183 research outputs found

    Preschooler’s Comprehension of Spatial Terms

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    This study aims to understand individual differences in preschooler’s early comprehension of spatial language. Spatial language is defined as terms describing location, direction, shape, dimension, features, orientation, and quantity (e.g location, shape). Spatial language is considered to be one of the important factors in the development of spatial reasoning in the preschool years (Pruden, Levine, & Huttenlocher, 2011). In recent years, research has shown spatial reasoning is an important predictor of successes in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields (e.g. Shea, Lubinski & Benbow, 2001; Wai, Lubinksi &Benbow, 2009). The current study focuses on when children begin to comprehend spatial terms, while previous work has mainly focused on production of spatial language. Identifying when children begin to comprehend spatial terms could lead to a better understanding of how spatial reasoning develops. We use the Intermodal Preferential Looking paradigm (IPLP) to examine three-year-old children’s ability to map spatial terms to visual representations. Fourteen spatial terms were used to test these abilities (e.g. bottom, diamond, longer). For each test trial children were presented with two different stimuli simultaneously on the left and right sides of a television screen. A female voice prompted the child to find the target spatial relation (e.g. “can you find the boy pointing to the bottom of the window”; Figure 1). A Tobii X60 eye-tracker was used to record the child’s eye gaze for each trial. For each child the proportion of looking to the target image divided by their total looking during the trial was calculated; this served as the dependent variable. Proportions above .50 indicated that the child had correctly mapped the spatial term to the target image. Preliminary data shows that the number of words comprehended in the IPLP task is correlated to parental report of the child’s comprehension of spatial terms (r[14]=.500, p\u3c.05)

    Culture and Context\u27s Influence on Hispanic Undergraduates\u27 Perceptions of Their Persistence toward STEM Degree Attainment

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    This dissertation examines the influences of context and culture on Hispanic undergraduate’s in the STEM pipeline. Study one utilized systematic review methods to assess the effectiveness of STEM intervention programs on Hispanic undergraduates. A total of 45 STEM related databases were searched from March-September 2020 with no limitations. Although a total of 259 studies were identified, only one study was actually found to specifically focus on Hispanic populations and include empirically based evaluations. The one remaining study did not find a statistically significant intervention effect for four- year graduation rates. The lack of evidence highlights a gap in research or tackling increased representation for Hispanic students in STEM and identifies the need for methodological changes in the way STEM interventions are evaluated. Study two utilized qualitative content analysis methods to identify Hispanic STEM majors perceptions of both supports and barriers in their STEM degree pathways. Two short answer questions exploring barriers and supports were asked of 947 Hispanic undergraduate, STEM majors. Our findings revealed nuanced perspectives that illuminated the importance of financial access, family, teacher, and peer support, as well as acknowledgement for the role of experiences unique to Hispanic groups. These findings illuminate the importance of respect and inclusion of Hispanic culture with regards to increasing Hispanic representation in STEM. Study three examined how cultural factors influence Hispanic undergraduate’s perception of themselves and career aspirations using the integrative theoretical models of Relational Developmental Systems Theory (RDST) and Relational Cultural Theory (RCT). A total of 947 Hispanic undergraduates completed an ethnic identity, familismo beliefs, career aspirations, STEM retention, and STEM identity questionnaires. SEM analyses revealed model relationships were significant and positive for both Hispanic men and women, however, these models differed in strength of relationships among some of the constructs

    Contemporaneous theory in education

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    The research contextually supports content focused on contemporary theories in the educational field and in which it presents the path of evolution in humanity, based on the learnings that have had to undergo it since the human being in its adaptation has allowed there to be a prospect to the educational advancement. The goal of research is to analyze the changes necessary for the creation and adaptation of learning to understand the development that learning has had in modern school. The bibliographic review and synthetic analytical  method   were used as a technique, to know contemporary theories and the influence they have on the learning-teaching process in education, it was obtained as a result that learning contemporary theories, fused to the modern school allow the expansion of knowledge by adapting techniques and strategies in students, in Ecuador has been involved the application of these, to develop new and diverse pedagogical processes, proposes training to teachers in new techniques to improve cognitive abilities

    Syllabus design based on narration for infant education

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    Año tras año ha habido un aumento del número de colegios bilingües, el Consejo Europeo propuso el Marco Común Europeo de lenguas para dar unas guías que los profesores deben respetar. Además, la legislación española de educación dice que se debe enseñar inglés desde segundo ciclo de educación infantil. Del mismo modo, si los profesores quieren que sus alumnos se desarrollen como individuos en todos sus aspectos, deben seguir un enfoque constructivista. Además, aprender un nuevo idioma puede causar estrés y ansiedad; para reducir esos niveles de estrés, los profesores pueden seguir un enfoque naturalista. De acuerdo con esto, el cuentacuentos es una buena técnica para transmitir este enfoque naturalista. Para ello los profesores deben diseñar sus actividades pensando en tres momentos: antes, durante y después de la lectura. Para terminar, hay una propuesta didáctica basada en un texto narrativo para niños de 3 a 5 años.Grado en Educación Infanti

