106 research outputs found

    Genetic and Phylogenetic Divergence of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus in the Puma (Puma concolor)

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    Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is a lentivirus which causes an AIDS-like disease in domestic cats (Felis catus). A number of other felid species, including the puma (Puma concolor), carry a virus closely related to domestic cat FIV. Serological testing revealed the presence of antibodies to FIV in 22% of 434 samples from throughout the geographic range of the puma. FIV-Pco pol gene sequences isolated from pumas revealed extensive sequence diversity, greater than has been documented in the domestic cat. The puma sequences formed two highly divergent groups, analogous to the clades which have been defined for domestic cat and lion (Panthera leo) FIV. The puma clade A was made up of samples from Florida and California, whereas clade B consisted of samples from other parts of North America, Central America, and Brazil. The difference between these two groups was as great as that reported among three lion FIV clades. Within puma clades, sequence variation is large, comparable to between-clade differences seen for domestic cat clades, allowing recognition of 15 phylogenetic lineages (subclades) among puma FIV-Pco. Large sequence divergence among isolates, nearly complete species monophyly, and widespread geographic distribution suggest that FIV-Pco has evolved within the puma species for a long period. The sequence data provided evidence for vertical transmission of FIV-Pco from mothers to their kittens, for coinfection of individuals by two different viral strains, and for cross-species transmission of FIV from a domestic cat to a puma. These factors may all be important for understanding the epidemiology and natural history of FIV in the puma

    Detection of oncogenic virus genomes and gene products in lung carcinoma

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    We investigated a series of 122 cases of small cell lung carcinomas and non-small cell lung carcinomas for the presence of several viruses that are known to be oncogenic in humans. Thus, viral genomes (DNA) and/or RNA transcripts and/or proteins of human papillomaviruses (HPV) 16, 18, 31, 33, 51, Epstein–Barr virus (EBV), human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8), human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and simian virus 40 (SV40) were investigated on tissue sections (prepared in tissue microarrays) with different techniques of immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridisation. None of the cases displayed a single positive tumour cell for all the viruses tested whatever the technique applied. Of note, in five cases of tumours with lymphoid infiltrates, we detected scattered EBV (EBER)-positive bystander lymphocytes. In three cases, a faint nuclear staining was found with the anti-latent nuclear antigen/LANA1 (HHV-8) antibody. These cases were checked by PCR with two sets of primers (orf 26 and orf 75) and remained negative for this latter virus. Taken together, our data strongly suggest that the conventional human oncogenic viruses (HPV, EBV, HCMV, HHV-8 and SV40) are unlikely to play some role in the development of lung carcinomas

    El comercio de anfibios y la presencia de Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis en vida libre: ÂżdispersiĂłn en cĂ­rculo vicioso?

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    The amphibian trade has an important role in Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) persistence, for at least 28 amphibian species can serve as vectors. The objectives of this work are to evaluate the presence and prevalence of Bd in amphibian traded in two petshops in Mexico City, as well as to verify their presence in wild amphibian populations of species traded. It was found that 92% of amphibians sold in the two petshops were captured free-living, and 37.3% of these animals were infected with Bd, according to histological analysis. The prevalence of 30.8% of Bd in wild amphibians at the wild capture sites was detected by means of DNA amplification. No significant differences were found between prevalence of wild and trade amphibians, but the trend was higher for trade amphibians. The importance of amphibian management and conservation plans has been growing in the last years. The pet trade and its capture from the wild turn these trade routes and their captive management into means of pathogenic dispersion, which may increase the risk of disease outbreaks.Keywords: Chytridiomycosis, pet trade, optical microscopy, nested PCR.El comercio de anfibios tiene un papel importante en la persistencia del Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), ya que al menos 28 especies pueden servir como vectores. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron evaluar la presencia de Bd en anfibios comercializados en dos mercados de mascotas en la Ciudad de MĂ©xico; ademĂĄs verificamos su presencia en poblaciones silvestres de las especies comerciadas. Se encontrĂł que el 92% de los anfibios comercializados fueron capturados de vida libre, y el 37.3% estuvieron infectados con Bd de acuerdo con anĂĄlisis histolĂłgicos. La prevalencia de 30.8% de Bd en anfibios silvestres fue detectada por amplificaciĂłn de ADN. No hubo diferencias significativas entre las prevalencias de los anfibios silvestres y de comercio, pero la tendencia es mayor para los anfibios de comercio. La importancia de los planes de conservaciĂłn de anfibios a nivel mundial ha crecido en los Ășltimos años. El mercado de mascotas y la captura de individuos de vida libre hacen que las rutas de comercio y el manejo de individuos para estos fines sea una forma de dispersiĂłn de patĂłgenos y un gran riesgo de brotes de las enfermedades.Palabras claves: Quitridiomicosis, mercado de mascotas, microscopia Ăłptica, PCR anidado

    Randomized Controlled Trial of a Positive Affect Intervention to Reduce Stress in People Newly Diagnosed with HIV; Protocol and Design for the IRISS Study

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    Increasing evidence suggests that positive affect plays an important role in adaptation to chronic illness, independent of levels of negative affects like depression. Positive affect may be especially beneficial for people in the midst of severe stress, such as the diagnosis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). As medical treatments for HIV have improved, the number of people living with HIV has increased, and prevention strategies tailored specifically to people living with HIV have become a priority. There is a need for effective, creative, client-centered interventions that can be easily disseminated to community treatment settings, but there are currently few established interventions for people who are newly diagnosed with HIV. We present the design and methods for a randomized trial in which we test the efficacy of one such skills-based intervention that targets positive affect as a novel mechanism of change. The proposed research builds on observational findings of the important unique functions of positive affect. We aim to determine whether a five-session theory- and evidence-based intervention designed to teach skills for increasing the frequency and intensity of daily positive affect does so, and whether this intervention has beneficial effects on subsequent psychological well-being, health behaviors, and physical health up to 15 months after diagnosis with HIV. This is a randomized controlled trial in a sample of adults recruited within 12 weeks of testing positive for HIV. The control group is attention-matched, and follow up assessments will be conducted immediately post intervention (approximately 5 months post diagnosis) and at 10 and 15 months post diagnosis. This study is an important next step in research concerning the adaptive functions of positive affect for people coping with HIV or other health-related life stress

    In situ mantle cell lymphoma: clinical implications of an incidental finding with indolent clinical behavior

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    Background Cyclin D1-positive B cells are occasionally found in the mantle zones of reactive lymphoid follicles, a condition that has been called 'in situ mantle cell lymphoma'. The clinical significance of this lesion remains uncertain. Design and Methods The clinical and pathological characteristics, including SOX11 expression, of 23 cases initially diagnosed as in situ mantle cell lymphoma were studied. Results Seventeen of the 23 cases fulfilled the criteria for in situ mantle cell lymphoma. In most cases, the lesions were incidental findings in reactive lymph nodes. The t(11; 14) was detected in all eight cases examined. SOX11 was positive in seven of 16 cases (44%). Five cases were associated with other small B-cell lymphomas. In two cases, both SOX11-positive, the in situ mantle cell lymphoma lesions were discovered after the diagnosis of overt lymphoma; one 4 years earlier, and one 3 years later. Twelve of the remaining 15 patients had a follow-up of at least 1 year (median 2 years; range, 1-19.5), of whom 11 showed no evidence of progression, including seven who were not treated. Only one of 12 patients with an in situ mantle cell lymphoma lesion and no diagnosis of mantle cell lymphoma at the time developed an overt lymphoma, 4 years later; this case was also SOX11-positive. The six remaining cases were diagnosed as mantle cell lymphoma with a mantle zone pattern. Five were SOX11-positive and four of them were associated with lymphoma without a mantle zone pattern. Conclusions In situ mantle cell lymphoma lesions are usually an incidental finding with a very indolent behavior. These cases must be distinguished from mantle cell lymphoma with a mantle zone pattern and overt mantle cell lymphoma because they may not require therapeutic intervention

    Clinical and molecular practice of European thoracic pathology laboratories during the COVID-19 pandemic. The past and the near future

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    BACKGROUND: This study evaluated the consequences in Europe of the COVID-19 outbreak on pathology laboratories orientated toward the diagnosis of thoracic diseases. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A survey was sent to 71 pathology laboratories from 21 European countries. The questionnaire requested information concerning the organization of biosafety, the clinical and molecular pathology, the biobanking, the workload, the associated research into COVID-19, and the organization of education and training during the COVID-19 crisis, from 15 March to 31 May 2020, compared with the same period in 2019. RESULTS: Questionnaires were returned from 53/71 (75%) laboratories from 18 European countries. The biosafety procedures were heterogeneous. The workload in clinical and molecular pathology decreased dramatically by 31% (range, 3%-55%) and 26% (range, 7%-62%), respectively. According to the professional category, between 28% and 41% of the staff members were not present in the laboratories but did teleworking. A total of 70% of the laboratories developed virtual meetings for the training of residents and junior pathologists. During the period of study, none of the staff members with confirmed COVID-19 became infected as a result of handling samples. CONCLUSIONS: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a strong impact on most of the European pathology laboratories included in this study. Urgent implementation of several changes to the organization of most of these laboratories, notably to better harmonize biosafety procedures, was noted at the onset of the pandemic and maintained in the event of a new wave of infection occurring in Europe

    Expression of apoptosis regulatory proteins of the Bcl-2 family and p53 in primary resected non-small-cell lung cancer

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    Proteins of the Bcl-2 family as well as p53 are important regulators of apoptosis. Alterations in the expression of these proteins can contribute to the formation of cancer, as well as influence tumour response to chemo- and radiotherapy. We used antibodies specific for the human Bcl-2, Mcl-1, Bax, Bak and p53 proteins to examine the expression of these apoptosis-regulating genes in 49 archival specimens of patients with radically resected non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Tumour cells containing immunostaining for the antiapoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and Mcl-1 were present in 31% and 58% of the cases evaluated, respectively, whereas immunopositivity for the proapoptotic proteins Bax and Bak was found in 47% and 58% of the samples. p53 immunopositivity was detected in 61% of the samples. The expression of Bcl-2 and p53 and the expression of Mcl-1 and Bax showed a positive association (P= 0.02 and P= 0.06 respectively), whereas the expression of Bax was inversely related to p53 (P= 0.008). The expression of Bcl-2 had a negative influence on relapse-free survival in this population of primary resected NSCLC patients (P= 0.02). The expression of p53 and Bcl-2 was significantly associated with metastasis-free survival (P< 0.01). Only patients with p53-positive tumours developed metastases during the follow-up period. Our results establish the frequent expression of the Bcl-2 family proteins Bcl-2, Mcl-1, Bax and Bak in NSCLC. It can be expected that Bcl-2 family members have no straightforward impact on clinical outcome in this disease because their interactions in the regulation of apoptosis are complex. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Clinical and molecular practice of European thoracic pathology laboratories during the COVID-19 pandemic. The past and the near future.

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    This study evaluated the consequences in Europe of the COVID-19 outbreak on pathology laboratories orientated toward the diagnosis of thoracic diseases. A survey was sent to 71 pathology laboratories from 21 European countries. The questionnaire requested information concerning the organization of biosafety, the clinical and molecular pathology, the biobanking, the workload, the associated research into COVID-19, and the organization of education and training during the COVID-19 crisis, from 15 March to 31 May 2020, compared with the same period in 2019. Questionnaires were returned from 53/71 (75%) laboratories from 18 European countries. The biosafety procedures were heterogeneous. The workload in clinical and molecular pathology decreased dramatically by 31% (range, 3%-55%) and 26% (range, 7%-62%), respectively. According to the professional category, between 28% and 41% of the staff members were not present in the laboratories but did teleworking. A total of 70% of the laboratories developed virtual meetings for the training of residents and junior pathologists. During the period of study, none of the staff members with confirmed COVID-19 became infected as a result of handling samples. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a strong impact on most of the European pathology laboratories included in this study. Urgent implementation of several changes to the organization of most of these laboratories, notably to better harmonize biosafety procedures, was noted at the onset of the pandemic and maintained in the event of a new wave of infection occurring in Europe

    The International Consensus Classification of Mature Lymphoid Neoplasms: a report from the Clinical Advisory Committee

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    Since the publication of the Revised European-American Classification of Lymphoid Neoplasms in 1994, subsequent updates of the classification of lymphoid neoplasms have been generated through iterative international efforts to achieve broad consensus among hematopathologists, geneticists, molecular scientists, and clinicians. Significant progress has recently been made in the characterization of malignancies of the immune system, with many new insights provided by genomic studies. They have led to this proposal. We have followed the same process that was successfully used for the third and fourth editions of the World Health Organization Classification of Hematologic Neoplasms. The definition, recommended studies, and criteria for the diagnosis of many entities have been extensively refined. Some categories considered provisional have now been upgraded to definite entities. Terminology for some diseases has been revised to adapt nomenclature to the current knowledge of their biology, but these modifications have been restricted to well-justified situations. Major findings from recent genomic studies have impacted the conceptual framework and diagnostic criteria for many disease entities. These changes will have an impact on optimal clinical management. The conclusions of this work are summarized in this report as the proposed International Consensus Classification of mature lymphoid, histiocytic, and dendritic cell tumors
