323 research outputs found

    Probabilistic-deterministic transition involved in a fragmentation process of brittle materials: Application to a high performance concrete

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    International audienceDynamic loadings produce high stress waves leading to the fragmentation of brittle materials such as ceramics, concrete, glass and rocks. The transition from single fragmentation (under quasi static loading condition) to multiple fragmentation (dynamic loading) is discussed and a damage model based upon the fragmentation analysis is applied to analyze edge-on-impact of a high performnace concrete

    Content of specialized metabolites and antimicrobical activitey of spices extracts

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    Začini i općenito aromatično bilje, izvor su različitih specijaliziranih metabolita, bioaktivnih komponenata, posebice polifenolnih spojeva koji pokazuju značajno antioksidacijsko i antimikrobno djelovanje. Izolacija navedenih spojeva iz aromatičnog bilja predstavlja velik izazov, ponajprije zbog postupaka koji često mogu uzrokovati i njihovu degradaciju. Stoga se danas sve više primjenjuju neinvazivne metode poput ultrazvukom potpomognute ekstrakcije koja omogućuje izolaciju relativno velike mase uzorka u kratkom vremenu. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi fizikalno-kemijska svojstva i sadržaj specijaliziranih metabolita u ekstraktima začina praha češnjaka, kurkume i đumbira uspoređujući klasičnu i ultrazvučnu ekstrakciju pri tri različite temperature (21,7, 40 i 70 °C). Također, utvrditi antimikrobnu aktivnost navedenih ekstrakata prateći sposobnost preživljavanja patogenih sojeva Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes i Staphylococcus aureus. Istraživanjem su određeni sljedeći fizikalno-kemijski parametri: gustoća otopine, elektroprovodljivost otopine, topljiva suha tvar (TST), ukupne kiseline, pH vrijednost, boja; specijalizirani metaboliti: sadržaj vitamina C, ukupnih fenola (flavonoida i neflavonoida), ukupnih karotenoida te antioksidacijski kapacitet i antimikrobna aktivnost ekstrakata začina. Prema dobivenim rezultatima može se zaključiti da su ekstrakti češnjaka, đumbira i kurkume bogati sadržajem specijaliziranih metabolita, posebice fenolnim spojevima te visokog antioksidacijskog kapaciteta. Način ekstrakcije i upotreba viših temperatura utjecali su na parametre osnovnog fizikalno-kemijskog sastava i sadržaja specijaliziranih metabolita prilikom čega je primjena ultrazvučnog tretmana (35 kHz i 140 W) i viših temperatura (40 i 70 °C) u vremenskom razdoblju od 30 minuta dovela je do povećanja sadržaja topljive suhe tvari, fenolnih spojeva (ukupnih fenola, flavonoida, neflavonoida) i karotenoida u analiziranim uzorcima. S druge strane, ultrazvuk je pozitivno utjecao na sadržaj vitamina C u uzorcima, ali se pri višim temperaturama sadržaj istog reducirao. Dodana koncentracija ekstrakata đumbira i kurkume nije pokazala značajan antimikrobni učinak na odabrane patogene sojeve, dok je ekstrakt češnjaka pokazao potencijalni antimikrobni utjecaj na rast i brojnost formiranih kolonija bakterije L. monocytogenes.Spices and generally aromatic herbs are the source of various specialized metabolites, bioactive components, especially polyphenolic compounds, which have significant antioxidant and antimicrobial activity. The isolation of these compounds from plant material is a great challenge, primarily because of processes that can often cause their degradation. Therefore, non-invasive methods such as ultrasound assisted extraction, which enables the isolation of a relatively large sample mass in a short time, are increasingly being used today. The aim of this study was to determine the physico-chemical properties and content of specialized metabolites in garlic, turmeric and ginger spice extracts by comparing classical and ultrasonic extraction at three different temperatures (21.7 , 40 and 70 °C). Also, to determine the antimicrobial activity of these extracts by following the viability of pathogenic strains of Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus. The study determined the following physico-chemical parameters: solution density, solution conductivity, total soluble solids (TST), total acids, pH value, color; specialized metabolites: vitamin C content, total phenols (flavonoids and neflavonoids) content, total carotenoids, antioxidant capacity and antimicrobial activity of spice extracts. According to the obtained results, it can be concluded that garlic, ginger and turmeric extracts are rich in specialized metabolites, especially phenolic compounds and also exhibit a high antioxidant capacity. The extraction method and the use of higher temperatures influenced on the parameters of the basic physico-chemical composition and content of specialized spice metabolites whereby the application of ultrasonic treatment (35 kHz and 140 W) and higher temperatures (40 and 70 °C) in time interval of 30 minute had increased the content of TST, phenolic compounds (total phenols, flavonoids, neflavonoids) and carotenoids in the analyzed samples. On the other hand, ultrasound had a positive effect on the vitamin C content of the samples, but at higher temperatures the content significantly decreased. The added concentration of ginger and turmeric extracts did not show a significant antimicrobial effect on selected pathogenic strains, while garlic extract showed a potential antimicrobial effect on the growth and abundance of L. monocytogenes colonies formed

