674 research outputs found

    A technique for incorporating the NASA spacelab payload dedicated experiment processor software into the simulation system for the payload crew training complex

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    The feasibility of some off-the-shelf microprocessors and state-of-art software is assessed (1) as a development system for the principle investigator (pi) in the design of the experiment model, (2) as an example of available technology application for future PI's experiments, (3) as a system capable of being interactive in the PCTC's simulation of the dedicated experiment processor (DEP), preferably by bringing the PI's DEP software directly into the simulation model, (4) as a system having bus compatibility with host VAX simulation computers, (5) as a system readily interfaced with mock-up panels and information displays, and (6) as a functional system for post mission data analysis

    WP 27 - Female income, the ego effect and the divorce decision: Evidence from micro data

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    During the 1960’s and 1970’s divorce rates in the United States rose dramatically. It soon became apparent that this phenomenon was not restricted to the geographic boundaries of the United States but affected most developed countries to varying degrees. This surprising social change led to rapid growth in the number of academic investigations seeking to quantify the causes and consequences of divorce. While there are undoubtedly many factors affecting the decision to dissolve a marriage, this research concentrates on three economic arguments that have persisted through the years. All three relate to the female’s ability to generate income in the labour market. The first argues that as the female increases her ability to generate income, she becomes financially more independent thereby making divorce more likely. The second argument contends that, as female earnings become a larger share of family income, marital friction results and the likelihood of divorce increases. Finally, it has also been argued that the family unit places a high value on the ability of the married female to earn income and, therefore, strives harder to avoid divorce as the female’s ability to earn income rises. The difficulty with quantifying these arguments is the very nature of the observable outcomes. It is possible to observe the income of married females. It is also possible to observe the income of divorced females. Unfortunately, it is not possible to simultaneously observe both outcomes for an individual female. This research attempts to resolve these difficulties by using micro data from the Current Population Survey in a sample selection procedure to estimate both income contingent on divorce and income contingent on marriage. This information is then used in a final “structural” procedure to test the validity of the income arguments. The statistical results indicate that the first two arguments clearly outweigh the third.

    Oxygen enhanced atomic chain formation

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    We report experimental evidence for atomic chain formation during stretching of atomic-sized contacts for gold and silver, that is strongly enhanced due to oxygen incorporation. While gold has been known for its tendency to form atomic chains, for silver this is only observed in the presence of oxygen. With oxygen the silver chains are as long as those for gold, but the conductance drops with chain length to about 0.1 conductance quantum. A relation is suggested with previous work on surface reconstructions for silver (110) surfaces after chemisorption of oxygen.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Vibrationally Induced Two-Level Systems in Single-Molecule Junctions

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    Single-molecule junctions are found to show anomalous spikes in dI/dV spectra. The position in energy of the spikes are related to local vibration mode energies. A model of vibrationally induced two-level systems reproduces the data very well. This mechanism is expected to be quite general for single-molecule junctions. It acts as an intrinsic amplification mechanism for local vibration mode features and may be exploited as a new spectroscopic tool.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Analysis of Farm Development in Dutch Agriculture and Horticulture

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    This paper analysis the effects of farmer characteristics, farm structure and farm performance on farm renewal and farm growth. The data set used in this research consists of panel data from the Dutch Farm Accountancy Data Network of farms specialized in plant production extended with a data from survey among those farms. Probit models were used to determine the likelihood of the changes. Results show that the degree of mechanization increases the probability of farm growth and farm renewal. Family labour input and solvency have a negative impact on farm growth. Farm size is positively correlated with farm renewal. No indications of the influence of the life cycle have been found.decision making, diversification, farm growth, farm structure, innovation, panel data, Crop Production/Industries, Farm Management,

    Action comprehension: deriving spatial and functional relations.

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    A perceived action can be understood only when information about the action carried out and the objects used are taken into account. It was investigated how spatial and functional information contributes to establishing these relations. Participants observed static frames showing a hand wielding an instrument and a potential target object of the action. The 2 elements could either match or mismatch, spatially or functionally. Participants were required to judge only 1 of the 2 relations while ignoring the other. Both irrelevant spatial and functional mismatches affected judgments of the relevant relation. Moreover, the functional relation provided a context for the judgment of the spatial relation but not vice versa. The results are discussed in respect to recent accounts of action understanding

    NASA Ocean Altimeter Pathfinder Project

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    The NOAA/NASA Pathfinder program was created by the Earth Observing System (EOS) Program Office to determine how existing satellite-based data sets can be processed and used to study global change. The data sets are designed to be long time-series data processed with stable calibration and community consensus algorithms to better assist the research community. The Ocean Altimeter Pathfinder Project involves the reprocessing of all altimeter observations with a consistent set of improved algorithms, based on the results from TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P), into easy-to-use data sets for the oceanographic community for climate research. Details are currently presented in two technical reports: Report# 1: Data Processing Handbook Report #2: Data Set Validation This report describes the validation of the data sets against a global network of high quality tide gauge measurements and provides an estimate of the error budget. The first report describes the processing schemes used to produce the geodetic consistent data set comprised of SEASAT, GEOSAT, ERS-1, TOPEX/ POSEIDON, and ERS-2 satellite observations

    De Groene Trekker: wensen van burgers voor de multifunctionele landbouw.

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    Dit rapport beschrijft de behoeften en wensen van burgers ten aanzien van de (multifunctionele) landbouw. Zowel een paar bestaande doelgroepen als twee potentieel kansrijke nieuwe doelgroepen voor de multifunctionele landbouw zijn benaderd

    Welke stijl heeft mijn bedrijf?

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    Alle (biologische) boeren runnen hun bedrijf op eigen wijze. Je kunt agrarische ondernemers niet over één kam scheren. Toch zijn er groepen ondernemers aan te wijzen die meer overeenkomsten dan verschillen kennen in hun denken en doen, zij hebben dezelfde bedrijfsstijl. Als ondernemers weten wat hun bedrijfsstijl is, kan dat hen helpen in het bepalen van hun strategie en visie waardoor zij succesvoller kunnen ondernemen

    Ontwerpen toekomstbestendig multifunctioneel bedrijf. Rapportage 2e fase

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    De multifunctionele agrarische sector groeit, ook relatief gezien ten opzichte van de rest van de agrarische bedrijven. De multifunctionele sector wordt dus manifester en zal over 15-20 jaar naar 30% van de gehele landbouwsector groeien (nu 13%, vooral natuurbeheer). De potentie is erg groot, de markt is er. Uitdaging is om kansen te pakken en producten en diensten te leveren die beklijven. De multifunctionele sector is niet alleen leuk voor ‘even erbij’, maar is een op zich staande sector binnen de landbouw. Er zijn wel allerlei vragen als je nadenkt over de toekomst van de multifunctionele landbouwsector. Denk aan het uitbreken van dierziektes op een bedrijf dat publiek ontvangt, de overname van bedrijven door een volgende generatie of incidenten met bijvoorbeeld de gezondheid van bezoekers. Deze negatieve bedreigingen kan je omzetten in kansen; hoe kan je een bedreiging tegemoet treden zodat je klaar bent voor de toekomst? En kan je hier een ontwerp voor maken om de bedreigingen de baas te zijn? Deze vragen liggen ten grondslag aan het tot stand komen van dit project ‘Ontwerpen Toekomstbestendig Multifunctioneel Bedrijf’