834 research outputs found

    Fetuin A concentration in the second trimester amniotic fluid of fetuses with Trisomy 21 appears to be lower: phenotypic considerations

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    Objective: We investigated whether the concentration of the glycoprotein fetuin A is altered in the second trimester amniotic fluid of trisomy 21 pregnancies compared with euploid pregnancies. Methods. 25 pregnancies with an extra chromosome 21 were matched for maternal and gestational age with 25 pregnancies with normal karyotype. Levels of fetuin A in amniotic fluid were measured by a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit. Results: The median concentration of fetuin A in amniotic fluid of trisomy 21 pregnancies (5.3 ng/ml) was statistically significantly lower (P value = 0.008) compared with that in euploid pregnancies (6.8 ng/mL). Conclusion: Lower levels of fetuin A in trisomy 21 may indicate an association with altered metabolic pathways in this early stage that could potentially be associated with features of the syndrome, such as growth restriction or impaired osteogenesi

    Quantitative systematic review of the associations between short-term exposure to nitrogen dioxide and mortality and hospital admissions.

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    BACKGROUND: Short-term exposure to NO₂ has been associated with adverse health effects and there is increasing concern that NO₂ is causally related to health effects, not merely a marker of traffic-generated pollution. No comprehensive meta-analysis of the time-series evidence on NO₂ has been published since 2007. OBJECTIVE: To quantitatively assess the evidence from epidemiological time-series studies published worldwide to determine whether and to what extent short-term exposure to NO₂ is associated with increased numbers of daily deaths and hospital admissions. DESIGN: We conducted a quantitative systematic review of 204 time-series studies of NO₂ and daily mortality and hospital admissions for several diagnoses and ages, which were indexed in three bibliographic databases up to May 2011. We calculated random-effects estimates by different geographic regions and globally, and also tested for heterogeneity and small study bias. RESULTS: Sufficient estimates for meta-analysis were available for 43 cause-specific and age-specific combinations of mortality or hospital admissions (25 for 24 h NO₂ and 18 of the same combinations for 1 h measures). For the all-age group, a 10 µg/m(3) increase in 24 h NO₂ was associated with increases in all-cause, cardiovascular and respiratory mortality (0.71% (95% CI 0.43% to 1.00%), 0.88% (0.63% to 1.13%) and 1.09% (0.75% to 1.42%), respectively), and with hospital admissions for respiratory (0.57% (0.33% to 0.82%)) and cardiovascular (0.66% (0.32% to 1.01%)) diseases. Evidence of heterogeneity between geographical region-specific estimates was identified in more than half of the combinations analysed. CONCLUSIONS: Our review provides clear evidence of health effects associated with short-term exposure to NO₂ although further work is required to understand reasons for the regional heterogeneity observed. The growing literature, incorporating large multicentre studies and new evidence from less well-studied regions of the world, supports further quantitative review to assess the independence of NO₂ health effects from other air pollutants

