231 research outputs found

    Pigment identification and antioxidant properties of red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus)

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    The aim of this study was to identify pigments present in the red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) and to further investigate the antioxidant properties in this fruit. Pigment was identified using the High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and results confirmed the presence of betanin in sample at a retention time of 11.5 min which corresponded to the retention time of the betanin standard used. In the antioxidant properties determination, there were 86.10 mg of total polyphenolic compound in 0.50 g of dried dragon fruit extract using the total polyphenol assay which expresses gallic acid as equivalent. The reducing power assay further confirmed the antioxidant activity present in dragon fruit where the reducing capability increased from 0.18 to 2.37 with the increase of dry weight sample from 0.03 to 0.5 g. The Vanillin-HCl assay which measures the amount of condensed tannin showed that the dried dragon fruit sample had an equivalent of 2.30 mg catechin/g. The DPPH• radical scavenging activity determination showed that the effective concentration (EC50) for dragon fruit was 2.90 mM vitamin C equivalents/g dried extract

    A Call to Embrace Program Innovation

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    To remain vital, it is critical for Extension to embrace the innovation at the core of our birth and success. In this article, we define Extension program innovation as driven by the productive tensions among three core program planning practices: design, construction, and evaluation. Through daily, interactive tinkering in these three practices, staff strive toward stronger program impact and creatively respond to opportunities or challenges. We discuss how an innovation approach to program planning is well suited to address three contemporary Extension program development issues. We also discuss implications of innovation research to improve Extension program planning

    Core surprise : Characterising the internal structure of an ancient plate boundary fault in Scotland

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    Knowledge of the structure and rheology of large, earthquake-hosting plate boundary faults is lacking as they are normally poorly exposed or difficult to find on the surface. Recently, several drilling projects have been undertaken to explore the internal structure of active plate boundary fault zones at depth to understand how this constrains seismic slip behaviour. All of these projects highlight the presence and importance of clay-rich rocks within the fault core in controlling slip behaviour along these large faults. The Highland Boundary fault (HBF) in Scotland, provides a rare opportunity to study the internal fault architecture of a well-exposed along-strike section of an ancient plate boundary fault. The HBF extends for over 240 km, however, is only well-exposed along a 560 m section at Stonehaven. Here, serpentinite juxtaposes quartzofeldspathic crustal rocks, a common feature at many plate boundaries (e.g., sections of the San Andreas fault and Alpine fault, New Zealand). We collected six across-fault transects aiming to capture the internal structure of the HBF and its along-strike variability. Within the fault core we discover four mechanically and chemically distinct clay-rich units, which have sharp contacts. Despite evidence of internal strain within the clay-rich fault rocks, relatively intact clasts of wall rock and microfossils are preserved. From mineralogical observations it can be interpreted that the clay-rich rocks along this section of the HBF, formed through fluid-assisted, shear-enhanced chemical reactions between wall rocks of contrasting chemistry. Our field evidence also demonstrates that plate boundary faults can be structurally variable along strike at various scales. The total thickness of the fault core varies from 3 to 10.7 m over an along strike distance of 560 m. Not every unit is laterally continuous along strike, and each unit varies in thickness. We compare our observations with studies on other plate boundary systems. For example, the HBF has analogous thickness and mineralogy to drill core recovered from the San Andreas fault. Highly variable fault core structures and related properties such as mineralogy, may exert significant control on earthquake rupture and slip behaviour at large plate boundaries

    Stable carbon isotopes of dissolved inorganic carbon for a zonal transect across the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean in summer 2014

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    The stable carbon isotope composition of dissolved inorganic carbon (δ13CDIC) in seawater was measured in samples collected during June–July 2014 in the subpolar North Atlantic. Sample collection was carried out on the RRS James Clark Ross cruise JR302, part of the “Radiatively Active Gases from the North Atlantic Region and Climate Change” (RAGNARoCC) research programme. The observed δ13CDIC values for cruise JR302 fall in a range from −0.07 to +1.95 ‰, relative to the Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite standard. From duplicate samples collected during the cruise, the 1σ precision for the 341 results is 0.08 ‰, which is similar to our previous work and other studies of this kind. We also performed a cross-over analysis using nearby historical δ13CDIC data, which indicated that there were no significant systematic offsets between our measurements and previously published results. We also included seawater reference material (RM) produced by A. G. Dickson (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA) in every batch of analysis, enabling us to improve upon the calibration and quality-control procedures from a previous study. The δ13CDIC is consistent within each RM batch, although its value is not certified. We report δ13CDIC values of 1.15 ± 0.03 ‰ and 1.27 ± 0.05 ‰ for batches 141 and 144 respectively. Our JR302 δ13CDIC data can be used – along with measurements of other biogeochemical variables – to constrain the processes that control DIC in the interior ocean, in particular the oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide and the biological carbon pump. Our δ13CDIC results are available from the British Oceanographic Data Centre – doi:10.5285/22235f1a-b7f3-687f-e053-6c86abc0c8a6

