2,046 research outputs found

    Zero-temperature equation of state of mass-imbalanced resonant Fermi gases

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    We calculate the zero-temperature equation of state of mass-imbalanced resonant Fermi gases in an ab initio fashion, by implementing the recent proposal of imaginary-valued mass difference to bypass the sign problem in lattice Monte Carlo calculations. The fully non-perturbative results thus obtained are analytically continued to real mass imbalance to yield the physical equation of state, providing predictions for upcoming experiments with mass-imbalanced atomic Fermi gases. In addition, we present an exact relation for the rate of change of the equation of state at small mass imbalances, showing that it is fully determined by the energy of the mass-balanced system.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 2 table

    Phase structure of mass- and spin-imbalanced unitary Fermi gases

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    We study the phase diagram of mass- and spin-imbalanced unitary Fermi gases, in search for the emergence of spatially inhomogeneous phases. To account for fluctuation effects beyond the mean-field approximation, we employ renormalization group techniques. We thus obtain estimates for critical values of the temperature, mass and spin imbalance, above which the system is in the normal phase. In the unpolarized, equal-mass limit, our result for the critical temperature is in accordance with state-of-the-art Monte Carlo calculations. In addition, we estimate the location of regions in the phase diagram where inhomogeneous phases are likely to exist. We show that an intriguing relation exists between the general structure of the many-body phase diagram and the binding energies of the underlying two-body bound-state problem, which further supports our findings. Our results suggest that inhomogeneous condensates form for mass ratios of the spin-down and spin-up fermions greater than three. The extent of the inhomogeneous phase in parameter space increases with increasing mass imbalance.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Inhomogeneous phases in one-dimensional mass- and spin-imbalanced Fermi gases

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    We compute the phase diagram of strongly interacting fermions in one dimension at finite temperature, with mass and spin imbalance. By including the possibility of the existence of a spatially inhomogeneous ground state, we find regions where spatially varying superfluid phases are favored over homogeneous phases. We obtain estimates for critical values of the temperature, mass and spin imbalance, above which these phases disappear. Finally, we show that an intriguing relation exists between the general structure of the phase diagram and the binding energies of the underlying two-body bound-state problem.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Crystalline Ground States in Polyakov-loop extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio Models

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    Nambu--Jona-Lasinio-type models have been used extensively to study the dynamics of the theory of the strong interaction at finite temperature and quark chemical potential on a phenomenological level. In addition to these studies, which are often performed under the assumption that the ground state of the theory is homogeneous, searches for the existence of crystalline phases associated with inhomogeneous ground states have attracted a lot of interest in recent years. In this work, we study the Polyakov-loop extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model and find that the existence of a crystalline phase is stable against a variation of the parametrization of the underlying Polyakov loop potential. To this end, we adopt two prominent parametrizations. Moreover, we observe that the existence of a quarkyonic phase depends crucially on the parametrization, in particular in the regime of the phase diagram where inhomogeneous chiral condensation is favored.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Fermi gases with imaginary mass imbalance and the sign problem in Monte Carlo calculations

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    Fermi gases in strongly coupled regimes, such as the unitary limit, are inherently challenging for many-body methods. Although much progress has been made with purely analytic methods, quantitative results require ab initio numerical approaches, such as Monte Carlo (MC) calculations. However, mass-imbalanced and spin-imbalanced gases are not accessible to MC calculations due to the infamous sign problem. It was recently pointed out that the sign problem, for finite spin imbalance, can be circumvented by resorting to imaginary polarizations and analytic continuation. Large parts of the phase diagram spanned by temperature and polarization then become accessible to MC calculations. We propose to apply a similar strategy to the mass-imbalanced case, which opens up the possibility to study the associated phase diagram with MC calculations. In particular, our analysis suggests that a detection of a (tri-)critical point in this phase diagram is possible. We also discuss calculations in the zero-temperature limit with our approach.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Phases of spin- and mass-imbalanced ultracold Fermi gases in harmonic traps

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    We analyze the phase structure of mass- and spin-imbalanced unitary Fermi gases in harmonic traps. To this end, we employ Density Functional Theory in the local density approximation. Depending on the values of the control parameters measuring mass and spin imbalance, we observe that three regions exist in the trap, namely: a superfluid region at the center, surrounded by a mixed region of resonantly interacting spin-up and spin-down fermions, and finally a fully polarized phase surrounding the previous two regions. We also find regimes in the phase diagram where the existence of a superfluid region at the center of the trap is not energetically favored. We point out the limitations of our approach at the present stage, and call for more detailed (ab initio) studies of the equation of state of uniform, mass-imbalanced unitary Fermi gases.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Electronic Shell Structure of Nanoscale Superconductors

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    Motivated by recent experiments on Al nanoparticles, we have studied the effects of fixed electron number and small size in nanoscale superconductors, by applying the canonical BCS theory for the attractive Hubbard model in two and three dimensions. A negative ``gap'' in particles with an odd number of electrons as observed in the experiments is obtained in our canonical scheme. For particles with an even number of electrons, the energy gap exhibits shell structure as a function of electron density or system size in the weak-coupling regime: the gap is particularly large for ``magic numbers'' of electrons for a given system size or of atoms for a fixed electron density. The grand canonical BCS method essentially misses this feature. Possible experimental methods for observing such shell effects are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure