89 research outputs found

    Differential effects of high-temperature stress on nuclear topology and transcription of repetitive noncoding and coding rye sequences

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    The plant stress response has been extensively characterized at the biochemical and physiological levels. However, knowledge concerning repetitive sequence genome fraction modulation during extreme temperature conditions is scarce. We studied high-temperature effects on subtelomeric repetitive sequences (pSc200) and 45S rDNA in rye seedlings submitted to 40 ° C during 4 h. Chromatin organization patterns were evaluated through fluorescent in situ hybridization and transcription levels were assessed using quantitative real-time PCR. Additionally, the nucleolar dynamics were evaluated through fibrillarin immunodetection in interphase nuclei. The results obtained clearly demonstrated that the pSc200 sequence organization is not affected by high-temperature stress (HTS) and proved for the first time that this noncoding subtelomeric sequence is stably transcribed. Conversely, it was demonstrated that HTS treatment induces marked rDNA chromatin decondensation along with nucleolar enlargement and a significant increase in ribosomal gene transcription. The role of noncoding and coding repetitive rye sequences in the plant stress response that are suggested by their clearly distinct behaviors is discussed. While the hetero-chromatic conformation of pSc200 sequences seems to be involved in the stabilization of the interphase chromatin architecture under stress conditions, the dynamic modulation of nucleolar and rDNA topology and transcription suggest their role in plant stress response pathway

    Knowledge and attitude towards the gradual reduction of salt in bread – an online survey

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    Aim: Assess knowledge and attitude towards the gradual reduction of salt in bread and the potential impact on eating habits of children (6-18 years) and their families, as part as a Health Impact Assessment pilot study.N/

    The mitochondrial phylogeny of land plants shows support for Setaphyta under composition-heterogeneous substitution models

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    Congruence among analyses of plant genomic data partitions (nuclear, chloroplast and mitochondrial) is a strong indicator of accuracy in plant molecular phylogenetics. Recent analyses of both nuclear and chloroplast genome data of land plants (embryophytes) have, controversially, been shown to support monophyly of both bryophytes (mosses, liverworts, and hornworts) and tracheophytes (lycopods, ferns, and seed plants), with mosses and liverworts forming the clade Setaphyta. However, relationships inferred from mitochondria are incongruent with these results, and typically indicate paraphyly of bryophytes with liverworts alone resolved as the earliest-branching land plant group. Here, we reconstruct the mitochondrial land plant phylogeny from a newly compiled data set. When among-lineage composition heterogeneity is accounted for in analyses of codon-degenerate nucleotide and amino acid data, the clade Setaphyta is recovered with high support, and hornworts are supported as the earliest-branching lineage of land plants. These new mitochondrial analyses demonstrate partial congruence with current hypotheses based on nuclear and chloroplast genome data, and provide further incentive for revision of how plants arose on land.UIDB/04326/2020, PTDC/BIA-EVF/1499/2014, EMBRC.PT ALG-01-0145-FEDER-022121, BIODATA.PT ALG-01-0145-FEDER-022231info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cost Evaluation During 2002 in a Medicine/Immunodeficiency Hospital Outpatient Attendance

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    O consumo de recursos económicos com a Saúde é uma preocupação constante dos governantes, dos administradores hospitalares e também dos profissionais de Saúde, sendo a área do seguimento/tratamento dos doentes infectados pelo Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (VIH) apontada como uma das que mais recursos consome. Os AA procuraram, pela avaliação dos doentes seguidos na Consulta de Medicina/Imunodeficiência do Hospital de Santo António dos Capuchos durante o período de um ano (2002), aferir de forma concreta os custos de funcionamento da mesma. Material e Métodos: Foram avaliados os utentes da Consulta de Medicina/Imunodeficiência do Hospital de Santo António dos Capuchos (HSAC) que nela compareceram, pelo menos, duas vezes durante o ano de 2002. O cálculo dos custos das consultas e dos exames complementares de diagnóstico baseou-se nos valores definidos nos Grupos de Diagnósticos Homogéneos (GDHs). O custo da terapêutica anti-retroviral foi calculado segundo os valores que nos foram fornecidos pela Farmácia do Hospital e assumindo o fornecimento mensal da mesma. Resultados: Foram avaliados 107 doentes correspondendo a 498 consultas (€11.424). Fizeram-se 244 determinações de carga viral €(24.321) e 245 estudos de subpopulações linfocitárias (€15.445). As restantes análises custaram €36.586. Dos 107 doentes, 85 estavam sob terapêutica anti-retroviral, com 3 ou 4 fármacos, tendo sido gasto, em média e por doente, €7.122. Foi necessário o internamento de 18 doentes, num total de 219 dias (€41.699). Conclusão: O custo médio anual por doente foi de €6.408

    Grapevine cultivar 'Alfrocheiro' or 'Bruñal' plays a primary role in the relationship among Iberian grapevines

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    The grapevine cultivar known in Portugal as 'Alfrocheiro', and in Spain as 'Bastardo Negro', 'Bruñal' or 'Baboso Negro', plays a central role in the genetic network of the Iberian Peninsula grapevine cultivars. Three sets of different molecular markers, SNPs, nSSRs and cpSSRs, revealed more than twenty parent-offspring links with this cultivar. 'Alfrocheiro' chlorotype is definitely Western European but their parents are still unknown. The distribution of the cultivar, their offspring as well as the two main co-parents direct to a geographic origin around the Portuguese and Spanish border. This cultivar and their progenies represent about 15 % of the total grapevine acreage in Portugal, stressing the importance of 'Alfrocheiro' in the Portuguese wine character

    Grapevine cultivar "Alfrocheiro" or "Bruñal" plays a primary role in the relationship among iberian grapevines

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    The grapevine cultivar known in Portugal as 'Alfrocheiro', and in Spain as 'Bastardo Negro', 'Bruñal' or 'Baboso Negro', plays a central role in the genetic network of the Iberian Peninsula grapevine cultivars. Three sets of different molecular markers, SNPs, nSSRs and cpSSRs, revealed more than twenty parent-offspring links with this cultivar. 'Alfrocheiro' chlorotype is definitely Western European but their parents are still unknown. The distribution of the cultivar, their offspring as well as the two main co-parents direct to a geographic origin around the Portuguese and Spanish border. This cultivar and their progenies represent about 15 % of the total grapevine acreage in Portugal, stressing the importance of 'Alfrocheiro' in the Portuguese wine character.This research was supported by: IVV – Instituto da Vinha e do Vinho (Ministério da Agricultura e do Mar-MAM); Programa de Desenvolvimento Rural (PRODER - Ação - PA 18621 - MAM) and J. CUNHA was supported by a Post-doctoral fellowship >Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia> (SFRH/BPD/74895/2010) and a short scientific mission in the ICVV was part of COST action, FA 1003 from European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research. L. H. ZINELABIDINE was supported by a fellowship from the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional and a short-term scientific mission from COST FA1003 >East-West Collaboration for Grapevine Diversity Exploration and Mobilization of Adaptive Traits for Breeding>.Peer Reviewe

    Grapevine cultivar “Alfrocheiro” or “Bastardo Negro" plays a primary role in Iberian grapevine diversity

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    Trabajo presentado en la Final Conference Progress in Vitis Vinifera diversity evaluation and use, celebrada en Lisboa del 7 al 9 de octubre de 2014.Cost action FA1003 - GRAPENET. East-West Collaboration for Grapevine Diversity Exploration and Mobilization of Adaptive Traits for Breeding.The grapevine cultivar known in Portugal as ‘Alfrocheiro’, and in Spain as ’Bastardo Negro’, ’Bruñal’ or ’Baboso Negro’, plays a central role in the genetic network of the Iberian Peninsula grapevine cultivars. ‘Alfrocheiro’ was already identified as a progenitor of several cultivars either by SSRs or by SNPs but until now it progenitors are unknown.Peer Reviewe

    Aspectos bioecológicos de Hyperaspis pantherina Fürsch (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) predador de Orthezia insignis Browne (Homoptera: Ortheziidae)

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    O coccinelídeo Hyperaspis pantherina Fursch, predador específico de Orthezia insignis Browne, foi importado do Quénia e está a ser criado em laboratório na Ilha da Madeira desde Julho de 2002. Os adultos obtidos largados em Jacarandá mimosifolia D. Don, planta ornamental presente em arruamentos e jardins da cidade do Funchal. No presente trabalho apresentam-se alguns aspectos bioecológicos deste predador obtidos no âmbito da sua criação laboratorial, através do acompanhamento do ciclo de vida de dois casais do coccinelídeo.El coccinélido Hyperaspis pantherina Fürsch, depredador específico de la cochinilla Orthezia insignis Browne, ha sido importado de Kenia y está siendo reproducido en labo ratorio desde Julio de 2002 en la Isla de Madeira. Los adultos obtenidos han sido libera dos sobre Jacaranda mimosifolia D. Don, árbol ornamental utilizado en las calles y jar dines de la ciudad de Funchal, actualmente muy afectados por la cochinilla. En este artí culo se presentan algunos aspectos bioecológicos del coccinélido obtenidos del estudio del ciclo de vida de dos parejas en condiciones de multiplicación en laboratorio.Hyperaspis pantherina Fürsch is a specific predator of the Jacaranda or Lantana Bug Orthezia insignis Browne. Imported from Kenya to Madeira Island to be used as a bio logical control agent, it has been reared since July 2002 in a laboratory and adults are being released on O. insignis infested Jacaranda mimosifolia D. Don trees, present in sidewalks and on many gardened areas of the downtown Capital city of Madeira Island (Funchal).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Health Impact Assessment: Uma Ferramenta de Apoio à Adoção de Políticas Saudáveis na Área da Alimentação

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    Introdução: O Health Impact Assessment (HIA) combina procedimentos e métodos que avaliam potenciais impactes de projetos, programas ou politicas na saúde e a sua distribuição nas populações. Visa informar e melhorar o processo de tomada de decisão baseada na melhor evidência disponível. Devidamente integrado nos processos de planeamento estratégico, o HIA pode contribuir para a implementação de “Políticas Saudáveis”, tal como definido num dos quatro eixos do Plano Nacional de Saúde. É, assim, um instrumento importante para a concretização de uma abordagem integrada da Saúde em todas as políticas. Objetivo: Desenvolver competências técnicas na área do HIA numa perspetiva de learning by doing, através da capacitação de profissionais de saúde e de outros setores.N/

    Avaliação de risco-benefício associado à alimentação: um instrumento para uma melhor política alimentar e de saúde na Europa

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    O RiskBenefit4EU (GP/EFSA/AFSCO/2017/01 - GA02) é um projeto europeu, financiado pela EFSA, que visa fortalecer a capacidade de avaliação de risco-benefício associado à alimentação na União Europeia (UE), aplicando uma abordagem holística. Este projeto resulta de uma parceria entre instituições de investigação & desenvolvimento e académicas, das áreas da saúde, alimentação e nutrição, e autoridades nacionais de segurança alimentar, de Portugal (país coordenador), Dinamarca e França.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio