84 research outputs found

    Too Many Is Too Bad: Long-Term Net Negative Effects of High Density Ungulate Populations on a Dominant Mediterranean Shrub

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    Plant–animal interactions imply costs and benefits with net balance depending on interacting species and ecological context. Ungulates, in particular, confer costs (e.g., plant leaf consumption, flower bud predation) and benefits (e.g., plant overcompensation, seed dispersal) to plants. Magnitude of costs and benefits may be altered by habitat management or ecological conditions favoring high density ungulate populations. Little is known however on whether plant costs or benefits predominate over the years, or the long-term outcomes of plant-animal interactions in habitat types sustaining high density ungulate populations. We investigated how high density ungulate populations alter plant costs and benefits by quantifying ungulate long-term effects on the shrub Cistus ladanifer (Cistaceae) individual size, seed weight and number, seed bank, and population density, through a 12-year ungulate exclusion experiment in a Mediterranean scrubland. We monitored plant size and flower buds in plants exposed or protected from ungulates and number of developed capsules and seeds consumed (potential seed dispersal) by ungulates during three reproductive seasons. We found that ungulates negatively affected shrub size and led to a dramatically decline of shrub reproductive structures and seed production, affecting the plant reproductive cycle. Number of buds was 27 times higher and number of developed seed 5 times higher in ungulate-excluded as compared to ungulate-exposed plots. After 9 years of ungulate exclusion, the C. ladanifer seed bank was 2.6 times higher in ungulate-excluded plots. The population density of C. ladanifer was 4 times higher in ungulate-excluded plots. Our long-term experiment showed that high density ungulate populations can alter plant-animal interactions by reducing plant benefits and increasing plant costs.Peer reviewe

    Stand structural characteristics are the most practical biodiversity indicators for forest management planning in Europe

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    ReviewIncluding biodiversity assessments in forest management planning is becoming increasingly important due to the importance of biodiversity for forest ecosystem resilience provision and sustainable functioning. Here we investigated the potential to include biodiversity indicators into forest management planning in Europe. In particular, we aimed to (i) identify biodiversity indicators and data collection methods for biodiversity assessments at the stand and landscape levels, and (ii) evaluate the practicality of those indicators for forest management planning. We performed a literature review in which we screened 188 research studies published between 1990 and 2020. We selected 94 studies that fulfilled the inclusion criteria and examined in more detail. We considered three aspects of biodiversity: structure, composition, and function, and four forest management categories: unmanaged, managed, plantation, and silvopastoral. We used three criteria to evaluate the practicality of forest biodiversity indicators: cost-e ectiveness, ease of application, and time-e ectiveness. We identified di erences in the practicality of biodiversity indicators for their incorporation into management plans. Stand-level indicators are more practical than landscape-level indicators. Moreover, structural biodiversity indicators (e.g., large trees, canopy openness, and old forest stands) are more useful in management plans than compositional indicators, as these are easily observable by non-professionals and can be obtained by forest inventories. Compositional indicators such are vascular plants, fungi, bryophyte, lichens, and invertebrate species are hard to identify by non-professionals and thus are impractical. Functional indicators (e.g., nutrient cycling) are not su ciently addressed in the literature. Using recently updated existing databases (e.g., national forest inventories and bird atlases) is very time and cost-e cient. Remote sensing and other technology (e.g., smartphone applications) are promising for e cient data collection in the future. However, more research is needed to make these tools more accurate and applicable to a variety of ecological conditions and scales. Until then, forest stand structural variables derived from inventories can help improve management plans to prepare European forests towards an uncertain futureinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Selection of trees for rubbing by red and roe deer in forest plantations

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    Antler rubbing is a form of behaviour by which deer may damage and ultimately induce mortality of trees. Understanding factors affecting selection of trees for rubbing may contribute to mitigation of negative effects of such behaviour in plantations or woodlands. We analysed characteristics of trees rubbed by red and roe deer along transects established in plantations of Pinus pinaster (Aiton), Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco, Betula alba L. and Quercus robur L. in Northeast Portugal. Transects were walked during five sampling periods covering mating seasons of red and roe deer. Red deer preferentially rubbed trees adjacent to the edge of plantations and large clearings whilst roe deer selected those inside plantations within small clearings. There was seasonal segregation in the number of trees rubbed by each deer species with red deer rubbing trees mainly between September and February and roe deer mainly between December and June. Both red and roe deer selected trees with smaller diameter than those of available trees although trees selected by red deer had larger diameters than those selected by roe deer. Roe, but not red deer, tended to avoid trees protected by shrubs. Overall, the selection of trees for rubbing was site-dependent suggesting that generalizations across sites should be made with caution. Mitigating measures, such as deer control, tree protection or provision of alternative rubbing posts should target stands of particular tree species, location of trees in relation to stand clearings and tree size classes.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6T6X-4HGM78R-2/1/29fe58190c40581f0716e977b7847d3

    Nutrient Addition and Drought Interact to Change the Structure and Decrease the Functional Diversity of a Mediterranean Grassland

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    Anthropogenic activities are increasing nutrient availability and altering precipitation regimes. This may lead to critical changes in grasslands functioning. This is particularly important for grasslands in the Mediterranean Basin that have evolved in nutrient poor soils, and where more frequent and prolonged droughts are projected to occur. However, there is limited knowledge regarding the interacting effects of multiple nutrient inputs and rainfall variability on the plant functional structure and diversity of Mediterranean grasslands. We conducted a nutrient addition experiment in a Mediterranean grassland during four contrasting precipitation years. We established four treatments that varied in the number of added nutrients, from no added nutrients (control), to one added nutrient (Nitrogen-N, Phosphorus-P, or Potassium-K), two added nutrients, (NP, NK, or PK) and three added nutrients (NPK). We assessed the effect of increasing nutrient addition in wet, normal, dry, and very dry years on plant species functional traits at the community level. We determined the community functional structure (e.g., Community Weighted Mean, CWM) and functional diversity (e.g., Functional Dispersion, FDis) for eight key functional traits indicators of nutrient and water use strategies. We also assessed if CWM, FDis, and species richness were related to the aggregate grassland functioning property, i.e., productivity. We found that CWM was affected by nutrient addition and precipitation and, for some traits, by their interaction. However, FDis of most traits was affected by precipitation. The very dry year had a negative effect on FDis of most traits (e.g., dispersal modes, nutrient uptake strategies) and interacted with three added nutrients to decrease FDis of growth-forms. Conversely, FDis of reproductive traits decreased during the wet year. Species richness and FDis were not related to grassland productivity, whereas CWM was the main determinant of grassland productivity supporting the importance of species functional traits in determining ecosystem functioning. Our results highlight drought as a critical factor determining a decrease in the functional diversity of Mediterranean grasslands. Moreover, drought can also interact with nutrient addition changing the dominance of many traits and further decreasing functional diversity. This may have important implications for grasslands functioning in the context of global changes

    Nutrient Addition and Drought Interact to Change the Structure and Decrease the Functional Diversity of a Mediterranean Grassland

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    Anthropogenic activities are increasing nutrient availability and altering precipitation regimes. This may lead to critical changes in grasslands functioning. This is particularly important for grasslands in the Mediterranean Basin that have evolved in nutrient poor soils, and where more frequent and prolonged droughts are projected to occur. However, there is limited knowledge regarding the interacting effects of multiple nutrient inputs and rainfall variability on the plant functional structure and diversity of Mediterranean grasslands. We conducted a nutrient addition experiment in a Mediterranean grassland during four contrasting precipitation years. We established four treatments that varied in the number of added nutrients, from no added nutrients (control), to one added nutrient (Nitrogen-N, Phosphorus-P, or Potassium-K), two added nutrients, (NP, NK, or PK) and three added nutrients (NPK). We assessed the effect of increasing nutrient addition in wet, normal, dry, and very dry years on plant species functional traits at the community level. We determined the community functional structure (e.g., Community Weighted Mean, CWM) and functional diversity (e.g., Functional Dispersion, FDis) for eight key functional traits indicators of nutrient and water use strategies. We also assessed if CWM, FDis, and species richness were related to the aggregate grassland functioning property, i.e., productivity. We found that CWM was affected by nutrient addition and precipitation and, for some traits, by their interaction. However, FDis of most traits was affected by precipitation. The very dry year had a negative effect on FDis of most traits (e.g., dispersal modes, nutrient uptake strategies) and interacted with three added nutrients to decrease FDis of growth-forms. Conversely, FDis of reproductive traits decreased during the wet year. Species richness and FDis were not related to grassland productivity, whereas CWM was the main determinant of grassland productivity supporting the importance of species functional traits in determining ecosystem functioning. Our results highlight drought as a critical factor determining a decrease in the functional diversity of Mediterranean grasslands. Moreover, drought can also interact with nutrient addition changing the dominance of many traits and further decreasing functional diversity. This may have important implications for grasslands functioning in the context of global changes

    The synergistic response of primary production in grasslands to combined nitrogen and phosphorus addition is caused by increased nutrient uptake and retention