    Sudden and Transient Block of Left Brain Hemisphere Activity in Catatonic Patients Undergoing Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)

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    Introduction: In the last 21 years, there has been an increase in studies on visual and quantitative EEG (qEEG). Although new findings have been reported, such as the extreme delta brush waves in anti-NMDA receptors encephalitis, there are still undocumented visual EEG alterations. In Psychiatry, these new findings are harder to detect because most patients do not undergo routine EEG. In this work, we report for the first time an EEG finding of a sudden and transient block of left brain hemisphere activity in two patients who underwent treatment with ECT. Methods: The EEG activity of the two patients undergoing ECT treatment was recorded using a Thymatron System IV device. Patient number 1: 23 year-old man with severe major depressive disorder with psychotic features and catatonia. Patient number 2: 48 year-old woman with bipolar disorder with mixed features and catatonia. Results and Discussion: The EEG recording of these two patients during their ECTs sessions showed a sudden and transient block (or arrest) of the left brain hemisphere activity. These findings are not attributed to background noise, electrode disconnection or device malfunction. Also, they were detected in two different patients. In patient 2 in two distinct admissions, two hospitals, utilizing two devices and by two different observers. After clinical improvement, these EEG alterations were not detected. Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first report of a sudden and transient block of the left brain hemisphere activity in psychiatric patients. Although the exact meaning of this finding remains unknown, a comparison can be made between this transient bradypsychia/block (arrest) of brain activity and bradycardia events in cardiology. We acknowledge the need for further studies to better understand these findings, particularly studies addressing different EEG abnormalities and the clinical traits they are associated with.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hiperaldosteronismo primario asociado a neoplasia adrenal. Reporte de caso

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    We report the case of a 68-year-old male with a history of non-treated arterial hypertension diagnosed the previous year that was admitted with anasarca, muscle weakness and dyspnea at rest. The first laboratory exams showed severe hypopotassemia, metabolic alkalosis, renal and gallbladder lithiasis and chronic renal disease. The abdominal tomography revealed a right suprarenal tumor, bilateral hydronephrosis and renal and gallbladder lithiasis. Under the suspicion of primary hyperaldosteronism, the diagnosis was confirmed with the determination of the relationship between aldosterone/direct renin concentration, which was high. The metabolic study showed hypercalciuria and hyperuricosuria and the potassium trans tubular gradient was above 7. The patient underwent right nephrectomy, nonetheless, died at the immediate post-operatory period due to a hypovolemic shock and respiratory failure.Se describe el caso de un varón de 68 años con antecedente de hipertensión arterial no tratada, diagnosticada un año antes, que ingresó con un cuadro de anasarca, debilidad muscular y disnea al reposo. Los primeros exámenes realizados mostraron hipopotasemia severa, alcalosis metabólica, litiasis renal y vesical y enfermedad renal crónica.  La tomografía abdominal reveló una tumoración suprarrenal derecha, hidronefrosis bilateral y litiasis renal y vesical. Con la sospecha de hiperaldosteronismo primario se completó el estudio, con la determinación de relación aldosterona/concentración de renina directa, que resultó alta. El estudio metabólico arrojó hipercalciuria e hiperuricosuria y la gradiente transtubular de potasio mayor de 7. El paciente fue sometido a tratamiento quirúrgico con nefrectomía derecha, sin embargo, falleció en el postoperatorio inmediato, por shock hipovolémico e insuficiencia respiratoria.  &nbsp

    La economía popular y solidaria en la crianza de la Pachamama: caso de estudio, localidades de la Junta parroquial rural San José, Ecuador

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    El presente trabajo tiene su fundamento en los resultados de una investigación realizada con el propósito de velar por la crianza de la Pachamama o naturaleza dentro de la Economía Popular y Solidaria. Se realizó un análisis conceptual de esta economía y se determinó que sus organizaciones tienen la responsabilidad de cuidar la Pachamama al momento de ejecutar procesos de producción, distribución, intercambio y consumo de bienes y servicios, ya que la Pachamama es la generadora del SumakKawsay (el Buen Vivir). Se emplearon en forma interrelacionada, métodos teóricos, empíricos y estadísticos.El trabajo presentado demuestra que laactividad económica principal que ejecutan los pobladores de las localidades de la Junta parroquial rural San José constituye la agrícolacon el 72,7 % lo que está ocasionado el deterioro de la Pachamama. Ante lo cual se necesita proponer soluciones sostenibles

    El modelo de Ciencia Escolar. Una propuesta de la didáctica de las ciencias naturales para articular la normativa educacional y la realidad del aula

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    In this paper we reflect on the interaction between didactics of science as an academic discipline and the regulations on compulsory science education in Argentina. Recent contributions from didactical research are reviewed, particularly those related to the notion of school science, which has influence on problems such as currículum development, classroom communication and science teacher education. We start from the hypothesis that the model of school science permits greater integration between didactical innovation and real classroom practice