1,490 research outputs found

    Diabetes Mellitus e Periodontite – um Caso de Saúde Oral

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    ResumoA diabetes mellitus (DM) é uma doença metabólica frequente e que resulta da combinação, em graus variáveis, de uma deficiente secreção de insulina pelas células ‚-pancreáticas (mais importante na diabetes tipo 1) com resistência periférica à acção da insulina (mais característica da diabetes tipo 2).Indivíduos com DM possuem um risco acrescido de desenvolver doença periodontal, assim como, xerostomia e infecções devido ao descontrolo glicémico associado: a severidade da periodontite, no diabético, é aumentada. É imperativo que o médico dentista esteja atento aos desenvolvimentos desta patologia, defina estratégias de suporte e elabore um eficaz plano terapêutico.Com este trabalho pretende-se destacar o papel do médico dentista na sensibilização do paciente diabético para a importância da higiene oral e de consultas dentárias periódicas, de modo a evitar o desenvolvimento de complicações associadas à patologia.AbstractDiabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder resulting of an inappropriate insulin secretion by ‚-cells in the pancreas (type 1) or impaired insulin function (type 2).DM is associated with a higher risk of developing periodontal disease, as well, xerostomia and infections due to DM poorly controlled: the prevalence of severe periodontitis is high. It's essential that dentists should be familiar with the signs and symptoms of this pathology, evidence management and provide effective therapy.The aim of this work is to emphasize the role of dental practitioners in education of diabetic patients in order to promote proper oral health behaviours and periodic appointments to avoid future complications associated with the disease

    Field Drilling Data Cleaning and Preparation for Data Analytics Applications

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    Throughout the history of oil well drilling, service providers have been continuously striving to improve performance and reduce total drilling costs to operating companies. Despite constant improvement in tools, products, and processes, data science has not played a large part in oil well drilling. With the implementation of data science in the energy sector, companies have come to see significant value in efficiently processing the massive amounts of data produced by the multitude of internet of thing (IOT) sensors at the rig. The scope of this project is to combine academia and industry experience to analyze data from 13 different wells drilled in an area of 2 x 4 miles. The data was collected in the same rig and contains over 12 million electronic drilling recorder data points, driller’s activity logs and well profiles. The main focus is to propose a detailed workflow to clean and process real drilling data. Once cleaned, the data can be fed into data analytics platforms and machine learning models to efficiently analyze trends and plan future well more efficiently. This roadmap will serve as a basis for drilling optimization. The objective of this work is to detail the various steps needed to prepare field drilling data for business analysis, as well discuss about data analytics and machine learning application in drilling operations. The results to be presented are the detailed workflow and description of the data preparation steps, an example analysis of the drilling data and an example application of a machine learning model in drilling

    Contour method : procedure optimization

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Mecânica. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    Comparing empirical ROC curves using a Java application: CERCUS

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    Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis is a methodology that has gained much popularity in our days, especially in Medicine, since through the ROC curves, it provides a useful tool to evaluate and specify problems in the performance of a diagnostic indicator. The area under empirical ROC curve (AUC) it’s an indicator that can be used to compare two or more ROC curves. This work arose from the necessity of the existence of software that allows the calculation of the necessary measures to compare systems based on ROC curves. Several software, commercial and non-commercial, are available to perform the calculation of the measures associated to the ROC analysis. However, they present some flaws, especially when there is a need to compare independent samples with different dimensions, or also to compare two ROC curves that intersect. In this paper is presented a new application called CERCUS (Comparison of Empirical ROC Curves). This was developed using a programming language (Java) and stands out for the possibility of comparing two or more ROC curves that cross each other. The main objective of CERCUS is the calculation of several ROC estimates using different methods and make the ROC curves comparison, even if there is an intersection, either for independent or paired samples. It also allows the graph representation of the ROC curve in a unitary plan as well the graph of the area between curves in comparison. This paper presents the program’s versatility in data entry, test menus and visualization of graphs and results.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/201

