23 research outputs found

    Astro2020 Science White Paper: Construction of an L* Galaxy: the Transformative Power of Wide Fields for Revealing the Past, Present and Future of the Great Andromeda System

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    The Great Andromeda Galaxy (M31) is the nexus of the near-far galaxy evolution connection and a principal data point for near-field cosmology. Due to its proximity (780 kpc), M31 can be resolved into individual stars like the Milky Way (MW). Unlike the MW, we have the advantage of a global view of M31, enabling M31 to be observed with techniques that also apply to more distant galaxies. Moreover, recent evidence suggests that M31 may have survived a major merger within the last several Gyr, shaping the morphology of its stellar halo and triggering a starburst, while leaving the stellar disk largely intact. The MW and M31 thus provide complementary opportunities for in-depth studies of the disks, halos, and satellites of L* galaxies. Our understanding of the M31 system will be transformed in the 2020s if they include wide field facilities for both photometry (HST-like sensitivity and resolution) and spectroscopy (10-m class telescope, >1 sq. deg. field, highly multiplexed, R~ 3000 to 6000). We focus here on the power of these facilities to constrain the past, present, and future merger history of M31, via chemo-dynamical analyses and star formation histories of phase-mixed stars accreted at early times, as well as stars in surviving tidal debris features, M31's extended disk, and intact satellite galaxies that will eventually be tidally incorporated into the halo. This will yield an unprecedented view of the hierarchical formation of the M31 system and the subhalos that built it into the L* galaxy we observe today

    Refined sensory measures of neural repair in human spinal cord injury: bridging preclinical findings to clinical value

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    Sensory input from the periphery to the brain can be severely compromised or completely abolished after an injury to the spinal cord. Evidence from animal models suggests that endogenous repair processes in the spinal cord mediate extensive sprouting and that this might be further attenuated by targeted therapeutic interventions. However, the extent to which sprouting can contribute to spontaneous recovery after human spinal cord injury (SCI) remains largely unknown, in part because few measurement tools are available in order to non-invasively detect subtle changes in neurophysiology. The proposed application of segmental sensory evoked potentials (e.g., dermatomal contact heat evoked potentials and somatosensory evoked potentials) to assess conduction in ascending pathways (i.e., spinothalamic and dorsal column, respectively) differs from conventional approaches in that individual spinal segments adjacent to the level of lesion are examined. The adoption of these approaches into clinical research might provide improved resolution for measuring changes in sensory impairments and might determine the extent by which spontaneous recovery after SCI is mediated by similar endogenous repair mechanisms in humans as in animal models

    Hypothesis: cytokines may be activated to cause depressive illness and chronic fatigue syndrome.

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    Abnormalities in the regulation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis are a well recognised feature of endogenous depression. The mechanism underlying this phenomenon remains obscure although there is strong evidence suggesting excessive CRH activity at the level of the hypothalamus. We propose a novel hypothesis in which we suggest that the aetiological antecent to CRH hyperactivity is cytokine activation in the brain. It is now well established both that interleukins -1 and -6 are produced in a number of central loci and that cytokines are potent stimulators of the HPA axis. Hence, we suggest that activation of IL-1 and IL-6 by specific mechanisms (such as neurotropic viral infection) in combination with the consequent CRH-41 stimulation, may (via their known biological effects) underly many of the features found in major depression and other related disorders, particularly where chronic fatigue is a prominent part of the symptom complex. This theory has considerable heuristic value and suggests a number of experimental stratagems which may employed in order to confirm or reject it