    Constraining the Geochemical Fingerprints of Gases from the UK Carboniferous Coal Measures at the Glasgow Geoenergy Observatories Field Site, Scotland

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    Usage of thermal energy contained in abandoned, flooded, coal mines has the potential to contribute to low carbon heating or cooling supply and assist in meeting net-zero carbon emission targets. However, hazardous ground gases, such as CH4 and CO2, can be found naturally in superficial deposits, coal bearing strata and abandoned mines. Determining the presence, magnitude, and origin of subsurface gases, and how their geochemical fingerprints evolve within the shallow subsurface is vital to developing an understanding of how to manage the risk posed by ground gases in geoenergy technology development. Here, we present the first CH4 and CO2 concentration-depth profiles and stable isotope (δ13CCH4, δ13CCO2, and δDCH4) profiles obtained from UK mine workings, through analysis of headspace gas samples degassed from cores and chippings collected during construction of the Glasgow Observatory. These are used to investigate the variability of gas fingerprints with depth within unmined Carboniferous coal measures and Glasgow coal mine workings. Stable isotope compositions of CH4 (δ13CCH4 = −73.4‰ to −14.3‰; δ13CCO2 = −29‰ to −6.1‰; δDCH4 = −277‰ to −88‰) provide evidence of a biogenic source, with carbonate reduction being the primary pathway of CH4 production. Gas samples collected at depths of 63–79 m exhibit enrichments in 13CCH4 and 2H, indicating the oxidative consumption of CH4. This correlates with their proximity to the Glasgow Ell mine workings, which will have increased exposure to O2 from the atmosphere as a result of mining activities. CO2 gas is more abundant than CH4 throughout the succession in all three boreholes, exhibiting high δ13CCO2 values relative to the CH4 present. Gases from unmined bedrock exhibit the highest δ13CCO2 values, with samples from near-surface superficial deposits having the lowest δ13CCO2 values. δ13CCO2 values become progressively lower at shallower depths (above 90 m), which can be explained by the increasing influence of shallow groundwaters containing a mixture of dissolved marine carbonate minerals (∼0‰) and soil gas CO2 (−26‰) as depth decreases. Our findings provide an insight into the variability of mine derived gases within 200 m of the surface, providing an important ‘time-zero’ record of the site, which is required in the design of monitoring approaches

    Synthesis without meta-analysis (SWiM) in systematic reviews : reporting guideline

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    In systematic reviews that lack data amenable to meta-analysis, alternative synthesis methods are commonly used, but these methods are rarely reported. This lack of transparency in the methods can cast doubt on the validity of the review findings. The Synthesis Without Meta-analysis (SWiM) guideline has been developed to guide clear reporting in reviews of interventions in which alternative synthesis methods to meta-analysis of effect estimates are used. This article describes the development of the SWiM guideline for the synthesis of quantitative data of intervention effects and presents the nine SWiM reporting items with accompanying explanations and examples

    Developing User Personas to Aid in the Design of a User-Centered Natural Product-Drug Interaction Information Resource for Researchers

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    Pharmacokinetic interactions between natural products and conventional drugs can adversely impact patient outcomes. These complex interactions present unique challenges that require clear communication to researchers. We are creating a public information portal to facilitate researchers’ access to credible evidence about these interactions. As part of a user-centered design process, three types of intended researchers were surveyed: drug-drug interaction scientists, clinical pharmacists, and drug compendium editors. Of the 23 invited researchers, 17 completed the survey. The researchers suggested a number of specific requirements for a natural product-drug interaction information resource, including specific information about a given interaction, the potential to cause adverse effects, and the clinical importance. Results were used to develop user personas that provided the development team with a concise and memorable way to represent information needs of the three main researcher types and a common basis for communicating the design’s rationale

