20 research outputs found

    Interfaces in hot gauge theory

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    The string tension at low T and the free energy of domain walls at high T can be computed from one and the same observable. We show by explicit calculation that domain walls in hot Z(2) gauge theory have good thermodynamical behaviour. This is due to roughening of the wall, which expresses the restoration of translational symmetry.Comment: Contributed paper to the proceedings of the second workshop on Continuous Advances in QCD, ITP, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, March 28-31, 1996. 11 pages, figures and style file are appended in uuencoded gzip.tar.fil

    Debye mass from domainwalls and dimensionally reduced phase diagram

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    To measure the Debye mass in dimensionally reduced QCD for Nc≤3N_c\le 3 we replace in the correlator of two Polyakov loops one of the loops by a wall triggered by a dimensionally reduced twist. The phase diagram for Nc=3N_c=3 has R-parity broken in part of the Higgs phase.Comment: LATTICE98(hightemp

    't Hooft and Wilson loop ratios in the QCD plasma

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    The spatial 't Hooft loop measuring the electric flux and the spatial Wilsonloop measuring the magnetic flux are analyzed in hot SU(N) gauge theory. Both display area laws. On one hand the tension of the 't Hooft loop is perturbatively calculable, in the same sense as the pressure. We show that the O(g^3) contribution is absent. The ratio of multi-charged 't Hooft loops have a remarkably simple dependence on the charge, true up to, but not including, O(g^4). This dependence follows also from a simple model of free screened colour charges. On the other hand the surface tension of the Wilsonloop is non-perturbative. But in a model of screened free monopoles at very high temperature the known area law follows. The density of these monopoles starts to contribute to O(g^6) to the pressure. The ratio of the multicharged Wilson loops is calculable and identical to that of the 't Hooft loops.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure

    Parity violation in hot QCD: why it can happen, and how to look for it

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    The arguments for the possibility of violation of P and CP symmetries of strong interactions at finite temperature are presented. A new way of observing these effects in heavy ion collisions is proposed -- it is shown that parity violation should manifest itself in the asymmetry between positive and negative pions with respect to the reaction plane. Basing on topological considerations, we derive a {\it lower} bound on the magnitude of the expected asymmetry, which may appear within the reach of the current and/or future heavy ion experiments.Comment: 5 pages, revtex; a slightly extended version to appear in Physics Letters

    Testing imaginary vs. real chemical potential in finite-temperature QCD

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    One suggestion for determining the properties of QCD at finite temperatures and densities is to carry out lattice simulations with an imaginary chemical potential whereby no sign problem arises, and to convert the results to real physical observables only afterwards. We test the practical feasibility of such an approach for a particular class of physical observables, spatial correlation lengths in the quark-gluon plasma phase. Simulations with imaginary chemical potential followed by analytic continuation are compared with simulations with real chemical potential, which are possible by using a dimensionally reduced effective action for hot QCD. We find that for imaginary chemical potential the system undergoes a phase transition at |mu/T| \approx pi/3, and thus observables are analytic only in a limited range. However, utilising this range, relevant information can be obtained for the real chemical potential case.Comment: 14 pages. Some clarifications and references added, figures modified. To appear in PL

    CP violation and chiral symmetry restoration in the hot linear sigma model in a strong magnetic background

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    We study the effects of CP violation on the nature of the chiral transition within the linear sigma model with two flavors of quarks. The finite-temperature effective potential containing contributions from nontrivial values for the parameter θ\theta is computed to one loop order and their minima structure is analyzed. Motivated by the possibility of observing the formation of CP-odd domains in high-energy heavy ion collisions, we also investigate the behavior of the effective potential in the presence of a strong magnetic background. We find that the nature of the chiral transition is influenced by both θ\theta and the magnetic field.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure