61 research outputs found

    A spatio-temporal model to reveal oscillator phenotypes in molecular clocks: Parameter estimation elucidates circadian gene transcription dynamics in single-cells.

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    We propose a stochastic distributed delay model together with a Markov random field prior and a measurement model for bioluminescence-reporting to analyse spatio-temporal gene expression in intact networks of cells. The model describes the oscillating time evolution of molecular mRNA counts through a negative transcriptional-translational feedback loop encoded in a chemical Langevin equation with a probabilistic delay distribution. The model is extended spatially by means of a multiplicative random effects model with a first order Markov random field prior distribution. Our methodology effectively separates intrinsic molecular noise, measurement noise, and extrinsic noise and phenotypic variation driving cell heterogeneity, while being amenable to parameter identification and inference. Based on the single-cell model we propose a novel computational stability analysis that allows us to infer two key characteristics, namely the robustness of the oscillations, i.e. whether the reaction network exhibits sustained or damped oscillations, and the profile of the regulation, i.e. whether the inhibition occurs over time in a more distributed versus a more direct manner, which affects the cells' ability to phase-shift to new schedules. We show how insight into the spatio-temporal characteristics of the circadian feedback loop in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) can be gained by applying the methodology to bioluminescence-reported expression of the circadian core clock gene Cry1 across mouse SCN tissue. We find that while (almost) all SCN neurons exhibit robust cell-autonomous oscillations, the parameters that are associated with the regulatory transcription profile give rise to a spatial division of the tissue between the central region whose oscillations are resilient to perturbation in the sense that they maintain a high degree of synchronicity, and the dorsal region which appears to phase shift in a more diversified way as a response to large perturbations and thus could be more amenable to entrainment

    Identification of na\uefve HCV-1 patients with chronic hepatitis who may benefit from dual therapy with peg-interferon and ribavirin

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    Background & Aims The pool of HCV genotype 1 patients likely to be cured by peg-interferon and ribavirin remains to be quantified. Methods In 1045 patients treated with peg-interferon and ribavirin, two therapeutic strategies were confronted: the first one evaluated only baseline variables associated with sustained virological response (SVR), and the second one included the rapid virologic response (RVR) in addition to baseline predictors. An 80% SVR rate was the threshold to retain a strategy as clinically relevant. Results Overall, 414 patients (39.6%) attained SVR. In the first strategy, the hierarchy of features independently associated with SVR was IL28B CC genotype (OR 5.082; CI 3.637-7.101), low (80% SVR threshold. Only 26.6% of no-RVR patients attained SVR. Among the 255 RVR patients, the likelihood of SVR was 61.8% in those with unfavorable predictors, 80% in the presence of a single predictor, and 100% when both predictors were present. By using this model, 200 patients (19.1%) were predicted to have an 80% chance of being cured with dual therapy. Conclusions A consistent subset of na\uefve HCV-1 patients, identified by some baseline characteristics and RVR, may benefit from dual treatment with peg-interferon and ribavirin. \ua9 2013 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Silicon calorimeter for cosmic antimatter search

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    Abstract The silicon sampling calorimeter presented is conceived as a fine grained imaging device to carry out studies of the anti-matter component in the primary cosmic radiation; it will be used in balloon payload program starting in 1993. The first sampling layer (48×48 cm2) of this silicon calorimeter has been completed and successfully tested. We report the first results form studies performed at the CERN PS t7 beam. The complete calorimeter contains 20 xy sampling layers (strip pitch 3.6 mm) interleaved with 19 showering material planes (tungsten 0.5 X0). This allows to picture the transverse distributions of the shower in both coordinates at each sampling. The outstanding imaging capabilities reflects in high particle identification power. Preliminary results from beam tests performed with antiprotons at 3.5 GeV on a tower prototype of the calorimeter are reported

    A silicon imaging calorimeter prototype for antimatter search in space: experimental results

