79 research outputs found

    La promotion du nucléaire civil dans la presse quotidienne japonaise

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    Cet article dresse un état des lieux de la promotion du nucléaire civil par les quotidiens japonais, notamment dans son contexte socio-politique des années 1950 aux années 1970, à travers la définition de ce que nous appelons les « trois mythes du nucléaire » : « pacifique », « sûr » et « nécessaire ».This article discusses how the Japanese press has dealt with nuclear energy, mainly within the sociopolitical context of the period spanning the 1950s and 1970s, by enthusiastically promulgating what the author calls the “three nuclear myths” of “peaceful development,” “safety” and “socioeconomic necessity.”日本は原子力を強く推進するために、国民の放射線に対する「恐怖」を払拭する必要があった。そのために新聞が宣伝に大­な役割を果たしたとされるが、根拠に乏しい。本論文では、朝日新聞と読売新聞はいかに原子力を報道して­たかを検証し、そのため平和神話、安全神話と必須神話という三つの神話を定義し、社会経済的な背景も探る。原発事故の報道を検討しながら、インターネット社会で起­た福島第一原発事故が浮­彫りにした新しい情報社会を考察する

    Industrial management for industry 4.0 – simulation system to support learning of opportunities and challenges of dealing with real-time data

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    The fourth industrial revolution brings many opportunities for the exploration of new business models, based on increasing digitalization that ultimately enables the prediction of the behavior of systems. Several challenges may be identified in the Industrial Management (IM) field. One of the most relevant is the opportunity to deal with real-time data and adapt the decision-making processes with agile approaches. IM learners will need to increase their awareness of these opportunities and challenges, both in professional training and in higher education. Thus, this study proposes a simulation system to support the learning process of opportunities and challenges to deal with big data from production systems' sensors. The proposed simulation system implements simple dispatching rules for the jobs entering the production queue. Additionally, the system allows the creation of many coupled machines, each one associated with a one-level bill of materials, and a set of sensors delivering data to an excel file simulating a cloud. The study will show how to use the data in a learning experience for learners to understand the high amount of data delivered by sensors and the type of information and decisions it allows.This work was developed in the context of project 619325-EPP-1-2020-1-TH-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, “Reinforcing Non-University Sector at the Tertiary Level in Engineering and Technology to Support Thailand Sustainable Smart Industry” which has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. This work was partially supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope UIDB/00319/2020

    Re-parametrisation of Adel-wheat allows reducing the experimental effort to simulate the 3D development of winter wheat

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    Eds. Risto Sievänen, Eero Nikinmaa, Christophe Godin, Anna Lintunen & Pekka NygrenA parameterisation of wheat architecture was developed, having high flexibility to simulate contrasted genotypes and growth conditions with a reasonably low number of parameters. Field measurements at 4-5 dates allowed to simulate crops from emergence to maturity with a good agreement between simulated and measured ground cover and GAI. Dynamics of leaf angles were shown to impact strongly ground cover

    The AI Neuropsychologist: Automatic scoring of memory deficits with deep learning

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    Memory deficits are a hallmark of many different neurological and psychiatric conditions. The Rey-Osterrieth complex figure (ROCF) is the state–of-the-art assessment tool for neuropsychologists across the globe to assess the degree of non-verbal visual memory deterioration. To obtain a score, a trained clinician inspects a patient’s ROCF drawing and quantifies deviations from the original figure. This manual procedure is time-consuming, slow and scores vary depending on the clinician’s experience, motivation and tiredness. Here, we leverage novel deep learning architectures to automatize the rating of memory deficits. For this, a multi-head convolutional neural network was trained on 20225 ROCF drawings. Unbiased ground truth ROCF scores were obtained from crowdsourced human intelligence. The neural network outperforms both online raters and clinicians. Our AI-powered scoring system provides healthcare institutions worldwide with a digital tool to assess objectively, reliably and time-efficiently the performance in the ROCF test from hand-drawn images

    Technology roadmap for cold-atoms based quantum inertial sensor in space

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    Recent developments in quantum technology have resulted in a new generation of sensors for measuring inertial quantities, such as acceleration and rotation. These sensors can exhibit unprecedented sensitivity and accuracy when operated in space, where the free-fall interrogation time can be extended at will and where the environment noise is minimal. European laboratories have played a leading role in this field by developing concepts and tools to operate these quantum sensors in relevant environment, such as parabolic flights, free-fall towers, or sounding rockets. With the recent achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation on the International Space Station, the challenge is now to reach a technology readiness level sufficiently high at both component and system levels to provide "off the shelf"payload for future generations of space missions in geodesy or fundamental physics. In this roadmap, we provide an extensive review on the status of all common parts, needs, and subsystems for the application of atom-based interferometers in space, in order to push for the development of generic technology components

    The open abdomen in trauma and non-trauma patients : WSES guidelines

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    Damage control resuscitation may lead to postoperative intra-abdominal hypertension or abdominal compartment syndrome. These conditions may result in a vicious, self-perpetuating cycle leading to severe physiologic derangements and multiorgan failure unless interrupted by abdominal (surgical or other) decompression. Further, in some clinical situations, the abdomen cannot be closed due to the visceral edema, the inability to control the compelling source of infection or the necessity to re-explore (as a "planned second-look" laparotomy) or complete previously initiated damage control procedures or in cases of abdominal wall disruption. The open abdomen in trauma and non-trauma patients has been proposed to be effective in preventing or treating deranged physiology in patients with severe injuries or critical illness when no other perceived options exist. Its use, however, remains controversial as it is resource consuming and represents a non-anatomic situation with the potential for severe adverse effects. Its use, therefore, should only be considered in patients who would most benefit from it. Abdominal fascia-to-fascia closure should be done as soon as the patient can physiologically tolerate it. All precautions to minimize complications should be implemented.Peer reviewe

    SecurePLUGandWORK – Abschlussbericht

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    Industrie 4.0 umfasst unter anderem intelligente Anlagenkomponenten, Maschinen und Anlagen sowie IT-Systeme, die miteinander vernetzt und über die relevanten ‚Partner\u27 mit ihren Fähigkeiten informiert sind. Bei einem Neuaufbau oder Umbau von Anlagen, Maschinen und Komponenten können alle Partner auf die Veränderung entsprechend reagieren. Änderungen sind beispielsweise in der eingebetteten Software der Feldgeräte, im Programmcode der Steuerungen, aber auch in überlagerten IT-Systemen wie bspw. MES nötig