321 research outputs found

    A rede de transporte público como estruturadora de centralidades : análise da cidade do Rio de Janeiro

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    There is a growing set of changes in the travel patterns of metropolitan regions, which have induced diffused demands and dispersed destinations, as well as travel between suburbs or in the center-periphery direction. Therefore, to better understand these travel patterns, a description and analysis of a population’s internal displacements within metropolitan territories will be made, with emphasis on the city of Rio de Janeiro. This dissertation contributed to draw attention to another type of approach, which looks not at the morphology of the territory, but at how its different portions are functionally related. This work studies the human displacement patterns in the study area, based on origin and destination data, and in the demographic census. In effect, the main centralities of the metropolitan region are revealed, to discuss how they are articulated with the parcels of the territory. It also discusses the role of the transit network in the context of these phenomena. It was found that the proposed methods present important correspondence with the traditional ones and that the analysis of the influence area of a center is paramount to its characterization. Thus, one can better determine in which regions transport planning should focus on their actions, and then give them appropriate development conditions.Há um conjunto recente de mudanças nos padrões de viagens das regiões metropolitanas, que apresentam demandas difusas e destinos dispersos, e viagens entre subúrbios ou no sentido centro-periferia ganham força. Portanto, para melhor compreender esses padrões de viagens, serão feitas uma descrição e análise dos deslocamentos internos da população nos territórios metropolitanos, com ênfase na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Esta dissertação contribuiu por chamar a atenção para outro tipo de abordagem, que olha não para a morfologia do território, mas para como suas diferentes porções se relacionam funcionalmente, a partir dos padrões de deslocamentos dos seres humanos na área em estudo, fazendo uso dos dados de pesquisas origem e destino, e no censo demográfico. Com efeito, revelam-se as principais centralidades da região metropolitana, para então discutir como elas se articulam com as parcelas do território e qual o papel da rede de transporte público no contexto desses fenômenos. Foi descoberto que os métodos propostos apresentam correspondência importante com as abordagens tradicionais e que a análise da área de influência de um centro é fundamental à sua caracterização. De posse desses insumos, pode-se melhor determinar em quais regiões o planejamento de transportes deve focar suas ações, de forma a dar-lhes apropriadas condições de desenvolvimento


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    Nem todas as heranças são favoráveis à dignidade humana. Há povos que ainda padecem, em razão da perpetuação de uma cultura de indiferença


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    Nem todas as heranças são favoráveis à dignidade humana. Há povos que ainda padecem, em razão da perpetuação de uma cultura de indiferença

    Effect of Acute and Chronic Oral Zinc Administration in Hyperprolactinemic Patients

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    The inverse relationship between zinc (Zn++) and prolactin (PRL) was detected in in vitro studies, whereas in vivo results are contradictory. In order to evaluate this controversial subject we studied patients with hyperprolactinemia. Basal serum Zn++ levels and serum PRL response to acute and chronic oral Zn++ administration were evaluated in seven patients with prolactinomas and one with idiopathic hyperprolactinemia. Serum PRL levels did not change after acute oral Zn++ administration (37.5 mg), although Zn++ levels increased from 1.11±0.15 to 2.44±0.39 μg/mL (P<0.05). ZnZn++ administration (47.7 mg daily) during 60 days increased serum Zn++ levels from 1.11 ± 0.15 to 1.59 ± 0.58 μg/mL (p < 0.05) but caused no change in serum PRL levels. The TRH tolerance test (200 μg) was performed before and after 60 days of Zn++ administration, and PRL response to TRH was unchangeable and similar in both tests. We concluded that acute or chronic Zn++ administration does not inhibit PRL secretion in basal condition or by TRH effect in hyperprolactinemic patients

    Seleção de critérios sociais e ambientais para a delimitação de núcleos rurais na Galiza, Espanha

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    Rural settlements (RS) are references of the territorial reality of the town settlement and constitute a set of social and cultural constructions. Its delimitation is one of the most important and complicated tasks within territorial planning. This paper presents a comparison of methodologies to select the most important criteria for the delimitation of the rural settlements in Galicia (northwest of Spain), considering social, environmental and landscaping aspects. Due to the subjective nature of many of the criteria involved, an expert judgment was designed involving 12 decision-makers, experts from different disciplines related to rural planning, who evaluated the weight or importance of a scheme of 108 criteria spread over three levels, through two methodologies: the scoring method and the multicriteria decision making methodology analytical hierarchy process (AHP). The results indicated that the AHP method was the best methodology for obtaining weights in these criteria compared to the scoring method. The built structure criterion was the only one that had the best result according to the scoring method. The research allows concluding that in both methodologies social criteria obtained better weights than environmental and landscape criteria.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Selection of social and environmental criteria for the delimitation of rural settlements in Galicia, Spain