    Análisis de la eficacia de la ayuda al desarrollo

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    Las investigaciones sobre las relaciones entre la ayuda, el crecimiento y el desarrollo se remontan a hace más de cinco décadas. El uso de tecnologías y metodologías avanzadas así como la presentación de informes y la mejorade los datos en los últimos años han permitido ajustes y críticas a muchos de estos resultados de investigación. Asimismo, se ha observado que la relación entre la ayuda, el crecimiento y el desarrollo todavía tiene un largo camino por recorrer sin que existan resultados concluyentes. Los estudios sobre la relación entre ayuda y crecimiento han sido categóricamente clasificados en cuatro generaciones. Las dos primeras generaciones muestran que la relación entre ayuda al desarrollo y crecimiento es una relación lineal basada en el ahorro y la inversión. El resultado se sustenta en el modelo Harrod-Domar y el modelo de dos brechas de Chenery–Strout y una vez definido, permite determinar la cantidad de la ayuda necesaria para lograr una tasa de crecimiento objetivo. La tercera generación considera la relación entre ayuda y crecimiento como una relación no-lineal. Esta tercera generación se centró en la endogeneidad de la ayuda, incluyendo las medidas de política económica como pieza fundamental en la determinación de la eficacia de la ayuda. La cuarta generación ha ampliado el marco teórico acerca de la eficacia de la ayuda, incorporando factores como el papel de las instituciones y de la gobernabilidad en la relación. Las nuevas investigaciones sobre la eficacia de la ayuda están basadas en inversiones en áreas tales como educación y sanidad, y en cómo incrementarían el capital humano y, de este modo, el producto per cápita. En general, los resultados empíricos han mostrado que aunque un país haya recibido un incremento de ayuda no se refleja en un mayor nivel de desarrollo en su sector, en comparación con otro país que podría haber recibido una porción más pequeña de la ayuda durante el mismo período. Asimismo, se percibe que mayores flujos de ayuda no se corresponden con un valor más alto en el Índice de Desarrollo Humano o en la posición que ocupa el país.Departamento de Economía AplicadaMáster en Cooperación Internacional para el Desarroll

    A case-control study of lactation and cancer of the breast.

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    We have examined the relation of lactation, by total duration, with breast cancer risk among pre- and post-menopausal women. In a hospital-based case-control study conducted in Athens (1989-91), involving 820 patients with confirmed breast cancer and 795 orthopaedic patient controls and 753 hospital visitor controls, logistic regression was used to analyse the data controlling for demographic, nutritional and reproductive factors, including parity and age at any birth. Among post-menopausal women, there was no association between breastfeeding and breast cancer risk, but among premenopausal women those who has breastfed for > or = 24 months had an odds ratio of 0.50 (95% confidence interval 0.23-1.41). A reduction of the odds ration was also evident among premenopausal women who had breastfed between 12 and 23 months (odds ratio 0.70; 95% confidence interval 0.34-1.60). In conjunction with several other recent reports these results support the hypothesis that breastfeeding of prolonged duration may reduce the risk of breast cancer among premenopausal women but not among post-menopausal women. The biology underlying this different effect remains unknown, and the practical implication of the finding is a marginal importance

    Atmospheric circulation types and daily mortality in Athens, Greece.

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    We investigated the short-term effects of synoptic and mesoscale atmospheric circulation types on mortality in Athens, Greece. The synoptic patterns in the lower troposphere were classified in 8 a priori defined categories. The mesoscale weather types were classified into 11 categories, using meteorologic parameters from the Athens area surface monitoring network; the daily number of deaths was available for 1987-1991. We applied generalized additive models (GAM), extending Poisson regression, using a LOESS smoother to control for the confounding effects of seasonal patterns. We adjusted for long-term trends, day of the week, ambient particle concentrations, and additional temperature effects. Both classifications, synoptic and mesoscale, explain the daily variation of mortality to a statistically significant degree. The highest daily mortality was observed on days characterized by southeasterly flow [increase 10%; 95% confidence interval (CI), 6.1-13.9% compared to the high-low pressure system), followed by zonal flow (5.8%; 95% CI, 1.8-10%). The high-low pressure system and the northwesterly flow are associated with the lowest mortality. The seasonal patterns are consistent with the annual pattern. For mesoscale categories, in the cold period the highest mortality is observed during days characterized by the easterly flow category (increase 9.4%; 95% CI, 1.0-18.5% compared to flow without the main component). In the warm period, the highest mortality occurs during the strong southerly flow category (8.5% increase; 95% CI, 2.0-15.4% compared again to flow without the main component). Adjusting for ambient particle levels leaves the estimated associations unchanged for the synoptic categories and slightly increases the effects of mesoscale categories. In conclusion, synoptic and mesoscale weather classification is a useful tool for studying the weather-health associations in a warm Mediterranean climate situation

    Investigation of Midtrimester Amniotic Fluid Factors as Potential Predictors of Term and Preterm Deliveries