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    Background and aims A synergistic response of aboveground plant biomass production to combined nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) addition has been observed in many ecosystems, but the underlying mechanisms and their relative importance are not well known. We aimed at evaluating several mechanisms that could potentially cause the synergistic growth response, such as changes in plant biomass allocation, increased N and P uptake by plants, and enhanced ecosystem nutrient retention. Methods We studied five grasslands located in Europe and the USA that are subjected to an element addition experiment composed of four treatments: control (no element addition), N addition, P addition, combined NP addition. Results Combined NP addition increased the total plant N stocks by 1.47 times compared to the N treatment, while total plant P stocks were 1.62 times higher in NP than in single P addition. Further, higher N uptake by plants in response to combined NP addition was associated with reduced N losses from the soil (evaluated based on soil δ15N) compared to N addition alone, indicating a higher ecosystem N retention. In contrast, the synergistic growth response was not associated with significant changes in plant resource allocation. Conclusions Our results demonstrate that the commonly observed synergistic effect of NP addition on aboveground biomass production in grasslands is caused by enhanced N uptake compared to single N addition, and increased P uptake compared to single P addition, which is associated with a higher N and P retention in the ecosystem

    The synergistic response of primary production in grasslands to combined nitrogen and phosphorus addition is caused by increased nutrient uptake and retention

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    Background and aimsA synergistic response of aboveground plant biomass production to combined nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) addition has been observed in many ecosystems, but the underlying mechanisms and their relative importance are not well known. We aimed at evaluating several mechanisms that could potentially cause the synergistic growth response, such as changes in plant biomass allocation, increased N and P uptake by plants, and enhanced ecosystem nutrient retention.MethodsWe studied five grasslands located in Europe and the USA that are subjected to an element addition experiment composed of four treatments: control (no element addition), N addition, P addition, combined NP addition.ResultsCombined NP addition increased the total plant N stocks by 1.47 times compared to the N treatment, while total plant P stocks were 1.62 times higher in NP than in single P addition. Further, higher N uptake by plants in response to combined NP addition was associated with reduced N losses from the soil (evaluated based on soil delta N-15) compared to N addition alone, indicating a higher ecosystem N retention. In contrast, the synergistic growth response was not associated with significant changes in plant resource allocation.ConclusionsOur results demonstrate that the commonly observed synergistic effect of NP addition on aboveground biomass production in grasslands is caused by enhanced N uptake compared to single N addition, and increased P uptake compared to single P addition, which is associated with a higher N and P retention in the ecosystem

    The positive effect of plant diversity on soil carbon depends on climate

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    Little is currently known about how climate modulates the relationship between plant diversity and soil organic carbon and the mechanisms involved. Yet, this knowledge is of crucial importance in times of climate change and biodiversity loss. Here, we show that plant diversity is positively correlated with soil carbon content and soil carbon-to-nitrogen ratio across 84 grasslands on six continents that span wide climate gradients. The relationships between plant diversity and soil carbon as well as plant diversity and soil organic matter quality (carbon-to-nitrogen ratio) are particularly strong in warm and arid climates. While plant biomass is positively correlated with soil carbon, plant biomass is not significantly correlated with plant diversity. Our results indicate that plant diversity influences soil carbon storage not via the quantity of organic matter (plant biomass) inputs to soil, but through the quality of organic matter. The study implies that ecosystem management that restores plant diversity likely enhances soil carbon sequestration, particularly in warm and arid climates.EEA Santa CruzFil: Spohn, Marie. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). Department of Soil and Environment; SueciaFil: Bagchi, Sumanta. Indian Institute of Science; India.Fil: Biederman, Lori A. Iowa State University. Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology; Estados UnidosFil: Borer, Elizabeth T. University of Minnesota. Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior; Estados UnidosFil: Bråthen, Kari Anne. Arctic University of Norway. Department of Arctic and Marine Biology; NoruegaFil: Bugalho, Miguel N. University of Lisbon. Centre for Applied Ecology “Prof. Baeta Neves” (CEABN-InBIO). School of Agriculture; Portugal.Fil: Caldeira, Maria C. University of Lisbon. Forest Research Centre. Associate Laboratory TERRA. School of Agriculture; Portugal.Fil: Catford, Jane A. King’s College London. Department of Geography; Reino UnidoFil: Catford, Jane A. University of Melbourne. School of Agriculture, Food and Ecosystem Sciences; Australia.Fil: Collins, Scott L. University of New Mexico. Department of Biology; Estados UnidosFil: Eisenhauer, Nico. German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv). Halle-Jena-Leipzig; AlemaniaFil: Eisenhauer, Nico. Leipzig University. Institute of Biology; AlemaniaFil: Peri, Pablo Luis. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Santa Cruz; Argentina.Fil: Peri, Pablo Luis. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral; Argentina.Fil: Peri, Pablo Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Fil: Yahdjian, Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura (IFEVA); Argentina.Fil: Yahdjian, Laura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; Argentina
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