9 research outputs found

    La vie en marche ; suivi de Les voies du ressouvenir

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    La vie en marche est un roman qui se présente sous forme d'un collage qui tire sa substance d'une « matière vécue » où alternent dialogues entre amis et photographies de traces marquées à même le « parchemin » des trottoirs. Les photographies témoignent d'une démarche solitaire toute habitée par le plaisir de la découverte alors que le texte met en scène -au propre comme au figuré -tant l'épreuve du deuil que l'attachement, la tendresse ou la solidarité. Le mode du dialogue est apparu le plus à même de rendre « la vie en marche » dans sa banalité et sa quotidienneté. Les voies du ressouvenir constituent, quant à elles, une tentative d'illustration d'une forme narrative où scriptural et pictural s'allieraient dans la perspective d'un dépassement du simple rapport de représentation pour tendre vers une complémentarité à travers le mouvement d'instauration caractéristique de l'acte d'énonciation. Trois ouvrages de Sophie Calle servent de fondement à cette démarche, soit Douleur exquise, Souvenir de Berlin-Est et L 'Hôtel, chacun répondant à une même lecture s'articulant autour des concepts de la trace, du passage et de la répétition, d'où découle un même retour du présent où le « ça a été » se constitue comme « c'est ». ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Roman, Dialogue, Banalité, Collage, Photographie, Mémoire

    Effects of postnatal environmental tobacco smoke on non-nutritive swallowing-breathing coordination in newborn lambs

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    While prenatal environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure is a well-known risk factor for sudden infant death syndrome, the effect of postnatal ETS exposure is less clear. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of postnatal ETS exposure on non-nutritive swallowing (NNS) and NNS-breathing coordination, which are crucial to prevent aspiration related-cardiorespiratory events. Eighteen newborn lambs (6 per group) were randomly exposed to either 10 cigarettes/day, 20 cigarettes/day or room air for 15 days. Lambs were instrumented for recording states of alertness, swallowing, electrocardiogram and breathing; recordings were performed in non-sedated lambs at the end of ETS exposure. Urinary cotinine/creatinine ratio confirmed relevant real-life exposure. Postnatal ETS exposure had no effect on NNS frequency but tended to decrease inspiratory NNS (p=0.07) during quiet sleep. No effect on respiratory or heart rate (p>0.6), apnea index (p=0.2) or sleep states (p=0.3) was observed. In conclusion, postnatal ETS exposure in lambs had only mild effects on NNS-breathing coordination

    Effects of reflux laryngitis on non-nutritive swallowing in newborn lambs

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    Reflux laryngitis in infants may be involved not only in laryngeal disorders, but also in disorders of cardiorespiratory control through its impact on laryngeal function. Our objective was to study the effect of reflux laryngitis on non-nutritive swallowing (NNS) and NNS-breathing coordination. Two groups of six newborn lambs, randomized into laryngitis and control groups, were surgically instrumented for recording states of alertness, swallowing and cardiorespiratory variables without sedation. A mild to moderate reflux laryngitis was induced in lambs from the experimental group. A significant decrease in the number of NNS bursts and apneas was observed in the laryngitis group in active sleep (p=0.03). In addition, lower heart and respiratory rates, as well as prolonged apnea duration (p<0.0001) were observed. No physiologically significant alterations in NNS-breathing coordination were observed in the laryngitis group. We conclude that a mild to moderate reflux laryngitis alters NNS burst frequency and autonomous control of cardiac activity and respiration in lambs

    La présence et la gravité des troubles de santé mentale sont-elles liées à la nature de la crise, à la dangerosité et aux services de crise offerts ?