    Optimization of multi-domain queries on the Web

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    Where can I attend an interesting database workshop close to a sunny beach? Who are the strongest experts on service computing based upon their recent publication record and accepted European projects? Can I spend an April week- end in a city served by a low-cost direct flight from Milano offering a Mahler's symphony? We regard the above queries as multi-domain queries, i.e., queries that can be answered by combining knowledge from two or more domains (such as: seaside locations, flights, publications, accepted projects, conference offerings, and so on). This information is avail- able on the Web, but no general-purpose software system can accept the above queries nor compute the answer. At the most, dedicated systems support specific multi-domain compositions (e.g., Google-local locates information such as restaurants and hotels upon geographic maps). This paper presents an overall framework for multi-domain queries on the Web. We address the following problems: (a) expressing multi-domain queries with an abstract formalism, (b) separating the treatment of "search" services within the model, by highlighting their dierences from "exact" Web services, (c) explaining how the same query can be mapped to multiple "query plans", i.e., a well-dened scheduling of service invocations, possibly in parallel, which complies with their access limitations and preserves the ranking order in which search services return results; (d) introducing cross- domain joins as first-class operation within plans; (e) eval- uating the query plans against several cost metrics so as to choose the most promising one for execution. This frame- work adapts to a variety of application contexts, ranging from end-user-oriented mash-up scenarios up to complex ap- plication integration scenarios

    Determinantes push e pull do prêmio de risco-país para economias emergentes: uma avaliação econométrica

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    This article aims to identify the main determinants of the country risk premiums CDS 5 Years and EMBI+ for eight emerging economies. Econometric estimations relied on autoregressive GMM (time series) and GMM-DIFF (panel data). The analysis period is 2003-2019 and depends on the country and the data availability (monthly and quarterly data). We have tested push (exogenous) and pull (country-specifics) regressors. The empirical results have shown that some push factors have significant effects, which indicates that the global financial and trade cycles play an essential role in determining emerging country risk premiums. However, those economies may mitigate global influences through some internal macroeconomic policies. In our models, the international reserves stock growth rate was the primary statistically significant pull variable, highlighting the importance of external sound accounts for emerging countries.Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar os principais determinantes dos prêmios de risco-país CDS 5 Anos e EMBI+ de uma amostra de oito economias emergentes. As estimativas econométricas basearam-se em modelos GMM autorregressivos (séries temporais) e GMM-DIFF (dados em painel). O período de análise, a depender do país e da disponibilidade de dados, é de 2003 a 2019 (dados mensais e trimestrais). Foram testadas variáveis explicativas do tipo push (exógenas) e do tipo pull (específicas dos países). Os resultados empíricos demonstraram que alguns fatores push têm efeitos significantes, o que indica que os ciclos financeiros e comerciais globais têm importante papel para a determinação dos prêmios de risco-país emergentes. Todavia, essas economias podem mitigar influências globais através de políticas macroeconômicas internas. A principal variável do tipo pull foi a taxa de crescimento do estoque de reservas internacionais, o que destaca a importância de sólidas contas externas para as economias emergentes

    History of the Oscar Freire Institute

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    Combates pela Educação: as propostas de financiamento da educação no ‘Manifesto dos Pioneiros da Educação Nova’

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    The article aims to identify the proposals of organization of education funding in Brazil in the 1932 document entitled Pioneers of New Education Manifesto and to analyze such proposals in relation to the political and social context of the period in which it was written. The historical text, thought as a document/monument, reveals that the directions of Brazilian education and society were in dispute, and that the intention of the authors was precisely to present a societal project. It was concluded that, although the manifesto did not elicit the desired transformations at the time of writing, it inspired the models of organization of the public funding of contemporary Brazilian education.O artigo objetiva identificar as propostas de organização do financiamento da educação no Brasil no documento denominado Manifesto dos Pioneiros da Educação Nova de 1932 e analisar tais propostas em relação ao contexto político e social do período em foi redigido. O texto histórico, pensado como um documento/monumento, revela que os rumos da educação e da sociedade brasileira estavam em disputa, e que a intenção dos autores era exatamente apresentar um projeto societário. Concluiu-se que, ainda que o manifesto não tenha suscitado as transformações pretendidas no momento da redação, inspirou os modelos de organização do financiamento público da educação brasileira contemporânea

    Entre bois e homens: considerações iniciais sobre o julgamento da adi 4983

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    Este artigo pretende abordar criticamente o julgamentoda ADI 4983 e indicar os principais problemas decorrentes da percepçãode que o caso envolve um suposto conflito entre os princípiosda liberdade de manifestação cultural e de tutela e proteçãoda fauna, ambos protegidos constitucionalmente. Em realidade,pretende-se demonstrar que tecnicamente a lide envolve a aplicaçãode uma regra constitucional e não de ponderação principiológica.A aplicação da regra, no caso concreto, respeitando-se a regrade decisão de julgados anteriores, deve operar-se em favor da compreensãoda inconstitucionalidade da lei cearense que regulamentaa atividade da “vaquejada”