408 research outputs found

    Development of a Tabletop Soft Gel Encapsulation Machine

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    Currently, to test new formulations of gel capsules at Pfizer, they must use the large-scale machine that requires a minimum of 25 kg of gel melt and produce hundreds of capsules per run. Production at a smaller scale to enable rapid changeover for research and development is desired. The team’s goal was to achieve continuous production of sealed capsules with 80% fill capacity. Capsule sealing was the prime consideration. Preliminary trials using the existing system and heat transfer analysis indicated localized heating was necessary to promote capsule sealing. To provide localized heating, a brass wedge was designed based on the pilot scale machine. The machined wedge was integrated with a PID control system. Using pre-made gelatin ribbons, the appropriate process parameters to achieve sealed capsules were determined. The critical, coupled parameters were die roll temperature, wedge temperature, wedge height, and die roll speed. Capsule sealing efficiency was highest at a speed of 4 capsules/min. For air-filled capsules, a sealing efficiency of 100% was achieved. For PEG-400-filled capsules, a sealing efficiency of 50% was achieved. Future work will include integration with the gelatin feed system and addition of a vacuum during capsule formation to increase fill capacity.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/capstone/1151/thumbnail.jp

    Neuromagnetic Indication of Dysfunctional Emotion Regulation in Affective Disorders

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    Dysfunctional emotion regulation is often reported in affective disorders, but it is unclear whether this dysfunction concerns initial processing of emotional input or regulation of resulting emotion. The present study addressed these aspects in 27 depressive and 15 borderline personality disorder patients and 28 healthy controls who were instructed to either passively view unpleasant and neutral pictures or downregulate emotional responses by reappraisal, while neuromagnetic brain activity was measured. All three groups showed more early response to unpleasant than to neutral pictures, whereas patients failed to show subsequent activity suppression under instructions to down-regulate. This deficient emotion regulation was evident primarily in those subjects reporting high childhood adversity. Results support intact emotional input processing but impaired emotion regulation in affective disorders and indicate a moderating influence of early life stress

    Temporal Variation in Predation Risk May Explain Daily Rhythms of Foraging Behavior in an Orb-Weaving Spider

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    Daily rhythms occur in numerous physiological and behavioral processes across an immense diversity of taxa, but there remain few cases in which mechanistic links between rhythms of trait expression and organismal fitness have been established. We construct a dynamic optimization model to determine whether risk allocation provides an adaptive explanation for the daily foraging rhythm observed in many species using the orb-weaving spider Cyclosa turbinata as a case study. Our model predicts that female C. turbinata should generally start foraging at lower levels of energy reserves (i.e., should be less bold) during midday when predators are most abundant. We also find that individuals’ foraging efficacy determines whether daily rates of encounters with predators or prey more strongly influences boldness under high risk. The qualitative model predictions are robust to variation in our parameter estimates and likely apply to a wide range of taxa. The predictions are also consistent with observed patterns of foraging behavior under both laboratory and field conditions. We discuss the implications of our study for understanding the evolution of daily rhythms and the importance of model predictions for interpreting empirical studies and generating additional hypotheses regarding behavioral evolution

    Berufsspezifische Reflexionsprozesse durch Einzelfallarbeit im Projekt „Schule fĂŒr alle": Analyse von zwei Praxisberichten mittels der Dokumentarischen Methode