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    Los núcleos rurales (NR) son una referencia de la realidad territorial del asentamiento de un pueblo y constituyen un conjunto de construcciones sociales y culturales. Su delimitación es una de las tareas más importantes y complicadas dentro de la planificación territorial. Este trabajo presenta una comparación de metodologías para seleccionar los criterios más importantes para la delimitación de los núcleos rurales de Galicia (noroeste de España), considerando conjuntamente aspectos sociales, ambientales y paisajísticos. Debido al carácter subjetivo de muchos de los criterios implicados, se diseñó un juicio de expertos en el que participaron 12 decisores, expertos de diferentes disciplinas relacionadas con el medio rural, que evaluaron el peso o importancia de un esquema de 108 criterios repartidos en tres niveles, mediante dos metodologías: el método de puntuación (o scoring) y la metodología de toma de decisiones multicriterio analytical hierarchy process (AHP). Los resultados indicaron que el método AHP fue mejor metodología para la obtención de pesos en dichos criterios que el método de puntuación. El criterio estructura edificada fue el único que tuvo mejor resultado según el método de puntuación. La investigación permitió concluir que en ambas metodologías los criterios sociales obtuvieron mejores pesos que los criterios ambientales y paisajísticos.Rural settlements (RS) are references of the territorial reality of the town settlement and constitute a set of social and cultural constructions. Its delimitation is one of the most important and complicated tasks within territorial planning. This paper presents a comparison of methodologies to select the most important criteria for the delimitation of the rural settlements in Galicia (northwest of Spain), considering social, environmental and landscaping aspects. Due to the subjective nature of many of the criteria involved, an expert judgment was designed involving 12 decision-makers, experts from different disciplines related to rural planning, who evaluated the weight or importance of a scheme of 108 criteria spread over three levels, through two methodologies: the scoring method and the multicriteria decision making methodology analytical hierarchy process (AHP). The results indicated that the AHP method was the best methodology for obtaining weights in these criteria compared to the scoring method. The built structure criterion was the only one that had the best result according to the scoring method. The research allows concluding that in both methodologies social criteria obtained better weights than environmental and landscape criteria. Key words: rural planning, rural settlements, AHP.Os núcleos rurais (NR) são uma referência da realidade territorial da colonização de uma cidade e constituem um conjunto de construções sociais e culturais. Sua delimitação é uma das tarefas mais importantes e complicadas no planejamento territorial. Este artigo apresenta uma comparação de metodologias para selecionar os critérios mais importantes para a delimitação dos núcleos rurais da Galiza (noroeste de Espanha), considerando os aspectos sociais, ambientais e paisagísticos. Devido à natureza subjetiva de muitos dos critérios envolvidos, foi elaborado um julgamento especializado envolvendo 12 decisores, especialistas de diferentes disciplinas relacionadas a áreas rurais, que avaliaram o peso ou a importância de um esquema de 108 critérios distribuídos em três níveis, através de duas metodologias: o método de pontuação e a metodologia de tomada de decisão multicritério processo de hierarquia analítica (AHP). Os resultados indicaram que o método AHP foi a melhor metodologia para a obtenção de pesos nesses critérios do que o método de pontuação. O critério de estrutura construída foi o único que teve o melhor resultado de acordo com o método de pontuação. A investigação permitiu concluir que, em ambas as metodologias, os critérios sociais obtiveram melhores pesos do que os critérios ambientais e paisagísticos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of a Single Venous Dose of Zinc on Thyroid Status in Healthy Individuals and Patients With Graves' Disease

