6,075 research outputs found

    Observations of Doppler Boosting in Kepler Lightcurves

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    Among the initial results from Kepler were two striking lightcurves, for KOI 74 and KOI 81, in which the relative depths of the primary and secondary eclipses showed that the more compact, less luminous object was hotter than its stellar host. That result became particularly intriguing because a substellar mass had been derived for the secondary in KOI 74, which would make the high temperature challenging to explain; in KOI 81, the mass range for the companion was also reported to be consistent with a substellar object. We re-analyze the Kepler data and demonstrate that both companions are likely to be white dwarfs. We also find that the photometric data for KOI 74 show a modulation in brightness as the more luminous star orbits, due to Doppler boosting. The magnitude of the effect is sufficiently large that we can use it to infer a radial velocity amplitude accurate to 1 km/s. As far as we are aware, this is the first time a radial-velocity curve has been measured photometrically. Combining our velocity amplitude with the inclination and primary mass derived from the eclipses and primary spectral type, we infer a secondary mass of 0.22+/-0.03 Msun. We use our estimates to consider the likely evolutionary paths and mass-transfer episodes of these binary systems.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, ApJ 715, 51 (v4 is updated to match the published version, including a note added in proof with measured projected rotational velocities)

    The long-term evolution of the X-ray pulsar XTE J1814-338: a receding jet contribution to the quiescent optical emission?

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    We present a study of the quiescent optical counterpart of the Accreting Millisecond X-ray Pulsar XTE J1814-338, carrying out multiband (BVR) orbital phase-resolved photometry using the ESO VLT/FORS2. The optical light curves are consistent with a sinusoidal variability modulated with the orbital period, showing evidence for a strongly irradiated companion star, in agreement with previous findings. The observed colours cannot be accounted for by the companion star alone, suggesting the presence of an accretion disc during quiescence. The system is fainter in all analysed bands compared to previous observations. The R band light curve displays a possible phase offset with respect to the B and V band. Through a combined fit of the multi-band light curves we derive constraints on the companion star and disc fluxes, on the system distance and on the companion star mass. The irradiation luminosity required to account for the observed day-side temperature of the companion star is consistent with the spin-down luminosity of a millisecond radio pulsar. The flux decrease and spectral evolution of the quiescent optical emission observed comparing our data with previous observations, collected over 5 years, cannot be well explained with the contribution of an irradiated companion star and an accretion disc alone. The progressive flux decrease as the system gets bluer could be due to a continuum component evolving towards a lower, bluer spectrum. While most of the continuum component is likely due to the disc, we do not expect it to become bluer in quiescence. Hence we hypothesize that an additional component, such as synchrotron emission from a jet was contributing significantly in the earlier data obtained during quiescence and then progressively fading or moving its break frequency toward longer wavelengths.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Section 7. Stellar structure and evolution of Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Spawning stock identification of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in US waters using Pan I and microsatellite genetic markers

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    Most Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) stocks within U.S. waters are currently in decline as a result of overexploitation and fishing pressure from commercial fisheries. A better understanding of the genetic structure of cod populations is essential to identify stocks for successful fisheries management. In this study, the genetic structure of cod from major temporally and geographically distinct spawning grounds in U.S. waters was investigated. Adult and juvenile cod were sampled from aggregations within the Gulf of Maine, Georges Bank, and southern New England waters in cooperation with commercial fishermen and state fishery biologists. Caudal fin clips were collected and analyzed using 11 microsatellite markers and the Pan I locus. Two spawning complexes of cod were identified. The northern spring complex was comprised of cod from coastal Gulf of Maine regions during the spring and summer seasons. The southern complex was comprised of cod collected during the winter months in the Gulf of Maine, on Stellwagen Bank in early spring, and at all southern locations. Georges Bank spawners were identified as a possible intermediate population between the complexes; they exhibited significant divergence from southern New England spawning aggregations, but not from cod within the Gulf of Maine. Differentiation among these populations was stable over a two year study period and was consistent with previous results for Atlantic cod reported by Lage et al. 2004 and Wirgin et al. 2007. Juveniles collected from within the Gulf of Maine could be assigned as mixtures to parental spawning complexes. Divergence among adult and juvenile cod was primarily dependent on differentiation at the Gmo132 and Pan I markers, which are suspected to be under natural selection pressures. Local adaptation to environmental factors such as water temperature and salinity may therefore be the driving force of population differentiation. Natal homing and water currents that limit larval dispersal may also influence the stock structure, but cod migrations and dispersions among spawning aggregations likely limit reproductive isolation and neutral genetic drift of populations within US waters

    Discovery of the Optical Counterparts to Four Energetic Fermi Millisecond Pulsars

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    In the last few years, over 43 millisecond radio pulsars have been discovered by targeted searches of unidentified gamma-ray sources found by the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope. A large fraction of these millisecond pulsars are in compact binaries with low-mass companions. These systems often show eclipses of the pulsar signal and are commonly known as black widows and redbacks because the pulsar is gradually destroying its companion. In this paper, we report on the optical discovery of four strongly irradiated millisecond pulsar companions. All four sources show modulations of their color and luminosity at the known orbital periods from radio timing. Light curve modelling of our exploratory data shows that the equilibrium temperature reached on the companion's dayside with respect to their nightside is consistent with about 10-30% of the available spin-down energy from the pulsar being reprocessed to increase the companion's dayside temperature. This value compares well with the range observed in other irradiated pulsar binaries and offers insights about the energetics of the pulsar wind and the production of gamma-ray emission. In addition, this provides a simple way of estimating the brightness of irradiated pulsar companions given the pulsar spin-down luminosity. Our analysis also suggests that two of the four new irradiated pulsar companions are only partially filling their Roche lobe. Some of these sources are relatively bright and represent good targets for spectroscopic follow-up. These measurements could enable, among other things, mass determination of the neutron stars in these systems.Comment: 11 pages, 5 tables, 1 figure, 4 online tables. ApJ submitted and referee

