27 research outputs found

    Der frĂŒhe Film in der Schweiz und seine Rezeption

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    Loretos „pestilenzische“ DĂŒft e. Die Italienreise des Handwerkers Augustin GĂŒntzer als Abgrenzungserfahrung?

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    Augustin GĂŒntzer (1596 – 1657?) was a craftsman from beautiful Alsace region who wrote a description of his life. Although he grew up in quite modest conditions, he turned out to be a cheerful traveller. History did not treat him kindly – he was a victim of the Thirty Years’ War (1618–1648) and had to emigrate several times in his life. In Strasbourg he lost his wife and his only son. GĂŒntzer defined himself as a victim of Catholicism, which was his greatest enemy. The description of his travels around Italy reveals the confessionalism of those years. According to GĂŒntzer, the Pope was the Antichrist. Nevertheless, he also noticed the beautiful aspects of Italy – not only the alleged homosexuality and sinfulness. He was interested in both Baroque architecture and olive trees. His description of his trip to Italy constitutes a source of information about the stereotypes concerning the general perception of the world in the first half of the 17th century.  </p

    Methods for investigating allele frequencies and distribution in the acetolactate-synthase (ALS) gene in target-site-resistant Echinochloa crus-galli

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    HĂŒhnerhirse (Echinochloa crus-galli) gewinnt als Ungras im Maisanbau zunehmend an Bedeutung. Einseitiger Einsatz von ALS-Inhibitoren erzeugt einen Selektionsdruck, der zu vermehrtem Auftreten von Resistenzen fĂŒhrt. HĂ€ufig handelt es sich um Target-Site-Resistenzen (TSR) mit Punktmutationen an den Positionen Ala-122, Pro-197 oder Trp-574 des ALS-Gens. Dieses liegt in der hexaploiden HĂŒhnerhirse in drei homologen Varianten vor. GĂ€ngige PCR-Verfahren ermöglichen nur eine gemeinsame Analyse aller Genvarianten, wodurch ein großer Teil des Informationsgehalts verloren geht. FĂŒr eine fundierte Aussage mĂŒssen die Genvarianten getrennt analysiert werden. Ein methodischer Ansatz war die allel-spezifische PCR. HierfĂŒr wurden DNA-Polymorphismen zwischen den drei ALS-Genvarianten genutzt, um diese separat bei Position 574 hochspezifisch zu amplifizieren und zu sequenzieren. Die schwierige Struktur und geringe Polymorphismen verhinderten den Einsatz der allel-spezifischen PCR an den Positionen 122 und 197. Hier wurden die drei Genvarianten gemeinsam amplifiziert und anschließend in einem mehrstufigen Ansatz mit Restriktionsenzymen spezifisch verdaut. Nach Separation, Aufreinigung und Reamplifikation der Fragmente wurden die einzelnen Genvarianten durch Pyrosequenzierung analysiert. So konnten an Position Ala-122 in allen ALS-Homologen heterozygote Mutationen nachgewiesen werden, bei Pro-197 und Trp-574 dagegen heterozygote bzw. homozygote Mutationen nur bei ALS3. Durch die Etablierung dieser Methoden können nun Resistenzmuster in Populationen von Echinochloa crus-galli detaillierter untersucht und wichtige Daten zu deren Ausbreitungsdynamik gewonnen werden.Barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) is an important weed in maize. Rising selection pressure due to intensive use of ALS-inhibitors leads to an increase of resistances, of which target site resistances at positions Ala-122, Pro-197 and Trp-574 of ALS gene are a common result. Three homologous variants of this gene are present within the hexaploid barnyardgrass. Standard PCR cannot differentiate between variants, giving a rough overview of mutations, but not the exact location. For well-founded evaluation, the variants must be analyzed separately. One way to do so is allele-specific PCR. Using DNA polymorphisms differing the variants from each other, specific amplification was performed at position 574. Insufficient polymorphisms at positions 122 and 197 called for another approach. A large fragment including all three variants was created and subsequently digested repeatedly to get specific segments for each variant. Segments were separated, cleaned, re-amplified and finally analyzed by pyrosequencing. Thus, it was possible to find heterozygous mutations at position Ala-122 for all ALS homologues. For Pro-197 and Trp-574 mutations (heterozygous as well as homozygous) were found only in variant ALS3. By establishment of the described methods resistance patterns within populations of Echinochloa crus-galli can be reviewed more closely, giving better insight to dynamics of spreading

    LoretaƄskie „morowe” zapachy. PodrĂłĆŒ po WƂoszech rzemieƛlnika Augustina GĂŒntzera jako doƛwiadczenie odgrodzenia?