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    Au Québec, les centres de crise ont été développés dans le contexte de la désinstitutionnalisation, ce qui a mené à une offre de services devant répondre aux besoins d’une clientèle hétérogène. À ce jour, encore peu d’études ont décrit et comparé les profils cliniques des personnes qui effectuent une demande d’aide à un centre de crise en considérant la présence ou non d’un trouble de santé mentale et la nature de celui-ci. Les dossiers de 1170 nouveaux demandeurs de services au Centre d’aide 24/7 ont été examinés rétrospectivement. Parmi ces demandeurs, 48 % souffraient d’un trouble de santé mentale et, de ceux-ci, 9 % rapportaient un trouble mental grave, soit un trouble psychotique ou bipolaire. Les résultats indiquent que le fait d’avoir un trouble de santé mentale est associé à une probabilité plus élevée de rapporter des événements stressants à caractère interpersonnel, une crise plus intense ainsi que des comportements auto-agressifs. Les personnes ayant un trouble psychotique ou bipolaire sont quant à elles plus fréquemment hébergées et plus susceptibles de recevoir des services intensifs et encadrants. Il semble donc que la présence et le type de troubles de santé mentale des demandeurs d’aide en centre de crise permettent non seulement de mieux anticiper la nature et l’intensité de la crise mais aussi le type de services requis.The mandate of crisis centres varies substantially from one country to the next according to the government policies in effect. In the United States, crisis centres were developed based on Caplan’s theory, which defines crisis as a psychosocial disorganization following a life event that is resolved with a return to balance. This approach aims at preventing the onset of mental health disorders through short-term intervention. It is different in Quebec, where crisis centres were developed in a deinstitutionalization context and ought to constitute an alternative to hospitalisation. Such mandate of Quebec crisis centres is not necessarily of the preventive nature associated with Caplan’s theory and it has led to services having to be adapted to a heterogeneous clientele that may or may not suffer from mental health problems. It has implications related to the crisis characteristics such as its nature, intensity, and dangerosity, as well as implications regarding the organization of crisis centre services, which have been the object of few studies so far. Objective: The present study aims at distinguishing clinical profiles of crisis centre callers according to the presence or absence of a mental health disorder and its nature, that is severe and persistent (psychotic or bipolar disorder) or not (mood, anxiety or personality disorder). In order to do so, participants are compared on the characteristics of the crisis and the services they received. Method: In this descriptive study, the files of 1170 new assistance applicants are retrospectively analyzed based on a predetermined grid that was used to collect data according to the main clinical characteristics of persons in distress, as recognized in the literature. The subgroup of persons presenting a psychotic or bipolar disorder was examined separately from the one comprising persons with an anxiety, mood or personality disorder because of its clinical complexity, which generally requires intensive, multidisciplinary follow-up. Results: Among the new applicants, 48% had a mental health disorder and, of these, 9% reported a serious mental health disorder, that is, a psychotic or bipolar disorder. The results indicate that having an anxiety-, mood- or personality-type disorder is associated with a higher probability of reporting stressful interpersonal-type events, a more intense crisis, as well as a greater risk of auto-aggressive behaviours. Meanwhile, persons with a psychotic or bipolar disorder are more frequently provided with accommodations and more likely to receive intensive and support services, such as emergency interventions or the use of the Act respecting the protection of persons whose mental state presents a danger to themselves or others (P-38). Conclusions: This descriptive portrait of the crisis centre clientele contributes to the reflection on differential intervention with persons in a crisis situation. It appears important to take an interest in the presence and type of mental health disorders of crisis centre callers, since these characteristics help to better foresee not only the nature and intensity of the crisis but also the type of services required. However, Quebec crisis centres have to respond to the needs of a heterogeneous clientele without having access to a typology and a theoretical model that consider this clinical diversity. Other studies should be conducted to validate, on the one hand, a crisis typology that would make it easier for caseworkers to collect data for evaluation purposes and, on the other hand, a differential intervention model

    La présence et la gravité des troubles de santé mentale sont-elles liées à la nature de la crise, à la dangerosité et aux services de crise offerts ?

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    Au Québec, les centres de crise ont été développés dans le contexte de la désinstitutionnalisation, ce qui a mené à une offre de services devant répondre aux besoins d’une clientèle hétérogène. À ce jour, encore peu d’études ont décrit et comparé les profils cliniques des personnes qui effectuent une demande d’aide à un centre de crise en considérant la présence ou non d’un trouble de santé mentale et la nature de celui-ci. Les dossiers de 1170 nouveaux demandeurs de services au Centre d’aide 24/7 ont été examinés rétrospectivement. Parmi ces demandeurs, 48 % souffraient d’un trouble de santé mentale et, de ceux-ci, 9 % rapportaient un trouble mental grave, soit un trouble psychotique ou bipolaire. Les résultats indiquent que le fait d’avoir un trouble de santé mentale est associé à une probabilité plus élevée de rapporter des événements stressants à caractère interpersonnel, une crise plus intense ainsi que des comportements auto-agressifs. Les personnes ayant un trouble psychotique ou bipolaire sont quant à elles plus fréquemment hébergées et plus susceptibles de recevoir des services intensifs et encadrants. Il semble donc que la présence et le type de troubles de santé mentale des demandeurs d’aide en centre de crise permettent non seulement de mieux anticiper la nature et l’intensité de la crise mais aussi le type de services requis.The mandate of crisis centres varies substantially from one country to the next according to the government policies in effect. In the United States, crisis centres were developed based on Caplan’s theory, which defines crisis as a psychosocial disorganization following a life event that is resolved with a return to balance. This approach aims at preventing the onset of mental health disorders through short-term intervention. It is different in Quebec, where crisis centres were developed in a deinstitutionalization context and ought to constitute an alternative to hospitalisation. Such mandate of Quebec crisis centres is not necessarily of the preventive nature associated with Caplan’s theory and it has led to services having to be adapted to a heterogeneous clientele that may or may not suffer from mental health problems. It has implications related to the crisis characteristics such as its nature, intensity, and dangerosity, as well as implications regarding the organization of crisis centre services, which have been the object of few studies so far. Objective: The present study aims at distinguishing clinical profiles of crisis centre callers according to the presence or absence of a mental health disorder and its nature, that is severe and persistent (psychotic or bipolar disorder) or not (mood, anxiety or personality disorder). In order to do so, participants are compared on the characteristics of the crisis and the services they received. Method: In this descriptive study, the files of 1170 new assistance applicants are retrospectively analyzed based on a predetermined grid that was used to collect data according to the main clinical characteristics of persons in distress, as recognized in the literature. The subgroup of persons presenting a psychotic or bipolar disorder was examined separately from the one comprising persons with an anxiety, mood or personality disorder because of its clinical complexity, which generally requires intensive, multidisciplinary follow-up. Results: Among the new applicants, 48% had a mental health disorder and, of these, 9% reported a serious mental health disorder, that is, a psychotic or bipolar disorder. The results indicate that having an anxiety-, mood- or personality-type disorder is associated with a higher probability of reporting stressful interpersonal-type events, a more intense crisis, as well as a greater risk of auto-aggressive behaviours. Meanwhile, persons with a psychotic or bipolar disorder are more frequently provided with accommodations and more likely to receive intensive and support services, such as emergency interventions or the use of the Act respecting the protection of persons whose mental state presents a danger to themselves or others (P-38). Conclusions: This descriptive portrait of the crisis centre clientele contributes to the reflection on differential intervention with persons in a crisis situation. It appears important to take an interest in the presence and type of mental health disorders of crisis centre callers, since these characteristics help to better foresee not only the nature and intensity of the crisis but also the type of services required. However, Quebec crisis centres have to respond to the needs of a heterogeneous clientele without having access to a typology and a theoretical model that consider this clinical diversity. Other studies should be conducted to validate, on the one hand, a crisis typology that would make it easier for caseworkers to collect data for evaluation purposes and, on the other hand, a differential intervention model