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    In dem Beitrag wird ausgehend von der Notwendigkeit einer inklusionspĂ€dagogischen Professionalisierung im Lehramtsstudium ein erziehungswissenschaftliches Projekt dargestellt, das es den teilnehmenden Bachelor-Studierenden in besonderer Weise ermöglicht, berufsspezifische Reflexionsprozesse zu durchlaufen. In dem Projekt ĂŒbernehmen Studierende die einjĂ€hrige pĂ€dagogische Förderung von Grundschulkindern mit bildungsrelevanten Benachteiligungsfaktoren, die hĂ€ufig von Selektionspraktiken und -maßnahmen bedroht sind. Die Bearbeitung von vorliegenden Common-Sense-Theorien im inklusiven Kontext gilt dabei als ein relevantes Professionalisierungsziel in der Lehramtsausbildung. Konkret werden Ausschnitte aus Praktikumsberichten von zwei Studierenden mittels der dokumentarischen Methode ausgewertet und einander gegenĂŒbergestellt, um daran herauszuarbeiten, inwiefern sich die Reflexionen unterscheiden. Es zeigt sich anhand der Analysen, dass im Rahmen der Praxisphase eine Reflection-on-Action und auch die vertiefte Reflexion eigener Common-Sense-Theorien grundsĂ€tzlich möglich, jedoch nicht voraussetzungslos ist. Insbesondere kann auch anhand der gewĂ€hlten EinzelfĂ€lle verdeutlicht werden, wie individuell inklusionsbezogene Professionalisierungsprozesse im Rahmen der vorliegenden Praxisphase verlaufen können. Die Analyse offenbart multiple Professionalisierungschancen in AbhĂ€ngigkeit von den Rahmenbedingungen des Projekts, den individuellen Schwerpunkten der pĂ€dagogischen Arbeit oder den individuellen Reflexionen der Studierenden. Abstract Based on the necessity of an inclusive pedagogical professionalisation in the teacher training program, this article presents an educational science project that enables the participating Bachelor students in a unique manner to go through profession-specific reflection processes. In the project, students take on the one-year pedagogical support of primary school children with educational disadvantage factors, who are often threatened by selection practices and measures. In this context, working through present common-sense theories in an inclusive context is considered a relevant professionalization goal in teacher education. Specifically, excerpts from internship reports of two students are analysed by means of the documentary method and compared to each other in order to work out the extent to which the reflections differ. The analyses show that reflection-on-action and in-depth reflection on one's own common-sense theories are generally possible during the practical phase, but not without preconditions. In particular, the selected individual cases can be used to illustrate how individual inclusion-related professionalisation processes can take place within the framework of the present practical phase. The analysis reveals multiple opportunities for professionalisation depending on the general framework of the project, the individual focal points of the pedagogical work or the individual reflections of the students

    PĂ€dagogische Beobachtungen

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt eine Seminareinheit zu pĂ€dagogischen Beobachtungen vor, die mehrfach mit Lehramtsstudierenden des vierten bis sechsten Bachelorsemesters in der Berufsfeldbezogenen Praxisstudie im Fach Bildungswissenschaften durchgefĂŒhrt und erprobt wurde. ZunĂ€chst wird die theoretische HinfĂŒhrung zur Seminareinheit skizziert, in der Definitionen und Funktionen, GĂŒtekriterien sowie mögliche Beobachtungsfehler aufgegriffen werden (als Online-Supplement 1 in Form einer PrĂ€sentation zur Nachnutzung hinterlegt). Anschließend wird das methodische Vorgehen des Peer-Feedbacks erlĂ€utert, und es werden konkrete (analoge wie digitale) Einsatzmöglichkeiten beschrieben. Abschließend werden so gewonnene Beobachtungsprotokolle als Material fĂŒr weitere Lehrkontexte angeboten und didaktische Ideen fĂŒr anschließende Arbeiten formuliert. Insgesamt 25 exemplarische Beobachtungsprotokolle sind als Online-Supplement 2 hinterlegt, die entsprechend so aufbereitet wurden, dass sie gebĂŒndelt oder auch einzeln in Lehrveranstaltungen eingesetzt werden können. Die abweichenden Formate, unterschiedlichen Situationen, kontrĂ€ren Formulierungsstile sowie verschiedenen QualitĂ€ten der Beobachtungsprotokolle bieten vielfĂ€ltige Schwerpunktsetzungen in der konkreten Lehr- und Lernpraxis