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    Augustin GĂŒntzer (1596 – 1657?) was a craftsman from beautiful Alsace region who wrote a description of his life. Although he grew up in quite modest conditions, he turned out to be a cheerful traveller. History did not treat him kindly – he was a victim of the Thirty Years’ War (1618–1648) and had to emigrate several times in his life. In Strasbourg he lost his wife and his only son. GĂŒntzer defined himself as a victim of Catholicism, which was his greatest enemy. The description of his travels around Italy reveals the confessionalism of those years. According to GĂŒntzer, the Pope was the Antichrist. Nevertheless, he also noticed the beautiful aspects of Italy – not only the alleged homosexuality and sinfulness. He was interested in both Baroque architecture and olive trees. His description of his trip to Italy constitutes a source of information about the stereotypes concerning the general perception of the world in the first half of the 17th century.  Augustin GĂŒntzer (1596 – 1657?) was a craftsman from beautiful Alsace region who wrote a description of his life. Although he grew up in quite modest conditions, he turned out to be a cheerful traveller. History did not treat him kindly – he was a victim of the Thirty Years’ War (1618–1648) and had to emigrate several times in his life. In Strasbourg he lost his wife and his only son. GĂŒntzer defined himself as a victim of Catholicism, which was his greatest enemy. The description of his travels around Italy reveals the confessionalism of those years. According to GĂŒntzer, the Pope was the Antichrist. Nevertheless, he also noticed the beautiful aspects of Italy – not only the alleged homosexuality and sinfulness. He was interested in both Baroque architecture and olive trees. His description of his trip to Italy constitutes a source of information about the stereotypes concerning the general perception of the world in the first half of the 17th century.  Augustin GĂŒntzer (1596–1657?) byƂ rzemieƛlnikiem z pięknej Alzacji, ktĂłry opisaƂ swoje ĆŒycie. WychowaƂ się w dobrych warunkach i byƂ czeladnikiem o radosnej naturze. Historia niestety nie byƂa dla niego Ƃaskawa – byƂ ofiarą wojny trzydziestoletniej (1618–1648), musiaƂ wielokrotnie emigrować. W Strasburgu straciƂ ĆŒonę i jedynego syna.GĂŒntzer okreƛlaƂ siebie jako ofiarę katolicyzmu, ktĂłry uznawaƂ za największego wroga. Jego opis podrĂłĆŒy po WƂoszech dokumentuje konfesjonalizm tych czasĂłw. PapieĆŒ byƂ dla GĂŒntzera antychrystem. SpostrzegaƂ jednak rĂłwnieĆŒ piękne strony WƂoch, nie tylko rzekome homoseksualizm i grzesznoƛć. InteresowaƂ się zarĂłwno architekturą barokową, jak i drzewami oliwnymi. Niemniej jednak, jego opis podrĂłĆŒy do WƂoch jest ĆșrĂłdƂem informacji o stereotypach w powszechnym postrzeganiu ƛwiata w pierwszej poƂowie XVII wieku

    “Hard Travelin”: Die Old Left und Folk Music im New Deal

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    Social movements often create new music. The old left of the United States defined itself by referring to the grass roots of American culture. Music collectors and scientists found inspiration in the songs of the working class, outsiders, cowboys and hobos. New technologies, like the gramophone and radio, and were helpful in creating collections of popular songs and in producing the first superstars of folk music. During the New Deal in the 1930s the US Democrats opened themselves more to the left and created new creative jobs and synergies for musical activists. With the rise of new popular styles, like the more apolitical country- and western-music, and the anti-communism during the McCarthy-era, folk music became unpopular before it experienced a revival in the 1960s. Its roots, however, lie in the atmosphere of the 1930s during the New Deal

    Die Arbeitersportbewegung in der Schweiz 1874–1947

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    Dominique Marcel Fankhauser: Die Arbeitersportbewegung in der Schweiz 1874-1947. BeitrÀge und Kontroversen zur Sozialen Frage im Sport, Wien 2010

    FreizeitvergnĂŒgen stĂ€dtischer Unterschichten in SĂŒdamerika. Sönke Hansen: Die Arbeiterschichten von Lima (1940–1960). Eine Kultur- und Freizeitgeschichte, Berlin: LIT Verlag 2011

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    Sönke Hansen: Die Arbeiterschichten von Lima (1940–1960). Eine Kultur- und Freizeitgeschichte, Berlin: LIT Verlag 2011

    Der Generalstreik 1926 in Wales

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    Sue Bruley: The Women and Men of 1926. A Gender and Social History of the General Strike and Miner's Lockout in South Wales, Cardiff 2010