimental results show that the Bi-LSTM method has the highest accuracy with 92.01%; it is selected for the proposed model to analyze the viewpoint of words on real data. The findings are that the proposed hybrid model can be applied to monitor online customer experience in real time, enable administrators to make timely and accurate decisions, and improve the quality of products and services to take a competitive advantage

    Determination on Fluidization Velocity Types of the Continuous Refined Salt Fluidized Bed Drying

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    After the centrifugation stage, refined salt particles have rather high moisture content; therefore, the moist salt particles in contact with each other will stick together in a short time. In particular, the moist salt particles will stick together faster and tighter and form a larger unit when they are exposed to drying hot air. For this reason, the refined salt was dried by rotary drum dryers with vibrating balls distributed along the drum or a vibrating fluidized bed dryers. These drying methods make poor product sensory quality, low product recovery efficiency, while also lead to an increase of heat and electricity energy consumption. In order to increase the efficiency of refined salt drying technology by conventional continuous fluidized bed dryers, the chapter focuses on the study of aerodynamic properties of refined salt grains in the continuous fluidized particle layer. The content of the chapter presents theoretical and empirical methods to determine fluidization velocity types in designing a continuous fluidized bed dryer

    Effects of plant essential oils and their constituents on Helicobacter pylori : A Review

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    Essential oils (EOs) obtained from different medicinal and aromatic plant families by steam distillation have been used in the pharmaceutical, food, and fragrance industries. The plant EOs and their broad diversity of chemical components have attracted researchers worldwide due to their human health benefits and antibacterial properties, especially their treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection. Since H. pylori has been known to be responsible for various gastric and duodenal diseases such as atrophic gastritis, peptic ulcer, gastric adenocarcinoma, and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma, several combination antibiotic therapies have been increasingly used to enhance the eradication rate of the bacterial infection. However, in the last decades, the efficacy of the therapies has decreased significantly due to widespread emergence of multidrug resistant strains of H. pylori. In addition, side-effects from commonly used antibiotics and recurrence of the bacterial infection have drawn public health concern globally.Therefore, this review focuses on in vitro effects of plant EOs and their bioactive constituents on the growth, cell morphology and integrity, biofilm formation, motility, adhesion, and urease activity of H. pylori. Their inhibitory effects on expression of genes necessary for growth and virulence factor productions of the bacterial pathogen are also discussed. Further in vivo and clinical evaluations are required so that plant EOs and their bioactive constituents can be possibly applicable in pharmacy or as adjuvants to the current therapies of H. pylori infection

    The impact of productivity on export transitions: revisited evidence from the Vietnamese manufacturing sectors

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    The effect of total factor productivity (TFP) on exports particularly interests policy-makers and economists, but empirical evidence is ambiguous. This paper uses the 6-wave panel data in 2010-2015 to investigate the impact of TFP on export transitions at the firm level. We distinguish different types of export transitions, namely start, stop, continuity, fluctuation, and striving, and different phases of export transition. The Generalised Method of Moments (GMM) estimation is applied to control for endogeneity and unobserved time-invariant specific components. The results reveal that (i) the effect of productivity on export (the self-selection hypothesis) is heterogeneous, depending on specific sectors and types and phases of export transitions; (ii) productivity growth does not necessarily result in positive effects on and lead to participation in types and phases of export transitions. Our results also reveal strong evidence of favourable sunk cost in long-run export striving in nearly all sectors, and unlike previous studies, empirical results show a negative effect of sunk cost in some manufacturing sectors. Policy-makers should create dynamic comparative advantages and favourable environments for new exporters, focus the relevant policies on productivity stimulus, and strengthen the likelihood of survival for the domestic firms in the competitive global markets
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