59 research outputs found

    Comparison of the methods of the correction of the venous thromboembolism in bariatric surgery using the low-frequency thromboelastography: our experience

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    Introduction. In the world of obesity and its complications annually dies about 2.8 million people. Obesity is an independent factor of the risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE), as it interferes with the internal and external pathways of coagulation, as well as in anticoagulant mechanisms, which leads to a hypercoagulation state. Reducing excess body weight in patients with morbid obesity by bariatric surgery is becoming increasingly popular, as barium therapy is an effective means of treating obesity and related concomitant diseases. Advantages of bariatric surgery are undeniable, as well as risks. Despite many blood coagulation studies, cases of thromboembolism in such patients are becoming more frequent, especially during surgical interventions and in the postoperative period, given that the operation is a trigger factor in the development of thromboembolism. Materials and methods. A hemostasis system was studied in 63 patients with BMI> 35 kg / m2. All patients were divided into 3 groups. 1 group (n=20) - patients who received combined therapy: Enoxaparin sodium 0.1% 0.2 ml / kg 2 times a day every 12 hours and Pentoxifylline 100 mg 2 times a day every 12 hours; The 2nd group (n= 17) - patients treated with: Enoxaparin sodium 0.1% 0.2 ml / kg 2 times daily for every 12 hours; Group 3 (control): 26 people with obesity, BMI> 35, not subject to bariatric surgery. The study of the hemostasis system was carried out using low-frequency piezoelectric thromboelastography (LPTEG) immediately after hospitalization and on 1,3,5 days after bariatry. The following blood coagulation constants were checked: Contact Coagulation Intensity; intensity of coagulation drive; maximum bunch density; Fibrinolytic activity is the index of retraction and lysis of the clot. Results. In patients of group 1 (anticoagulants + antiplatelet agents) the risk of thrombotic complications is lower, since this therapy has reduced the value at all stages of hemocoagulation to the reference values; Patients in group 2 (anticoagulants), despite the normalization of the coagulation unit, had an increase in the values of aggregation and fibrinolysis, relative to the norm, which means the risk of thrombotic complications remains high. Conclusions. The instrumental method of NPTEG allowed to adequately estimate the system of hemocoagulation in dynamics in patients with morbid obesity, with BMI ≥ 35 kg / m2; This category of patients has shown a high risk of VTE; It has been proved that for an adequate prevention of VTE in obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery, the combination of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents is more effective than monotherapy with anticoagulants

    Organizational-administrative Features of the Implementation of Educational Services in the Two-level System of Training of Highly Qualified Personnel

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    It is education - the system of formation of the nation's intellectual capital and as one of the main areas of production innovation - creating the basic conditions for intensive growth of the markets on the basis of rapid updating of technologies and products. Education acts as the first link "education - research - innovation development of mass" of the innovation cycle. This educational sphere acts not only as a necessary element of reproduction of intellectual capital, but also as a dominant element of economic growth, which determines the stability of the external and internal competitive advantages of national economic systems. From the power of the national economy play an individual and a public intellectual capital, which implements the level of economic thinking of the nation, it is largely determined by economic strength, well-being, and the choice of its strategy and the subsequent trajectory of development in a global world order. In this connection, the Russian education there are urgent tasks related to the need to comply with the transformation of the education sector changes. Keywords: economic growth, educational service, training, educational organization JEL Classifications: G20, L00, O4

    Luminescent properties of Bi-doped polycrystalline KAlCl4

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    We observed an intensive near-infrared luminescence in Bi-doped KAlCl4 polycrystalline material. Luminescence dependence on the excitation wavelength and temperature of the sample was studied. Our experimental results allow asserting that the luminescence peaked near 1 um belongs solely to Bi+ ion which isomorphically substitutes potassium in the crystal. It was also demonstrated that Bi+ luminescence features strongly depend on the local ion surroundings

    Plasma–liquid interactions: a review and roadmap

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    Plasma–liquid interactions represent a growing interdisciplinary area of research involving plasma science, fluid dynamics, heat and mass transfer, photolysis, multiphase chemistry and aerosol science. This review provides an assessment of the state-of-the-art of this multidisciplinary area and identifies the key research challenges. The developments in diagnostics, modeling and further extensions of cross section and reaction rate databases that are necessary to address these challenges are discussed. The review focusses on non-equilibrium plasmas

    University-Industry Interaction as an Element of the University’s «Third Mission»

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    In the context of the transformation of education, characterized by the rapid obsolescence of knowledge, the increasing role of technological and social innovations, the globalization of the economy and education, it is becoming increasingly important to ensure successful cooperation between universities and business. At the same time, the state gains an advantage due to the rapid transfer of new knowledge, research and innovation, enterprises and organizations increase opportunities for effective development.The aim of the study is to identify the most successful forms of interaction between educational organizations and enterprises, the mechanisms of influence of the University on the development of the region of its location, participation in socio-economic processes. The problem is considered through the prism of the concept of the “third mission” for universities, which involves active interaction of educational organizations with society, including employers. Besides, the authors use the provisions of the theory of stakeholders, which describes the parameters taking into account the interests of various actors in the process of University management.On the example of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, the article analyzes the existing experience and successful practices of organizing such interaction, as well as the emerging problems. The information base of the study was a survey on the satisfaction of employers with the quality of University graduates’ training, conducted in SAFU in 2019.As findings, the article states the main systemic problems of interaction between universities and the sphere of production such as the lack of coordinated strategies for training in various specialties, discrepancies in understanding the sets of competencies and skills of graduates, the fragmented university-industry interaction in research and development areas, different motivations and values.The authors come to a conclusion that the University must undergo a path of transformation to ensure strategic interaction with business and industry, including the development of a common “entrepreneurial” culture in the team, as well as the expansion of interaction with public institutions and socio-economic actors in the framework of the “third mission”

    Correlation between fibrinogen and D-dimer levels with low-frequency piezoelectric thromboelastography (LPTEG) data in patients with confirmed prostate cancer

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    Prostate cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors in men, it ratio increases greatly after age of 65. Studies had proved that patients with prostate cancer have significantly higher D-dimer level with normal fibrinogen data(1). The aim of this study is to establish correlation between fibrinogen and D-dimer levels and LPTEG data in preoperative settings

    Comparison of data received with low-frequency piezoelectric thromboelastography (LPTEG) in patients with different pneumoperitoneum pressures in intraoperative bariatric settings

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    Bariatric surgery is well known for obese patients treatment due to it benefits. Postoperative venous thromboembolism (VTE) is less common in this cohort. The aim of this study is to compare LPTEG data received in intraoperative settings from bariatric surgery patients with different pneumoperitoneum set

    Problems with additional strains and modeling of them

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    Upgrade jpeg compression algorithm to improve the speed of download sites

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    Розглядається можливість підвищення швидкості завантаження сайтів шляхом зменшенням розмірів зображень що завантажуються, тобто їх стисненням. Для забезпечення зменшення розміру файлу та збереження його якості модифіковано алгорітм стиснення JPEG. Модифікація полягає в заміні дискретного косинусного перетворення вейвлетним перетворенням. При проведенні експерементального дослідження використане стиснення 50% JPEG та модифіковане стиснення 50% JPEG. Застосування модифікованого методу стиснееня дозволяє зменшити розмір файлу на 25% зберігаючи якість файлу. Це дає можливість вагомо пришвидшити завантаження сайту.The possibility of increasing the speed of download sites by decreasing the size of the images loaded, ie, their compression. To ensure a smaller file size and save it as modified alhoritm compression JPEG. The modification is to replace the discrete cosine transform wavelet transformation. In the conduct of experimental study used 50% JPEG compression and modified compression 50% JPEG. The use of the modified compression method can reduce file size by 25% while maintaining file quality. This makes it possible to speed up downloading of site