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    Abstract This report presents the results obtained with a prototype silicon-tungsten (Si-W) electromagnetic calorimeter, conceived as a fine-grained imaging device to carry out studies of the antimatter component in primary cosmic radiation. The calorimeter prototype contains 20 x , y sampling layers interleaved with 19 showering material planes. One sensitive layer is obtained with two silicon strip detectors (Si-D) (60 × 60) mm 2 , each divided into 16 strips, 3.6 mm wide; the two detectors are assembled back to back with perpendicular strips. This allows the transverse distributions of the shower in both coordinates at each sampling (0.5 X 0 ) to be pictured. The basic characteristics of the design and the experimental results obtained on a test beam at the CERN proton synchrotron (PS) for electrons and pions are reported. The main results presented are the response of the calorimeter to the electron at various energies (1–7 GeV), and the transverse shower profiles at different calorimeter depths as well as the patterns of the electromagnetic shower and those of the interacting and non-interacting pions. The capability of the calorimeter in measuring the direction of the incoming electromagnetic particle from the pattern of the shower has been evaluated at different energies. These results are encouraging in view of the possible use of this detector to search for high-energy γ sources in space

    Trends in chronic hepatitis B virus infection in Italy over a 10-year period: Clues from the nationwide PITER and MASTER cohorts toward elimination

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    Objectives: The study measures trends in the profile of patients with chronic hepatitis B virus linked to care in Italy. Methods: A cross-sectional, multicenter, observational cohort (PITER cohort) of consecutive patients with hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) over the period 2019-2021 from 46 centers was evaluated. The reference was the MASTER cohort collected over the years 2012-2015. Standard statistical methods were used. Results: The PITER cohort enrolled 4583 patients, of whom 21.8% were non-Italian natives. Compared with those in MASTER, the patients were older and more often female. The prevalence of hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) declined (7.2% vs 12.3; P <0.0001) and that of anti-hepatitis D virus (HDV) remained stable (9.3% vs 8.3%). In both cohorts, about 25% of the patients had cirrhosis, and those in the PITER cohort were older. HBeAg-positive was 5.0% vs 12.6% (P <0.0001) and anti-HDV positive 24.8% vs 17.5% (P <0.0017). In the logistic model, the variables associated with cirrhosis were anti-HDV-positive (odds ratio = 10.08; confidence interval 7.63-13.43), age, sex, and body mass index; the likelihood of cirrhosis was reduced by 40% in the PITER cohort. Among non-Italians, 12.3% were HBeAg-positive (vs 23.4% in the MASTER cohort; P <0.0001), and 12.3% were anti-HDV-positive (vs 11.1%). Overall, the adherence to the European Association for the Study of the Liver recommendations for antiviral treatment increased over time. Conclusion: Chronic hepatitis B virus infection appears to be in the process of becoming under control in Italy; however, HDV infection is still a health concern in patients with cirrhosis and in migrants

    Overview of prognostic systems for hepatocellular carcinoma and ITA.LI.CA external validation of MESH and CNLC classifications

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    Prognostic assessment in patients with HCC remains an extremely difficult clinical task due to the complexity of this cancer where tumour characteristics interact with degree of liver dysfunction, patient general health status, and a large span of available treatment options. Several prognostic systems have been proposed in the last three decades, both from the Asian and European/North American countries. Prognostic scores, such as the CLIP score and the recent MESH score, have been generated on a solid statistical basis from real life population data, while staging systems, such as the BCLC scheme and the recent CNLC classification, have been created by experts according to recent HCC prognostic evidences from the literature. A third category includes combined prognostic systems that can be used both as prognostic scores and staging systems. A recent example is the ITA.LI.CA prognostic system including either a prognostic score and a simplified staging system. This review focuses first on an overview of the main prognostic systems for HCC classified according to the above three categories, and, second, on a comprehensive description of the methodology required for a correct comparison between different systems in terms of prognostic performance. In this second section the main studies in the literature comparing different prognostic systems are described in detail. Lastly, a formal comparison between the last prognostic systems proposed for each of the above three categories is performed using a large Italian database including 6882 HCC patients in order to concretely apply the comparison rules previously described

    The Regulatory Factor ZFHX3 Modifies Circadian Function in SCN via an AT Motif-Driven Axis

