3,122 research outputs found

    Magnetic confinement of the solar tachocline

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    We study the physics of the solar tachocline and related MHD instabilities. We have performed 3-D MHD simulations of the solar radiative interior to check whether a fossil magnetic field is able to prevent the spread of the tachocline. Starting with a purely poloidal magnetic field and a latitudinal shear meant to be imposed by the convection zone at the top of the radiation zone, we have investigated the interactions between magnetic fields, rotation and shear, using the spectral code ASH on massive parallel supercomputers. In all cases we have explored, the fossil field diffuses outward and ends up connecting with the convection zone, whose differential rotation is then imprinted at latitudes above 40 deg throughout the radiative interior, according to Ferraro's law of isorotation. Rotation remains uniform in the lower latitude region which is contained within closed field lines. We find that the meridional flow cannot stop the inward progression of the differential rotation. Further, we observe the development of non-axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic instabilities, first due to the initial poloidal configuration of the fossil field, and later to the toroidal field produced by shearing the poloidal field through the differential rotation. We do not find dynamo action as such in the radiative interior, since the mean poloidal field is not regenerated. But the instability persists during the whole evolution, while slowly decaying with the mean poloidal field. According to our numerical simulations, a fossil magnetic field cannot prevent the radiative spread of the tachocline, and thus it is unable to enforce uniform rotation in the radiation zone. Neither can the observed thinness of that layer be invoked as a proof for such an internal fossil magnetic field.Comment: 12 pages, 8 color figures (low res), published in A&A, october 200

    Maternal self-reported prenatal depressive symptoms predict infant NR3C1 1F and BDNF IV DNA methylation.

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    Prenatal maternal psychological distress increases risk for adverse infant outcomes. However, the biological mechanisms underlying this association remain unclear. Prenatal stress can impact fetal epigenetic regulation that could underlie changes in infant stress responses. It has been suggested that maternal glucocorticoids may mediate this epigenetic effect. We examined this hypothesis by determining the impact of maternal cortisol and depressive symptoms during pregnancy on infant NR3C1 and BDNF DNA methylation. Fifty-seven pregnant women were recruited during the second or third trimester. Participants self-reported depressive symptoms and salivary cortisol samples were collected diurnally and in response to a stressor. Buccal swabs for DNA extraction and DNA methylation analysis were collected from each infant at two months of age, and mothers were assessed for postnatal depressive symptoms. Prenatal depressive symptoms significantly predicted increased NR3C1 1F DNA methylation in male infants ( 2.147 = س , P = 0.044). Prenatal depressive symptoms also significantly predicted decreased BDNF IV DNA methylation in both male and female infants ( -3.244 = س , P = 0.013). No measure of maternal cortisol during pregnancy predicted infant NR3C1 1F or BDNF promoter IV DNA methylation. Our findings highlight the susceptibility of males to changes in NR3C1 DNA methylation and present novel evidence for altered BDNF IV DNA methylation in response to maternal depression during pregnancy. The lack of association between maternal cortisol and infant DNA methylation suggests that effects of maternal depression may not be mediated directly by glucocorticoids. Future studies should consider other potential mediating mechanisms in the link between maternal mood and infant outcome

    Double superconducting transition in the filled skutterudite PrOs4Sb12 and sample characterizations

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    A thorough characterization of many samples of the filled skutterudite compound PrOs4Sb12 is provided. We find that the double superconducting transition in the specific heat Tc1~1.89K and Tc2~1.72K tends to appear in samples with a large residual resistivity ratio, large specific heat jump at the superconducting transition and with the highest absolute value of the specific heat above Tc1. However, we present evidence which casts doubt on the intrinsic nature of the double superconducting transition. The ratio of the two specific heat jumps \Delta C(Tc1)/\Delta C(Tc2) shows a wide range of values on crystals from different batches but also within the same batch. This ratio was strongly reduced by polishing a sample down to 120um. Remarkably, three samples exhibit a single sharp transition of ~15mK in width at Tc~1.7K. The normalized specific heat jump (C-Cnormal)/Cnormal at Tc of two of them is higher than ~32% so larger than the sum of the two specific heat jumps when a double transition exists. As an evidence of better quality, the slope in the transition is at least two time steeper. We discuss the origins of the double transition; in particular we consider, based on X-ray diffraction results, a scenario involving Pr-vacancies. The superconducting phase diagram under magnetic field of a sample with a single transition is fitted with a two-band model taking into account the good values for the gap as deduced from thermal conductivity measurements.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, submitted to Physical review

    Plasma engineering of graphene

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    Recently, there have been enormous efforts to tailor the properties of graphene. These improved properties extend the prospect of graphene for a broad range of applications. Plasmas find applications in various fields including materials science and have been emerging in the field of nanotechnology. This review focuses on different plasma functionalization processes of graphene and its oxide counterpart. The review aims at the advantages of plasma functionalization over the conventional doping techniques. Selectivity and controllability of the plasma techniques opens up future pathways for large scale, rapid functionalization of graphene for advanced applications. We also emphasize on atmospheric pressure plasma jet as the future prospect of plasma based functionalization processes

    How do Fermi liquids get heavy and die?

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    We discuss non-Fermi liquid and quantum critical behavior in heavy fermion materials, focussing on the mechanism by which the electron mass appears to diverge at the quantum critical point. We ask whether the basic mechanism for the transformation involves electron diffraction off a quantum critical spin density wave, or whether a break-down in the composite nature of the heavy electron takes place at the quantum critical point. We show that the Hall constant changes continously in the first scenario, but may ``jump'' discontinuously at a quantum critical point where the composite character of the electron quasiparticles changes.Comment: Revised version with many new references added. To appear as a topical review in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Physics. Two column version http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~coleman/online/questions.ps.g

    Divergence of the Grueneisen Ratio at Quantum Critical Points in Heavy Fermion Metals

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    We present low-temperature volume thermal expansion, β\beta, and specific heat, CC, measurements on high-quality single crystals of CeNi2Ge2 and YbRh2(Si0.95_{0.95}Ge0.05_{0.05})2_2 which are located very near to quantum critical points. For both systems, β\beta shows a more singular temperature dependence than CC, and thus the Grueneisen ratio Γβ/C{\Gamma \propto \beta/C} diverges as T --> 0. For CeNi2Ge2, our results are in accordance with the spin-density wave (SDW) scenario for three-dimensional critical spin-fluctuations. By contrast, the observed singularity in YbRh2(Si(Si_{0.95}GeGe_{0.05}))_2$ cannot be explained by the itinerant SDW theory but is qualitatively consistent with a locally quantum critical picture.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure