86 research outputs found

    Educación ambiental y actitudes hacia la conservación del agua en los estudiantes de secundaria de la Institución Educativa San Juan, Sullana – 2019

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    El trabajo de investigación denominado: Educación ambiental y actitudes hacia la conservación del agua en los estudiantes de secundaria de la institución educativa San Juan, Sullana – 2019, responde a la agudización del problema del medio ambiente, evidenciado en los impactos del cambio climático, y en el ámbito local en la presencia siempre amenazante de los fenómenos lluviosos como El Niño alternados con sequías. La investigación desarrollada dentro del enfoque cuantitativo. Metodológicamente el estudio definido como de tipo no experimental, usó un diseño descriptivo correlacional. Como técnica utilizó la encuesta, procedimiento que se concretó a través de un cuestionario, de la modalidad de escala, diseñado en base a las dimensiones determinadas para las dos variables de estudio, y que sirvió para recoger los datos de una muestra probabilística de 105 estudiantes. Los resultados mostraron que en general no había una formación consistente en términos de conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes relacionadas con el medio ambiente. Las conclusiones a las que arribó está investigación es que hay una correlación baja y muy débil entre la educación ambiental que reciben los estudiantes y las actitudes que manifiestan en relación a la conservación del agua

    Programa Quizfaber y la resolución de problemas de química

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar la efectividad del programa Quizfaber en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la química enfocada en la resolución de problemas de nomenclatura y funciones químicas inorgánicas. La población estuvo constituida por 784 estudiantes de 1º a 5º de grado de secundaria y la muestra fue de 152 estudiantes de tercer grado de secundaria, divididos en cuatro grupos (A, B, C y D).El enfoque del trabajo fue cuantitativo, explicativa con un diseño tipo Solomon. Los instrumentos empleados en la investigación (Programa y Prueba de conocimientos) fueron sometidos a un juicio de expertos. El manejo y tratamiento de datos obtenidos en el pre test y post test se utilizó el programa estadístico SPSS 21. Los resultados obtenidos al término de la aplicación del programa Quizfaber mostraron en los grupos experimentales una disminución significativa de alumnos que se encontraban en los niveles bajos y un aumento significativo en los alumnos que mejoraron su capacidad de resolver problemas de química

    Inorganic carbon and nitrogen assimilation in cellular compartments of a benthic kleptoplastic foraminifer

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    © The Author(s), 2018. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Scientific Reports 8 (2018): 10140, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-28455-1.Haynesina germanica, an ubiquitous benthic foraminifer in intertidal mudflats, has the remarkable ability to isolate, sequester, and use chloroplasts from microalgae. The photosynthetic functionality of these kleptoplasts has been demonstrated by measuring photosystem II quantum efficiency and O2 production rates, but the precise role of the kleptoplasts in foraminiferal metabolism is poorly understood. Thus, the mechanism and dynamics of C and N assimilation and translocation from the kleptoplasts to the foraminiferal host requires study. The objective of this study was to investigate, using correlated TEM and NanoSIMS imaging, the assimilation of inorganic C and N (here ammonium, NH4+) in individuals of a kleptoplastic benthic foraminiferal species. H. germanica specimens were incubated for 20 h in artificial seawater enriched with H13CO3− and 15NH4+ during a light/dark cycle. All specimens (n = 12) incorporated 13C into their endoplasm stored primarily in the form of lipid droplets. A control incubation in darkness resulted in no 13C-uptake, strongly suggesting that photosynthesis is the process dominating inorganic C assimilation. Ammonium assimilation was observed both with and without light, with diffuse 15N-enrichment throughout the cytoplasm and distinct 15N-hotspots in fibrillar vesicles, electron-opaque bodies, tubulin paracrystals, bacterial associates, and, rarely and at moderate levels, in kleptoplasts. The latter observation might indicate that the kleptoplasts are involved in N assimilation. However, the higher N assimilation observed in the foraminiferal endoplasm incubated without light suggests that another cytoplasmic pathway is dominant, at least in darkness. This study clearly shows the advantage provided by the kleptoplasts as an additional source of carbon and provides observations of ammonium uptake by the foraminiferal cell.This work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant no. 200021_149333) and was part of the CNRS EC2CO-Lefe project ForChlo. It was also supported by the Region Pays de la Loire (Post-doc position of TJ, on FRESCO project) as well as the WHOI Robert W. Morse Chair for Excellence in Oceanography and The Investment in Science Fund at WHOI

    Políticas Urbanas: A Encriptação do Direito e a Desencriptação pela Aplicação da Ideologia Constitucional Adotada

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    This paper intent to discuss the absence of qualitative effectiveness of the Brazilian urban policies based on article 182 of Constitution and on the legal instruments presents in Law nº 10.257/2001. Hypotheses proposed are: (i)that this absence occurs due to the encryption of power by right which operationalize urban planning in democratic simulacrum; (ii)legal reading based on the adopted constitutional ideology is able to decoded the law and enable the democratic re-appropriation of urban planning. The research is based on legal doctrine and on the relevant legislation, having as main theoretical references Sanín Restrepo and Washington Peluso Albino de Souza.O artigo pretende discutir a ausência da efetividade qualitativa das políticas urbanas brasileiras baseadas no artigo 182 da CF/88 e nos instrumentos presentes na Lei nº 10.257/2001. Como hipóteses propõem-se: (i)que esta ausência se dá em decorrência da encriptação de poder pelo direito que operacionaliza o planejamento urbano em simulacro democrático; (ii)que a leitura jurídica com base na ideologia constitucional adotada é capaz de desencriptar o direito e possibilitar a re-apropriação democrática do planejamento urbano brasileiro. A pesquisa é documental apoiada na doutrina e na legislação pertinente, tendo como principais referenciais teóricos Sanín Restrepo e Washington Peluso Albino de Souza