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    SummaryWe identified a dominant missense mutation in the SCN transcription factor Zfhx3, termed short circuit (Zfhx3Sci), which accelerates circadian locomotor rhythms in mice. ZFHX3 regulates transcription via direct interaction with predicted AT motifs in target genes. The mutant protein has a decreased ability to activate consensus AT motifs in vitro. Using RNA sequencing, we found minimal effects on core clock genes in Zfhx3Sci/+ SCN, whereas the expression of neuropeptides critical for SCN intercellular signaling was significantly disturbed. Moreover, mutant ZFHX3 had a decreased ability to activate AT motifs in the promoters of these neuropeptide genes. Lentiviral transduction of SCN slices showed that the ZFHX3-mediated activation of AT motifs is circadian, with decreased amplitude and robustness of these oscillations in Zfhx3Sci/+ SCN slices. In conclusion, by cloning Zfhx3Sci, we have uncovered a circadian transcriptional axis that determines the period and robustness of behavioral and SCN molecular rhythms

    The Regulatory Factor ZFHX3 Modifies Circadian Function in SCN via an at Motif-Driven Axis

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    We identified a dominant missense mutation in the SCN transcription factor Zfhx3, termed short circuit (Zfhx3Sci), which accelerates circadian locomotor rhythms in mice. ZFHX3 regulates transcription via direct interaction with predicted AT motifs in target genes. The mutant protein has a decreased ability to activate consensus AT motifs in vitro. Using RNA sequencing, we found minimal effects on core clock genes in Zfhx3Sci/+ SCN, whereas the expression of neuropeptides critical for SCN intercellular signaling was significantly disturbed. Moreover, mutant ZFHX3 had a decreased ability to activate AT motifs in the promoters of these neuropeptide genes. Lentiviral transduction of SCN slices showed that the ZFHX3-mediated activation of AT motifs is circadian, with decreased amplitude and robustness of these oscillations in Zfhx3Sci/+ SCN slices. In conclusion, by cloning Zfhx3Sci, we have uncovered a circadian transcriptional axis that determines the period and robustness of behavioral and SCN molecular rhythms

    Changes in skeletal muscle architecture following a cycloergometer test to exhaustion in athletes

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    We determined whether a short-term exhaustive dynamic exercise (cycling) for about 18 min induces changes in the intramuscular architecture of the quadriceps in trained athletes. Thirty-five male athletes (age 28.8 ± 9.8 years; height: 175.4. ± 5.5 cm; weight: 74 ± 11.5 kg; average years spent training: 11.1 ± 8.4 years; mean weekly duration of training: 10.4 ± 3.20 h) underwent an incremental cycloergometer test to exhaustion. Muscle thickness of the right quadriceps femoris (rectus femoris + vastus intermedius), and the angle of pennation of the right vastus lateralis on the quadriceps tendon were determined by high-resolution real time ultrasonography. Quadriceps thickness increased from 32.1 ± 3.3 mm at rest to 34.9 ± 3.0 mm after the test (p = 0.001). The pennation angles were significantly greater after exercise (12.8 ± 2.1° at rest; 14.4 ± 2.5° after the test (p = 0.001)). There are marked changes in intramuscular architecture of the quadriceps following a bout of cycloergometer exercise to exhaustion, with significant increase of quadriceps thickness and pennation angle. Ultrasonography allows to evaluate the changes of muscle architecture following exercise

    In-depth characterization of firefly luciferase as a reporter of circadian gene expression in mammalian cells

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    Firefly luciferase (Fluc) is frequently used to report circadian gene expression rhythms in mammalian cells and tissues. During longitudinal assays it is generally assumed that enzymatic substrates are in saturating excess, such that total bioluminescence is directly proportional to Fluc protein level. To test this assumption, we compared the enzyme kinetics of purified luciferase with its activity in mammalian cells. We found that Fluc activity in solution has a lower Michaelis constant (Km) for luciferin, lower temperature dependence, and lower catalytic half-life than Fluc in cells. In consequence, extracellular luciferin concentration significantly affects the apparent circadian amplitude and phase of the widely used PER2::LUC reporter in cultured fibroblasts, but not in SCN, and we suggest that this arises from differences in plasma membrane luciferin transporter activity. We found that at very high concentrations (>1 mM), luciferin lengthens circadian period, in both fibroblasts and organotypic SCN slices. We conclude that the amplitude and phase of circadian gene expression inferred from bioluminescence recordings should be treated with some caution, and we suggest that optimal luciferin concentration should be determined empirically for each luciferase reporter and cell type