665 research outputs found

    Biological activity of Citrus spp. metabolites on Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann).

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    The Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), is one of the most injurious pest at global level. During the last years, several electrophysiological and behavioural studies have been carried out in order to investigate plant volatile compound-insect interactions with the aim to use this knowledge in sustainable control techniques. It has been observed that lemons are not attacked by medfly, probably because of the peel oil, that is toxic to other fruit flies. In the present paper electrophysiological recordings were conducted to evaluate the insect sensitivity to peel extract and peel oil of two Sicilian cultivars (Interdonato and Lunario) of Citrus x limon (L.) Burm.f. on C. capitata females. Behavioural bioassays were also performed to show their possible biological activity (repellent, antioviposition, insecticidal). C. limon peel extracts in different solvents (petroleum ether, dichloromethane and methanol) were investigated at various concentrations using a single cell recording technique (stimulation of tarsal taste chemosensilla). Different tarsal taste cell responses to the two cultivars were recorded. The higher sensitivity was evoked by C. limon Interdonato, particularly to the methanol extract, which elicited significant increases in the spike frequency at increasing concentrations. The peel oil of the same cultivars as well as that ones of other two C. limon varieties (Monachello and Femminello) have been tested by EAG techniques. The EAG data showed a high sensitivity (about -8.0/8.5mV) of the medfly antennae to the oils of Citrus spp. and a clear dose-response relationship. Responses of adult females (virgin and mated) to Citrus spp. peel extract were quantified in a double-choice test using yellow spheres (diameter 7.0cm) housed in field cages. Preliminary tests conducted on three extracts of C. limon Interdonato and Lunario have provided interesting results. It was recorded a general decrease of the oviposition on treated spheres compared to control and in the case of the cultivar Lunario, a mortality of insects

    Claudia Beltrão da Rosa – Federico Santangelo (eds.): Cicero and the Roman Religion: Eight Studies. Potsdamer altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge 72. Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2020

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    Compensated Compactness for Differential Forms in Carnot Groups and Applications

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    International audienceIn this paper we prove a compensated compactness theorem for differential forms of the intrinsic complex of a Carnot group. The proof relies on a LsL^s--Hodge decomposition for these forms. Because of the lack of homogeneity of the intrinsic exterior differential, Hodge decomposition is proved using the parametrix of a suitable 0-order Laplacian on forms

    Biological activity of metabolites extracted from Citrus spp. on Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    The Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), is one of the most injurious pest at global level. During the last years, several electrophysiological and behavioural studies have been carried out in order to investigate plant volatile compound-insect interactions with the aim to use this knowledge in sustainable control techniques. It has been observed that lemons are not attacked by medfly, probably because of the peel oil, that is toxic to other fruit flies. In the present paper electrophysiological recordings were conducted to evaluate the insect sensitivity to peel extract and peel oil of two Sicilian cultivars (Interdonato and Lunario) of Citrus x limon (L.) Burm.f. on C. capitata females. Behavioural bioassays were also performed to show their possible biological activity (repellent, antioviposition, insecticidal). C. limon peel extracts in different solvents (petroleum ether, dichloromethane and methanol) were investigated at various concentrations using a single cell recording technique (stimulation of tarsal taste chemosensilla). Different tarsal taste cell responses to the two cultivars were recorded. The higher sensitivity was evoked by C. limon Interdonato, particularly to the methanol extract, which elicited significant increases in the spike frequency at increasing concentrations. The peel oil of the same cultivars as well as that ones of other two C. limon varieties (Monachello and Femminello) have been tested by EAG techniques. The EAG data showed a high sensitivity (about -8.0/8.5mV) of the medfly antennae to the oils of Citrus spp. and a clear dose-response relationship. Responses of adult females (virgin and mated) to Citrus spp. peel extract were quantified in a double-choice test using yellow spheres (diameter 7.0cm) housed in field cages. Preliminary tests conducted on three extracts of C. limon Interdonato and Lunario have provided interesting results. It was recorded a general decrease of the oviposition on treated spheres compared to control and in the case of the cultivar Lunario, a mortality of insects

    Effect of novel sequential soaking treatments on Maillard reaction products in potato and alternative vegetable crisps

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    Frying leads to the formation of numerous food contaminants through the Maillard reaction (MR). In this paper, commercially available vegetable crisps were analysed for and established to have high levels of acrylamide. Consequentially, the capability of two novel sequential pre-frying treatments were applied to potato, beetroot and parsnip snacks to inhibit the formation of acrylamide, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), glyoxal (GO) and methylglyoxal (MGO) was investigated. Data revealed that immersion in cold tap water for 2 min followed by blanching at 70 ± 2 °C for 2 min (Cold soak, hot soak, (CSHS)) as well as soaking in a 0.01M CaCl2 solution for 2 min followed by blanching at 70 ± 2 ⁰C in 0.1M citric acid for 2 min were both effective pre-treatments for potato crisps, simultaneously decreasing acrylamide concentration under the benchmark level of 750 μg/ kg and lowering GO content by 55.19 and 54.67% and MGO concentration by 39.17% and 81.62% , respectively. CSHS was the only efficient treatment for concurrent mitigation of acrylamide (-41.64%) and HMF (-88.43%) with little GO and MGO development in beetroot. Sequential cold soak in 0.01M calcium chloride and hot soak in a 0.1M citric acid solution has been effective in decreasing acrylamide in alternative crisps. However, this led to an increase in HMF, 30 and 20-fold respectively from the initial concentration. Data reveal that the tested mitigation strategies are vegetable specific

    Effects of Therapy with Maraviroc on the Carotid Intima Media Thickness in HIV-1/HCV Co-infected Patients

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    To evaluate, in human immunodeficiency virus-hepatitis C virus co-infected patients, the impact of C-C chemokine receptor type 5 (CCR5) antagonist maravirocbased antiretroviral therapy on the carotid intima media thickness and on atheromasic plaques. Patients and Methods: In this pilot prospective study, 12 HIV-HCV co-infected patients underwent color-Doppler ultrasonography before and 48 weeks after switching to a dual therapy based on maraviroc plus protease inhibitors boosted with ritonavir. Changes of intima media thickness, inflammatory and endothelial adhesion biomarkers levels, Veterans Aging Cohort Study index and Framingham risk score were evaluated. Results: At baseline 11 (91.6%) patients showed pathological ultrasonographic findings. After 48 weeks, two patients showed an amelioration of intima media thickness. Of the remaining patients with plaques, four showed a reduction of the previously diagnosed plaque; no patients worsened. Conclusion: Our data suggest that CCR5 inhibition could reduce the development of atherosclerosis especially in the non-calcific stage and could play an important role in the blockade of atheromasic plaque progression

    EEG theta dynamics within frontal and parietal cortices for error processing during reaching movements in a prism adaptation study altering visuo-motor predictive planning

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    Modulation of frontal midline theta (fmθ) is observed during error commission, but little is known about the role of theta oscillations in correcting motor behaviours. We investigate EEG activity of healthy partipants executing a reaching task under variable degrees of prism-induced visuo-motor distortion and visual occlusion of the initial arm trajectory. This task introduces directional errors of different magnitudes. The discrepancy between predicted and actual movement directions (i.e. the error), at the time when visual feedback (hand appearance) became available, elicits a signal that triggers on-line movement correction. Analysis were performed on 25 EEG channels. For each participant, the median value of the angular error of all reaching trials was used to partition the EEG epochs into high- and low-error conditions. We computed event-related spectral perturbations (ERSP) timelocked either to visual feedback or to the onset of movement correction. ERSP time-locked to the onset of visual feedback showed that fmθ increased in the high-but not in the lowerror condition with an approximate time lag of 200 ms. Moreover, when single epochs were sorted by the degree of motor error, fmθ started to increase when a certain level of error was exceeded and, then, scaled with error magnitude. When ERSP were time-locked to the onset of movement correction, the fmθ increase anticipated this event with an approximate time lead of 50 ms. During successive trials, an error reduction was observed which was associated with indices of adaptations (i.e., aftereffects) suggesting the need to explore if theta oscillations may facilitate learning. To our knowledge this is the first study where the EEG signal recorded during reaching movements was time-locked to the onset of the error visual feedback. This allowed us to conclude that theta oscillations putatively generated by anterior cingulate cortex activation are implicated in error processing in semi-naturalistic motor behaviours. © 2016 Arrighi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Il settore dell'acciaio speciale

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    Secondo i criteri d'impiego gli acciai si suddividono in acciai di base, di qualità e speciali. Le prime due categorie rientrano tra le commodities, in quanto caratterizzate dall'alta standardizzazione, mentre i prodotti della terza categoria sono considerati delle specialities ad alto valore aggiunto e a bassi volumi di produzione