460 research outputs found

    The Lyman alpha forest of the high-z quasar 0000-263

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    Medium-resolution (delta(v) = 45 km/s) optical spectra of the bright, high-redshift (z = 4.1) quasar 0000-263 taken at the ESO 3.5-m NTT telescope were analyzed to determine the distribution of column densities, velocities and line widths of the Lyman-alpha forest absorption components. The values of NH, b, and z were determined by fitting Voigt profiles to the lines, and convolving with a Gaussian instrumental response function. Over 350 components with log N(sub H) greater than 13.2 were identified. An analysis of the dependence of the number of components with z reveals that the number evolution of components obeys the power law dN/dz varies as (1+z)(sup gamma), where gamma = 0.5 +/- 0.4 for the sample of 182 lines with log N(sub H) greater than 14.0. The distribution of component strengths is found to obey f(N(sub H)) varies as N(sub h)(sup -beta), where beta = -1.55 for components with log(N(sub H)) is greater than 14.7, and beta = -0.68 for the components with log(N(sub H)) greater than 13.5. A distinct break in the f(N(sub H)) histogram is also observed, at log(N(sub H)) is approximately 14.7. The results are briefly considered in the context of theoretical models of quasar Lyman alpha clouds and their evolution

    Computer-based instructional technology in the AEGIS training program

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    The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the AEGIS Training Program is utilizing Computer-Based Instructional Technology (CBIT) to increase efficiency and effectiveness in a period of declining budgets and increasing technology. The AAEGIS Training Program is faced with a variety of logistical, educational, and manpower-related issues that are not adequately addressed by traditional methods of training and instruction. In response, the AEGIS Training Center (ATC), Dahlgren, Virginia, is testing an electronic "Classroom of the Future" concept. This thesis provides an overview of the background, development, and early testing of the AEGIS "Classroom of the Future" and the associated Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) project. Problems encountered, expected benefits, and early training results are discussed as well as recommendations for further analysis.http://archive.org/details/computerbasedins00boweLieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Physicochemical characterization of nebulized superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs)

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    Abstract Background: Aerosol-mediated delivery of nano-based therapeutics to the lung has emerged as a promising alternative for treatment and prevention of lung diseases. Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) have attracted significant attention for such applications due to their biocompatibility and magnetic properties. However, information is lacking about the characteristics of nebulized SPIONs for use as a therapeutic aerosol. To address this need, we conducted a physicochemical characterization of nebulized Rienso, a SPION-based formulation for intravenous treatment of anemia. Methods: Four different concentrations of SPION suspensions were nebulized with a one-jet nebulizer. Particle size was measured in suspension by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS), and nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA), and in the aerosol by a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS). Results: The average particle size in suspension as measured by TEM, PCS, and NTA was 9±2 nm, 27±7 nm, and 56±10 nm, respectively. The particle size in suspension remained the same before and after the nebulization process. However, after aerosol collection in an impinger, the suspended particle size increased to 159±46 nm as measured by NTA. The aerosol particle concentration increased linearly with increasing suspension concentration, and the aerodynamic diameter remained relatively stable at around 75 nm as measured by SMPS. Conclusions: We demonstrated that the total number and particle size in the aerosol were modulated as a function of the initial concentration in the nebulizer. The data obtained mark the first known independent characterization of nebulized Rienso and, as such, provide critical information on the behavior of Rienso nanoparticles in an aerosol. The data obtained in this study add new knowledge to the existing body of literature on potential applications of SPION suspensions as inhaled aerosol therapeutics

    Observing the End of Cold Flow Accretion using Halo Absorption Systems

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    We use cosmological SPH simulations to study the cool, accreted gas in two Milky Way-size galaxies through cosmic time to z=0. We find that gas from mergers and cold flow accretion results in significant amounts of cool gas in galaxy halos. This cool circum-galactic component drops precipitously once the galaxies cross the critical mass to form stable shocks, Mvir = Msh ~ 10^12 Msun. Before reaching Msh, the galaxies experience cold mode accretion (T<10^5 K) and show moderately high covering fractions in accreted gas: f_c ~ 30-50% for R10^16 cm^-2. These values are considerably lower than observed covering fractions, suggesting that outflowing gas (not included here) is important in simulating galaxies with realistic gaseous halos. Within ~500 Myr of crossing the Msh threshold, each galaxy transitions to hot mode gas accretion, and f_c drops to ~5%. The sharp transition in covering fraction is primarily a function of halo mass, not redshift. This signature should be detectable in absorption system studies that target galaxies of varying host mass, and may provide a direct observational tracer of the transition from cold flow accretion to hot mode accretion in galaxies.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Minor changes to match published version (results unchanged