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    O objetivo do artigo é compreender as relações entre indígenas e jesuítas na região do rio Oiapoque, atual fronteira entre Brasil e França, no Norte da América do Sul, na primeira metade do século XVIII (principalmente na margem esquerda, ou seja, na Guyane, território considerado francês). Busca-se analisar agências dos nativos frente à catequese dos missionários franceses, a partir de cartas escritas pelos padres, publicadas no século XIX. Navegar nos rios, furos e igarapés da Amazônia exigia conhecimentos específicos, cujos detentores eram os indígenas, considerados “selvagens”. Os missionários, tanto da colônia portuguesa quanto da francesa, por exemplo, dependiam deles e os pilotos e guias experientes eram valorizados e buscavam usar estratégias de negociação com os agentes coloniais, para sobreviver física e culturalmente. Dessa forma, os indígenas são percebidos como agentes do processo histórico, protagonistas de suas próprias histórias e não apenas vítimas da colonização e do contato com europeus

    O índice de preços de Passo Fundo (RS): análise e relevância

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    This paper analysed the importance of the Basic Food Price Index of Passo Fundo city (ICBpf), calculated by the Centre for Research and Extension from the Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Accounting (CEPEAC) of the University of Passo Fundo, compared to the Consumer Price Index (IPCiepe) of the Center for Studies and Economic Research (IEPE) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and the Consumer Price Index Amplified (IPCA), calculated by the Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The paper also used a dummy variable in order to analyze the variability of the ICBpf along the governments of Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Lula, from January 1995 to April 2009. For this evaluation it is used an econometric model of time series, considering the One Price Law as a theoretical framework. The results showed that the One Price Law is valid only for the IPCiepe, indicating that the ICBpf is valid only for regional comparisons. As for the comparison with the IPCA, the Basic Food Price Index does not capture the variation of this indicator, which can be justified by the magnitude of this index. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test was applied to the ICBpf and IPCiepe series, showing that both series do not have a trend term and could be considered stationary. Otherwise, the results showed a positive and significant relationship between them.This demonstrates the importance of the Basic Food Price Index as an indicator of pricevariations for the region of Passo Fundo.Key words: price index, basic food, One Price Law.Este artigo analisou a importância do índice da cesta básica do município de Passo Fundo (ICBpf), calculado pelo Centro de Pesquisa e Extensão da Faculdade de Ciências Econômicas, Administrativas e Contábeis (CEPEAC) da Universidade de Passo Fundo, em comparação com o Índice de Preços ao Consumidor do Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas Econômicas (IPCiepe) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) e o Índice de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA), calculado pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). O artigo também analisa, através de uma variável dummy, a variação do ICBpf ao longo dos governos Fernando Henrique Cardoso e Lula, no período de janeiro de 1995 a abril de 2009. Para esta avaliação, foi utilizado um modelo econométrico de séries temporais, tomando-se a Lei do Preço Único como referencial teórico. Os resultados apontaram que a Lei do Preço Único somente foi validada para o IPCiepe, indicando que o índice da cesta básica serve apenas de comparação a nível regional. Quanto ao comparativo com o IPCA, o índice da cesta básica não capta a variação deste indicador, o que pode ser justificado pela amplitude deste índice. Foi realizado o teste da raiz unitária de Dickey-Fuller Aumentado (ADF) para as séries de dados ICBpf e IPCiepe, verificando-se que ambas não possuem o termo de tendência, sendo consideradas estacionárias. Por outro lado, observou-se uma relação positiva e significativa entre as mesmas. Isso demonstra a importância do índice da cesta básica como indicador da variação dos preços na região de Passo Fundo.Palavras-chave: índice de preços, cesta básica, Lei do Preço Único

    Optimized Configuration of Diesel Engine-Fuel Cell-Battery Hybrid Power Systems in a Platform Supply Vessel to Reduce CO<sub>2</sub> Emissions

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    The main objective of this paper is to select the optimal configuration of a ship&rsquo;s power system, considering the use of fuel cells and batteries, that would achieve the lowest CO2 emissions also taking into consideration the number of battery cycles. The ship analyzed in this work is a Platform Supply Vessel (PSV) used to support oil and gas offshore platforms transporting goods, equipment, and personnel. The proposed scheme considers the ship&rsquo;s retrofitting. The ship&rsquo;s original main generators are maintained, and the fuel cell and batteries are installed as complementary sources. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis is pursued on the ship&rsquo;s demand curve. The simulations used to calculate the CO2 emissions for each of the new hybrid configurations were developed using HOMER software. The proposed solutions are auxiliary generators, three types of batteries, and a proton-exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) with different sizes of hydrogen tanks. The PEMFC and batteries were sized as containerized solutions, and the sizing of the auxiliary engines was based on previous works. Each configuration consists of a combination of these solutions. The selection of the best configuration is one contribution of this paper. The new configurations are classified according to the reduction of CO2 emitted in comparison to the original system. For different demand levels, the results indicate that the configuration classification may vary. Another valuable contribution of this work is the sizing of the battery and hydrogen storage systems. They were installed in 20 ft containers, since the installation of batteries, fuel cells and hydrogen tanks in containers is widely used for ship retrofit. As a result, the most significant reduction of CO2 emissions is 10.69%. This is achieved when the configuration includes main generators, auxiliary generators, a 3,119 kW lithium nickel manganese cobalt (LNMC) battery, a 250 kW PEMFC, and 581 kg of stored hydrogen


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