1,924 research outputs found

    Time-Correlated Structure in Spin Fluctuations in Pulsars

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    We study statistical properties of stochastic variations in pulse arrival times, timing noise, in radio pulsars using a new analysis method applied in the time domain. The method proceeds in two steps. First, we subtract low-frequency wander using a high-pass filter. Second, we calculate the discrete correlation function of the filtered data. As a complementary method for measuring correlations, we introduce a statistic that measures the dispersion of the data with respect to the data translated in time. The analysis methods presented here are robust and of general usefulness for studying arrival time variations over timescales approaching the average sampling interval. We apply these methods to timing data for 32 pulsars. In two radio pulsars, PSRs B1133+16 and B1933+16, we find that fluctuations in arrival times are correlated over timescales of 10 - 20 d with the distinct signature of a relaxation process. Though this relaxation response could be magnetospheric in origin, we argue that damping between the neutron star crust and interior liquid is a more likely explanation. Under this interpretation, our results provide the first evidence independent from pulsar spin glitches of differential rotation in neutron stars. PSR B0950+08, shows evidence for quasi-periodic oscillations that could be related to mode switching.Comment: 25 pages, Final journal version (MNRAS

    The ecology and evolution of non-domesticated Saccharomyces species

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    Yeast researchers need model systems for ecology and evolution, but the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is not ideal because its evolution has been affected by domestication. Instead, ecologists and evolutionary biologists are focusing on close relatives of S. cerevisiae: the seven species in the genus Saccharomyces. The best-studied Saccharomyces yeast, after S. cerevisiae, is S. paradoxus, an oak tree resident throughout the northern hemisphere. In addition, several more members of the Saccharomyces genus have recently been discovered. Some Saccharomyces species are only found in nature, while others include both wild and domesticated strains. Comparisons between domesticated and wild yeasts have pinpointed hybridization, introgression, and high phenotypic diversity as signatures of domestication. But studies of wild Saccharomyces natural history, biogeography, and ecology are only beginning. Much remains to understand about wild yeasts' ecological interactions and life cycles in nature. We encourage researchers to continue to investigate Saccharomyces yeasts in nature, both to place S. cerevisiae biology into its ecological context, and to develop the Saccharomyces genus as a model clade for ecology and evolution

    Electron Flux Dropouts at L ∼ 4.2 From Global Positioning System Satellites: Occurrences, Magnitudes, and Main Driving Factors

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    Dropouts in electron fluxes at L ∼ 4.2 were investigated for a broad range of energies from 120 keV to 10 MeV, using 16 years of electron flux data from Combined X-ray Dosimeter on board Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites. Dropouts were defined as flux decreases by at least a factor 4 in 12 h, or 24 h during which a decrease by at least a factor of 1.5 must occur during each 12 h time bin. Such fast and strong dropouts were automatically identified from the GPS electron flux data and statistics of dropout magnitudes, and occurrences were compiled as a function of electron energy. Moreover, the Error Reduction Ratio analysis was employed to search for nonlinear relationships between electron flux dropouts and various solar wind and geomagnetic activity indices, in order to identify potential external causes of dropouts. At L ∼ 4.2, the main driving factor for the more numerous and stronger 1-10 MeV electron dropouts turns out to be the southward interplanetary magnetic field B s , suggesting an important effect from precipitation loss due to combined electromagnetic ion cyclotron and whistler mode waves in a significant fraction of these events, supplementing magnetopause shadowing and outward radial diffusion which are also effective at lower energies

    Electron flux dropouts at GEO: occurrences, magnitudes, and main driving factors

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    Large decreases of daily average electron flux, or dropouts, were investigated for a range of energies from 24.1 keV to 2.7 MeV, on the basis of a large database of 20 years of measurements from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) geosynchronous satellites. Dropouts were defined as flux decreases by at least a factor 4 in 1 day, or a factor 9 in 2 days during which a decrease by at least a factor of 2.5 must occur each day. Such decreases were automatically identified. As a first result, a comprehensive statistics of the mean waiting time between dropouts and of their mean magnitude has been provided as a function of electron energy. Moreover, the Error Reduction Ratio analysis was applied to explore the possible nonlinear relationships between electron dropouts and various exogenous factors, such as solar wind and geomagnetic indices. Different dropout occurrences and magnitudes were found in three distinct energy ranges, lower than 100 keV, 100–600 keV, and larger than 600 keV, corresponding to different groups of drivers and loss processes. Potential explanations have been outlined on the basis of the statistical results

    Bulk, rare earth and other trace elements in Apollo 14 and 15 and Luna 16 samples