    CAT-MAN: Un “espejo mágico” para ayudar en el corte de cabello de niños

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    In general, children dislike cutting the hair. The causative factors can be: the noise caused by the machine, being motionless for a long time, etc. The various movements caused by children hinder the work of the hairdresser. For this reason, this project aims to make an application for the distraction of the child, during the haircut, achieving their concentration in the game. The interactive application is based on the magic mirror technology. Interviews, evaluations and tests were conducted to collect data and verify the need for its creation.&nbsp; The prototype was evaluated with the participation of various children. The results of the evaluation were positive allowing concluding that the children when interacting with the mirror focused their attention on the game.En general, a los niños les desagrada cortarse el cabello. Los factores causantes pueden ser: el ruido que provoca la máquina, estar inmóvil mucho tiempo, etc. Los diversos movimientos ocasionados por los niños, dificulta el trabajo del peluquero. Por ello, este proyecto tiene como objetivo realizar una aplicación para la distracción del niño, durante el corte del cabello, logrando su concentración en el juego. La aplicación interactiva está basada en la tecnología del Espejo Mágico (M.M por sus siglas en inglés). Para lograr este objetivo. Se realizaron entrevistas, evaluaciones y pruebas para recolectar datos y verificar la necesidad de su creación. El prototipo realizado fue evaluado con la participación de varios niños. Los resultados de la evaluación fueron positivos, permitiendo concluir que los niños al interactuar con el espejo concentraban su atención en el juego

    Vδ2+ T cell response to malaria correlates with protection from infection but is attenuated with repeated exposure.

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    Vδ2+ γδ T cells are semi-innate T cells that expand markedly following P. falciparum (Pf) infection in naïve adults, but are lost and become dysfunctional among children repeatedly exposed to malaria. The role of these cells in mediating clinical immunity (i.e. protection against symptoms) to malaria remains unclear. We measured Vδ2+ T cell absolute counts at acute and convalescent malaria timepoints (n = 43), and Vδ2+ counts, cellular phenotype, and cytokine production following in vitro stimulation at asymptomatic visits (n = 377), among children aged 6 months to 10 years living in Uganda. Increasing age was associated with diminished in vivo expansion following malaria, and lower Vδ2 absolute counts overall, among children living in a high transmission setting. Microscopic parasitemia and expression of the immunoregulatory markers Tim-3 and CD57 were associated with diminished Vδ2+ T cell pro-inflammatory cytokine production. Higher Vδ2 pro-inflammatory cytokine production was associated with protection from subsequent Pf infection, but also with an increased odds of symptoms once infected. Vδ2+ T cells may play a role in preventing malaria infection in children living in endemic settings; progressive loss and dysfunction of these cells may represent a disease tolerance mechanism that contributes to the development of clinical immunity to malaria

    MCG+00-32-16: An Irregular Galaxy Close to the Lowest Redshift Absorber on the 3C 273 Line of Sight

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    MCG+00-32-16 is the galaxy closest in position-velocity space to the lowest redshift Lyα\alpha absorber along the line-of-sight to the quasar 3C 273. Its projected separation is 204 (d/19 Mpc) kpc, where d is the distance from the Milky Way to the galaxy, and the redshift difference is only 94 km/s; HI 1225+01 is slightly closer in projected separation to the absorber, but has a greater redshift difference. We present HI synthesis array mapping and CCD photometry in B and R for MCG+00-32-16. The HI disk is rotating in such a way that the side of the galaxy closer to the sight-line to the quasar has the larger velocity difference from the absorber. The absorber may be a ``failed dwarf'' member of a poor galaxy group of which MCG+00-32-16 and HI 1225+01 are the only members to have formed stars.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, accepted by Astrophysical Journa

    Gas Accretion is Dominated by Warm Ionized Gas in Milky Way-Mass Galaxies at z ~ 0

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    We perform high-resolution hydrodynamic simulations of a Milky Way-mass galaxy in a fully cosmological setting using the adaptive mesh refinement code, Enzo, and study the kinematics of gas in the simulated galactic halo. We find that the gas inflow occurs mostly along filamentary structures in the halo. The warm-hot (10^5 K 10^6 K) ionized gases are found to dominate the overall mass accretion in the system (with dM/dt = 3-5 M_solar/yr) over a large range of distances, extending from the virial radius to the vicinity of the disk. Most of the inflowing gas (by mass) does not cool, and the small fraction that manages to cool does so primarily close to the galaxy (R <~ 20 kpc), perhaps comprising the neutral gas that may be detectable as, e.g., high-velocity clouds. The neutral clouds are embedded within larger, accreting filamentary flows, and represent only a small fraction of the total mass inflow rate. The inflowing gas has relatively low metallicity (Z/Z_solar < 0.2). The outer layers of the filamentary inflows are heated due to compression as they approach the disk. In addition to the inflow, we find high-velocity, metal-enriched outflows of hot gas driven by supernova feedback. Our results are consistent with observations of halo gas at low z.Comment: 10 pages including 5 figures, submitted to Ap

    Vínculos genéticos de complicaciones médicas infantiles entre trisomías y enfermedades metabólicas

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    Genetic diseases correspond to genetic variations in development that require medical, educational, social or combinations of these. They are of great heterogeneity in their clinical expression due to the complexity and diversity of organs or systems involved. The aim of the research was to analyze the genetic links of childhood medical complications between trisomies and metabolic diseases. A descriptive and quantitative documentary design was used, focused on the systematic review of information. The articles were obtained from databases such as Pubmed, Redalyc, Google Scholar, Elsevier, SciELO, among others. The results of the present study indicate that diabetes was more frequent in infant medical complications between trisomies and metabolic diseases, specifically in patients with Down syndrome. It was evidenced that the most common diagnostic techniques for trisomies related to metabolic diseases include amniocentesis, standing out for its usefulness in diagnosing genetic disorders, congenital defects and other health problems in the fetus. According to infant medical diseases, facial anomalies stand out as a transcendental consequence in the context of trisomies, since they are the result of a combination of genetic and biological factors that affect embryonic development and the formation of its tissues during gestation. The most frequent infant medical complications, both in trisomies and metabolic diseases, are associated with the metabolic syndrome, highlighting the presence of type II diabetes mellitus. &nbsp;Las enfermedades genéticas se corresponden con variaciones genéticas del desarrollo que precisan ayuda médica, educativa, social o combinaciones de estas. Son de gran heterogeneidad en su expresión clínica por la complejidad y diversidad de órganos o sistemas involucrados. El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar los vínculos genéticos de complicaciones médicas infantiles entre trisomías y enfermedades metabólicas. Se utilizó un diseño documental tipo descriptivo y cuantitativo, centrado en la revisión sistemática de información. Los artículos fueron obtenidos de las bases de datos como Pubmed, Redalyc, Google Académico, Elsevier, SciELO, entre otras. Los resultados del presente estudio indican que en las complicaciones médicas infantiles entre trisomías y enfermedades metabólicas fue más frecuente la diabetes, específicamente en pacientes con Síndrome de Down. Se evidenció que las técnicas diagnósticas más comunes para trisomías relacionadas con enfermedades metabólicas incluyen la amniocentesis, destacando por su utilidad para diagnosticar trastornos genéticos, defectos congénitos y otros problemas de salud en el feto. De acuerdo a las enfermedades médicas infantiles, las anomalías faciales destacan como una consecuencia trascendental en el contexto de las trisomías, dado que son el resultado de una combinación de factores genéticos y biológicos que afectan el desarrollo embrionario y la formación de sus tejidos durante la gestación. Las complicaciones médicas infantiles más frecuentes, tanto en trisomías y enfermedades metabólicas están asociadas con el síndrome metabólico, destacando la presencia de diabetes mellitus tipo II