135 research outputs found

    Thermal degradation mechanisms of polybenzoxazines

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    This chapter explains the thermal degradation processes of various Polybenzoxazines and the degradation mechanisms. The structural effects of phenols and amines on the thermal degradation of polybenzoxazines are investigated systematically. The thermal decomposition studies of polybenzoxazines are sometimes difficult because a large number of degradation products are released during the pyrolysis of polybenzoxazines; therefore, model dimmers and oligomers of polybenzoxazines are also examined to have a clear understanding of the thermal degradation mechanisms of polybenzoxazines. Here, the findings related to the thermal degradation processes of polybenzoxazines and the proposed degradation mechanisms for polybenzoxazines are summarized. This chapter explores that among the several techniques used to investigate the thermal characteristics of polymers, thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA), TGA interfaced with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) or gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and pyrolysis techniques coupled with FTIR, GC-MS, and MS provide information on thermal degradation products. FTIR combined with TGA or a pyrolysis technique provides information about the type and functionality of the degradation products as a function of time and/or temperature. The use of GC-MS instead of FTIR allows the separation and identification of degradation products. However, condensation of high mass pyrolysates and reactions between the decomposition products during the transport of degradation products from TGA or pyrolyzer system to FTIR or GC-MS are highly probable. © 2011 Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Use of Rhetorical Means in Commencement Addresses

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    Grāda piešķiršanas ceremoniju uzrunās lietoto retorisko līdzekļu analīzei ir liela nozīme, jo tā palīdz atklāt iespējamās stratēģijas, kuras orators var izmantot uzrunājot absolventus. Šī darba mērķis bija izanalizēt dažādu retorisko līdzekļu lietojumu grāda piešķiršanas ceremoniju uzrunās, kas tiek veltītas biznesa studiju absolventiem. Darbā tika aprakstīti tādi jautājumi kā runas, grāda piešķiršanas ceremoniju uzrunas, retorika, auditorijas piesaiste un retoriskie kanoni. Kā arī tika veikta 10 grāda pasniegšanas ceremoniju uzrunu diskursa analīze, kas ietvēra tādus jautājumus kā personības rakstura izpausmes, emocionālās izpausmes un argumentu izpausmes, trīs retoriskos kanonus, un vairākas retoriskās shēmas un tropus. Var secināt, ka grāda piešķiršanas ceremoniju uzrunu mērķi ir motivēt, iedvesmot, iedrošināt, apsveikt, pamācīt un izaicināt studentus turpmākajai dzīvei. Oratora profesija un biznesā iegūtās zināšanas, personīgā pieredze, emocionāli stāsti, loģiski fakti, skaitļi un piemēri nodrošina runas mērķu sasniegšanu. Retoriskās shēmas un tropi uzsver galvenās idejas, veido izsmalcinātus vārdu pretstatus, veido runu labskanīgu un auditorijai pievilcīgu, lai motivētu, iedvesmotu un iedrošinātu studentus.The study of how rhetorical tools are applied in commencement addresses is of great importance, because it helps to reveal the possible strategies that a speaker may use to address graduates. The aim of the paper was to analyze how various rhetorical tools are applied in commencement addresses delivered to the graduates of business programmes. The analysis of the relevant theories on speeches, commencement addresses, rhetoric, the appeal to audience, and three canons of rhetoric was done. The discourse analysis of 10 commencement addresses was limited to the study of ethos, pathos, and logos, three canons of rhetoric, and various tropes and schemes. The instances of parallel forms, antitheses, repetitions, metaphors, metonymies, personifications, and similes were found and analyzed. It may be concluded that commencement speeches aim at motivating, inspiring, encouraging, congratulating, and challenging the audience for the future. The purposes are mainly achieved by means of the speaker’s profession and knowledge, personal experience, emotional stories, logical facts, figures and examples from the field of business. Rhetorical schemes and tropes emphasize the main ideas, create sophisticated contrasts of words, and make the speech sonorous and attractive to the audience, thus, motivating, encouraging and inspiring the audience

    Use of Rhetorical Means in Commencement Addresses

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    Grāda piešķiršanas ceremoniju uzrunās lietoto retorisko līdzekļu analīzei ir liela nozīme, jo tā palīdz atklāt iespējamās stratēģijas, kuras orators var izmantot uzrunājot absolventus. Šī darba mērķis bija izanalizēt dažādu retorisko līdzekļu lietojumu grāda piešķiršanas ceremoniju uzrunās, kas tiek veltītas biznesa studiju absolventiem. Darbā tika aprakstīti tādi jautājumi kā runas, grāda piešķiršanas ceremoniju uzrunas, retorika, auditorijas piesaiste un retoriskie kanoni. Kā arī tika veikta 10 grāda pasniegšanas ceremoniju uzrunu diskursa analīze, kas ietvēra tādus jautājumus kā personības rakstura izpausmes, emocionālās izpausmes un argumentu izpausmes, trīs retoriskos kanonus, un vairākas retoriskās shēmas un tropus. Var secināt, ka grāda piešķiršanas ceremoniju uzrunu mērķi ir motivēt, iedvesmot, iedrošināt, apsveikt, pamācīt un izaicināt studentus turpmākajai dzīvei. Oratora profesija un biznesā iegūtās zināšanas, personīgā pieredze, emocionāli stāsti, loģiski fakti, skaitļi un piemēri nodrošina runas mērķu sasniegšanu. Retoriskās shēmas un tropi uzsver galvenās idejas, veido izsmalcinātus vārdu pretstatus, veido runu labskanīgu un auditorijai pievilcīgu, lai motivētu, iedvesmotu un iedrošinātu studentus.The study of how rhetorical tools are applied in commencement addresses is of great importance, because it helps to reveal the possible strategies that a speaker may use to address graduates. The aim of the paper was to analyze how various rhetorical tools are applied in commencement addresses delivered to the graduates of business programmes. The analysis of the relevant theories on speeches, commencement addresses, rhetoric, the appeal to audience, and three canons of rhetoric was done. The discourse analysis of 10 commencement addresses was limited to the study of ethos, pathos, and logos, three canons of rhetoric, and various tropes and schemes. The instances of parallel forms, antitheses, repetitions, metaphors, metonymies, personifications, and similes were found and analyzed. It may be concluded that commencement speeches aim at motivating, inspiring, encouraging, congratulating, and challenging the audience for the future. The purposes are mainly achieved by means of the speaker’s profession and knowledge, personal experience, emotional stories, logical facts, figures and examples from the field of business. Rhetorical schemes and tropes emphasize the main ideas, create sophisticated contrasts of words, and make the speech sonorous and attractive to the audience, thus, motivating, encouraging and inspiring the audience

    Áhrifaþættir í uppeldi barna sem geta leitt til áhættuhegðunar

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    Umfjöllunarefni ritgerðarinnar eru rannsóknir og kenningar á áhrifaþáttum í uppeldi sem geta leitt til áhættuhegðunar barna og ungmenna. Hér verður fjallað um helstu ástæður og kenningar sem settar hafa verið fram sem geta skýrt bæði áhættuhegðun og hvaða þættir það eru í uppeldi sem geta leitt til þessarar hegðunar. Kenningar og fyrri rannsóknir eru skoðaðar til þess að varpa ljósi á mikilvægi uppbyggjandi uppeldis og tengslamyndunar. Áhættuhegðun barna og unglinga er oftast afleiðings ýmissa áhættuþátta eins og einstaklings, fjölskyldu, umhverfis og samfélags þátta. Í ritgerðinni er sérstaklega lögð áhersla á að svara eftirfarandi þáttum: Hvaða þættir eru taldir hafa helstu áhrif á áhættuhegðun? Hvaða kenningar útskýra mikilvægi uppeldis og hvernig áhættuhegðun þróast? Hvað sýna fyrri rannsóknir? Niðurstöður sýna að tengsl foreldra við barnið skipta mestu máli þegar það kemur að þróun áhættuhegðunar. Þau börn sem mynda traust tengsl við foreldra sýna eða annan ummönunaraðila í barnæsku verða tilfinningalega stöðugari á fullorðinsárunum sínum og eiga léttara með að mynda sterk tengsl við aðra einstaklinga í kringum sig

    Synthesis and analysis of thermal characteristics of polybenzoxazine based on phenol and 3

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    In this work, 3-amino phenyl boronic acid (AB) was used as an aniline derivative in the preparation of polybenzoxazine based on phenol. In order to investigate the effect of boronic acid on thermal characteristics, polybenzoxazines based on pure aniline and 50% aniline and AB mixture were also prepared and analyzed. Significant improvements in thermal characteristics, increase in thermal stability and char yield, was recorded for the polymers based on AB or its mixture. This behavior was associated with crosslinked structures generated by condensation reactions of B Symbol of the Klingon Empire OH groups. Morphologic and thermal characteristics of polybenzoxazines samples were investigated by NMR, FTIR, DSC, TGA, and direct pyrolysis mass spectrometry (DP-MS) techniques. Application of DP-MS technique also supplied additional information on crosslinked structures produced by boronic acid units. (c) 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 201

    Optimization of basic parameters in temperature-programmed gas chromatographic separations of multi-component samples within a given time

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    A new procedure is introduced for the optimization of column peak capacity in a given time. The opitmization focuses on temperature-programmed operating conditions, notably the initial temperature and hold time, and the programming rate. Based conceptually upon Lagrange functions, experiments were carried out long simplex sequential and central composite design procedures. The validity of the theory was demonstrated by separations of some crude oil distillation fractions

    Optimization of basic parameters in temperature-programmed gas chromatographic separations of multi-component samples within a given time

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    A new procedure is introduced for the optimization of column peak capacity in a given time. The opitmization focuses on temperature-programmed operating conditions, notably the initial temperature and hold time, and the programming rate. Based conceptually upon Lagrange functions, experiments were carried out long simplex sequential and central composite design procedures. The validity of the theory was demonstrated by separations of some crude oil distillation fractions