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    The chemical abundances were measured by instrumental and radiochemical neutron activation analysis in a variety of lunar specimens. Apollo 14 soils are characterized by significant enrichments of Al2O3, Na2O and K2O and depletions of TiO2, FeO, MnO and Cr2O3 relative to Apollo 11 and to most of Apollo 12 soils. The uniform abundances in 14230 core tube soils and three other Apollo 14 soils indicate that the regolith is uniform to at least 22 cm depth and within approximately 200 m from the lunar module. Two Luna 16 breccias are similar in composition to Luna 16 soils. Four Apollo 15 soils (LM, STA 4, 9, and 9a) have variable compositions. Interelement correlations between MnO-FeO, Sc-FeO, V-Cr2O3 and K2O-Hf negate the hypothesis that howardite achondrites may be primitive lunar matter, argue against the fission hypothesis for the origin of the moon, and precludes any selective large scale volatilization of alkalies during lunar magmatic events

    Forest Saccharomyces paradoxus are robust to seasonal biotic and abiotic changes

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    Microorganisms are famous for adapting quickly to new environments. However, most evidence for rapid microbial adaptation comes from laboratory experiments or domesticated environments, and it is unclear how rates of adaptation scale from human-influenced environments to the great diversity of wild microorganisms. We examined potential monthly-scale selective pressures in the model forest yeast Saccharomyces paradoxus. Contrary to expectations of seasonal adaptation, the S. paradoxus population was stable over four seasons in the face of abiotic and biotic environmental changes. While the S. paradoxus population was diverse, including 41 unique genotypes among 192 sampled isolates, there was no correlation between S. paradoxus genotypes and seasonal environments. Consistent with observations from other S. paradoxus populations, the forest population was highly clonal and inbred. This lack of recombination, paired with population stability, implies that S. paradoxus evolved the phenotypic plasticity needed to resist seasonal environmental fluctuations long ago, and that individual S. paradoxus are generalists with regard to seasonal environments. Similarly, while the forest population included diversity among phenotypes related to intraspecific interference competition, there was no evidence for active coevolution among these phenotypes. At least ten percent of the forest S. paradoxus individuals produced “}killer toxins{”, which kill sensitive Saccharomyces cells, but the presence of a toxin-producing isolate did not predict resistance to the toxin among nearby isolates. How forest yeasts acclimate to changing environments remains an open question, and future studies should investigate the physiological responses that allow microbial cells to cope with environmental fluctuations in their native habitats.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest

    Measuring microbial fitness in a field reciprocal transplant experiment

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    Microbial fitness is easy to measure in the laboratory, but difficult to measure in the field. Laboratory fitness assays make use of controlled conditions and genetically modified organisms, neither of which are available in the field. Among other applications, fitness assays can help researchers detect adaptation to different habitats or locations. We designed a competitive fitness assay to detect adaptation of Saccharomyces paradoxus isolates to the habitat they were isolated from (oak or larch leaf litter). The assay accurately measures relative fitness by tracking genotype frequency changes in the field using digital droplet PCR (DDPCR). We expected locally adapted S. paradoxus strains to increase in frequency over time when growing on the leaf litter type from which they were isolated. The DDPCR assay successfully detected fitness differences among S. paradoxus strains, but did not find a tendency for strains to be adapted to the habitat they were isolated from. Instead, we found that the natural alleles of the hexose transport gene we used to distinguish S. paradoxus strains had significant effects on fitness. The origin of a strain also affected its fitness: strains isolated from oak litter were generally fitter than strains from larch litter. Our results suggest that dispersal limitation and genetic drift shape S. paradoxus populations in the forest more than local selection does, although further research is needed to confirm this. Tracking genotype frequency changes using DDPCR is a practical and accurate microbial fitness assay for natural environments

    Health seeking behaviour and challenges in utilising health facilities in Wakiso district, Uganda

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    Background: The health seeking behaviour of a community determines how they use health services. Utilisation of health facilities can be influenced by the cost of services, distance to health facilities, cultural beliefs, level of education and health facility inadequacies such as stock-out of drugs.Objectives: To assess the health seeking practices and challenges in utilising health facilities in a rural community in Wakiso district, Uganda.Methods: The study was a cross sectional survey that used a structured questionnaire to collect quantitative data among 234 participants. The sample size was obtained using the formula by Leslie Kish.Results: While 89% of the participants were aware that mobile clinics existed in their community, only 28% had received such services in the past month. The majority of participants (84%) did not know whether community health workers existed in their community. The participants’ health seeking behaviour the last time they were sick was associated with age (p = 0.028) and occupation (p = 0.009). The most significant challenges in utilising health services were regular stock-out of drugs, high cost of services and long distance to health facilities.Conclusions: There is potential to increase access to health care in rural areas by increasing the frequency of mobile clinic services and strengthening the community health worker strategy.Key words: Health seeking behaviour, Rural community, Health facilities, Challenges, Ugand