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    Zinc metabolism may regulate thyroid function acting at TRH (thyrotropin-releasing hormone) synthesis, peripheral deiodination of T4 (tetraiodothyronine), and binding of thyroid hormones to nuclear receptors. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of acute zinc administration on TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), FT3 (free triiodothyronine), and FT4 (free tetraiodothyronine) in 10 healthy individuals and 12 hyperthyroid patients with Graves' disease. All these individuals were studied following 25 mg Zn++ administered intravenously, at 7:00 a.m. after 12 h fast. Blood samples collected at 0, 3, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min after zinc administration showed no significant alteration in the plasma levels of TSH, FT3, and FT4 in hyperthyroid patients. There were no changes in the plasma levels of FT3 and FT4 in the control subjects, but TSH levels were acutely depressed by zinc administration. This study suggests that zinc given acutely and in pharmacological doses does not affect thyroid function in hyperthyroid subjects, but affect plasma TSH levels in healthy individuals

    Educação Estatística: um estudo com estudantes de licenciatura em Matemática de uma Universidade Pública

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    The concept of simple arithmetic mean is very used in people's daily lives, although it often comes with the understanding of its meaning. The objective of this study is to analyze the knowledge acquired about arithmetic mean by students of a Mathematics Degree course graduastes from public schools. This investigation has a qualitative approach with field research methodology and use of questionnaires, observation and activities on this object of study. The analysis of these instruments indicates that the research subjects understand the concept of average as a number obtained by some arithmetic operations; others, as a representative measure of a data set. Based on this research, it is possible to indicate that apprehending the arithmetic mean object requires understanding the meaning of its concepts and a deep view of its properties. Keywords: Statistic; Statistical Education; Simple Arithmetic MeanO conceito de média aritmética simples é muto utilizado no quotidiano das pessoas, embora, muitas vezes venha com a compreensão do seu significado. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar os conhecimentos adquiridos sobre média aritmética por alunos de um curso de Matemática Licenciatura, egressos de escolas públicas. Esta investigação tem abordagem qualitativa com metodologia pesquisa de campo e utilização de questionários, observação e atividades de sobre este objeto de estudo. A análise destes instrumentos indica que os sujeitos de pesquisa entendem o conceito de média como um número obtido por algumas operações aritmética; outros, como como medida representativa de um conjunto de dados. A partir dessa pesquisa é possível indicar que apreender o objeto média aritmética exige a compreensão do significado de seus conceitos e visão profunda de suas propriedades. Palavras-chave: Estatística; Educação Estatística; Média Aritmética Simples &nbsp

    Vocal fold mobility alteration reversed after thyroidectomy

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    The involvement of the inferior or recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) in mobility derangement of the vocal folds occurs more frequently due to thyroid malignancy invasion. Although uncommon, the same derangement, which is caused by benign thyroid entities, is also described and reverts to normality after a thyroidectomy in up to 89% of cases. In these cases, the pathogenesis of the vocal cord mobility disturbance is attributed to the direct compression of the RLN by massive thyroid enlargement. The authors describe three cases of patients presenting unilateral vocal cord palsy, which, before surgery, was diagnosed by laryngoscopy concomitantly with large and compressive goiter. Vocal fold mobility became normal after the thyroidectomy in all three cases. Therefore, it is noteworthy that these alterations may present reversibility after appropriate surgical treatment. An early surgical approach is recommended to reduce the nerve injury as much as possible; to preserve the integrity of both RLNs since the nerve function will be restored in some patient

    Social Wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Polistinae) from Northeastern Brazil: State of the Art

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    For many years, research about social wasps in the Northeast was neglected due to its climatic and vegetative characteristics, insufficient incentive for training researchers to study these animals and perpetuation of low diversity of these groups in arid environments proposed by Ducke. This study carried out a bibliographic survey of research about social wasps in a 40 years period from January/1979 to December/2019, to determine the overall reality of biodiversity and richness knowledge for social wasps species. One hundred and twenty-four (124) social wasp species have been registered in the Northeast Region, distributed among 20 genera. Epiponini stands out with 84 species, followed by Mischocyttarini (24) and Polistini (16). Sergipe is the only state with no studies and records of species thus far. Such results show the importance of continuing taxonomic studies of these insects to expand their geographic distribution and to determine areas for environmental preservation in the Northeastern biomes, i.e., the Caatinga sensu lato, Cerrado and Amazon rainforest and their transition zones, as they have been insufficiently studied and present high potential for new discoveries. We suggest Alagoas, Ceará, Pernambuco and, especially Sergipe as priority areas since there is a lacking data in these states. Finally, we recommend continuing research on species reports in states like Bahia, using the map created herein to choose future study areas
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