    Artcité : When Montréal Turns Into a Museum

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    Pocket-sized catalogue for the event Artcité, for which 55 works from the collection of the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal (including the Lavalin collection) were paired according to certain affinities; one installed in the Museum and its counterpart in an unusual site elsewhere in the city (businesses, offices, shops, churches, etc.). Each work is documented with a photograph and a short analytical text, with biographical references on the artist. D. Bumbaru provides architectural and historical notes on each of the 23 off-site locations and their rapport with the urban environment. Index of names (artists, artworks and exhibition sites)

    Définition des gangs et identification des membres à des fins policières

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    L’exercice qui vise à définir les gangs de rue et à en identifier les membres est complexe. Plusieurs caractéristiques de ces groupes, notamment leur caractère élusif et clandestin, leur grande hétérogénéité ainsi que leur caractère changeant nous ont poussés à en modifier notre conceptualisation. Cet article propose une définition générale et simple qui décrit le gang de rue comme un groupe criminel organisé qui se distingue des autres groupes du crime organisé définis par la loi 467.1. L’accent est toutefois mis sur le caractère opérationnel des marqueurs d’appartenance et le rationnel qui sous-tend leur développement. Une nouvelle définition des gangs jumelée à une opérationnalisation basée sur des critères observables par les organisations policières offre plusieurs avantages par rapport à une définition développée dans un cadre académique. Les implications théoriques et les enjeux pratiques sont également abordés.Defining what constitutes a street gang and how to identify gang members is a complex endeavour. A number of things characteristic of these groups, notably their elusive and clandestine nature, their heterogeneity, and their continually changing features, have led us to modify our conceptualizations. This article proposes a simple general definition that describes the street gang as an organized criminal group distinguished from those organized crime groups that are defined by law 467.1. Emphasis is placed on the operational nature of markers of association and the rationale behind their development. A new definition of these gangs, combined with an operationalization based on criteria observed by police organizations, offers multiple advantages over definitions developed within an academic setting. The theoretical implications and practical issues of the new definition are also addressed.El ejercicio que busca definir a las pandillas callejeras e identificar a sus miembros es complejo. Varias características de esos grupos, especialmente sus caracteres de evasión y clandestinidad, su gran heterogeneidad, así como su mutabilidad nos han llevado a modificar nuestra conceptualización sobre las pandillas. El presente artículo propone una definición general y simple que describe a las pandillas callejeras como un grupo criminal organizado que se distingue de los otros grupos del crimen organizado definidos por la ley 467.1. Sin embargo, se hace hincapié en el carácter operativo de las marcas de pertenencia y de la lógica que subyace en su desarrollo. Una nueva definición de las pandillas callejeras, acompañada de una operacionalización basada en criterios observables por las organizaciones policiales y por los organismos que operan en el ámbito penal, ofrece varias ventajas en comparación a una definición desarrollada en un marco académico. Se abordan también las implicaciones teóricas y las cuestiones teóricas