79 research outputs found

    Role of CCH domain in localization and signaling of an adaptor protein CAS

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    Fokální adheze jsou buněčné struktury, které se vytváří při kontaktu buňky s okolním prostředím. Buňka dostává prostřednictvím fokálních adhezí důležité informace o chemickém složení okolního prostředí. Kromě toho jsou fokální adheze nezbytné pro přenos sil, které se vytváří uvnitř buňky a sil, které ovlivňují buňku z vnějšku. CAS je protein fokálních adhezí, u něhož byla prokázána schopnost regulovat aktinový cytoskelet a tím schopnost buněk generovat síly, které jsou potřebné pro deformaci okolního prostředí a migraci buněk. Protein CAS je navíc molekulárním mechanosensorem, který snímá mechanické síly a mění je do biochemické informace, která je přenášena dále do buňky. Lokalizace proteinu CAS ve fokálních adhezích je proto nezbytným předpokladem pro jeho fungování. Pro tuto práci jsme připravili sérii variant proteinu CAS, které jsou pozměněny v oblastech, kde se nachází N- koncová SH3 doména a C-koncová CCH doména, které hrají roli tzv. kotevních domén. Varianty proteinu CAS pak byly použity pro objasnění úlohy kotevních domén pro lokalizaci a dynamiku ve fokálních adhezích a pro schopnost buněk generovat trakční síly. Klíčová slova: CAS, SH3 doména, CCH doména, FAT doména, fokální adheze, lokalizace, dynamikaFocal adhesions are cell structures that are formed between cell and the surrounding environment. The cell receives through focal adhesions important information about the chemical composition of the surrounding environment. In addition, focal adhesions are crucial for the transmission of forces that are generated inside the cell and the forces that affect the cell from the outside. CAS is the focal adhesion protein, which has been shown to regulate the actin cytoskeleton and the ability of the cells to generate forces needed for the surrounding environment deformation and cell migration. CAS is additionally molecular mechanosensor which senses mechanical forces and convert them into biochemical information, which is transmitted further into the cell. Localization of CAS in focal adhesions is necessary for its functioning. For this work, we have prepared a set of variants of CAS protein which was mutated in regions where are situated the N-terminal SH3 domain and a C-terminal CCH domain, which play the role of so-called anchoring domains. CAS protein variants were used to elucidate the role of anchoring domains for the localization and dynamics of CAS in focal adhesions and for the ability of the cells to generate traction forces. Keywords: CAS, SH3 domain, CCH domain, FAT domain, focal adhesions,...Department of Cell BiologyKatedra buněčné biologiePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Education of patients with atrial fibrillation

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    Cílem této práce je zjistit informovanost pacientů o léčebně preventivním opatření před a po provedení elektrické kardioverze u pacientů, u nichž byla diagnostikována fibrilace síní, nejčastější supraventrikulární porucha srdečního rytmu. Dále bychom rádi vytvořili edukační materiál, který bude určen pacientům podstupující tento výkon a zlepšili tak jejich informovanost o tomto režimu. Rádi bychom tak snížili možná rizika související s jejich neznalostí.The aim of this bachelor thesis is to determine the awareness of patients about medically preventive measures before and after the implementation of electrical cardioversion in this pastients, whitch was the diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, the most common hearth rythm disorder supraventricular. We would like created education material that will be determinated by patients undergoing this performance and improve their awareness of this mode. We would like to so reduce the risk associated with their ignorance

    Exposure to particulate matter and ozone of outdoor origin in Singapore

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    Estimates of population exposure to ambient air pollution traditionally rely on concentrations measured at central-site monitors as a surrogate for concentrations to which people are exposed. In this study of Singapore, we estimate population-averaged exposure concentrations for PM2.5, PM10, and O3 by applying a model and data that account for age and gender demographics, intraurban regional variability, and microenvironmental effects with age- and gender-stratified time-activity budgets. The study addresses exposure only to air pollutants of outdoor origin. Spatially averaged midpoint estimates of lifetime ambient exposure concentrations are 59%, 52%, and 47% of outdoor concentrations for PM2.5, PM10, and O3, respectively. Utilizing ambient data for calendar year 2007, we estimate that intraurban variability in ambient concentration results in lifetime-integrated exposure concentrations in the respective ranges of 10e14 mg m_3 for PM2.5, 14e18 mg m_3 for PM10, and 7.5e15 mg m_3 for O3. Uncertainty in estimates of the indoor proportion of outdoor pollutants, which are input to the model, results in greater variability than do intraurban differences in ambient concentrations, resulting in respective ranges of 6.6e15 mg m_3 for PM2.5, 8.1e21 mg m_3 for PM10 and 6.8e16 mg m_3 for O3. Estimates of time spent in naturally ventilated (NV) homes are in the range 10e13 h/d across the population and exposures in NV homes contribute 49%, 53%, and 56% of total exposure for PM2.5, PM10 and O3, of outdoor origin, respectively. Results illustrate the importance of accurately characterizing climates specificIndoor-outdoor pollutant relationships to better quantify human exposure to air pollutants

    Role of CCH domain in localization and signaling of an adaptor protein CAS

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    Focal adhesions are cell structures that are formed between cell and the surrounding environment. The cell receives through focal adhesions important information about the chemical composition of the surrounding environment. In addition, focal adhesions are crucial for the transmission of forces that are generated inside the cell and the forces that affect the cell from the outside. CAS is the focal adhesion protein, which has been shown to regulate the actin cytoskeleton and the ability of the cells to generate forces needed for the surrounding environment deformation and cell migration. CAS is additionally molecular mechanosensor which senses mechanical forces and convert them into biochemical information, which is transmitted further into the cell. Localization of CAS in focal adhesions is necessary for its functioning. For this work, we have prepared a set of variants of CAS protein which was mutated in regions where are situated the N-terminal SH3 domain and a C-terminal CCH domain, which play the role of so-called anchoring domains. CAS protein variants were used to elucidate the role of anchoring domains for the localization and dynamics of CAS in focal adhesions and for the ability of the cells to generate traction forces. Keywords: CAS, SH3 domain, CCH domain, FAT domain, focal adhesions,..