    Time Course of Brain Network Reconfiguration Supporting Inhibitory Control

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    Hemodynamic research has recently clarified key nodes and links in brain networks implementing inhibitory control. Although fMRI methods are optimized for identifying the structure of brain networks, the relatively slow temporal course of fMRI limits the ability to characterize network operation. The latter is crucial for developing a mechanistic understanding of how brain networks shift dynamically to support inhibitory control. To address this critical gap, we applied spectrally resolved Granger causality (GC) and random forest machine learning tools to human EEG data in two large samples of adults (test sample n = 96, replication sample n = 237, total N = 333, both sexes) who performed a color–word Stroop task. Time–frequency analysis confirmed that recruitment of inhibitory control accompanied by slower behavioral responses was related to changes in theta and alpha/beta power. GC analyses revealed directionally asymmetric exchanges within frontal and between frontal and parietal brain areas: top-down influence of superior frontal gyrus (SFG) over both dorsal ACC (dACC) and inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), dACC control over middle frontal gyrus (MFG), and frontal–parietal exchanges (IFG, precuneus, MFG). Predictive analytics confirmed a combination of behavioral and brain-derived variables as the best set of predictors of inhibitory control demands, with SFG theta bearing higher classification importance than dACC theta and posterior beta tracking the onset of behavioral response. The present results provide mechanistic insight into the biological implementation of a psychological phenomenon: inhibitory control is implemented by dynamic routing processes during which the target response is upregulated via theta-mediated effective connectivity within key PFC nodes and via beta-mediated motor preparation

    Potentials of formative assessment practices in social studies and science in inclusive primary education – Conceptual and methodological implications of a design-based-research-based approach for teacher education

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    In der Herausforderung Unterricht inklusionsbezogen weiterzuentwickeln, manifestiert sich unter anderem die Forderung nach der Qualifizierung von (angehenden) LehrkrĂ€ften bzgl. der Anwendung und Umsetzung einer alltagsintegrierten Diagnostik mit dem Ziel, Kinder individualisiert und gleichzeitig mit Bezug auf einen gemeinsamen Lerngegenstand zu unterrichten. Dabei ist ein didaktisch-diagnostisches Handeln aller LehrkrĂ€fte gefordert, welches im Kontext einer professionellen und inklusionsorientierten Gestaltung sowie einer angemessenen Begleitung und Förderung von Lern- und Entwicklungsprozessen steht. In der Konzeption entsprechender Aus- und Weiterbildungsformate setzt das geplante Projekt DiPoSa (Didaktisch-diagnostische Potentiale des inklusionsorientierten Sachunterrichts) an. Ziel ist es durch einen Design-Based-Research-Ansatz (DBR) Videovignetten zu erstellen und zu evaluieren, mittels derer entsprechende Kompetenzen von (angehenden) LehrkrĂ€ften im Sachunterricht weiterentwickelt werden können. Dabei bietet insbesondere der Sachunterricht als vielperspektivisches Integrationsfach der Grundschule einen passenden Rahmen, kindliche Lernpotentiale als Ausgangspunkt fĂŒr didaktisch-diagnostisches Handeln nutzbar zu machen. Denn in aktuellen inklusionsorientierten AnsĂ€tzen des Sachunterrichts sind sowohl reformpĂ€dagogisch orientierte als auch offene Konzepte und Modelle des adaptiven Unterrichts zu finden, die sich an den unterschiedlichen Programmatiken der Umsetzung von individueller Förderung orientieren. Im folgenden Beitrag werden die dem geplanten Projekt zugrundeliegenden theoretischen und empirischen ZugĂ€nge erlĂ€utert und die forschungsmethodische Umsetzung durch einen DBR-Ansatz als methodologische Basis fĂŒr eine Theorie-Praxis-verzahnende Forschungsperspektive auf diagnostisches Handeln sowie die Förderung diagnostischer Handlungskompetenzen durch Videovignetten im Kontext der Aus- und Weiterbildung von (Sachunterrichts-)LehrkrĂ€ften diskutiert. (DIPF/Verlag)The challenge to further promote practices of inclusive teaching, requires the development of assessment literacy. Combined with the aim to teach all children in a collaborative learning environment, qualification of teachers (in training) in the application and implementation of formative assessment as an integrated daily routine is needed. Therefore, the project DiPoSa focuses on the development of appropriate training and qualification formats. The project heads to create and evaluate video vignettes using a design-based-research approach (DBR), which can then be used to further develop assessment literacy of teachers in social studies and science in primary education. As a multi-perspective integrative subject in elementary school social studies and science in primary education offers a suitable framework for practices of formative assessment taking children\u27s learning potentials as a serious concern. Foundations can be seen in current inclusive approaches to social studies and science in primary education, where reform pedagogically orientation and open concepts can as well be found as models of adaptive teaching. Although there are different theoretical and programmatic implementations, both perspectives share an orientation towards individual support of children. With this in mind the following article tries to lay down the theoretical and empirical approaches of the planed project DiPoSa and discusses methodological foundations of the project. The discussion focuses on how assessment practices as well as assessment literacy can be promoted through a DBR research-design using video vignettes in the context of teacher education and qualification and rooting in a deepened science-practice partnershi

    Validation of a Multivariate Serum Profile for Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Using a Prospective Multi-Site Collection

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    In previous studies we described the use of a retrospective collection of ovarian cancer and benign disease samples, in combination with a large set of multiplexed immunoassays and a multivariate pattern recognition algorithm, to develop an 11-biomarker classification profile that is predictive for the presence of epithelial ovarian cancer. In this study, customized, Luminex-based multiplexed immunoassay kits were GMP-manufactured and the classification profile was refined from 11 to 8 biomarkers (CA-125, epidermal growth factor receptor, CA 19-9, C-reactive protein, tenascin C, apolipoprotein AI, apolipoprotein CIII, and myoglobin). The customized kits and the 8-biomarker profile were then validated in a double-blinded manner using prospective samples collected from women scheduled for surgery, with a gynecologic oncologist, for suspicion of having ovarian cancer. The performance observed in model development held in validation, demonstrating 81.1% sensitivity (95% CI 72.6 – 87.9%) for invasive epithelial ovarian cancer and 85.4% specificity (95% CI 81.1 – 88.9%) for benign ovarian conditions. The specificity for normal healthy women was 95.6% (95% CI 83.6 – 99.2%). These results have encouraged us to undertake a second validation study arm, currently in progress, to examine the performance of the 8-biomarker profile on the population of women not under the surgical care of a gynecologic oncologist

    Development of a Genus-Specific Antigen Capture ELISA for Orthopoxviruses – Target Selection and Optimized Screening

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    Orthopoxvirus species like cowpox, vaccinia and monkeypox virus cause zoonotic infections in humans worldwide. Infections often occur in rural areas lacking proper diagnostic infrastructure as exemplified by monkeypox, which is endemic in Western and Central Africa. While PCR detection requires demanding equipment and is restricted to genome detection, the evidence of virus particles can complement or replace PCR. Therefore, an easily distributable and manageable antigen capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of orthopoxviruses was developed to facilitate particle detection. By comparing the virus particle binding properties of polyclonal antibodies developed against surface-exposed attachment or fusion proteins, the surface protein A27 was found to be a well-bound, highly immunogenic and exposed target for antibodies aiming at virus particle detection. Subsequently, eight monoclonal anti-A27 antibodies were generated and characterized by peptide epitope mapping and surface plasmon resonance measurements. All antibodies were found to bind with high affinity to two epitopes at the heparin binding site of A27, toward either the N- or C-terminal of the crucial KKEP-segment of A27. Two antibodies recognizing different epitopes were implemented in an antigen capture ELISA. Validation showed robust detection of virus particles from 11 different orthopoxvirus isolates pathogenic to humans, with the exception of MVA, which is apathogenic to humans. Most orthopoxviruses could be detected reliably for viral loads above 1 × 103 PFU/mL. To our knowledge, this is the first solely monoclonal and therefore reproducible antibody-based antigen capture ELISA able to detect all human pathogenic orthopoxviruses including monkeypox virus, except variola virus which was not included. Therefore, the newly developed antibody-based assay represents important progress towards feasible particle detection of this important genus of viruses
