8 research outputs found

    Impact of in vitro gastrointestinal digestion on peptide profile and bioactivity of cooked and non-cooked oat protein concentrates

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    Oat (Avena sativa) is one of the most cultivated and consumed cereals worldwide. Recognized among cereals for its high protein content (12% to 24%), it makes it an excellent source of bioactive peptides, which could be modified during processes such as heating and gastrointestinal digestion (GID). This work aims to evaluate the impact of heat treatment on the proteolysis of oat proteins and on the evolution of antioxidant peptide release during in vitro static GID, in terms of comparative analysis between cooked oat protein concentrate (COPC) and non-heated oat protein concentrate (OPC) samples. The protein extraction method and cooking procedure used showed no detrimental effects on protein quality. After GID, the proportion of free amino acids/dipeptides (40% for both samples (OPC and COPC), thus producing peptides with low molecular weight and enhanced bioactivity. Furthermore, during GID, the amino acid profile showed an increase in essential, positively-charged, hydrophobic and aromatic amino acids. At the end of GID, the reducing power of OPC and COPC increased >0.3 and 8-fold, respectively, in comparison to the non-digested samples; while ABTS•+ and DPPH• showed a >20-fold increase. Fe2+ chelating capacity of OPC and COPC was enhanced >4 times; similarly, Cu2+ chelation showed a >19-fold enhancement for OPC and >10 for COPC. β-carotene bleaching activity was improved 0.8 times in OPC and >9 times in COPC; the oxygen radical antioxidant capacity assay increased 2 times in OPC and >4.7 times in COPC, respectively. This study suggests that OPC after cooking and GID positively influenced the nutritional and bioactive properties of oat peptides. Thus, COPC could be used as a functional food ingredient with health-promoting effects, as hydrothermal treatment is frequently used for this type of cereals

    Self-sufficiency of patients in personal activities of daily living after surgical treatment of a fracture in the proximal end of the femur

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    DIPLOMOVÉ PRÁCE Jméno: Bc. Veronika Brindzová Vedoucí práce: Mgr. et Mgr. Jaromíra Uhlířová Název diplomové práce: Soběstačnost pacientů v personálních všedních denních činnostech po operačním řešení fraktury v oblasti proximálního konce femuru Úvod: Zlomeniny proximálního konce femuru jsou jednou z nejčastěji se vyskytujících diagnóz. Pacienti s touto diagnózou jsou výrazně ovlivněni v provádění všedních denních činností, a to jak z důvodu bolesti, tak z důvodu nutnosti dodržování režimových opatření. Díky této skutečnosti se snižuje jejich soběstačnost a nezávislost na druhé osobě. Jako jeden z hlavních cílů jsme si v této diplomové práci vytyčilizjistit, jakým způsobemmůže ergoterapie zvýšit soběstačnost v období po operaci pacientů. Jako další cíle jsme si stanovili zjištění informací ohledně volby a financování kompenzačních pomůcek a na základě těchto informací vypracovat stručný manuál. Také jsme se věnovali faktorům, které mohou ovlivnit návrat pacientů do domácího prostředí. Metodika: V praktické části jsme zvolili 6 případových studií (3 muži a 3 ženy), v průměrném věku 73, 5 let (medián 72, 5),nejmladší 64 let, nejstarší 85 let.V prvních dnech po operaci pacienti absolvovali 5 terapií, věnovaných tréninku soběstačnosti v personálních všedních denních činnostech (pADL). Efektivitu...Introduction: Fractures of the proximal end of the femur are one of the most frequent diagnoses. Patients with this diagnosis have to deal with performing daily activities. Both for painas well for the necessity of adherence to antiluxal measures. Thanks to this decrease thein independence from the other person. As one of the maingoals in this diploma thesis we determined means how occupational therapy canincrease self - sufficiency in this target group. As other goals, we found in formativ about the selection and financing of compensatory aids and we made a manual about this information. We focused on the factors that affect the return of patients to the home environment. Methodology: In the personal parts we chose 6 case studies (3 men and 3 women), in the averageage 73.5 years (median 72, 5), youngest 64 years, oldest 85 years. Patients underwent 5 therapies dedicated to the training of self - sufficiency of personal everyday activities (pADL). We measured the effectiveness of th erapeutic units using the Barthel Index. We observed them and found out chat compensatory aids they use for self-sufficiency Results: Probands recese daverage 33.3 points in the evaluationat the initialexamination. After graduating therapiest heave rage performance of all probands obtained at 67, 5 points. They used...Klinika rehabilitačního lékařství 1. LF UK a VFN v PrazeDepartment of Rehabilitation Medicine First Faculty of Medicine and General University HospitalFirst Faculty of Medicine1. lékařská fakult

    Self-sufficiency of patients in personal activities of daily living after surgical treatment of a fracture in the proximal end of the femur

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    Introduction: Fractures of the proximal end of the femur are one of the most frequent diagnoses. Patients with this diagnosis have to deal with performing daily activities. Both for painas well for the necessity of adherence to antiluxal measures. Thanks to this decrease thein independence from the other person. As one of the maingoals in this diploma thesis we determined means how occupational therapy canincrease self - sufficiency in this target group. As other goals, we found in formativ about the selection and financing of compensatory aids and we made a manual about this information. We focused on the factors that affect the return of patients to the home environment. Methodology: In the personal parts we chose 6 case studies (3 men and 3 women), in the averageage 73.5 years (median 72, 5), youngest 64 years, oldest 85 years. Patients underwent 5 therapies dedicated to the training of self - sufficiency of personal everyday activities (pADL). We measured the effectiveness of th erapeutic units using the Barthel Index. We observed them and found out chat compensatory aids they use for self-sufficiency Results: Probands recese daverage 33.3 points in the evaluationat the initialexamination. After graduating therapiest heave rage performance of all probands obtained at 67, 5 points. They used..

    Antimutagenic and radical scavenging activity of wheat bran

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    This study examined the mutagenic, antimutagenic and antioxidant activities of the DMSO extracts from the wheat bran. Wheat bran extracts showed no genotoxicity toward Salmonella typhimurium TA98, TA100 and TA102 with or without S9 mix (an external metabolic system). In addition, wheat bran extracts expressed a dose-depend inhibitory effect on the mutagenicity of promutagen aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), an indirect mutagen which requires metabolic activation, and 3-(5-nitro-2-furyl)acrylic acid (5-NFAA), 2-nitrofluorene (2NF) and hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ), direct mutagens, in Salmonella typhimurium TA98, TA100 and TA102 strains. Significant total antioxidant capacity of wheat bran extract was found by two standard spectroscopic assays based on ABTS and DPPH reagents. A special attention was focused to the reactive radical scavenging capacity of bran extract as one of its antioxitant activities. Wheat bran extract possessed higher ability to scavenge oxygen- and carbon-centered reactive radicals generated by the thermal decomposition of K 2 S 2 O 8 than BHT (70 and 65% scavenged radicals, respectively) during the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)/spintrapping test. The total phenolic content of wheat bran samples expressed in gallic acid equivalent was 2.7 mg/g, total flavonoid content expressed in rutin equivalent was 70.8 μg/g and the most abundant phenolic acids established by GC-MS method were isoferulic (3-hydroxy-4-metoxycinnamic) and ferulic (4-hydroxy-3-metoxycinnamic) acid, sinapic, caffeic, p -coumaric and vanillic acids