    An action research protocol to strengthen system-wide inter-professional learning and practice

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    Background. Inter-professional learning (IPL) and inter-professional practice (IPP) are thought to be critical determinants of effective care, improved quality and safety and enhanced provider morale, yet few empirical studies have demonstrated this. Whole-of-system research is even less prevalent. We aim to provide a four year, multi-method, multi-collaborator action research program of IPL and IPP in defined, bounded health and education systems located in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). The project is funded by the Australian Research Council under its industry Linkage Program. Methods/Design. The program of research will examine in four inter-related, prospective studies, progress with IPL and IPP across tertiary education providers, professional education, regulatory and registration bodies, the ACT health system's streams of care activities and teams, units and wards of the provider facilities of the ACT health system. One key focus will be on push-pull mechanisms, ie, how the education sector creates student-enabled IPP and the health sector demands IPL-oriented practitioners. The studies will examine four research aims and meet 20 research project objectives in a comprehensive evaluation of ongoing progress with IPL and IPP. Discussion. IPP and IPL are said to be cornerstones of health system reforms. We will measure progress across an entire health system and the clinical and professional education systems that feed into it. The value of multi-methods, partnership research and a bi-directional push-pull model of IPL and IPP will be tested. Widespread dissemination of results to practitioners, policymakers, managers and researchers will be a key project goal

    Extrapolated longer-term effects of the DAPA-CKD trial: a modelling analysis

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    Background: The Dapagliflozin and Prevention of Adverse Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease (DAPA-CKD) trial assessed dapagliflozin versus placebo, in addition to standard therapy, in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and albuminuria, and was terminated prematurely due to overwhelming efficacy. The study objective was to model the long-term clinical outcomes of DAPA-CKD beyond the trial follow-up. Methods: A Markov model extrapolated event incidence per 1000 patients and CKD progression rates for patients receiving dapagliflozin or placebo over a 10-year time horizon. We derived treatment-specific CKD stage transition matrices using DAPA-CKD trial data. We extrapolated relevant efficacy endpoints using parametric survival equations for all-cause mortality and generalized estimating equations for recurrent events. Results: When extrapolated over a 10-year period, patients randomized to dapagliflozin spent more time in CKD stages 1–3 and less in stages 4–5 than placebo [0.65 (95% CrI 0.41, 0.90) and –0.23 (95% CrI -0.45, 0.00) years per patient, respectively]. Dapagliflozin prevented an estimated 83 deaths and 51 patients initiating kidney replacement therapy per 1000 patients over 10 years. Predicted rates of hospitalized heart failure and abrupt declines in kidney function were reduced (19 and 39 estimated events per 1000 patients, respectively). Conclusions: Adding dapagliflozin to standard therapeutic management of CKD is expected to have long-term cardiorenal benefit beyond what has been demonstrated in the DAPA-CKD trial, with patients predicted to live longer with fewer complications

    It takes more than a machine: A pilot feasibility study of point-of-care HIV-1 viral load testing at a lower-level health center in rural western Uganda

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    Barriers continue to limit access to viral load (VL) monitoring across sub-Saharan Africa adversely impacting control of the HIV epidemic. The objective of this study was to determine whether the systems and processes required to realize the potential of rapid molecular technology are available at a prototypical lower-level (i.e., level III) health center in rural Uganda. In this open-label pilot study, participants underwent parallel VL testing at both the central laboratory (i.e., standard of care) and on-site using the GeneXpert HIV-1 assay. The primary outcome was the number of VL tests completed each clinic day. Secondary outcomes included the number of days from sample collection to receipt of result at clinic and the number of days from sample collection to patient receipt of the result. From August 2020 to July 2021, we enrolled a total of 242 participants. The median number of daily tests performed on the Xpert platform was 4, (IQR = 2–7). Time from sample collection to result was 51 days (IQR = 45–62) for samples sent to the central laboratory and 0 days (IQR = 0–0.25) for the Xpert assay conducted at the health center. However, few participants elected to receive results by one of the expedited options, which contributed to similar time-to-patient between testing approaches (89 versus 84 days, p = 0.07). Implementation of a rapid, near point-of-care VL assay at a lower-level health center in rural Uganda appears feasible, but interventions to promote rapid clinical response and influence patient preferences about result receipt require further study. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04517825, Registered 18 August 2020. Available at: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04517825