56 research outputs found

    Upaya meningkatkan motivasi anak-anak dan masyarakat akan pentingnya pendidikan di Dusun Rekesan Gondowangi Wagir Malang

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    The purpose of this study: (1) to describe the application of tutoring and reading the TPQ Rekesan Gondowangi Wagir of Malang (2) to describe the factor endowments and a barrier to tutoring and the Koran in the hamlet of Rekesan, and (3) to describe the motivation of studying children during tutoring and reading the Qur'an in Rekesan hamlet takes place at TPQ. This research uses qualitative research methods and descriptive. The results show that: (1) tutoring is done in groups on Monday to Friday after the ' Isha ' prayer ' until 20.30 BST at the posko groups 99, KKM and the Koran in the TPQ is done in groups on Monday to Friday after prayer is ASR until 17.00 PM on the Rekesan Gondowangi mosque, (2) supporting factors is the adequate support of the parents as their caretakers as well as the studentsā€™ motivation and the teachersā€™ competence. And restricting factors is the lack of tutors who continued the program after participants completed the KKM, (3) increasing the motivation to learn and recite the children after following tutoring and reading the Qur'an in TPQ

    Penerapan Strategi Social Media Marketing Untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan Pada Dealer Mobil Toyota, KIA, dan Honda Medan

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    Media sosial merupakan salah satu media informasi yang sekarang ini banyak digunakan oleh beberapa perusahaan maupun secara personal untuk menyampaikan informasi, dengan adanya media sosial perusahaan tidak perlu lagi menyebarkan penawaran melalui media cetak, mereka dapat menggunakan sarana teknologi informasi dalam hal ini media sosial untuk menyampaikan penawaran produk yang mereka jual kepada para pengguna secara global melalui media sosial. Teknik pemasaran dengan media sosial ini merupakan proses meraih kunjungan pengguna internet ke situs tertentu atau perhatian khalayak ramai melalui situs-situs sosial media. Kegiatan pemasaran dengan menggunakan media sosial biasanya berpusat pada usaha sebuah perusahaan untuk menciptakan konten yang menarik perhatian, sehingga mendorong para pembaca untuk membagikan konten tersebut melalui jejaring media sosial milik mereka. Penerapan metode SMM tentunya tidak hanya dilakukan submit melalui webmaster mesin pencari, namun pada sebuah website juga harus diterapkan kata kunci yang berkaitan dengan isi konten website tersebut, karena dengan adanya kata kunci maka akan secara otomatis menarik para pengunjung ke website universitas berdasakan frasa kata kunci yang mereka ketik di mesin pencari. Dengan Teknik Search Media Marketing (SMM) menjadi salah satu teknik yang wajib diterapkan dalam melakukan promosi penjualan khususnya pada dealer mobil di kota Medan, hal itu dianggap penting karena setiap produk memerlukan sosialisasi harga, fitur dan kenyamanan melalui media sosial agar trafik penjualan dapat meningkat. Setiap dealer seharusnya dapat menerapkan tekniks Social Media Marketing (SMM) dengan baik agar penjualan mobil dapat mencapai target yang diharapkan serta memberikan keuntungan bagi sales sebagai penjual mobil dilapangan

    Peran Guru BK Dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Yang Kecanduan Smartphone Melalui Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok.

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    This study aims to describe the role of BK teacher in increasing the motivation for learning students who are smartphone addicted through group guidance services. This study used qualitative analysis and used the subject called an informer, that is the principal, BK teacher, teachers and the students of 3rd grade of MAN Batu Bara determined by using purposive sampling it is choice of samples by considering that an informant who understands, knows, and feels firsthand the issues that are occurring. This study shows that the role of BK teacher conducted by a group guidance service that the BK teacher has been given to students of MAN Batu Bara systematically and continually makes positive and effective changes for increasing of student's learning motivation in smartphone addiction, the student who originally used a smartphone to just play games, social media and browsing are now being used to increase the learning motivations by using various learning applications, learning self through online videos and subscriptions with online learning guide such as www.quipper.com and www.ruangguru.com. Keywords: role of BK teacher, student learning motivation for smartphone addicted

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Virtual Berbasis Geogebra pada Materi Geometri Transformasi untuk SMA

