5 research outputs found
Otro título: VII Certamen de relato corto Guinea Escribe 2022
“La Fundación Martínez Hermanos otorga el Premio Literario Fundación Martínez Hermanos como parte del Certamen de relato corto Guinea Escribe” creada en 2013, la Fundación tiene como objetivo promover el desarrollo social a través de diversas áreas. Entre las que se encuentran la educación y la cultura, así como fomentar cambios de actitud y de valores que supongan un mayor compromiso de todos en la mejora de la sociedad ecuatoguineana.Premios: Premio Literario Fundación Martínez HermanosPrimer premio, Bata: El mejor de los mundos posibles de Romario Ebang Ebang Nchama -- Primer premio, Malabo: A dos milímetros de distancias de María del Carmen Epata Opo -- Segundo premio, Bata: Cielos tenebrosos de marzo de José Antonio Elá Enguang -- Segundo premio, Malabo: ¿Sexo? ¿Y eso qué es? de Ángeles Ipo Raso -- Tercer premio, Bata: Maldiciones en cadena de Cristina Nchama Ntutumu Ndong -- Tercer premio, Malabo: El destino de Ania de Petra Brigol Arand
Describing a Unique Urban Culture: Ibadi Settlements of North Africa
Abstract. This paper examines the urban structure and architecture of the North African regions, which are characterised by the historical presence of Ibadism. This topic has a definite cultural frame, albeit with some differences across three geographical areas located in the Mediterranean Maghreb: the Island of Djerba in Tunisia, the region of Mzab in Algeria, and the Djabal Nafusa mountains in Western Libya. Although similar configurations can be found in different parts of the Mediterranean territories, in these particular regions, the need for protec-tion and defence, such as the balanced use of natural resources, has played an emblematic role. From the 10th century onwards, in fact, Ibadi communities chose the hard conditions of these lands to preserve their cultural identity, even at the cost of their isolation. Guided by the desert climate and scarcity of natural resources, these peoples developed specific urban solutions, architectural forms and construction traditions.
The objective of this research is to define and compare the main facets of settlements and architectural forms, with the purpose of understanding and verifying the cultural continuity