    Content of specialized metabolites and antimicrobical activitey of spices extracts

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    Začini i općenito aromatično bilje, izvor su različitih specijaliziranih metabolita, bioaktivnih komponenata, posebice polifenolnih spojeva koji pokazuju značajno antioksidacijsko i antimikrobno djelovanje. Izolacija navedenih spojeva iz aromatičnog bilja predstavlja velik izazov, ponajprije zbog postupaka koji često mogu uzrokovati i njihovu degradaciju. Stoga se danas sve više primjenjuju neinvazivne metode poput ultrazvukom potpomognute ekstrakcije koja omogućuje izolaciju relativno velike mase uzorka u kratkom vremenu. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi fizikalno-kemijska svojstva i sadržaj specijaliziranih metabolita u ekstraktima začina praha češnjaka, kurkume i đumbira uspoređujući klasičnu i ultrazvučnu ekstrakciju pri tri različite temperature (21,7, 40 i 70 °C). Također, utvrditi antimikrobnu aktivnost navedenih ekstrakata prateći sposobnost preživljavanja patogenih sojeva Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes i Staphylococcus aureus. Istraživanjem su određeni sljedeći fizikalno-kemijski parametri: gustoća otopine, elektroprovodljivost otopine, topljiva suha tvar (TST), ukupne kiseline, pH vrijednost, boja; specijalizirani metaboliti: sadržaj vitamina C, ukupnih fenola (flavonoida i neflavonoida), ukupnih karotenoida te antioksidacijski kapacitet i antimikrobna aktivnost ekstrakata začina. Prema dobivenim rezultatima može se zaključiti da su ekstrakti češnjaka, đumbira i kurkume bogati sadržajem specijaliziranih metabolita, posebice fenolnim spojevima te visokog antioksidacijskog kapaciteta. Način ekstrakcije i upotreba viših temperatura utjecali su na parametre osnovnog fizikalno-kemijskog sastava i sadržaja specijaliziranih metabolita prilikom čega je primjena ultrazvučnog tretmana (35 kHz i 140 W) i viših temperatura (40 i 70 °C) u vremenskom razdoblju od 30 minuta dovela je do povećanja sadržaja topljive suhe tvari, fenolnih spojeva (ukupnih fenola, flavonoida, neflavonoida) i karotenoida u analiziranim uzorcima. S druge strane, ultrazvuk je pozitivno utjecao na sadržaj vitamina C u uzorcima, ali se pri višim temperaturama sadržaj istog reducirao. Dodana koncentracija ekstrakata đumbira i kurkume nije pokazala značajan antimikrobni učinak na odabrane patogene sojeve, dok je ekstrakt češnjaka pokazao potencijalni antimikrobni utjecaj na rast i brojnost formiranih kolonija bakterije L. monocytogenes.Spices and generally aromatic herbs are the source of various specialized metabolites, bioactive components, especially polyphenolic compounds, which have significant antioxidant and antimicrobial activity. The isolation of these compounds from plant material is a great challenge, primarily because of processes that can often cause their degradation. Therefore, non-invasive methods such as ultrasound assisted extraction, which enables the isolation of a relatively large sample mass in a short time, are increasingly being used today. The aim of this study was to determine the physico-chemical properties and content of specialized metabolites in garlic, turmeric and ginger spice extracts by comparing classical and ultrasonic extraction at three different temperatures (21.7 , 40 and 70 °C). Also, to determine the antimicrobial activity of these extracts by following the viability of pathogenic strains of Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus. The study determined the following physico-chemical parameters: solution density, solution conductivity, total soluble solids (TST), total acids, pH value, color; specialized metabolites: vitamin C content, total phenols (flavonoids and neflavonoids) content, total carotenoids, antioxidant capacity and antimicrobial activity of spice extracts. According to the obtained results, it can be concluded that garlic, ginger and turmeric extracts are rich in specialized metabolites, especially phenolic compounds and also exhibit a high antioxidant capacity. The extraction method and the use of higher temperatures influenced on the parameters of the basic physico-chemical composition and content of specialized spice metabolites whereby the application of ultrasonic treatment (35 kHz and 140 W) and higher temperatures (40 and 70 °C) in time interval of 30 minute had increased the content of TST, phenolic compounds (total phenols, flavonoids, neflavonoids) and carotenoids in the analyzed samples. On the other hand, ultrasound had a positive effect on the vitamin C content of the samples, but at higher temperatures the content significantly decreased. The added concentration of ginger and turmeric extracts did not show a significant antimicrobial effect on selected pathogenic strains, while garlic extract showed a potential antimicrobial effect on the growth and abundance of L. monocytogenes colonies formed

    Koncepcja Green BPM – istota, przesłanki, wyzwania związane z wprowadzaniem

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    Wychodząc naprzeciw współczesnym potrzebom związanym z ograniczaniem negatywnego wpływu organizacji na środowisko naturalne, opracowano koncepcję Green Business Process Management (Green BPM). Celem artykułu jest charakterystyka tej koncepcji, wskazanie jej przesłanek i wymagań związanych z wprowadzaniem w odniesieniu do wyzwań tworzenia organizacji odpowiedzialnych społecznie i środowiskowo. Do realizacji tak określonego celu wykorzystano metodę krytycznej analizy literatury przedmiotu, kwerendę źródeł internetowych oraz analizę wtórnych danych empirycznych. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy stwierdzono, że zorientowanie zarządzania procesowego na dbałość o środowisko naturalne to duże wyzwanie, wymagające wprowadzenia zmian o charakterze technologicznym, ale również obejmujące wymiar kulturowy i zarządczy organizacji. W praktyce implementacja koncepcji Green BPM wiąże się częściej ze stosowaniem pojedynczych, proekologicznych rozwiązań niż z całościowymi zmianami w zarządzaniu procesami biznesowymi

    Przyszłość zarządzania projektami w organizacjach non profit

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    Artykuł dotyczy kierunków badań związanych z zarządzaniem projektami w organizacjach non profit. Prezentowane rozważania wskazują przyszłe trendy, które mogą wzbudzić zainteresowanie zarówno wśród badaczy, jak i praktyków zajmujących się zagadnieniami zarządzania projektami w organizacjach non profit. Przeprowadzono przegląd i studia literatury w omawianym obszarze. Wykorzystano metodę narracyjnego przeglądu literatury. Takie podejście umożliwiło wskazanie aktualnego stanu wiedzy w obszarze zarządzania projektami w organizacjach non profit. Pozwoliło też na wskazanie najnowszych trendów mających związek ze zmianami, jakie zachodzą w otoczeniu tych organizacji, ale też w ich wewnętrznej organizacji. Przedstawione rozważania bazują na analizie tekstów publikacji naukowych odnoszących się do organizacji non profit funkcjonujących w Polsce. Prezentowany artykuł umożliwia lepsze poznanie potrzeb badawczych w zakresie zarządzania projektami w organizacjach non profi

    Nanofluids confined in chemical hydrogels for the selective removal of graffiti from street art

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    The main challenge in the conservation of street art is the selective removal of graffiti (i.e. tags, writings and overpaintings) from the original artwork. Nowadays, the effective methods available for this intervention involve risking damage to the original. The novel combination of nanofluids with highly retentive pHEMA/PVP chemical hydrogels is proposed as a controllable cleaning method for selective removal of graffiti from street art. Nanofluid-loaded hydrogels were tested on laboratory models simulating street art paintings covered in graffiti. The outcome of cleaning tests was investigated by means of visual, photographic and microscopic observation, and micro-reflectance FTIR spectroscopy. It was shown that the proposed methodology is effective in removing acrylic-, nitrocellulose- and alkyd-based graffiti without damaging the underlying paint. This can be achieved by means of a gradual swelling action performed by the nanofluid, which is limited to the surface layers by the retentive power of the hydrogel.Nanofluid


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    This study aims to answer the following research question: How can green human resource management (GHRM) spur green business process management (GBPM)? It employs a literature review combined with scientific reflection. This work contributes to the development of knowledge by (1) conducting an analysis and synthesis of literature on GBPM, (2) combining the issue of GBPM with GHRM, and (3) showing directions for future empirical research focusing on the linkage between GBPM and GHRM. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first paper systematically discussing the linkage between GBPM and GHRM

    Comorbidity in patients undergoing surgery for lung cancer. Do we have an adequate tool to assess it?

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      INTRODUCTION: In the recent years comorbidity has been discussed as a factor affecting therapeutic decisions, the course of treatment, and prognosis of patients with lung cancer. The aim of the study was 1. to evaluate the occurrence of comorbidities in patients with lung cancer undergoing surgery, and 2. to investigate the utility of Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) and Simplified Comorbidity Score (SCS) for preoperative evaluation of Polish patients with lung cancer. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The retrospective study included 476 patients with lung cancer, who underwent surgical treatment. In all patients, data on histopathological type of the tumor, stage, history of smoking, comorbidities, and spirometric parameters were collected. CCI and SCS scores were calculated. The presence of comorbidities was analyzed in relation to sex, histology, and stage of lung cancer. Correlations between CCI and SCS scores and age, number of pack-years, spirometric parameters were assessed. RESULTS: The most prevalent comorbidities were hypertension (42%), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (22%), coronary heart disease (17%), and diabetes (12%). There were no differences in the distribution of comorbidity depending on the histological type and stage of lung cancer. The CCI and SCS scores showed correlations with age, number of pack-years and spirometric parameters, however, their compounds do not reflect the profile of most prevalent comoribidities. CONCLUSION: The burden of comorbidity among patients with lung cancer is significant. Comorbidity should be assessed while considering patients for surgical treatment. However, the CCI and SCS do not seem precise enough for this purpose.