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    Aims. Our aim is to investigate, in 13 cases (delivering preterm) and 21 matched (for age, parity, and gestational age) controls (delivering at term), whether midtrimester amniotic fluid concentrations of elastase, secretory leukocyte proteinase inhibitor (SLPI), soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1, and soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule predict asymptomatic intra-amniotic inflammation/infection and preterm labor. Results. Concentrations of all substances were not statistically different among mothers, delivering preterm or at term. SLPI concentrations significantly increased in women, going into labor without ruptured membranes, irrespective of pre- or term delivery (P < .007, P < .001, resp) and correlated with elastase (r = 0.508, P < .002). Conclusions. Midtrimester amniotic fluid SLPI concentrations significantly decrease when membrane rupture precedes pre- or full-term labor. However, none of the investigated substances predict preterm delivery

    Measurement error in a multi-level analysis of air pollution and health: a simulation study.

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    BACKGROUND: Spatio-temporal models are increasingly being used to predict exposure to ambient outdoor air pollution at high spatial resolution for inclusion in epidemiological analyses of air pollution and health. Measurement error in these predictions can nevertheless have impacts on health effect estimation. Using statistical simulation we aim to investigate the effects of such error within a multi-level model analysis of long and short-term pollutant exposure and health. METHODS: Our study was based on a theoretical sample of 1000 geographical sites within Greater London. Simulations of "true" site-specific daily mean and 5-year mean NO2 and PM10 concentrations, incorporating both temporal variation and spatial covariance, were informed by an analysis of daily measurements over the period 2009-2013 from fixed location urban background monitors in the London area. In the context of a multi-level single-pollutant Poisson regression analysis of mortality, we investigated scenarios in which we specified: the Pearson correlation between modelled and "true" data and the ratio of their variances (model versus "true") and assumed these parameters were the same spatially and temporally. RESULTS: In general, health effect estimates associated with both long and short-term exposure were biased towards the null with the level of bias increasing to over 60% as the correlation coefficient decreased from 0.9 to 0.5 and the variance ratio increased from 0.5 to 2. However, for a combination of high correlation (0.9) and small variance ratio (0.5) non-trivial bias (> 25%) away from the null was observed. Standard errors of health effect estimates, though unaffected by changes in the correlation coefficient, appeared to be attenuated for variance ratios > 1 but inflated for variance ratios < 1. CONCLUSION: While our findings suggest that in most cases modelling errors result in attenuation of the effect estimate towards the null, in some situations a non-trivial bias away from the null may occur. The magnitude and direction of bias appears to depend on the relationship between modelled and "true" data in terms of their correlation and the ratio of their variances. These factors should be taken into account when assessing the validity of modelled air pollution predictions for use in complex epidemiological models

    Short-term associations between particle oxidative potential and daily mortality and hospital admissions in London.

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    BACKGROUND: Particulate matter (PM) from traffic and other sources has been associated with adverse health effects. One unifying theory is that PM, whatever its source, acts on the human body via its capacity to cause damaging oxidation reactions related to its content of pro-oxidants components. Few epidemiological studies have investigated particle oxidative potential (OP) and health. We conducted a time series analysis to assess associations between daily particle OP measures and numbers of deaths and hospital admissions for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. METHODS: During 2011 and 2012 particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 and 10μm (PM2.5 and PM10 respectively) were collected daily on Partisol filters located at an urban background monitoring station in Central London. Particulate OP was assessed based on the capacity of the particles to oxidize ascorbate (OP(AA)) and glutathione (OP(GSH)) from a simple chemical model reflecting the antioxidant composition of human respiratory tract lining fluid. Particulate OP, expressed as % loss of antioxidant per μg of PM, was then multiplied by the daily concentrations of PM to derive the daily OP of PM mass concentrations (% loss per m(3)). Daily numbers of deaths and age- and cause-specific hospital admissions in London were obtained from national registries. Poisson regression accounting for seasonality and meteorology was used to estimate the percentage change in risk of death or admission associated with an interquartile increment in particle OP. RESULTS: We found little evidence for adverse associations between OP(AA) and OP(GSH) and mortality. Associations with cardiovascular admissions were generally positive in younger adults and negative in older adults with confidence intervals including 0%. For respiratory admissions there was a trend, from positive to negative associations, with increasing age although confidence intervals generally included 0%. CONCLUSIONS: Our study, the first to analyse daily particle OP measures and mortality and admissions in a large population over two years, found little evidence to support the hypothesis that short-term exposure to particle OP is associated with adverse health effects. Further studies with improved exposure assessment and longer time series are required to confirm or reject the role of particle OP in triggering exacerbations of disease