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan menghasilkan media pembelajaran virtual berbasis geogebra pada pokok bahasan geometri transformasi untuk SMA kelas XI. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan media pembelajaran dengan model pengembangan ADDIE yang meliputi 5 tahap, yaitu Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI MAN Demak dan sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI MIPA 4 dan siswa kelas XI IPS 2 MAN DEMAK sebanyak (33) siswa. Instrument yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah angket validasi ahli materi dan ahli media, angket respon siswa dan guru, dan test berupa pretest dan posttest. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa: (1) Hasil validasi materi dan media memperoleh persentase skor rata-rata 90% dengan kategori ā€œsangat validā€; (2) Hasil Kepraktisan media pada uji coba kelompok kecil dan pada kelas eksperimen serta guru mata pelajaran memperoleh persentase skor 90% dengan kategori ā€œsangat praktisā€: (3) Hasil Keefektifan media setelah di uji coba pada kelas eksperimen memperoleh nilai N gain 0,39 atau 39% lebih baik dibandingkan kelas kontrol yang hanya memperoleh nilai N-gain 0,02 atau 2%. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari pembelajaran dengan menggunakan hasil pengembangan media berbasis geogebra pada materi geometri transformasi ini efektif

    The Effect of Little Alchemy 2 Game Duration on Figural Creativity in Adolescence

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    There are multiple methods to cultivate creativity, including play. In current times, teenagers frequently engage in smartphone-based play, leading to the emergence of online gaming as a solution. Little Alchemy 2 is a popular game among teenagers. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the duration of little alchemy 2 game play on adolescent figural creativity in Makassar city. This study used a one group pre-test post-test experimental design by comparing experimental group 1 with a time limit of 1 minute and experimental group 2 with a time limit of 30 minutes. The study involved 30 male students aged 18-19. The statistical tests employed in this study were the Mann Whitney Test and the Wilcoxon Test. The results of this study indicate that there is an effect of intensity in playing the game little alchemy 2 with Ļ = 0.042 (Ļ <0.05), and there is a difference between the intensity of experimental group 1 and experimental group 2 in playing games at p = 0.000 small than (<0.005). Engaging in Little Alchemy 2 gameplay for a duration of 15 to 30 minutes has the potential to augment the creativity of adolescents

    The Effectiveness of Using Virtual Reality-Based Mathematics Learning Media With an Ethnomathematical Approach

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    Learning mathematics is considered difficult by many students. The difficulty they face is in applying concepts in solving everyday problems. Therefore, innovative learning media are needed to improve studentsā€™ understanding of these concepts. This study aimed to determine whether virtual reality-based mathematics learning media with an ethnomathematical approach are effective in improving student learning outcomes. This was development research, using the ADDIE model (analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation); however, this article describes only the implementation and evaluation stages. The research subjects were students of class XI SMA N 1 Tahunan Jepara who were recruited using purposive sampling. According to the findings, the average learning outcomes of the experimental class were better than the control class. In addition, the experimental class had higher results for learning mastery than the control class. So, it can be concluded that the virtual reality-based mathematics learning media with an ethnomathematical approach can be effectively used for high school students. Keywords: mathematics learning, virtual reality, ethnomathematic

    Simulasi Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Akibat Pembangunan Kawasan Industri Kendal (KIK) Berbasis Cellular Automata

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    Kawasan industri Kendal (KIK) dikembangkan dengan luas mencapai 2.200 Ha di utara kecamatan kaliwungu diperkirakan menyerap hingga 500.000 tenaga kerja. KIK akan mengakselerasi pertumbuhan kota yang ditandai dengan proses urbanisasi dan konsumsi lahan yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan prediksi penggunaan lahan tahun 2031 dengan adanya KIK di Kendal Timur. Pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu kuantitatif berbasis raster, dengan analisis proyeksi perkembangan lahan terbangun berdasarkan trend perubahan penggunaan lahan tahun 2005 ā€“ 2017 dan kebutuhan lahan akibat KIK. Model simulasi perubahan penggunaan lahan dengan model Cellular Automata (CA) dengan faktor pendorong meliputi faktor biofisik, sosial ekonomi, sarana prasarana, aksesbilitas dan ketetanggaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan KIK memiliki pengaruh yang kuat untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan kawasan perkotaan kaliwungu. Arah perkembangan Kendal Timur tahun 2031 dominan terjadi di kecamatan kaliwungu kemudian menyebar di kecamatan brangsong, kota Kendal, kaliwungu selatan dan ngampel dengan mengikuti pola perkembangan konsentris linier. Penggunaan lahan yang mengalami pertumbuhan tahun 2031 meliputi industri (2017,96 Ha), permukiman (1007,30 Ha), perdagangan dan jasa (271,39 Ha), dan gudang (18,76 Ha) yang diikuti terkonversinya lahan non terbangun yaitu tambak (1593,5 Ha), sawah irigasi (784,35 Ha kebun campuran (362,34 Ha), tegalan (361,65 Ha), tanah terbuka (145,5 Ha), sawah tadah hujan (66,71 Ha) dan hutan produksi (1,32 Ha)

    Analisis Kebutuhan Ruang Terbuka Hijau dalam Mengurangi Pencemaran Udara di Kawasan Metropolitan Surakarta untuk Mewujudkan Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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    ABSTRAKRuang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) di Kawasan Metropolitan Surakarta berkurang dari 35% di tahun 1980-an menjadi kurang dari 10% di tahun 2021 yang berarti luasan RTH tersebut tidak memenuhi standar menurut UU no 26 tahun 2007. Hal tersebut berdampak pada kualitas lingkungan perkotaan salah satunya adalah pencemaran udara yang merupakan pilar lingkungan dari Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis luasan RTH ideal dalam membantu mengurangi pencemaran udara di Kawasan Metropolitan Surakarta. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis spasial menggunakan Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) dan Landscape Pattern Metrics untuk melihat pengaruh dan korelasi antara kerapatan RTH dengan pencemaran udara di tahun 2012 - 2022. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kerapatan RTH hasil NDVI berbanding terbalik dengan pencemaran udara dimana semakin menurun luasan RTH maka akan semakin tinggi nilai Indeks Standar Pencemaran Udara (ISPU) di Kawasan Metropolitan Surakarta. Berdasarkan analisis trendline, strategi yang perlu dilakukan adalah meningkatkan luas RTH sebesar 50 Ha setiap tahun agar nilai ISPU di tahun 2030 menjadi 41,4 masuk dalam kategori udara sehat.Kata kunci: Ruang Terbuka Hijau, Pencemaran Udara, Kawasan Metropolitan SurakartaĀ ABSTRACTGreen open space in the Surakarta Metropolitan Area has decreased from 35% in the 1980s to less than 10% in 2021, which means that the green open space does not meet the standards according to Law No. 26 of 2007. This has an impact on the quality of the urban environment, one of which is contamination. air which is the environmental pillar of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The aim of this research is to analyze the ideal green open space area to help reduce air pollution in the Surakarta Metropolitan Area. The method used is spatial analysis using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Landscape Pattern Metrics to see the influence and correlation between green open space density and air contamination in 2012 - 2022. The results of the analysis show that the NDVI based green open space density is inversely proportional to air contamination, which is increasing As the area of green open space increases and decreases, the higher the ISPU value in the Surakarta Metropolitan Area. Based on trendline analysis, the strategy that needs to be implemented is to increase the green open space area by 50 Ha every year so that the ISPU value in 2030 becomes 41.4 in the healthy air category.Keywords: Green open space, Air Pollution, Surakarta Metropolitan Are

    Neonatal outcomes in In vitro fertilization (IVF) pregnancies

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    small-for-gestational age (SGA), and low birth weight (LBW) rates are approximately twiceas high in IVF pregnancies than in natural pregnancies. The IVF procedures have becomemore routine in recent years in Indonesia, but there have been few assessments ofneonatal outcomes. The study aimed to evaluate the risk of preterm birth, SGA, and LBWin IVF infants. This was a retrospective cohort study performed in Dr. Sardjito GeneralHospital, Yogyakarta from January 2012 to December 2016. Pre-coded questionnaireswere used to collect data from medical records. The relative risk of preterm birth, SGA,and LBW among IVF infants were calculated and compared to naturally conceived infants.A total sampling method was used for the IVF infants and a simple random samplingmethod was used for naturally conceived infants, who were born on the same day as aninfant in the IVF group.A total of 108 infants were recruited, consisting of 54 IVF infants and 54 naturallyconceived infants. The IVF infants had increased risk of preterm birth (RR = 2.0; 95%CI0.52 - 7.58) and LBW (RR = 1.25; 95%CI 0.53 - 2.92). However, the IVF infants didnot have an increased risk of SGA (RR = 1.0; 95%CI 0.21 - 4.73). In conclusion, therisk of preterm birth and LBW in IVF infants are higher than in naturally conceived infants,but not statistically significant. However, there is no increased risk of SGA in IVF infants
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