    Spin precession and inverted Hanle effect in a semiconductor near a finite-roughness ferromagnetic interface

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    Although the creation of spin polarization in various non-magnetic media via electrical spin injection from a ferromagnetic tunnel contact has been demonstrated, much of the basic behavior is heavily debated. It is reported here for semiconductor/Al2O3/ferromagnet tunnel structures based on Si or GaAs that local magnetostatic fields arising from interface roughness dramatically alter and even dominate the accumulation and dynamics of spins in the semiconductor. Spin precession in the inhomogeneous magnetic fields is shown to reduce the spin accumulation up to tenfold, and causes it to be inhomogeneous and non-collinear with the injector magnetization. The inverted Hanle effect serves as experimental signature. This interaction needs to be taken into account in the analysis of experimental data, particularly in extracting the spin lifetime and its variation with different parameters (temperature, doping concentration). It produces a broadening of the standard Hanle curve and thereby an apparent reduction of the spin lifetime. For heavily doped n-type Si at room temperature it is shown that the spin lifetime is larger than previously determined, and a new lower bound of 0.29 ns is obtained. The results are expected to be general and occur for spins near a magnetic interface not only in semiconductors but also in metals, organic and carbon-based materials including graphene, and in various spintronic device structures.Comment: Final version, with text restructured and appendices added (25 pages, 9 figures). To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Generating Gowdy cosmological models

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    Using the analogy with stationary axisymmetric solutions, we present a method to generate new analytic cosmological solutions of Einstein's equation belonging to the class of T3T^3 Gowdy cosmological models. We show that the solutions can be generated from their data at the initial singularity and present the formal general solution for arbitrary initial data. We exemplify the method by constructing the Kantowski-Sachs cosmological model and a generalization of it that corresponds to an unpolarized T3T^3 Gowdy model.Comment: Latex, 15 pages, no figure

    Validation of the GATE Monte Carlo simulation platform for modelling a CsI(Tl) scintillation camera dedicated to small animal imaging

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    Monte Carlo simulations are increasingly used in scintigraphic imaging to model imaging systems and to develop and assess tomographic reconstruction algorithms and correction methods for improved image quantitation. GATE (GEANT 4 Application for Tomographic Emission) is a new Monte Carlo simulation platform based on GEANT4 dedicated to nuclear imaging applications. This paper describes the GATE simulation of a prototype of scintillation camera dedicated to small animal imaging and consisting of a CsI(Tl) crystal array coupled to a position sensitive photomultiplier tube. The relevance of GATE to model the camera prototype was assessed by comparing simulated 99mTc point spread functions, energy spectra, sensitivities, scatter fractions and image of a capillary phantom with the corresponding experimental measurements. Results showed an excellent agreement between simulated and experimental data: experimental spatial resolutions were predicted with an error less than 100 mu m. The difference between experimental and simulated system sensitivities for different source-to-collimator distances was within 2%. Simulated and experimental scatter fractions in a [98-182 keV] energy window differed by less than 2% for sources located in water. Simulated and experimental energy spectra agreed very well between 40 and 180 keV. These results demonstrate the ability and flexibility of GATE for simulating original detector designs. The main weakness of GATE concerns the long computation time it requires: this issue is currently under investigation by the GEANT4 and the GATE collaboration

    The Double Pulsar Eclipses I: Phenomenology and Multi-frequency Analysis

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    The double pulsar PSR J0737-3039A/B displays short, 30 s eclipses that arise around conjunction when the radio waves emitted by pulsar A are absorbed as they propagate through the magnetosphere of its companion pulsar B. These eclipses offer a unique opportunity to probe directly the magnetospheric structure and the plasma properties of pulsar B. We have performed a comprehensive analysis of the eclipse phenomenology using multi-frequency radio observations obtained with the Green Bank Telescope. We have characterized the periodic flux modulations previously discovered at 820 MHz by McLaughlin et al., and investigated the radio frequency dependence of the duration and depth of the eclipses. Based on their weak radio frequency evolution, we conclude that the plasma in pulsar B's magnetosphere requires a large multiplicity factor (~ 10^5). We also found that, as expected, flux modulations are present at all radio frequencies in which eclipses can be detected. Their complex behavior is consistent with the confinement of the absorbing plasma in the dipolar magnetic field of pulsar B as suggested by Lyutikov & Thompson and such a geometric connection explains that the observed periodicity is harmonically related to pulsar B's spin frequency. We observe that the eclipses require a sharp transition region beyond which the plasma density drops off abruptly. Such a region defines a plasmasphere which would be well inside the magnetospheric boundary of an undisturbed pulsar. It is also two times smaller than the expected standoff radius calculated using the balance of the wind pressure from pulsar A and the nominally estimated magnetic pressure of pulsar B.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables, ApJ in pres