    The impact of measurement error in modelled ambient particles exposures on health effect estimates in multi-level analysis: a simulation study.

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    Background: Various spatiotemporal models have been proposed for predicting ambient particulate exposure for inclusion in epidemiological analyses. We investigated the effect of measurement error in the prediction of particulate matter with diameter <10 µm (PM10) and <2.5 µm (PM2.5) concentrations on the estimation of health effects. Methods: We sampled 1,000 small administrative areas in London, United Kingdom, and simulated the “true” underlying daily exposure surfaces for PM10 and PM2.5 for 2009–2013 incorporating temporal variation and spatial covariance informed by the extensive London monitoring network. We added measurement error assessed by comparing measurements at fixed sites and predictions from spatiotemporal land-use regression (LUR) models; dispersion models; models using satellite data and applying machine learning algorithms; and combinations of these methods through generalized additive models. Two health outcomes were simulated to assess whether the bias varies with the effect size. We applied multilevel Poisson regression to simultaneously model the effect of long- and short-term pollutant exposure. For each scenario, we ran 1,000 simulations to assess measurement error impact on health effect estimation. Results: For long-term exposure to particles, we observed bias toward the null, except for traffic PM2.5 for which only LUR underestimated the effect. For short-term exposure, results were variable between exposure models and bias ranged from −11% (underestimate) to 20% (overestimate) for PM10 and of −20% to 17% for PM2.5. Integration of models performed best in almost all cases. Conclusions: No single exposure model performed optimally across scenarios. In most cases, measurement error resulted in attenuation of the effect estimate

    Saharan dust and association between particulate matter and case-specific mortality: a case-crossover analysis in Madrid (Spain)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Saharan dust intrusions are a common phenomenon in the Madrid atmosphere, leading induce exceedances of the 50 μg/m<sup>3</sup>- EU 24 h standard for PM<sub>10</sub>.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We investigated the effects of exposure to PM<sub>10 </sub>between January 2003 and December 2005 in Madrid (Spain) on daily case-specific mortality; changes of effects between Saharan and non-Saharan dust days were assessed using a time-stratified case-crossover design.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Saharan dust affected 20% of days in the city of Madrid. Mean concentration of PM<sub>10 </sub>was higher during dust days (47.7 μg/m<sup>3</sup>) than non-dust days (31.4 μg/m<sup>3</sup>). The rise of mortality per 10 μg/m<sup>3 </sup>PM<sub>10 </sub>concentration were always largely for Saharan dust-days. When stratifying by season risks of PM<sub>10</sub>, at lag 1, during Saharan dust days were stronger for respiratory causes during cold season (IR% = 3.34% (95% CI: 0.36, 6.41) versus 2.87% (95% CI: 1.30, 4.47)) while for circulatory causes effects were stronger during warm season (IR% = 4.19% (95% CI: 1.34, 7.13) versus 2.65% (95% CI: 0.12, 5.23)). No effects were found for cerebrovascular causes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We found evidence of strongest effects of particulate matter during Saharan dust days, providing a suggestion of effect modification, even though interaction terms were not statistically significant. Further investigation is needed to understand the mechanism by which Saharan dust increases mortality.</p